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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

How many NDAs, scratch built pieces of terrain, or brownies will it take for me to get a copy of the Iblydos city chapter from Distant Shores, once it is done with editing?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Filby Pott wrote:
What's your favorite multiclass combination?

Hmmmmmmm... growing up, it would have been hands-down fighter/wizard.

Today, I guess that's refined into fighter/bard, although I suspect I'd quite enjoy swashbuckler bard...

Does the new unchained! variant option change your picks any?

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Lou Diamond wrote:
James, When I think of Great Orc's they are simular to Uruk Hai orcs.
Ah. Well... that's just not the route we took with orcs. That's more a goblin/hobgoblin/bugbear thing, really. Orcs are just orcs; they get tougher by taking class levels.

Would adding the advanced template to an orc with class levels be a good Uruk-Hai solution?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

CorvusMask wrote:

In any future supplement(like that summoner player's companion or any one after that), will unchained summoner be able to create vermin/animal/aquatic based eidolon again?

I'm asking since I was planning to create praying mantis eidolon, but hadn't had time to play with character in PFS(just created the character in previous month than unchained was released and was busy the month with projects..) and now all eidolons are outsider based which doesn't fit what I had in mind.(closest I can think of is elemental based one, and I just don't find insect composed of rocks/fire/air/water as cool as just the insect composed of whatever insect flesh bugs have, its just not the same) And doing that with normal summoner in home games isn't option since my last group's gm disappeared completely and group kinda broke up so I once again don't have a group so PFS games are only way for me to play right now.

Note: Problem with good and evil aligned outsider is that I planned to do naturalist summoner(which I guess is still allowed archetype in PFS with unchained summoner) who, while NG, is thematically about nature stuff and I consider nature to be rather... Neutral thing outside of whole holy/unholy thing. Just saying in case someone wants to ask "Why you don't just do agathion or something?".. Thats why I consider elemental eidolon being closest to original concept since at least by being elementals they are tied to parts of nature instead of being tied to divinity or stuff like that

No plans at this point. Talk to your GM if you really want to go down this route. If you're playing PFS... you'll need to play by the new rules.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Justin Franklin wrote:
How many NDAs, scratch built pieces of terrain, or brownies will it take for me to get a copy of the Iblydos city chapter from Distant Shores, once it is done with editing?

Ha. Nice try.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

LazarX wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Filby Pott wrote:
What's your favorite multiclass combination?

Hmmmmmmm... growing up, it would have been hands-down fighter/wizard.

Today, I guess that's refined into fighter/bard, although I suspect I'd quite enjoy swashbuckler bard...

Does the new unchained! variant option change your picks any?

Haven't read one word of those options yet, so... nope.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Misroi wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Lou Diamond wrote:
James, When I think of Great Orc's they are simular to Uruk Hai orcs.
Ah. Well... that's just not the route we took with orcs. That's more a goblin/hobgoblin/bugbear thing, really. Orcs are just orcs; they get tougher by taking class levels.
Would adding the advanced template to an orc with class levels be a good Uruk-Hai solution?

If you want to have them in your game, I'd recommend building them as their own race. Forgotton Realms did this with things like orogs and ogrilons. Putting the advanced template on an orc would do the job, I guess... but that's a solution for saving word count in an adventure or saving time during gameplay. It's ALWAYS better, if you're planning ahead and have the time and resources, to build new things like this from scratch.

It's still not something we'd do for Golarion in any event.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
How many NDAs, scratch built pieces of terrain, or brownies will it take for me to get a copy of the Iblydos city chapter from Distant Shores, once it is done with editing?
Ha. Nice try.

Free last pass editor?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
How many NDAs, scratch built pieces of terrain, or brownies will it take for me to get a copy of the Iblydos city chapter from Distant Shores, once it is done with editing?
Ha. Nice try.
Free last pass editor?

Are you going to Paizocon? If so...

...still no.


Good evening from the east coast James! It's been quite a while. Our group finished Jade Regent not too long ago (hail the Empress!) and had a good time with it. Since then, I've been reading Giantslayer books and they have me thinking on a few questions...

1. How do Tian giants differ from Avastani and Garundi giants? For example, do Frost Giants in Tian Xia still have a somewhat viking theme?
2. Also, are there cloud giant castles in Tian Xia? The image of a flying japanese style castle is a pretty cool one...
3. Is Goblin spoken in Kaoling different than Goblin spoken in Isger? I know in game terms they are the same (having different languages for all creatures on all continents would be waaaaay too much), but I was curious from a flavor standpoint.
4. I've asked a similar question about Avistan, but how far south would you say it snows in Tian Xia? I'm guessing around northern Wanshou?
5. If you had to be in a dungeon themed game based on one of the following only, which would you prefer; creatures, traps, or puzzles?
6. Who do you think is the most underrated demon lord?
7. If a Kaiju AP ever gets made, would you consider having at least 1 book be named X vs. X? Mogaru vs. Agyra for example?

Hope these questions find you well, have a great night!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
How many NDAs, scratch built pieces of terrain, or brownies will it take for me to get a copy of the Iblydos city chapter from Distant Shores, once it is done with editing?
Ha. Nice try.
Free last pass editor?

Are you going to Paizocon? If so...

...still no.


A list of all the proper nouns and what they are? Have I mentioned this may be more excited for this then any other Paizo product from the past few years? (And I have been pretty excited for many of the products from the past few years)

Is there any region in Golarion where you'd place adventures with a medieval Celtic feel, like Ireland or Wales? I know the Kellids are vaguely Celtic, but in a more pre-Roman "painted warrior" way than medieval Celtic bards and whatnot

The Exchange

If I have an idea for a spell/feat/whatever, who should I send it to?

The current idea I have at the time of asking is a pseudo-Wall of Force from the illusion school, that you can choose to count as real or not real as a non-action at any time if you succeed on a Will save.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Nargemn wrote:

James, given that you're a great fan of horror, particularly of the great old ones bent, have you ever looked into or gotten interested in the Dead Space series?

If so, how do you like Necromorphs as enemies, particularly as enemies in an adventure?

Could you see Necromorphs (and the Brethren Moons) as tools or allies of the Dominion of the Black?

Some friends and I are toying with adding in a piece of Divinity that contains a Marker shard and accompanying Necromorphs that were picked up for study by the Androffans. They eventually realized they couldn't contain the creatures and sealed the entire module with intention of destroying it but couldn't before the Dominion of the Black's attack. The PCs will discover and adventure in this piece during the course of the Iron Gods campaign.

I've played all 3 Dead Space games. Well ,ALMOST all 3. Didn't finish the last fight in Dead Space 1 because the game built the final boss so that you kinda HAD to use one specific weapon and I didn't happen to have that weapon built up or even handy for the fight. Dead Space 2 was my favorite in the series, if only for the needle to the eye minigame.

I think the necromorphs are a really cool type of bad guy; the fact that you have to dismember them is a fun and distressing and memorable game play element. Kinda reminds me of Evil Dead.

The necromorphs are very much in-line with Dominion of the Black themes. You could replace all the Dominion stuff in Iron Gods with necromorph stuff pretty easily if you wanted to do so, I suspect.

1) What subtype would Necromorphs be? Undead?

2) What alignment would Isaac Clarke be?

3) What alignment would Robert Norton be? (He was Ellie's new boyfriend in DS3)

4) Did you think it was really stupid how

in Dead Space 3:
the Unitologists apparently sabotaged the EarthGov military into existence offscreen, such to the extent that only ONE SQUAD of soldiers is operational?

5) Are you aware of what happens in the Dead Space 3 Awakening DLC?

it basically ends with the Brethren Moons arriving at Earth and humanity irrevocably doomed. A Lovecraftian ending if there ever was one

6) What was your favorite Isaac death scene in all of the series?

7) Were you annoyed by the "I'M FIGHTING HUMANS WITH GUNS IN A HORROR GAME WTF!?" moments from DS3? I didn't think that was so bad.

8) Do you think Dead Space would make an awesome roleplaying game, especially if it had an emphasis on sanity mechanics (because Markers) and called shots (because Necromorph limbs)?

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So something I'm curious about: When Paizo does setting stuff on different cultures, do you take care to avoid them being offensive or catering to stereotypes even though we are talking about fantasy cultures? Like for example, Arcadia seems to be partly inspired by America(admittedly I don't really know anything about it though besides that it was found by vikings aka Ulfen so for all I know thats only thing in common between them, but I'm using it as example), so do you guys take care to avoid catering to pop culture stereotypes that many Native Americans find really tiring?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
How many NDAs, scratch built pieces of terrain, or brownies will it take for me to get a copy of the Iblydos city chapter from Distant Shores, once it is done with editing?
Ha. Nice try.

different tactic,

Could we get a preview of the city in a Paizo Blog prior to the books release?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
KetchupKing wrote:

Good evening from the east coast James! It's been quite a while. Our group finished Jade Regent not too long ago (hail the Empress!) and had a good time with it. Since then, I've been reading Giantslayer books and they have me thinking on a few questions...

1. How do Tian giants differ from Avastani and Garundi giants? For example, do Frost Giants in Tian Xia still have a somewhat viking theme?
2. Also, are there cloud giant castles in Tian Xia? The image of a flying japanese style castle is a pretty cool one...
3. Is Goblin spoken in Kaoling different than Goblin spoken in Isger? I know in game terms they are the same (having different languages for all creatures on all continents would be waaaaay too much), but I was curious from a flavor standpoint.
4. I've asked a similar question about Avistan, but how far south would you say it snows in Tian Xia? I'm guessing around northern Wanshou?
5. If you had to be in a dungeon themed game based on one of the following only, which would you prefer; creatures, traps, or puzzles?
6. Who do you think is the most underrated demon lord?
7. If a Kaiju AP ever gets made, would you consider having at least 1 book be named X vs. X? Mogaru vs. Agyra for example?

Hope these questions find you well, have a great night!

1) They'd differ in the same way Tian Xia humans differ from Avistan humans... but with a LOT more oni involved.

2) There could be... but not super likely... although there IS a certain flying city in the Wall of Heaven...

3) Same language, for simplicity's sake.

4) Sounds more or less right... although it could snow further south on a particularly cold winter.

5) Creatures, since there are FAR more roleplaying opportunities with things that talk. Not a big fan of puzzles overall. I'd rather my character solve problems, not me. I do enough of my own problem solving in day to day life.

6) Mestama. I've always kinda felt she was the meanest of them.

7) Of course!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
How many NDAs, scratch built pieces of terrain, or brownies will it take for me to get a copy of the Iblydos city chapter from Distant Shores, once it is done with editing?
Ha. Nice try.
Free last pass editor?

Are you going to Paizocon? If so...

...still no.


A list of all the proper nouns and what they are? Have I mentioned this may be more excited for this then any other Paizo product from the past few years? (And I have been pretty excited for many of the products from the past few years)

I can tell. I can't imagine it doing anything other than disappointing you alas, since it's not gonna be 64 THOUSAND pages long and won't have a 1 to 1 scale map of the planet folded up inside it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Filby Pott wrote:
Is there any region in Golarion where you'd place adventures with a medieval Celtic feel, like Ireland or Wales? I know the Kellids are vaguely Celtic, but in a more pre-Roman "painted warrior" way than medieval Celtic bards and whatnot

Not really; there's not really a "Celtic" inspired part of Avistan. I guess the best places would probably be the Linnorm Kingdoms or Western Varisia, but also perhaps parts of Ustalav or the Mammoth Realms.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Covert Operator wrote:

If I have an idea for a spell/feat/whatever, who should I send it to?

The current idea I have at the time of asking is a pseudo-Wall of Force from the illusion school, that you can choose to count as real or not real as a non-action at any time if you succeed on a Will save.

A third-party publisher. We aren't looking for unsolicited design work; we contract out all of the design work we have our freelancers do. Sorry!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Axial wrote:

1) What subtype would Necromorphs be? Undead?

2) What alignment would Isaac Clarke be?

3) What alignment would Robert Norton be? (He was Ellie's new boyfriend in DS3)

4) Did you think it was really stupid how

in Dead Space 3:

the Unitologists apparently sabotaged the EarthGov military into existence offscreen, such to the extent that only ONE SQUAD of soldiers is operational?

5) Are you aware of what happens in the Dead Space 3 Awakening DLC?

[spoiler[it basically ends with the Brethren Moons arriving at Earth and humanity irrevocably doomed. A Lovecraftian ending if there ever was one
6) What was your favorite Isaac death scene in all of the series?

7) Were you annoyed by the "I'M FIGHTING HUMANS WITH GUNS IN A HORROR GAME WTF!?" moments from DS3? I didn't think that was so bad.

8) Do you think Dead Space would make an awesome roleplaying game, especially if it had an emphasis on sanity mechanics (because Markers) and called shots (because Necromorph limbs)?

1) They'd be undead. Which is a type, not a subtype.

2) Dunno. The characters weren't particularly memorable in Dead Space, frankly... too many videogames these days seem stuck in the "mostly bald rip-off from Aliens marine" character... or for that matter, ALL of the characters from Aliens. There's not really any moral quandaries that anyone goes through in the Dead Space games really... or if there were, they didn't leave that huge an impression on me. The parts of the games that DID leave an impression was the mood, level design, game-play, and sound work.

3) Dunno, but he was a jerk.

4) Nah... not nearly as stupid as the swarms of microtransactions.

5) Was not aware.

6) The botched eye operation.

7) Nope, not at all. All aliens all the time gets old and repetitive and boring. Mixing it up with humans adds variety AND adds frames of reference to me, also a human.

8) They need to do better at getting the overall story across, first of all. But no, I don't think it'd make a good RPG, because survival horror works best when you're alone, and tabletop RPGs work best when you're in a team.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:
So something I'm curious about: When Paizo does setting stuff on different cultures, do you take care to avoid them being offensive or catering to stereotypes even though we are talking about fantasy cultures? Like for example, Arcadia seems to be partly inspired by America(admittedly I don't really know anything about it though besides that it was found by vikings aka Ulfen so for all I know thats only thing in common between them, but I'm using it as example), so do you guys take care to avoid catering to pop culture stereotypes that many Native Americans find really tiring?

Absolutely. That's one of the most important things, in my opinion, about doing material that builds off of a real-world culture. Arcadia and its inspirations in North America and what it draws from the culture of indigenous people of North America has been one of the most difficult things to figure out how to write about, and the fact that we've not yet done much with Arcadia is a direct result of that.

There are some INCREDIBLE stories and inspirations in the real-world cultures, many of which inspire me, but I don't want to dishonor those stories by misrepresenting or otherwise doing it wrong. It has to be done right, or it shouldn't be done at all.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
zergtitan wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
How many NDAs, scratch built pieces of terrain, or brownies will it take for me to get a copy of the Iblydos city chapter from Distant Shores, once it is done with editing?
Ha. Nice try.

different tactic,

Could we get a preview of the city in a Paizo Blog prior to the books release?

Unlikely. The blog is not really a place where much outside of the hardcover rule books get much attention, mostly because of the killer combination of the blog being mostly full of other stuff it has to do and because the people who would write those preview posts have never really had that much time to take away from actually creating the books they'd be previewing to preview them.

We'll see, I guess. We HAVE hired a lot more folks this year, so that might help. Or it might just let us catch up on our schedule. I'd rather the latter.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

James, did you realize that come August 27th of this year, your thread will turn 5 years old?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tels wrote:
James, did you realize that come August 27th of this year, your thread will turn 5 years old?

I did not.

I kinda wish someone had started the thread 7 days earlier so it could have shared Lovecraft's birthday, though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wait Lovecraft's birthday is August 20th?

Sweet :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
So something I'm curious about: When Paizo does setting stuff on different cultures, do you take care to avoid them being offensive or catering to stereotypes even though we are talking about fantasy cultures? Like for example, Arcadia seems to be partly inspired by America(admittedly I don't really know anything about it though besides that it was found by vikings aka Ulfen so for all I know thats only thing in common between them, but I'm using it as example), so do you guys take care to avoid catering to pop culture stereotypes that many Native Americans find really tiring?

Absolutely. That's one of the most important things, in my opinion, about doing material that builds off of a real-world culture. Arcadia and its inspirations in North America and what it draws from the culture of indigenous people of North America has been one of the most difficult things to figure out how to write about, and the fact that we've not yet done much with Arcadia is a direct result of that.

There are some INCREDIBLE stories and inspirations in the real-world cultures, many of which inspire me, but I don't want to dishonor those stories by misrepresenting or otherwise doing it wrong. It has to be done right, or it shouldn't be done at all.

Hi James,

Do you find it more challenging to do justice to indigenous American's culture than for Asian culture? If so, why?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What is the difference between the Dark Tapestry and the Dominion of the Black?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

MeanDM wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
So something I'm curious about: When Paizo does setting stuff on different cultures, do you take care to avoid them being offensive or catering to stereotypes even though we are talking about fantasy cultures? Like for example, Arcadia seems to be partly inspired by America(admittedly I don't really know anything about it though besides that it was found by vikings aka Ulfen so for all I know thats only thing in common between them, but I'm using it as example), so do you guys take care to avoid catering to pop culture stereotypes that many Native Americans find really tiring?

Absolutely. That's one of the most important things, in my opinion, about doing material that builds off of a real-world culture. Arcadia and its inspirations in North America and what it draws from the culture of indigenous people of North America has been one of the most difficult things to figure out how to write about, and the fact that we've not yet done much with Arcadia is a direct result of that.

There are some INCREDIBLE stories and inspirations in the real-world cultures, many of which inspire me, but I don't want to dishonor those stories by misrepresenting or otherwise doing it wrong. It has to be done right, or it shouldn't be done at all.

Hi James,

Do you find it more challenging to do justice to indigenous American's culture than for Asian culture? If so, why?

I do. I have more cultural guilt as a white American about how indigenous tribes were treated than how we treated Asians. Not that I don't have any guilt about that either, of course.

Furthermore, and particularly today given relatively recent events in the industry, I feel like the industry has gotten indigenous people/Native American content wrong more often and more visibly than they have Asian culture. I'm pretty proud of what we did with Tian Xia, but getting that right was hands-down the hardest thing I've done for Paizo. There was a LOT of work and research that went into that 64 page gazetteer on my behalf.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Doomkitten wrote:
What is the difference between the Dark Tapestry and the Dominion of the Black?

The Dark Tapestry is a region. The Dominion of the Black is an organization of aliens that dwells within the region known as the Dark Tapestry.

So... the same difference between Avistan and the Eagle Knights.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Filby Pott wrote:
Is there any region in Golarion where you'd place adventures with a medieval Celtic feel, like Ireland or Wales? I know the Kellids are vaguely Celtic, but in a more pre-Roman "painted warrior" way than medieval Celtic bards and whatnot
Not really; there's not really a "Celtic" inspired part of Avistan. I guess the best places would probably be the Linnorm Kingdoms or Western Varisia, but also perhaps parts of Ustalav or the Mammoth Realms.

Nirmathas feels slightly celtic to me, do you think that's accurate, or is there something else it ought to feel more like instead?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm thinking about making a half-elf character with the Elf father from Mierani forest and the Human mother from Mwangi. Not knowing how interspecies genetics works in PF, which skincolour would that character have?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello, I have got quite a few questions.

Was Abraxas' cult developed in Azlant and Thassilion? How did he and Lissala get along, considering their focus on snakes and magic?

How do Nethys and Abraxas see one another?

Between Nurgal, Zura, and quite a few others, it seemed demon lord worship was quite popular in Azlant. Was it another Aboleth experiment? Or just the result of Azlant's decay and hubris?

Who do you think are the most likely current owners of the book of the damned's different parts in Pathfinder's universe? I get the feeling Abraxas probably has the demon copy and Asmodeus/Charon the others, but I would like to know your opinion on it.

It is possible to get a Qlippoth familiar if one is chaotic evil in Pathfinder, and one loyal. Considering Qlippoth are, well, genocidal, why would one willingly serve a mortal?

Which region/country of Golarion would you like to develop the most in the future?

If you saw it, what was your opinion on Fury Road?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Golux wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Filby Pott wrote:
Is there any region in Golarion where you'd place adventures with a medieval Celtic feel, like Ireland or Wales? I know the Kellids are vaguely Celtic, but in a more pre-Roman "painted warrior" way than medieval Celtic bards and whatnot
Not really; there's not really a "Celtic" inspired part of Avistan. I guess the best places would probably be the Linnorm Kingdoms or Western Varisia, but also perhaps parts of Ustalav or the Mammoth Realms.
Nirmathas feels slightly celtic to me, do you think that's accurate, or is there something else it ought to feel more like instead?

Nirmathas is "generic european fantasy land" really. It and Molthune are not defined as being any one specific culture as much as they are by the concept that it's two countries actively at war. As such, it could be Celtic as easily as not.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Hythlodeus wrote:
I'm thinking about making a half-elf character with the Elf father from Mierani forest and the Human mother from Mwangi. Not knowing how interspecies genetics works in PF, which skincolour would that character have?

Dusky skin, most likely, but could tend closer to the paler elven father or the darker human mother. It's open for you to decide what you prefer.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
VoidHerald wrote:

Hello, I have got quite a few questions.

Was Abraxas' cult developed in Azlant and Thassilion? How did he and Lissala get along, considering their focus on snakes and magic?

How do Nethys and Abraxas see one another?

Between Nurgal, Zura, and quite a few others, it seemed demon lord worship was quite popular in Azlant. Was it another Aboleth experiment? Or just the result of Azlant's decay and hubris?

Who do you think are the most likely current owners of the book of the damned's different parts in Pathfinder's universe? I get the feeling Abraxas probably has the demon copy and Asmodeus/Charon the others, but I would like to know your opinion on it.

It is possible to get a Qlippoth familiar if one is chaotic evil in Pathfinder, and one loyal. Considering Qlippoth are, well, genocidal, why would one willingly serve a mortal?

Which region/country of Golarion would you like to develop the most in the future?

If you saw it, what was your opinion on Fury Road?

Yes, he was more active in Thassilon and Azlant. He and Lisalla were not allies. They bickered and fought a lot.

As enemies. Nethys is probably jealous of some of Abraxas's secrets, and Abraxas is certainly intimidated by Nethys and jealous of his power.

Nothing to do with aboleths. Aboleths aren't compatible with faith, and demon worship would be an alien idea to aboleths. More a result of Azlant's decay and hubris.

Not gonna nail that down, but you might find out a little more in Hell's Rebels... I certainly think there are multiple copies in existence though.

Because being a familialr is as much about being enslaved as being allied. Some familiars are more into it and volunteer their services. Others, like cythnigots, must be enslaved against their will.

I'm currently quite enjoying developing Cheliax for Hell's Rebels. I can't say what one I'd like to do next without revealing what a future AP is gonna be, so I'm not going to say.

Haven't seen Fury Road yet. I've been looking forward to it for many years, and it's the movie I'm most excited to see this year, and the fact that it's currently at 99% on Rotten Tomatos and above a 9.0 on IMDB has me super excited. And so I've bought tickets to see it twice already. I'll be seeing it tomorrow morning and again on Sunday morning.

Scarab Sages

So, ummm...what's up with the Orc Sorcerer Bloodline? I've noticed that it appears to be pretty popular among the many "cheesemonger" character designs I've seen around these forums. Aren't Orcs just about as "muggle" as the mainline fantasy races get (I'm aware of one computer game - Sierra's Arcanum - where Orcs are actually intensely magical, just not smart enough to wield the power within them, but that's a definite exception to the rule)? What about an Elf and Gnome Bloodline? On a related note, what are some things that personally strike you as good for Sorcerer Bloodlines that haven't been made into such yet?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
How many NDAs, scratch built pieces of terrain, or brownies will it take for me to get a copy of the Iblydos city chapter from Distant Shores, once it is done with editing?
Ha. Nice try.
Free last pass editor?

Are you going to Paizocon? If so...

...still no.


A list of all the proper nouns and what they are? Have I mentioned this may be more excited for this then any other Paizo product from the past few years? (And I have been pretty excited for many of the products from the past few years)
I can tell. I can't imagine it doing anything other than disappointing you alas, since it's not gonna be 64 THOUSAND pages long and won't have a 1 to 1 scale map of the planet folded up inside it.

Nope I am pretty sure I will not be one of the ones that is disappointed. However, I know that there will be a list of people who are. Which is very unfortunate for those people. :D

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How do the Aboleth see Mengkare's "utopia"? I ask because it looks like he's doing EXACTLY the same thing they did with Azlant, breeding and uplifting humans, except openly and more "benevolently".

How would Mengkare react if he realized someone else already tried what he's doing... and that it failed spectacularly?

Also, why did Aboleth select humans for their experimentation instead of say, goblins or other primitive creatures? What were the parameters that led them to this choice?

Sovereign Court

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James, what advice would you give to folks who are wanting to create their own campaign world? What would be the best elements to start with as far as development goes?

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

What real-world sport is the game rukh, apparently a big deal in Katapesh, based on? What little text there is suggests a full-contact sport like rugby or American football played with a ball that can apparently hurt if it hits you hard enough, and can be played in a circular gladiatorial arena (like it is in Katapesh's Grand Colosseum).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
So, ummm...what's up with the Orc Sorcerer Bloodline? I've noticed that it appears to be pretty popular among the many "cheesemonger" character designs I've seen around these forums. Aren't Orcs just about as "muggle" as the mainline fantasy races get (I'm aware of one computer game - Sierra's Arcanum - where Orcs are actually intensely magical, just not smart enough to wield the power within them, but that's a definite exception to the rule)? What about an Elf and Gnome Bloodline? On a related note, what are some things that personally strike you as good for Sorcerer Bloodlines that haven't been made into such yet?

I have no idea. I'm not a fan of it really, since I don't see orcs as being magical enough to justify a bloodline... but sometimes things slip through the cracks into print.

I'd like to see a psychopomp bloodline, perhaps. Or perhaps a spellscar bloodline. Or something associated with the occult stuff.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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VoidHerald wrote:

How do the Aboleth see Mengkare's "utopia"? I ask because it looks like he's doing EXACTLY the same thing they did with Azlant, breeding and uplifting humans, except openly and more "benevolently".

How would Mengkare react if he realized someone else already tried what he's doing... and that it failed spectacularly?

Also, why did Aboleth select humans for their experimentation instead of say, goblins or other primitive creatures? What were the parameters that led them to this choice?

I suspect the aboleths don't see Hermea as anything more than more of the same.

I'm pretty sure Mengkare would arrogantly assume that previous failures were failures BECAUSE he wasn't involved, and then would go on to usher in an even bigger failure.

Because humans are more versatile than any other race. That's what helps make them the most widespread race.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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zylphryx wrote:
James, what advice would you give to folks who are wanting to create their own campaign world? What would be the best elements to start with as far as development goes?

Start small. Read lots. Watch lots. Play lots. Borrow, and don't be too proud. Never consider yourself to be the best at world creating. Never stop learning. If someone challenges part of your world design, take that as an opportunity to grow, not a chance to dig in and resist.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
What real-world sport is the game rukh, apparently a big deal in Katapesh, based on? What little text there is suggests a full-contact sport like rugby or American football played with a ball that can apparently hurt if it hits you hard enough, and can be played in a circular gladiatorial arena (like it is in Katapesh's Grand Colosseum).

I have no idea. This is the first I've heard of it. It's named after a giant two-headed bird, though, so I suspect if it IS a ball game, it has two balls. I doubt it's based on any real-world sprot really.

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
What real-world sport is the game rukh, apparently a big deal in Katapesh, based on? What little text there is suggests a full-contact sport like rugby or American football played with a ball that can apparently hurt if it hits you hard enough, and can be played in a circular gladiatorial arena (like it is in Katapesh's Grand Colosseum).
I have no idea. This is the first I've heard of it.

And that's probably because I spelled it wrong. >.<

It's actually called ruk. Does that change things?

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Why are really low-CR humanoids like the Locathah and the Lizardfolk built with racial hit dice instead of just being 0 HD races?

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What's your opinion on Japanese RPGs?

And have you ever played mana khemia? I'm not going to spoil what it is or the ending for you, even if you give me the first copies of inner sea races and distant shores (and yes I so want them but I will not be tempted ;P )

What's your opinion of pony finder? Mine was what the heck!? Someone actually combine pathfinder and my little ponies!??!?

Have you played Diablo III? What is your favorite class?
If someone wanted to convert the crusader class from diablo 3 (as well as the paladin class from diablo ii) into an archetype for the paladin how would you do it?

How far has the worship of the empyreal lords spread throughout the inner sea?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
What real-world sport is the game rukh, apparently a big deal in Katapesh, based on? What little text there is suggests a full-contact sport like rugby or American football played with a ball that can apparently hurt if it hits you hard enough, and can be played in a circular gladiatorial arena (like it is in Katapesh's Grand Colosseum).
I have no idea. This is the first I've heard of it.

And that's probably because I spelled it wrong. >.<

It's actually called ruk. Does that change things?

Only makes it less interesting since it's no longer associated with a giant two-headed bird and now leaves me nothing to associate it with... ;-P

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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The Golux wrote:


Why are really low-CR humanoids like the Locathah and the Lizardfolk built with racial hit dice instead of just being 0 HD races?

For variety. And because those critters, along with gnolls and bugbears and a few others, are specifically meant to be NPCs and not PCs.

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