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Sure, if you can just help me find some....
The next poster is an ordained clergymember of Ghaunadaur.

Grandpa Wonderbra |

Why yes I do. And it involves a few members of the forums here. This is what I know so far for the cast:
Goddity as Glena, Glarrior Glincess
Bleached Otyugh as Glabriel
I'm Hiding In Your Closet as Gloxer
Avatar of Zon-Kuthon as Glaries
The Fiend Fantastic as Glallisto
with Special Guest Star Pulg as Glercules
The next poster has signed on to write, produce, and direct the show.

GoatToucher |

Indeed, and it is a feast for the eyes! A carnival of debasement! A degenerate's fever dream! The things that happen! What one person will do to another! What objects will fit where! The screams! The horror! The revulsion mixed with growing and unwholesome delight! When you watch, you will ask yourself why, but you will not be able to look away, like watching a homeless man eat his own leg to beat back starvation!
:rubs chest:
You'll watch and wonder at what is left of the actors who began the series! How much is truly them? Then you'll think about yourself, and how -you- have been changed!
And you will weep, and your tears will be savory.
All brought to you by GoatToucher Brand Rump Ointment.
The next poster will give a review of the first episode.

The Fiend Fantastic |

Well, if you wanted to try out the jalapeño pepper salve on your private parts, be my guest. A mention however, it'll burn your skin off, like many mortals have suffered before you.
The next poster will make a footage collection of GoatToucher trying out and suffering from application on self of said salve.

GM_Beernorg |

::sound of a blender:: ok, 27 jalapeno's check, blended to smooth consistency, check. Alright, now the directions say to apply liberally to ones junk. ::plastic spatula applies large amount of fiery concoction:: Ok, a little warm, not bad yet...and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
The next poster will help GT get to the ER to treat his third degree groin burns, have fun explaining how he got them.

Molten Dragon |

GT's new soothing and slippery groin balm. By the people that brought you GT's rump ointment! Guaranteed to please even the most choosiest of beings. (Disclaimer: will not regrow hair, use only with gloves, may attract goats, if you develop a rash that's normal, if you get any in your eye you are boned, no exchanges all sales final)
The next poster developed an unforeseen side-effect from one of GT's products.

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Tell you what, if you swing by the temple to help with the initiation process for the new recruits at noon and midnight, we'll pay you two million platinum pieces each time you show up. Just ask for Private Tiny, tell him you're going to be the whipping dummy, he'll know what you're talking about.
The next poster is the first new recruit to use the whipping dummy.

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*boopbeepboop* Hello, NSA? I'd like to report a sexual predator...whaddya mean you're "busy?"...Well, um, this guy's a potential terrorist, too, you know...OH YEAH! Yeah, I totally think I saw him treat an Arab like a human being once! You need to make sure and watch this guy VERY carefully....
The next poster can move like Jaffar.

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"I can't believe anyone would react that way to a guy with your looks!"
"No kidding - the slightest glimpse of you makes me want to vomit, how could anyone bear to *stare* at you?!?"
"The next poster was the inspiration...""For one of the villain groups in City of Heroes!"

GM_Beernorg |

::long black coat blows in the wind while booming but insane laughter echoes:: I am Super Goth Betrayal Person! All the heroes in this pestilent city will cringe when they realize who it is they have enraged. By my black eye liner of soul sight, I shall see and KNOW their ethical weaknesses, by my black trench coat ever so full of grommets, I shall resist whatever paltry powers these heroes have! And by my giant platform black goth books, I will grind them under heel.
The next poster, please provide a side kick for Super Goth Betrayal Person, the most terrifying of all super villains (or so he thinks)

Snow White's Mother |
I Nominate Myself.
Qualifications: Coal Black Hair; Pasty White Face; Black Pouty Lips; Dark Gaze That Can Make A Nun Quake In Fear; Dressed All In Black; Daughter Issues; Hates People Who Have Happy Childhoods; Do Everything I Can To Make Sure Kids Have Unhappy Childhood.
Abilities: Can Get Close To People, Only To Betray That Trust Without Them Know It Was Me; Can Disguise Myself So Even People Who Know To Fear Me Trust Me.
The Next Poster Is A Recipient Of My Attentions And Will Second My Nomination.

GoatToucher |

Oh my yes. Nights of wonderment and delight! Of reciprocal debasement! Of ointments and creams! Hooks, blades, and batons! This is a woman who looked despair in the face and both slapped and caressed it!
The next poster has painted a picture portraying my and SWM's night together, and will describe it for you.