How do you say Paizo?

Paizo General Discussion

is it pie-a-zo, pea-ought-zo, pay-i-zo?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32


All the way down the bottom. :)

the p is silent

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

MerrikCale wrote:
the p is silent

Gesundheit! :)

You don't say the word, you kind of trumpet it out:


I <3 pie.

Liberty's Edge

I say it with pride! Long live PAIZO! HUZZAH!

I deliberately pronounce it wrong, just because words with a z sound are much more fun. Plus, thinking about pie makes me hungry.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

You forgot to push a 4th edition gamer into an unimaginably deep hole... ;)

The pie dough is a lie?

The UK PFS say Pay-zo..

Lantern Lodge

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Jeremy Smith 30 wrote:
is it pie-a-zo, pea-ought-zo, pay-i-zo?

That being said, as long as you love us, we don't care if you say it differently.

We'll make jokes about it, but we'll still love you.

DM Wellard wrote:

The UK PFS say Pay-zo..

I think it's kinda awesome that different regions have different pronunciations.

Edit: just saw flash_cxxi beat me to the link a while ago.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Pazuzu ? Oh, wrong thread ...

Scarab Sages

How do I say it? With reverence and awe....

And sometimes a drunken slur....

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Like pie dough, but with more zazz.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

I've always pronounced it as "What? How the hell am I going to afford another subscription!?" but maybe that's just me :)

I've always pronounced it exactly like Homer Simpson's doughnut drool sound.

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Just wanted to see what it felt like to cast resurrection!

Also, any new people may have the same question...and this thread answers it!

2 people marked this as a favorite.


*Thelith wrote:

Just wanted to see what it felt like to cast resurrection!

Also, any new people may have the same question...and this thread answers it!

Man-oh-man, have we got just the perfect guild for you to join on this here Paizo message-board. ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

How do you say Paizo? You say it reverently, with a tear in your eye, while reaching for your wallet.

And if you want to hear it from someone else, here's a random video from their youtube channel

Today is a good day to... halp wrote:
*Thelith wrote:

Just wanted to see what it felt like to cast resurrection!

Also, any new people may have the same question...and this thread answers it!

Man-oh-man, have we got just the perfect guild for you to join on this here Paizo message-board. ;)

You rang?

Pies. Oh!


Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber



Admittedly, I am a bit dyslexic.

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