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Paizo Employee Creative Director

klevis69 wrote:

Mr. Jacobs.

Have you ever DM'd professionally? Friends and I were suggesting that it's rare to find a truly exceptional DM, and were throwing ideas around about what it'd cost/be worth paying for one.

If you mean "Get paid to GM," sort of, in that I've run games at conventions for Paizo. If you mean "Be the GM while you're a professional in the industry, to a group that contains players who might have been in the industry since 1980 o thereabouts," the answer is yes.

If you mean "Freelance as a GM and get paid to run a game for customers," then no.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

JoelF847 wrote:

More questions about conversion plans for RotRL -

1) since the XP assignment has changed, so that 0-HD races are CR = class level -1 instead of simply class level as in 3.5, will all the 0-HD race NPCs be getting one more class level to compensate?

2) where it makes sense, will material from APG, UM, and UC be used instead of the core rulebook only? You mentioned looking at the beastmaster archetype earlier, but would you also say make Mammy Graul a witch instead of a necromancer if you felt it was a better fit?

1) In most cases, the zero HD NPCs will be gaining 1 class level to compensate for the shift.

2) Yes, I'll use material from the other hardcovers if it seems like the contents would fit and make sense. I wouldn't make Mammy Graul a witch, since she still works fine as a necromancer, so there's no need to make a change. She's not broke, so I don't need to fix her. On the other hand... there will be at least ONE witch in the revision...

The quasit Erylium is becoming a witch, since she needs a familiar and needs spooky spells that can be thematically tied to Lamashtu, and demon-worshiping witches are cool. She's not staying a thaumaturge because converting a 3rd edition base class to Pathfinder is an INSANELY complex stunt, and that's well beyond the scope of this reprint. Yes, that means the Scribbler's class is changing too—he'll probably become a cleric of Lamashtu.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

James Jacobs wrote:
JoelF847 wrote:

More questions about conversion plans for RotRL -

1) since the XP assignment has changed, so that 0-HD races are CR = class level -1 instead of simply class level as in 3.5, will all the 0-HD race NPCs be getting one more class level to compensate?

2) where it makes sense, will material from APG, UM, and UC be used instead of the core rulebook only? You mentioned looking at the beastmaster archetype earlier, but would you also say make Mammy Graul a witch instead of a necromancer if you felt it was a better fit?

1) In most cases, the zero HD NPCs will be gaining 1 class level to compensate for the shift.

2) Yes, I'll use material from the other hardcovers if it seems like the contents would fit and make sense. I wouldn't make Mammy Graul a witch, since she still works fine as a necromancer, so there's no need to make a change. She's not broke, so I don't need to fix her. On the other hand... there will be at least ONE witch in the revision...

That's cool - I wasn't suggesting that Mammy Graul SHOULD be a witch, but that's where I left off my conversion last night, so I used her as an example.


James Jacobs wrote:
The quasit Erylium is becoming a witch, since she needs a familiar and needs spooky spells that can be thematically tied to Lamashtu, and demon-worshiping witches are cool. She's not staying a thaumaturge because converting a 3rd edition base class to Pathfinder is an INSANELY complex stunt, and that's well beyond the scope of this reprint. Yes, that means the Scribbler's class is changing too—he'll probably become a cleric of Lamashtu.

That's interesting - will Erylium's familiar therefore be the same size as it? Or will it somehow be her own familiar using the improved familiar feat? On a related note, is there anything stopping a tiny caster have a familiar larger than it, and possibly use it as a mount?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Tiny spellcasters with familiars are weird, that's for sure.

Erylium having a familiar is nothing new, though—she had a black wren familiar named Orm in the original, and that won't be changing. In fact, Orm plays a key role in helping Erylium stay updated as to what's going on upstairs.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber


As huge fans of high level play (and level 20+ whenever you guys get around to creating mythic/epic/what-have-you rules), my gaming group and I are concerned that there is a growing trend in the APs to conclude at 16th level, as shown by Carrion Crown, Jade Regent, and soon Skull and Shackles.

Now, I do understand (but am not thrilled with) the idea that Paizo hasn't been able to fit level 20+ rules into the product schedule yet, but what is adding salt into the wound is that Paizo isn't even getting the characters to the point where they can achieve their capstone abilities! I see that there are articles for 'continuing XXX campaign' in the last issue of each of these APs, but I can't help but feel a little cheated when I, as the GM am left to create adventures for the HARDEST group of levels to create material for, instead of the easiest (levels 1-6). I really hope this doesn't come off sounding harsh, but if I'm going to pay for a professional to create my content, I'd rather it be for a range of levels that is admittedly difficult for non-professionals to design and stat up.

I'd be happier with an AP that started at 4th and had an article entitled 'Ideas for how your characters reached 4th level', and ended at 20th. As I've said in numerous other threads on this topic, I still believe that a high level adventure, when written so as to capitalize on the amazing things that high level characters can do, can sell as well as a level 4-7 adventure.

So I guess I have 2 questions...

1. Can we see an AP that at least gets the characters to 18th level after Skull and Shackles?

and, perhaps more importantly,

2. If Paizo's stance is that it doesn't make good business sense to write adventures for levels 17-20 as part of an AP, could we at least see maybe 1 adventure every other year or so that focused on these levels as part of the standalone adventures line? I know there was one released earlier this year for level 17 (IIRC), and that's a good start, but I'm still concerned that we might not see one for levels 18 or 19 anytime soon if ever...

Good gaming to all,


Liberty's Edge

Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:

As huge fans of high level play (and level 20+ whenever you guys get around to creating mythic/epic/what-have-you rules), my gaming group and I are concerned that there is a growing trend in the APs to conclude at 16th level, as shown by Carrion Crown, Jade Regent, and soon Skull and Shackles.

While I am a fan of high level gaming (I have already "voted" in favour of the mythic level rules, but let's me reiterate that vote), I must say that I have seen a small number of good high level printed adventures in 30 years of playing.

The problem is that the power level and capacities of the group at that level can be widely different.
A 4 man group composed by a fighter/rogue/cleric/wizard is completely different from a group composed by a druid/paladin/sorcerer/bard or one composed by a monk/fighter/bard/inquisitor. Making an adventure that can hose both group is very difficult and require a lot of DM input.
If we consider that not all playing groups will be made by the standard 4 4 man team and can include any number of cohorts, animal companions and friends it become even more complicated.

Making it part of a AP can on one side simplify the situation (in theory the module writer will have a reasonable idea of what items the players will have found during theirs adventures) but on the other hand it can make it more complicated as he will have to make it part of a existing frame while keeping up the same flavour.

My personal solution has been to place on hold the the high level groups, letting then live a peaceful life for a period (and having us play low level character in another campaign for a time), then gathering them for a adventure with the incipit "after a few years of peace something happened ..."
After all hopefully the world don't need to be saved every other week (barring superheroes comics).

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

James Jacobs wrote:
klevis69 wrote:
Anyway, I love your guys' stuff. Paizo is super. Are there any plans for releasing content for 20+? Similar to the old Epic Level Handbook or something similar (but better of course cuz it'll be paizo!)?
This actually is one of the most frequently asked questions about our upcoming books. The answer is: We'd love to do something like this, but haven't yet had the chance to fit it in to the schedule. At one point, we were worried that there's not enough interest in the topic, but I'm starting to think that there is. In fact, I always thought there was interest, but that opinion is spreading here at Paizo.

So glad people are finally seeing the light! :)

(returns to designing rules for morphic planes)

why does the agile half plate weigh more than the half plate when the agile breast plate weighs less than the regular breast plate?

James Jacobs wrote:

If you mean "Get paid to GM," sort of, in that I've run games at conventions for Paizo. If you mean "Be the GM while you're a professional in the industry, to a group that contains players who might have been in the industry since 1980 o thereabouts," the answer is yes.

If you mean "Freelance as a GM and get paid to run a game for customers," then no.

Yeah, I figured on the convention side of things you might have a little experience ;). In anycase, yeah I meant more the case where you're like a Freelance GM.

What do you think a ballpark figure would be for someone to do that? Let's say a session that goes 8 hours or so (so kinda like a 'normal' work day). I know obviously other hours get put into the planning of the session too. Also, it's clear that it would also depend much on the quality and experience of the GM, so I guess let's assume he's/she has 30 years experience and has written "a few" ;) awesome things of their own over the years.

Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:


As huge fans of high level play (and level 20+ whenever you guys get around to creating mythic/epic/what-have-you rules), my gaming group and I are concerned that there is a growing trend in the APs to conclude at 16th level, as shown by Carrion Crown, Jade Regent, and soon Skull and Shackles.

Now, I do understand (but am not thrilled with) the idea that Paizo hasn't been able to fit level 20+ rules into the product schedule yet, but what is adding salt into the wound is that Paizo isn't even getting the characters to the point where they can achieve their capstone abilities! I see that there are articles for 'continuing XXX campaign' in the last issue of each of these APs, but I can't help but feel a little cheated when I, as the GM am left to create adventures for the HARDEST group of levels to create material for, instead of the easiest (levels 1-6). I really hope this doesn't come off sounding harsh, but if I'm going to pay for a professional to create my content, I'd rather it be for a range of levels that is admittedly difficult for non-professionals to design and stat up.

I'd be happier with an AP that started at 4th and had an article entitled 'Ideas for how your characters reached 4th level', and ended at 20th. As I've said in numerous other threads on this topic, I still believe that a high level adventure, when written so as to capitalize on the amazing things that high level characters can do, can sell as well as a level 4-7 adventure.

So I guess I have 2 questions...

1. Can we see an AP that at least gets the characters to 18th level after Skull and Shackles?

and, perhaps more importantly,

2. If Paizo's stance is that it doesn't make good business sense to write adventures for levels 17-20 as part of an AP, could we at least see maybe 1 adventure every other year or so that focused on these levels as part of the standalone adventures line? I know there was one released earlier this year for level 17 (IIRC), and that's a good start, but I'm...

Well said. I especially like the concept of some being from levels 4-20 instead of 1-16. But yeah, there certainly could be some design difficulties.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:
As huge fans of high level play (and level 20+ whenever you guys get around to creating mythic/epic/what-have-you rules), my gaming group and I are concerned that there is a growing trend in the APs to conclude at 16th level, as shown by Carrion Crown, Jade Regent, and soon Skull and Shackles.

That's not a "growing trend" at all. That's pretty much the way it's been for all of our Adventure Paths. One or two manages to get a little higher level, and one or two stop at a little bit lower, but the laws of physics (aka: How many encounters we can fit into a 50 page adventure) more or less results in a 6 part Adventure Path going to, on average, 16th level. Which is fine with me, since the closer you get to 20th level, the fewer resources you have to build antagonists.

If you're disappointed that the PCs aren't getting their capstone abilities... there's no reason why you can't houserule the capstone abilities to show up at the last level they should reach in an AP, honestly. Having the capstone powers arrive at 16th level doesn't cause too many problems since by that point the campaign's almost over anyway.

Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:
1. Can we see an AP that at least gets the characters to 18th level after Skull and Shackles?

I'm gonna TRY to get "The Shattered Star," the AP that comes after Skull & Shackles, to go to 18th level. I've got some theories on how to make this happen. Not sure I CAN make it happen, but I'd love to try.

Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:
2. If Paizo's stance is that it doesn't make good business sense to write adventures for levels 17-20 as part of an AP, could we at least see maybe 1 adventure every other year or so that focused on these levels as part of the standalone adventures line? I know there was one released earlier this year for level 17 (IIRC), and that's a good start, but I'm still concerned that we might not see one for levels 18 or 19 anytime soon if ever...

If we had more call for 18th, 19th, or 20th level adventures from our customers, we would do one. I've been pushing for us to do a 20th level module for a long time, but it's REALLY hard to justify something like that when lower level modules just make more money and are just more popular.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Steelfiredragon wrote:
why does the agile half plate weigh more than the half plate when the agile breast plate weighs less than the regular breast plate?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

klevis69 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

If you mean "Get paid to GM," sort of, in that I've run games at conventions for Paizo. If you mean "Be the GM while you're a professional in the industry, to a group that contains players who might have been in the industry since 1980 o thereabouts," the answer is yes.

If you mean "Freelance as a GM and get paid to run a game for customers," then no.

Yeah, I figured on the convention side of things you might have a little experience ;). In anycase, yeah I meant more the case where you're like a Freelance GM.

What do you think a ballpark figure would be for someone to do that? Let's say a session that goes 8 hours or so (so kinda like a 'normal' work day). I know obviously other hours get put into the planning of the session too. Also, it's clear that it would also depend much on the quality and experience of the GM, so I guess let's assume he's/she has 30 years experience and has written "a few" ;) awesome things of their own over the years.

I think that if such a concept were economically viable, it would have happened at some point already within the last 30 years. The fact that it hasn't happened yet beyond perhaps a very small scale tells me that what it would cost to allow a GM to pay rent, buy groceries, and otherwise make a living wage out of freelance GM duties would be far above what 99% of gaming groups could afford. Especially when they balk at the current (quite low, in my opinion) price of a hardcover gaming book, when compared to, say, a new videogame that might only give you 6 to 8 hours of play.

James Jacobs wrote:
Steelfiredragon wrote:
why does the agile half plate weigh more than the half plate when the agile breast plate weighs less than the regular breast plate?

Well the spoilers only really worked at the faster speeds the breastplate got to so we had to with heavy suspension springs on the half-plate in oder to keep it within the agile protocal.

Required question
Lance from horseback, is it conbsidered 1 or 2 handed for strength and power attack damage?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

klevis69 wrote:

Well said. I especially like the concept of some being from levels 4-20 instead of 1-16. But yeah, there certainly could be some design difficulties.

Starting an AP at anything other than 4th level is very, very tough. Not only does that automatically go against an established model that works well enough to support an entire company (us!), but is puts the most important levels of a character's formation (the first 3) outside of the scope of the Adventure Path.

It's one thing in a normal AP to say something like, "All of the newly created characters are working for the Pathfinders" or "All of the newly created characters are shipwrecked!" and quite another to say "Before you start this AP, you need to run your player characters throw an adventure where they start working for the Pathfinders or get shipwrecked... and no, we're not going to give you those adventures. Do it yourself!"

And frankly... starting an AP at 4th level would NOT let us reach 20th. It'd probably let us reach 17th instead of 16th. Fact is, there are just FEWER stat blocks for high level foes, and that means we need to print MORE stat blocks in high level adventures than we do low level ones. And when we do a stat block for a high level adventure, they're a LOT longer than low level stat blocks. Both of which work to eat up a significantly larger amount of room in print, which results in, effectively, shorter adventures.

50 pages of a low level adventure might get players from 1st to 5th level (I know; we've done them before)... but It might not be enough to get an 18th level character to 20th, or even 19th, level.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Poor Wandering One wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Steelfiredragon wrote:
why does the agile half plate weigh more than the half plate when the agile breast plate weighs less than the regular breast plate?

Well the spoilers only really worked at the faster speeds the breastplate got to so we had to with heavy suspension springs on the half-plate in oder to keep it within the agile protocal.

Required question
Lance from horseback, is it conbsidered 1 or 2 handed for strength and power attack damage?

Depends if you use one or two hands on the lance. Just being on a horse doesn't make a difference.

James Jacobs wrote:
Poor Wandering One wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Steelfiredragon wrote:
why does the agile half plate weigh more than the half plate when the agile breast plate weighs less than the regular breast plate?

Well the spoilers only really worked at the faster speeds the breastplate got to so we had to with heavy suspension springs on the half-plate in oder to keep it within the agile protocal.

Required question
Lance from horseback, is it considered 1 or 2 handed for strength and power attack damage?

Depends if you use one or two hands on the lance. Just being on a horse doesn't make a difference.

Sorry, I was unclear. If the lance is used couched under one arm in a classic armored knight charge, one hand on the lance the other holding a shield, is the lance treated as a two handed or a one handed weapon for purposes of Strength and Power-attack damage?

Required other question. Do you think Big Trouble in Little China would have been better as a sequel to Buckaroo Banzai?

James Jacobs wrote:
If we had more call for 18th, 19th, or 20th level adventures from our customers, we would do one. I've been pushing for us to do a 20th level module for a long time, but it's REALLY hard to justify something like that when lower level modules just make more money and are just more popular.

I would love to see a 20th level module. I hope we get to see one someday. Even if I never had the chance to run it, having an example of one would be invaluable to me as a guide when I need to write my own adventures around that level.

How important do you think the need for Mythic Level rules is then, if there isn't even sufficient interest to produce 18th+ level modules profitably?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Poor Wandering One wrote:
Sorry, I was unclear. If the lance is used couched under one arm in a classic armored knight charge, one hand on the lance the other holding a shield, is the lance treated as a two handed or a one handed weapon for purposes of Strength and Power-attack damage?

Since you're using one hand, you treat it as a one-handed weapon.

Poor Wandering One wrote:
Required other question. Do you think Big Trouble in Little China would have been better as a sequel to Buckaroo Banzai?

Nope. Big Trouble, being one of my top 20 favorite movies of all time, is in every possible way a better movie than Buckaroo Banzai, which isn't even in my top 500, or perhaps even my top 1,000 movies.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Ayronis wrote:

I would love to see a 20th level module. I hope we get to see one someday. Even if I never had the chance to run it, having an example of one would be invaluable to me as a guide when I need to write my own adventures around that level.

How important do you think the need for Mythic Level rules is then, if there isn't even sufficient interest to produce 18th+ level modules profitably?

You're beginning to see why we havn't yet tackled Mythic Level rules. Why would we do an entire book about something that only a relatively small subset of our customers would want? It's a tricky question, with even trickier answers that we're still working out.

Now, that said... they were for 3rd edition, but during my time on Dungeon, we actually published a LOT of super high level adventures (I even wrote a few of them), including several for 20th level. If you're just looking for how Paizo would put together a high level adventure, Dungeon back issues are not a terrible place to go...

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
klevis69 wrote:
What do you think a ballpark figure would be for someone to do that? Let's say a session that goes 8 hours or so (so kinda like a 'normal' work day). I know obviously other hours get put into the planning of the session too. Also, it's clear that it would also depend much on the quality and experience of the GM, so I guess let's assume he's/she has 30 years experience and has written "a few" ;) awesome things of their own over the years.

A friend of mine was paid to run a game once a week for a group of kids. It was basically babysitting, but more fun. So whatever rates babysitting gets paid these days would be my guess.

I know some LARPs charge fees, but usually that barely covers site rentals and props. I don't know if anyone could really make a living doing it. But it certainly can offset costs.

James Jacobs wrote:

I've actually not been on a windows machine for several years now. Macs are so much nicer! :-)

How does such a great man go so wrong?

So, my wife wants to know...

Are you guys going to do anything more with the "Syrpynt's Tane" book?

magic huh.
I was really wondering to know why it weighed more according to the pfd20srd site...

no matter.

btw the Knights of Ozem..

who what where was Ozem?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Keldoclock wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

I've actually not been on a windows machine for several years now. Macs are so much nicer! :-)
How does such a great man go so wrong?

I KNOW! I can't believe I went so wrong! Fortunately, I was able to convert to using a Mac full time a few years ago... but that still hardly makes up for being so wrong for so many years before in the dark ages of my PC life...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Oterisk wrote:

So, my wife wants to know...

Are you guys going to do anything more with the "Syrpynt's Tane" book?

No plans as of yet... but we ARE updating Runelords, which is where that book was first mentioned... so you never know!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Steelfiredragon wrote:

magic huh.

I was really wondering to know why it weighed more according to the pfd20srd site...

no matter.

btw the Knights of Ozem..

who what where was Ozem?

(As for the weight thing... that might be a typo, but I'm not sure.)

We've said a little bit more about the Knights of Ozem here and there, but I'm not sure HOW much we've said yet, to be honest. We'll certainly be discussing them more in the future at some point.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:

If we had more call for 18th, 19th, or 20th level adventures from our customers, we would do one. I've been pushing for us to do a 20th level module for a long time, but it's REALLY hard to justify something like that when lower level modules just make more money and are just more popular.

Don't tempt me too much please.

I am fairly sure that spamming "I want high level adventures" in every thread I visit will get me locked out of the forum.

Ah: I want high level adventures! ;)


There is a discussion about alchemists, Breath of life and other stuff here.
I have given my opinion, but it is an opinion. As you were the one that created the alchemist class, can you chime in and dispel as much doubts as possible?

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
Poor Wandering One wrote:
Sorry, I was unclear. If the lance is used couched under one arm in a classic armored knight charge, one hand on the lance the other holding a shield, is the lance treated as a two handed or a one handed weapon for purposes of Strength and Power-attack damage?

Since you're using one hand, you treat it as a one-handed weapon.

If I can chime in [well, I am already doing it, but I try to be polite :) ]:

Rinascimental heavy armour had a pieced called "resta" (Lance rest, her is the Wiki). As you can see from the Wiki above it gave a kind of "extra hand" for using a lance.
The knight in the classic depiction is attacking with a "lancia in resta", i.e. a lance supported and enhanced by being supported by the lance rest.
I would houserule that a warrior with a armour with a solid breastplate can do the same thing, getting the benefits of using a lance 2 handed while still using a shield.
It is a small thing that will help heavy armour users while mounted.

Great JJ,

1 simple question:

1. Shatter Defenses counter Uncanny Dodge?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Diego Rossi wrote:

There is a discussion about alchemists, Breath of life and other stuff here.

I have given my opinion, but it is an opinion. As you were the one that created the alchemist class, can you chime in and dispel as much doubts as possible?

I've generally had disappointing results when I chime in on rules-argument threads, and as such I prefer to leave comments to them to the design team. But since you asked... I'll go stick my head in over there and offer my take on the problem.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
vielimir silva wrote:

Great JJ,

1 simple question:

1. Shatter Defenses counter Uncanny Dodge?


Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:

If we had more call for 18th, 19th, or 20th level adventures...

Or if you were just putting more adventures out per year. I miss the monthly module schedule (or a 64 page double feature schedule, two modules in one book)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Coridan wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

If we had more call for 18th, 19th, or 20th level adventures...
Or if you were just putting more adventures out per year. I miss the monthly module schedule (or a 64 page double feature schedule, two modules in one book)

More modules a year would likely not mean more super-high level modules a year, since more modules a year would not magically make high level modules more popular.

Shelyn is my favorite deity in Golarion; whom can I thank for her creation?

Question regarding Shelyn which actually became relevant in a recent game...somehow:
As the goddess of love, would one of Shelyn's priestesses perform a marriage ceremoney between a human(oid) and an animal? An awakened animal? A magical beast?

James Jacobs wrote:
Coridan wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

If we had more call for 18th, 19th, or 20th level adventures...
Or if you were just putting more adventures out per year. I miss the monthly module schedule (or a 64 page double feature schedule, two modules in one book)
More modules a year would likely not mean more super-high level modules a year, since more modules a year would not magically make high level modules more popular.

Maybe just one AP that begins in level 5 an ends in level 20

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Nicos wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Coridan wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

If we had more call for 18th, 19th, or 20th level adventures...
Or if you were just putting more adventures out per year. I miss the monthly module schedule (or a 64 page double feature schedule, two modules in one book)
More modules a year would likely not mean more super-high level modules a year, since more modules a year would not magically make high level modules more popular.
Maybe just one AP that begins in level 5 an ends in level 20

James explained why that's not likely to happen about twenty posts ago, on this very page.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Nicos wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Coridan wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

If we had more call for 18th, 19th, or 20th level adventures...
Or if you were just putting more adventures out per year. I miss the monthly module schedule (or a 64 page double feature schedule, two modules in one book)
More modules a year would likely not mean more super-high level modules a year, since more modules a year would not magically make high level modules more popular.
Maybe just one AP that begins in level 5 an ends in level 20
James explained why that's not likely to happen about twenty posts ago, on this very page.

Ok, sorry

Liberty's Edge

So in our group we each have a level 20 character to represent our homebrew world's regions. One of our friends has a level 20 sorc with arcane apotheosis ability. Apparently it seems this ability can be used to cast wish from a ring of three wishes without expending the charges and thus not having to spend the 25000 per charge....

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
Coridan wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

If we had more call for 18th, 19th, or 20th level adventures...
Or if you were just putting more adventures out per year. I miss the monthly module schedule (or a 64 page double feature schedule, two modules in one book)
More modules a year would likely not mean more super-high level modules a year, since more modules a year would not magically make high level modules more popular.

More modules would give more room to 'experiment'. With my double-feature idea of two 32 page modules in one 64 page book you could combine a high level module with a popular idea for a lower level module.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
Diego Rossi wrote:

There is a discussion about alchemists, Breath of life and other stuff here.

I have given my opinion, but it is an opinion. As you were the one that created the alchemist class, can you chime in and dispel as much doubts as possible?
I've generally had disappointing results when I chime in on rules-argument threads, and as such I prefer to leave comments to them to the design team. But since you asked... I'll go stick my head in over there and offer my take on the problem.

And I should apologize to have brought you into the mess :(

As a a rule lawyer myself I should have know that when one of us as made up his mind changing the opinion require a jackhammer first to chip away the big stone slab where he as written his version of the rules.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Ringtail wrote:

Shelyn is my favorite deity in Golarion; whom can I thank for her creation?

Question regarding Shelyn which actually became relevant in a recent game...somehow:
As the goddess of love, would one of Shelyn's priestesses perform a marriage ceremoney between a human(oid) and an animal? An awakened animal? A magical beast?

Mike McArtor created Shelyn.

Whether or not a priest would perform a marriage ceremony between a humanoid and an animal or magical beast... that would probably depend on the priest, honestly. Some might be open to that kind of thing... but I suspect most would not be open to it... ESPECIALLY if the animal is not sentient. An awakened animal or magical beast is one thing... but a normal animal isn't really capable of love as far as the church of Shelyn defines love, and thus a priest who would perform such a bestiality-themed marriage would be, at best, a heretic among the faith, and more likely a blasphemer.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Coridan wrote:
So in our group we each have a level 20 character to represent our homebrew world's regions. One of our friends has a level 20 sorc with arcane apotheosis ability. Apparently it seems this ability can be used to cast wish from a ring of three wishes without expending the charges and thus not having to spend the 25000 per charge....

I'm not seeing a question here...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Coridan wrote:
More modules would give more room to 'experiment'. With my double-feature idea of two 32 page modules in one 64 page book you could combine a high level module with a popular idea for a lower level module.

And while that's true, we'd me more likely to experiment with modules set in unusual areas (like strange other planes) or with unusual plots (the party starts as prisoners in a dungeon!) rather than high level adventures.

I've said this before (not sure if in this thread)... although they're 3rd edition adventures, those of you looking for high level d20 fantasy adventures really SHOULD check out Dungeon back issues. From issue #114 to #150... there's an adventure for 13th level or higher in EVERY ISSUE. Many of those are for 20th level or thereabouts. One was for 30th level. And even before #114 there were high level adventures; #112 was a single adventure for like 12th to 16th level. I wrote a 20th level adventure in the 90s. There was a 21st level adventure in there as well. Those are GREAT places to go for high level adventures.

Dear James Jacobs,

Have you ever seen Adventure Time?

If yes, do you like it?

If no, why haven't you watched it yet?!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Diego Rossi wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Diego Rossi wrote:

There is a discussion about alchemists, Breath of life and other stuff here.

I have given my opinion, but it is an opinion. As you were the one that created the alchemist class, can you chime in and dispel as much doubts as possible?
I've generally had disappointing results when I chime in on rules-argument threads, and as such I prefer to leave comments to them to the design team. But since you asked... I'll go stick my head in over there and offer my take on the problem.

And I should apologize to have brought you into the mess :(

As a a rule lawyer myself I should have know that when one of us as made up his mind changing the opinion require a jackhammer first to chip away the big stone slab where he as written his version of the rules.

I wish I could say that I was surprised that it took only 2 posts for someone to do exactly what I predicted someone would do. But I wasn't surprised at all.

Some folks just don't want to be helped. They just want to argue. And I don't have time or the desire to give them what they want.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Golden-Esque wrote:

Dear James Jacobs,

Have you ever seen Adventure Time?

If yes, do you like it?

If no, why haven't you watched it yet?!

Haven't seen it. Because I've never heard of it.

A quick google/wikipedia reveals it to be an animated series, apparently. The art style is pretty interesting... but I've got a lot of TV taking up my attention these days... I'm not really "hiring" new shows at this point.

James Jacobs wrote:
Golden-Esque wrote:

Dear James Jacobs,

Have you ever seen Adventure Time?

If yes, do you like it?

If no, why haven't you watched it yet?!

Haven't seen it. Because I've never heard of it.

A quick google/wikipedia reveals it to be an animated series, apparently. The art style is pretty interesting... but I've got a lot of TV taking up my attention these days... I'm not really "hiring" new shows at this point.

It's got a combination of:

#1 - A prime choice of awesome voice actors, my personal favorite is John DiMaggio (plays Bender in Futurama) as Jake the Dog.

#2 - A hilarious style of satire that rags on various genres, especially the Fantasy Genre (my personal favorite is an episode where the main characters try becoming pacifists because 'violence is never the answer,' except it ends with the twist meaning that the world needs Finn and Jake to kick butt).

#3 - Hilarious tongue-in-cheek on roleplaying games (such as the Wizard episode, where they make fun of how arbitrary tasks in MMORPGS grant ridiculously powerful spells).

I'd think you'd enjoy it immensely; I don't follow it religiously, but I watch it whenever I stumble upon it.

James Jacobs wrote:

Mike McArtor created Shelyn.

I miss Mike's whimsy and his dragon avatar.

I know Mike is focusing on other things now but does he get get to roll dice at the gaming table with you even a few odd times a year.

Dear James Jacobs

A couple questions here actually.

First off, if silence is cast on a bullet and I fire it at an enemy, are they silenced as long as the bullet sticks in them? I can not think of a reason they wouldn't be if the spell was cast on the bullet itself and not the shell. This goes for arrow and bolt heads as well. Can not see a reason it would not work as long as they do not pull it out.

Secondly, my local theatre did not get the Thing so now I am trying to remember what movie it was you talked about a while back. The one that had Mi-Go in it. Need to know the title so I can watch out for it.

Thirdly, I am getting bored with playing with the same D&D group all the time and want some variety in my DM at least. Would you ever run a game online like on skype or something? Or even have a normal local game but one player plays long distance on skype.

And finally, what are the chances of getting a book with full info on the lesser deities or even forgotten or secret ones like Azathoth, Cthulhu etc... I would love even a short book outside of carrion crown with more detail on the Great Old Ones converted for pathfinder rather than grabbing my Call of Cthulhu 5.6th edition handbook.

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