timbo2342 |
Hi James,
My cleric summons a huge air elemental. We are fighting vs an enemy able to cast charm monster....specifically for elementals. The enemy tells the summon to "go home".
My interpretation is that it should not work because it's a summon monster....choice has nothing to do with it.
My GM thinks it should be opposing charisma checks to control the summon. Can you shed some light on this situation? Thank you for your help!

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3) It's not intentional. I'm playing Way of the Wicked right now, but we're only partway through book 2. I'm not sure what's coming in the next 4, so any similarities beyond that are parallel design. It's not INTENDED to be an inversion.
What is your character in that campaign? I had a blast playing that adventure path.

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Mightiest of the Tyrant Lizards and Custodian of the Great Felinae of the Pacific Northwest, it has been 1,671 units of sleep cycles since this thread began.
Since that time, what 7 Great Secrets of Golarion have been revealed to us that were unknown to us gentle readers when this thread started.
Bonus Question.
What tidbit of information have you dropped on this thread to an unknown mystery of Golarion have we all seemed to miss or that none of us picked up on?
Bonus Question 2.
There seem to be many of the Cthulhu Mythos creatures in the new Pathfinder Battles release, Dungeons Deep, were you a strong advocate for this?
Bonus Question 3.
During our Reign of Winter Campaign my Elf PC got stranded in Mother Russia. Thanks to his Hat of Disguise he has lived many a humans' lifetime and now serves in the Great Russian Home Defense Force.
He is a pilot of a Kamov Ka-50 “Black Shark” single-seat Attack Helicopter (the helicopter known as the "rogue stabby stab stab Merisiel of the Eastern Skies").
What is the CR of a Kamov Ka-50, when piloted by an Elf Alchemist?

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I wanted to apologize for what I said here before. Sorry. I feel really bad about making a mess here. :(
You mentioned recently that there's a lot still going on on the shattered continent of Azlant.
1) How much of that is the undead remnants of Azlant?
2) How much is constructs who've lost their makers? (Between Xin and the Emerald Spire, it seems like clockworks were very much associated with Azlant.)
3) How much is still civilization, e.g. tribes/cities of Azlanti descendants?
4) Are the aboleth doing anything up there?
5) When will we see something set there? The Sun Temple Colony is the only thing I've ever seen.
6) Is there anything you'd recommend as inspiration for an Azlanti setting? Atlantis: The Lost Empire is a personal favorite, but I'm curious if you have other sources I should check out...
Thank you! :)

thegreenteagamer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Tels wrote:Is there a greater pain in this world than accidentally kicking the leg of a chair with your toes when your feet are cold?Try stepping on a d4 with your bare foot.
You'd think 20+ years later I'd let it go, but geeze mom and dad, how hard is it to not go all Godzilla on my toys? You had eyes didn't you?
Mr J - It's Ghoran question time. Can't help it, ambulatory plant people are just cool.
1. Do they wander about, or are they like the Strix, pretty much exclusive to their Nex the woods (see what I did there)?
2. Any racial allies/enemies, or have they not really been around long enough to develop real relationships? What do they think of the other major races?
3. Do they congregate with one another, or are they loners?
4. Were you expecting a Guardians of the Galaxy related question? I don't have one, unless this counts. I liked plant people before I ever heard of Groot.
5. Do they eat? Plant types eat, according to the rules, but according to nature most do not. I figured it was a "they can, but don't have to" caveat. If so, what do they eat? If they can survive on meat alone I'm totally making a Ghoran character who refuses to consume any plant products and judges people who do. A comedic foil to the stereotype of a pushy vegan. Forget meat is murder, "Vegetation is Villainous!"

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James Jacobs wrote:And what books would those be?Sashin wrote:Absolutely. None come immediately to mind, but you might want to check out the various novels and setting books that have touched on Nidal.Are there any Zon-Kuthon focused phrases out there besides the two in Inner Sea Gods?
I've been looking for some for a new character (this alias, actually), but couldn't find any.p.s. I love Zon-Kuthon as a deity. He is just so interesting!
I guess the main ones would be...
Cities of Golarion
Curse of the Crimson Throne (particularly parts 4 & 5)

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Hi James,
My cleric summons a huge air elemental. We are fighting vs an enemy able to cast charm monster....specifically for elementals. The enemy tells the summon to "go home".
My interpretation is that it should not work because it's a summon monster....choice has nothing to do with it.
My GM thinks it should be opposing charisma checks to control the summon. Can you shed some light on this situation? Thank you for your help!Cheers,
"Go home" would confuse a summoned elemental. It has no capability to return to where it came from, and indeed, as a summoned monster... it doesn't even EXIST once the spell is done, so it is, in effect, AT it's home wherever it gets summoned to. A command to "go home" would have no effect, really, but I wouldn't penalize the caster much; I'd let them bark out a different command. "Leave this area" works better; the elemental would just fly off and vanish on its own.
And nope; charm monster would automatically take over a summoned creature. No charisma check needed.

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James Jacobs wrote:
3) It's not intentional. I'm playing Way of the Wicked right now, but we're only partway through book 2. I'm not sure what's coming in the next 4, so any similarities beyond that are parallel design. It's not INTENDED to be an inversion.
What is your character in that campaign? I had a blast playing that adventure path.
My character is Bezlarue (NE female demon-blooded tiefling bard 8).

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Mightiest of the Tyrant Lizards and Custodian of the Great Felinae of the Pacific Northwest, it has been 1,671 units of sleep cycles since this thread began.
Since that time, what 7 Great Secrets of Golarion have been revealed to us that were unknown to us gentle readers when this thread started.
Bonus Question.
What tidbit of information have you dropped on this thread to an unknown mystery of Golarion have we all seemed to miss or that none of us picked up on?
Bonus Question 2.
There seem to be many of the Cthulhu Mythos creatures in the new Pathfinder Battles release, Dungeons Deep, were you a strong advocate for this?
Bonus Question 3.
During our Reign of Winter Campaign my Elf PC got stranded in Mother Russia. Thanks to his Hat of Disguise he has lived many a humans' lifetime and now serves in the Great Russian Home Defense Force.
He is a pilot of a Kamov Ka-50 “Black Shark” single-seat Attack Helicopter (the helicopter known as the "rogue stabby stab stab Merisiel of the Eastern Skies").
What is the CR of a Kamov Ka-50, when piloted by an Elf Alchemist?
Seven big secrets we've revealed in products (not necessarily the GREAT SECRETS, just the biggest ones I thought up) were...
2) Where did the Mordant Spire come from? (Mythic Realms)
3) What is the oliphant of Jandelay? (Mythic Realms)
4) Who wast the first Runelord of Wrath? (Pathfinder #77)
5) The name of the ship that crashed into Numeria? (Pathfinder #90)
6) What are the veiled masters? (Inner Sea Bestiary)
7) Who were the Shory?
I've dropped a few in I'm sure, but this thread's way too huge for me to remember what those secrets were.
Of course I was; how could I not be?
He's a PC. PCs don't have CRs.

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I wanted to apologize for what I said here before. Sorry. I feel really bad about making a mess here. :(
You mentioned recently that there's a lot still going on on the shattered continent of Azlant.
1) How much of that is the undead remnants of Azlant?
2) How much is constructs who've lost their makers? (Between Xin and the Emerald Spire, it seems like clockworks were very much associated with Azlant.)
3) How much is still civilization, e.g. tribes/cities of Azlanti descendants?
4) Are the aboleth doing anything up there?
5) When will we see something set there? The Sun Temple Colony is the only thing I've ever seen.
6) Is there anything you'd recommend as inspiration for an Azlanti setting? Atlantis: The Lost Empire is a personal favorite, but I'm curious if you have other sources I should check out...
Thank you! :)
No worries; hope things are better now!
1) A fair amount; undead Azlanti are not insignificant on Azlant, and many of them are likely quite powerful.
2) Also a fair amount, since constructs are immortal and don't starve and are patient. Azlanti was less into clockworks than Thassilon though.
3) Not a lot.
4) Absolutely.
5) In time. To a certain extent, the mystery is more powerful than any answer we could give.
6) Anything that's about exploration of lost worlds or lost cities works well. And there's a lot of interesting stuff in the DEEP backstory of the Assassin's Creed games, for example. As for literary works... the stories of Clark Ashton Smith, particularly his Zothique, Hyborea, Averiogne, and Atlantis stories.

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1. Do they wander about, or are they like the Strix, pretty much exclusive to their Nex the woods (see what I did there)?
2. Any racial allies/enemies, or have they not really been around long enough to develop real relationships? What do they think of the other major races?
3. Do they congregate with one another, or are they loners?
4. Were you expecting a Guardians of the Galaxy related question? I don't have one, unless this counts. I liked plant people before I ever heard of Groot.
5. Do they eat? Plant types eat, according to the rules, but according to nature most do not. I figured it was a "they can, but don't have to" caveat. If so, what do they eat? If they can survive on meat alone I'm totally making a Ghoran character who refuses to consume any plant products and judges people who do. A comedic foil to the stereotype of a pushy vegan. Forget meat is murder, "Vegetation is Villainous!"
1) They wander, but not that far from Nex. There's not a lot of them, but sometimes they do wander quite far from their homeland.
2) Their primary relationship is with the humans of Nex, where they're regarded as curiosities at best or food at worst.
3) They congregate with one another due to safety in numbers, but don't really feel much in the way of emotional ties to each other.
4) Nope.
5) Yes. If they didn't eat, they would have had a special quality explaining how they don't starve.

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Are psychic magic-users common among Night Heralds? How about bards?
Does the Dominion of the Black have any psychic-using races?
I ask because the Androsphinx of Zukebri is like a psychic beacon, and I'm sure the Dominion stuck it there for a reason.
Not really, but they're not unknown.

BigP4nda |
I am making a Necromancer to use in PbP, and most, almost all, recruitments ask to start @ level 1:
My problem is this, He is supposed to be mentally unstable, kind of insane. CN alignment because he is genuinely good of heart but is obsessed with the undead and whatnot.
Well in one of his experimental rituals, his mother intrudes and begins disrupting it, causing the ritual to become unstable. The accident ends up killing his mother. Devastated he desperately tries to save her and ends up bring her back to life, unlife that is. So now he has her follow him around and acts as if she's alive and basically talks to himself as if his mother is nagging him and such.
The issue is a bit more mechanical, I am gonna make him an Undead Lord Cleric Archetype, with this I can make his backstory possible because I can raise the dead @ 1st level. The issue is that I can only raise 1HD creature @ first. I would rather have her be a zombie (2HD) which means I'd have to start the campaign @ level 2, or I can make her a skeleton (1HD) and be able to start @ level 1.
Should I make him level 2? or go with the skeleton option?

hewhocaves |
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Filby Pott wrote:There are all sorts of things going on in and on the islands of Azlant. LOTS of stuff. The archipelago is probably about Greenland sized; maybe a little larger. It was definitely not as big as Australia, but not MUCH smaller. Between the two.Are the islands that are left of Azlant completely barren, or are there any native cultures living there (other than the Sun Temple Colony)?
About how much space does the Azlanti archipelago take up? Is it Greenland-sized? Australia-sized?
Wow.. this is actually quite revealing *Scurries off to look at the GIS maps* .
Very interesting. According to wikipedia, Australia is 3x the area of Greenland. Greenland is, in turn, 10x the size of Britain (England, Scotland and Wales).
Given a Greenland-like shape (which I'm just using as a quick approximation)and making the distance between Avistan and Arcadia similar to N. America and Europe it's pretty easy to figure out that Greenland, at it's widest, is around 900-1000 miles wide. The distance from Newfoundland to Ireland is about 2000 miles. Dropping a Greenland-sized mass equidistant between the two puts it about 500 miles from both continents.
As a frame of reference the distance from the Arch of Aroden to Absalom is about 2000 miles (give or take). It's about 500 miles from the arch to the edge of the Inner Sea Map.
I'm not sure what conclusions we should draw from all this. Psuedo-historical accounts of Atlantis put it closer to the size of England than Greenland. But I know Mr. Jacobs has said in the past that he has a desire to keep Golarion as close to Earth in physical terms. I just wanted to crunch numbers before distances were set in stone.

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I am making a Necromancer to use in PbP, and most, almost all, recruitments ask to start @ level 1:
My problem is this, He is supposed to be mentally unstable, kind of insane. CN alignment because he is genuinely good of heart but is obsessed with the undead and whatnot.
Well in one of his experimental rituals, his mother intrudes and begins disrupting it, causing the ritual to become unstable. The accident ends up killing his mother. Devastated he desperately tries to save her and ends up bring her back to life, unlife that is. So now he has her follow him around and acts as if she's alive and basically talks to himself as if his mother is nagging him and such.
The issue is a bit more mechanical, I am gonna make him an Undead Lord Cleric Archetype, with this I can make his backstory possible because I can raise the dead @ 1st level. The issue is that I can only raise 1HD creature @ first. I would rather have her be a zombie (2HD) which means I'd have to start the campaign @ level 2, or I can make her a skeleton (1HD) and be able to start @ level 1.
Should I make him level 2? or go with the skeleton option?
I would talk to your GM to work out a solution. If it were in MY game, you'd have to be an evil alignment, in any event.

Dragon78 |
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1)How common was psychic magic during the age of the Azlanti empire?
2)How common was(and is) it with Serpentfolk?
3)So what kind of magic is the oldest on Golarion, Arcane, Divine, or Psychic?
4)Other then Vudra and the Darklands, were on Golarion is psychic magic common place?
5)Will we see any psychic based artifacts in any products this year?
6)So have you seen any movies lately?
7)Any new(or newly discover) TV shows it your fancy as of late?

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1)How common was psychic magic during the age of the Azlanti empire?
2)How common was(and is) it with Serpentfolk?
3)So what kind of magic is the oldest on Golarion, Arcane, Divine, or Psychic?
4)Other then Vudra and the Darklands, were on Golarion is psychic magic common place?
5)Will we see any psychic based artifacts in any products this year?
6)So have you seen any movies lately?
7)Any new(or newly discover) TV shows it your fancy as of late?
1) Probably not that common.
2) Probably rather common.
3) Unrevealed. At this point, I'd probably say Divine, since that matches up with my homebrew setting, from which a fair amount of Golarion came.
4) That's about it as for where it's commonplace on the planet of Golarion.
5) Dunno, maybe. Maybe not.
6) Not really since my last post. I'm HOPING to go see "It Follows" this Saturday... was gonna see it last Sunday but movie partner headache/malaise set in and it got rescheduled.
7) "Better Call Saul" is incredible. "Dig" is really intriguing and compelling, but I'm not yet sure if it's actually awesome or just teasing at being awesome.

Ssyvan |

Hey James,
Thanks for your previous answers to the questions I've had!
I was wondering what is the best way to determine what published material touches on a certain subject? (Is there an index for this stuff anywhere?)
Specifically, I'm running a Wrath of the Righteous game (also thanks for your work on this, it has been a blast so far!), and we're about to start Book 3. I was wondering what published material touches on the Worldwound so that I can get it and absorb it before the time comes to run it.

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I was wondering what is the best way to determine what published material touches on a certain subject? (Is there an index for this stuff anywhere?)
Specifically, I'm running a Wrath of the Righteous game (also thanks for your work on this, it has been a blast so far!), and we're about to start Book 3. I was wondering what published material touches on the Worldwound so that I can get it and absorb it before the time comes to run it.
The primary places to go for Worldwound stuff is the 64 page book "The Worldwound," and two novels: "The Worldwound Gambit" and "King of Chaos." There's several Pathfinder Society Scenarios set there as well, and "Lost Kingdoms" has lots of info about Sarkoris before it became the Worldwound. And "Book of the Damned II: Lords of Chaos" and "Demons Revisited" have lots of information about demons, as well as extra info about the Worldwound. Finally, there's the "Demon Hunter's Handbook" for the PC side of things.

Tacticslion |

Did you know that there's a SKELETON inside you RIGHT NOW?!
Did you know that Skeleton Man could be listening RIGHT NOW?!

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Did you know that there's a SKELETON inside you RIGHT NOW?!
One of the most freakish necromantic spells for either 3rd edition or Pathfinder was a spell that animated the skeleton in YOUR TARGET'S BODY as a hostile undead creature which of course would immediately start attacking the flesh bag it was supporting.
Do you recall it?

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Did you know that there's a SKELETON inside you RIGHT NOW?!One of the most freakish necromantic spells for either 3rd edition or Pathfinder was a spell that animated the skeleton in YOUR TARGET'S BODY as a hostile undead creature which of course would immediately start attacking the flesh bag it was supporting.
Do you recall it?

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James quick question,
I'm presently running Skull and Shackles with my online group and a few of the players have expressed an interest in defecting to Cheliax once they've avenged themselves on Barnabas Harrigan. The group is pretty new to the game but they have some knowledge about the setting in general so they are familiar with the history between Cheliax and the Shackles but aren't aware of Harrigan's role in the campaign other than he's responsible for their present situation and is probably the final boss in the campaign. Their plan is to kill him off and then discreetly inform the Chelish navy what they know about the strengths and weakness of the Shackles, which given when they'll finally face Harrigan could be quite a bit.
How drastically would it affect the campaign if the PC's decide to throw in their lot with Druvalia Thrune and what is the most likely outcome they could expect from Cheliax provided the invasion is successful.

Aravantar |

One of my players has noticed that Surprise Follow-through is listed under the Racial Traits section for Orc/Half-Orc but the prerequisites don't list Orc/Half-Orc in them. Is this meant to be a general combat feat even though it has the race listed next to the feat's name or is it supposed to be for Orc/Half-Orc specifically?
(If this has been answered elsewhere I apologize, I did do a search on the rules questions board and didn't see it in any of the results I looked through.)

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In a post-Second Darkness Golarion, how do you feel about redeemed drow as PCs? Not necessarily "I was always good" Drizzt-types, but perhaps those brought to the light more organically.
I kind of want to play one in Jade Regent as Shalelu's "little sister", especially given her role in preventing the Second Darkness. :)

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1) Am I imagining it, or are majority of villains in RotR who aren't contributing to return of Karzoug related to Lamashtu somehow? I mean, okay, Scribbler, his quasit(Erylium? Forgot name x_x;) and Nualia are kinda connected, but then there is also Black Magga and I think there is something else who I forgot... Anyway, is it intended that Lamashtu is running side thread in the adventure, or is it coincidence?
2) Umm, would you happen to have tips on how to do recruitment for online campaigns? ^^;
3) Does RPG Superstar contest ever remind you of tv competition shows?
For this question, I blame that judge from few years ago who in my memory recommended against almost all contestant entries <_< Maybe I remember stuff wrong, but when I read archive I felt like he had taken role of the harshly critical judge you usually see in such shows.
4) Speaking of tv show competitions, why are they and reality tv still going strong? D: When will people stop watching that stuff?..

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1.) Just what do dark folk look like under the robes?
2.) What do you think about a lich who's phylactery is an entire city?
3.) If there were infestations of Giant Polyps on Golarian, where would they be?
4.) What are the Great Race of Yith, the Old Ones, or the Mi-Go's opinions on the entities of the Dark Tapestry? Allies? Indifferent? Enemies?
5.) Do you think Pathfinder would ever do something like the old TSR Legends and Lore booklet, and feature stat-lines for heroes from various mythologies or classic fantasy novels (Lhankmar, Elric, Black Company, Discworld?)?

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Have you got to play Bloodborne yet?!?!
Bought and downloaded it last night on the PS4 store, but was only able to play for about a half hour before going to bed. Most of that was fiddling with my character to make sure she had the just right gothy emo vampire-hunter look before I sent her out into the world for jolly cooperation and much death. I got killed pretty quickly by the first monster in the game. Can't wait to get home and play more!

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James quick question,
I'm presently running Skull and Shackles with my online group and a few of the players have expressed an interest in defecting to Cheliax once they've avenged themselves on Barnabas Harrigan. The group is pretty new to the game but they have some knowledge about the setting in general so they are familiar with the history between Cheliax and the Shackles but aren't aware of Harrigan's role in the campaign other than he's responsible for their present situation and is probably the final boss in the campaign. Their plan is to kill him off and then discreetly inform the Chelish navy what they know about the strengths and weakness of the Shackles, which given when they'll finally face Harrigan could be quite a bit.
How drastically would it affect the campaign if the PC's decide to throw in their lot with Druvalia Thrune and what is the most likely outcome they could expect from Cheliax provided the invasion is successful.
I would work to present Cheliax as bad guys; it'll take a LONG time before the group gets revenge on Barnabas, and in that time, you (and the adventure itself) should have plenty of time to show the players how bad Cheliax is, and that can set up for some really fun character arcs after the PCs who were pro-Cheliax turned anti-Cheliax.
That said, your plan wouldn't alter the game much at all, other than to change the nature of the first part of the last adventure. The PCs would still need to do the bulk of the last adventure even if they end up working for Cheliax; they just are doing it for different reasons than for themselves.

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One of my players has noticed that Surprise Follow-through is listed under the Racial Traits section for Orc/Half-Orc but the prerequisites don't list Orc/Half-Orc in them. Is this meant to be a general combat feat even though it has the race listed next to the feat's name or is it supposed to be for Orc/Half-Orc specifically?
(If this has been answered elsewhere I apologize, I did do a search on the rules questions board and didn't see it in any of the results I looked through.)
It's under the racial traits section so I would think it'd be obvious you have to be an orc or half orc to take the trait, regardless of the fact that the trait doesn't list orc/half-orc. It's a great question to get cleared up in the rules forum though with a FAQ click.

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In a post-Second Darkness Golarion, how do you feel about redeemed drow as PCs? Not necessarily "I was always good" Drizzt-types, but perhaps those brought to the light more organically.
I kind of want to play one in Jade Regent as Shalelu's "little sister", especially given her role in preventing the Second Darkness. :)
Since my favorite all-time character, who I put into Shackled City and then again put her into Golarion and who I'm giving a semi-starring role in Hell's Rebels and who'll have a big presence in the 100th volume of Pathfinder and who I name pretty much ALL of my video game characters after is in fact a redeemed drow PC (she got reincarnated into an aquatic half-elf about 2/3 the way through her original adventuring career), and since Eilistraee is hands-down my absolute favorite Forgotten Realms deity...
... my take on redeemed drow PCs is that they're super awesome.

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Hey James,
How would the Technic League treat people who go into Startall who have obvious cybernetics on them? Should the PCs who have them disguise them before they enter the city in Iron Gods?
They would likely try to round up the cyborg, enslave them, and either use mind control magic to make them minions or, more likely, would chop-shop out their cybernetics and throw the leftover meat into a dungeon for an ooze or plant monster to be nourished by.
AKA: PCs should disguise them in the same way they should hide any other technology they have. That's a big part of why we set the adventure where the PCs go to Starfall at the high-end level of things—so the PCs will have LOTS of options to disguise themselves.

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Bloodborne! I won't go into any spoilers, but I am wondering a few basic things.
1. Did you have any time to play it yet?
2. If so, what origin and weapon did you choose for your character?
1) A half hour or so, as mentioned above.
2) The noble, of course! I'm gonna be all fancy rapier type swashbuckly if I can!

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1) Am I imagining it, or are majority of villains in RotR who aren't contributing to return of Karzoug related to Lamashtu somehow? I mean, okay, Scribbler, his quasit(Erylium? Forgot name x_x;) and Nualia are kinda connected, but then there is also Black Magga and I think there is something else who I forgot... Anyway, is it intended that Lamashtu is running side thread in the adventure, or is it coincidence?
2) Umm, would you happen to have tips on how to do recruitment for online campaigns? ^^;
3) Does RPG Superstar contest ever remind you of tv competition shows?
For this question, I blame that judge from few years ago who in my memory recommended against almost all contestant entries <_< Maybe I remember stuff wrong, but when I read archive I felt like he had taken role of the harshly critical judge you usually see in such shows.
4) Speaking of tv show competitions, why are they and reality tv still going strong? D: When will people stop watching that stuff?..
1) You're not imagining it. Lamashtu has a BIG interest in Varisia, for reasons we've sort of hinted here and there about (mostly in the backmater of the comics and in Demons Revisited). She's very much intended to be a sub-theme of Runelords, which is why she was the 2nd deity we detailed for the setting in the Pathfinder deity articles.
2) I don't. I've never done any online campaigns, so I have no experience there.
3) It should, since it was inspired by them.
4) Turns out, the world's big enough for all sorts of different tastes and interests. My advice? Focus on the TV shows you like and ignore the ones you don't. That's how I deal with things like Duck Dynasty or Dr. Who.

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1.) Just what do dark folk look like under the robes?
2.) What do you think about a lich who's phylactery is an entire city?
3.) If there were infestations of Giant Polyps on Golarian, where would they be?
4.) What are the Great Race of Yith, the Old Ones, or the Mi-Go's opinions on the entities of the Dark Tapestry? Allies? Indifferent? Enemies?
5.) Do you think Pathfinder would ever do something like the old TSR Legends and Lore booklet, and feature stat-lines for heroes from various mythologies or classic fantasy novels (Lhankmar, Elric, Black Company, Discworld?)?
1) Unrevealed.
2) Neat idea! But kinda over the top... hard to destroy! It'd better be a tough lich.
3) Giant polyps? I assume giant versions of the primitive tiny water-borne creatures, and not the things that grow inside of people. I suspect the best place for them would be in any soggy area... the Sodden Lands come immediately to mind.
4) All of those races hail from the Dark Tapestry. Some of them are allies to things there, some are enemies, some are indifferent. The great race is mostly enemies, but they're focused on flying polyps as enemies. The elder things are enemies of the mi-go and starspawn and elder things, but indifferent to the rest. The mi-go are enemies of the elder things, but indifferent or allies of the rest.
5) I doubt we'd do a book like this, since we want to continue focusing on supporting Golarion directly.

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What are the odds of us ever getting an evil player character centered adventure path from Paizo? I would buy it even if it's just the We Be Goblins modules expanded in to a full sized adventure path.
The odds increase with each passing day, I'd say. It's certainly not an impossibility. I know that I would LOVE to do an evil adventure path.

Haladir |
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Spook205 wrote:3.) If there were infestations of Giant Polyps on Golarian, where would they be?3) Giant polyps? I assume giant versions of the primitive tiny water-borne creatures, and not the things that grow inside of people. I suspect the best place for them would be in any soggy area... the Sodden Lands come immediately to mind.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Spook205 meant "Flying Polyps"...