Inside a well-groomed garden / on top of a small hill / calmly licking its white chops / the dread gazebo sleeps.
The next poster will interpret the signs for us.
The yellow sign over here? Okay then...
The next poster shall join me in hailing.
Wheee! I'm a chilly little fluffy cloud and I'm going to pelt you all with my frozen rain!
The next poster does not know the meaning of the word 'camp'
I much prefer "flamboyant" or "flaming".
The next poster knows what to do when it's raining men.
In the event that it does rain men make all possible haste to safe cover, ideally a stone roof structure of some sort...then sit back and enjoy as the bodies burst in a spectacular rain of blood and guts.
The next poster knows what happens if Superman tripped on LSD.
Seems LSD has a different effect upon Kryptonian physiology, or so I've been told. Scientists are still studying the effects. Of course, it's not as if I was actually involved in that study or actually gave Supes the LSD.
* cough *
The next poster is throwing a party on the dark side of the moon.
Yeah. Obviously. Supes really went bananas over on Earth.
The next poster thinks supes was just misunderstood.
He did go a little crazy but really he was just enjoying all the pretty colors and light trails....
The next poster steals lunch money from goblins and has made millions in gold pressed Latinum. They will tell us how we can too... Let's watch.
It is easy. Just threaten the goblins with a horse. Easy lunch money!
The next poster is as scared of horses as a goblin.
Why do you think I'm hiding? Goblins be pretty fart smellers.
The next poster has harnessed the power of Disco,but uses it for evil.
BURN , BABY, BURN!!!!!!!
You will all burn in the fieriest pits of hell!
The next poster has a private iglo in the Linnorm lands.
The next poster has no idea what the internet is, and thinks computers are like donuts.
The next poster prefers mocirowaves, thinking they are cakes.
Ohhh, vanillianish mocirowaves. Luscious, sensual cohocholateran mocirowaves. Rich, sumptuous couffeef mocirowaves with glacier chejerrois and whole chunks of real tungsten.
The next poster has had their hair done in a Mociro Wave and now feels like...
...talking with my mouth full and biting the hand that feeds me!
Zeus once appeared to the next poster in the form of a kinky text message.
Yeah. Every girl gets those, these days. PartyGod200... Sigh.
This infuriates the next poster.
Golly gee, how's a regular guy supposed to hook up with a swell dame with all these fancy-pants Gods comin' in and scoopin' up all the chicks?
The next poster would like to show us a route out of the Mythic 1950s.
It's called wait 10 years and it will be the mythic 1960s.
The next poster has an idea.
It's brilliant! I'm going to need a bottle of green hair dye, a 1973 Volkswagen Beetle and the entire collected works of Shakespeare!
Wait...I hope the next poster knows what I'm forgetting.
You forgot the popcorn.
The next poster has a delicious new recipy for popcorn.
It involves the finest dark chocolate, rich caramel, marshmallows, and the tears of a mime. I've got everything but the tears. Now where did I put the mime?
The next poster shall aide me in my mime hunt.
*silently points at an invisible box hiding the mime*
The next poster knows how to make mimes cry.
You take the invisible rocket launcher and shoot him with it.
The next poster has ammo for our invisible rocket launcher.
Here, these are good and disposable, take these *tosses Goddity a whole bunch of "Rogues suck and I can prove it objectively" threads*
The next poster spent a crazy evening with Lao Tzu, Confucius, and the Buddha.
Yeah, I'll say. I had no idea these guys hated one another so much. Something felt off from the beginning. When they saw each other, there was Silence. For a long, long while. Then they nodded and sat down, all together, with some distance. I thought to defuse the situation by serving tea, but the Buddha apparently clinked his cup wrong when putting it down, starting an all out berserk battle using chainsaws, martial arts, archery, and at one point, a very strongly worded letter. When they had ripped loose for a while, of course, they all went their separate ways, unharmed.
The next poster is jealous.
I wanted to start the fight between them. Now my fun is ruined.
The next poster discovered a lost treasure from a time traveler in their backyard and will tell us what the treasure is, from what time period the time traveler came from, and how they lost the treasure.
It was the Doctor's sonic screwdriver that he miss-placed. No, not that Doctor, the other one. No, the one to the left. The OTHER left.
The next poster knows which Doctor I mean...
I do. Its not the one on the left. Shi is on the left. No not that one. No, Hu is on the right.
It is really hard to make that skit work with text
The next poster is the next poster.
No, YOU are *blows raspberry*!
The next poster is both rubber AND glue!
...and likes the unglued series, it's true.
+1 point to the clown for the ref.
The next poster has eaten a bowl of ramen and was not quite satisfied with the flavor.
Dang right I'm not satisfied! This isn't authentic japanese ramen! There is a significant lack of umami that indicates the soup base was prepared with insufficient or no kombu.
The next poster is picky about their chips.
No Dollar chips allowed!
The next poster ONLY gambles with 1 dollar chips, even when betting thousands of dollars.
True, it's better for the concentration of the croupier, it makes sure his wits, patience and counting capabilities remain accurate.
The next poster is a secret sponsor of goblin warfare, having considerable benefit should the ugly green buggers win.
I'm in construction. With all the destruction the little gobbos cause business is good. Plus I can con them out of all of their gold and silver shinies getting them to pay for more buildings for them to burn to the ground.
The next poster will join me in my business venture by supplying the little green pyros the tools they need for war.
*roots around In Your Closet* Shoes...sealing humor...a beach ball...mothballs...3-year-old Easter candy...a toy Deep Space 9...a live swordfish...that oughtta hold them. Those motherf*%%ers can use anything as a weapon.
The next poster once hitched a ride with hoary Nodens, Lord of the Abyss.
Nope, that was HAIRY Nodens, lord of the Unshaven.
The next poster last shaved when they were building the Tower of Babel.
Your point being?
The next poster has an agreeable solution to Hairy Nodens Misery, wherever they might choose to put the apostrophe.
I do.
Why are you all looking at me like that? I don't have to give you the answers to every problem. Go solve it yourself. I mean honestly, relying on the being from before existence to solve everything. You suck at this.
The next poster is kind enough to solve their own problems without having to bother anyone.
I don't -have- to bother anyone. I delight in it.
After a while, they're delighted too.
The next poster doesn't mind.
That's because after a while I resort to drinking and mind-altering substances.
The next poster is a provider.
Ow my head. I think I'm going to be sick. Where's the bathroom? What was in that thing? Mushrooms!?!? I'm allergic to mushrooms.
The next poster also suffers from an unusual non-fatal food allergy.
Shellfish make my bowels delightfully rumbly.
The next poster bathes in raw shrimp bi-weekly.
Best skin lotion around, just look how much it improved my golden tan.
The next poster went to a beach party and never went back.
To Whom It May Concern:
That is correct that KahnyaGnorc has yet to return from a beach party.
KahnyaGnorc's Computer
P.S. The next poster is an automated forum posting apparatus.
The next poster is the Hero(ine) with 100 [redacted]s
Indeed, and I use each one to [redacted] a different [redacted] until each of them [redacted] in turn, resulting in [redacted] for all parties concerned.
The next poster once cleaned the floor of my workroom, and was much changed by the experience.
...I still have nightmares.
The next poster collects female horses after sunset.
I would've gotten away with it too, had I not been wearing my tuxedo made from autumn leaves at the time! As was, I got arrested for rustling.
The next poster has really large hands. Like, REALLY large.
Indeed, and it's time for your yearly prostate check. Bend over and think of England. Try to keep your weeping to a minimum: it upsets the other patients. :balls hand into fist, lining up the shot:
The next poster has really big feet, and you know what -that- means...