What's your favorite Class?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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What's your favorite class in Pathfinder and why?
Prestige classes and the new classes from the Advanded Players Guide are fair game.

I hate to say it, but I love fighter. With all those feats, so many options become available.

Each time I play with a fighter, it's a totally new, unique and exciting experience.

I am really torn between the summoner and the witch. I like having options on a character, preferabbly a fighter/mage but since a good one does not exist. I get to dable with some fighting with my summons, and not just the big pet.

Liberty's Edge

Shadow13.com wrote:

I hate to say it, but I love fighter. With all those feats, so many options become available.

Each time I play with a fighter, it's a totally new, unique and exciting experience.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Bard forever!


and Kender....

+1 to myself

KenderKin wrote:

and Kender....

+1 to myself

You play with yourself?

Hard to say because it depends a lot on who one is playing with class. Power attack-fighter isn't my thing but I found combat expertize-fighter really fun to play. But if I have to say some hmmm...

Wizard, mainly illusionists are my thing at the moment.

Druid. I want to show different kind of druid to my gaming group than one of my friend did who played it as cleric without channel energy. Duh.

Bard. Bards and illusionists are in same group, you ave think how to use your spells. Illusions are great fun.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
Bard forever!

Ditto. I have loved the bard since 1E, when they were the protype prestige class.

They were even fun to play in 2E, once you added the kit options from the Complete Bard splatbook. Blades, Jesters, and Riddlemasters, especially.

They are my default character class whenever I play (rather than GM). I have to make a conscious effort to choose something else.

Dark Archive

Blue_Hill wrote:

Hard to say because it depends a lot on who one is playing with class. Power attack-fighter isn't my thing but I found combat expertize-fighter really fun to play. But if I have to say some hmmm...

Wizard, mainly illusionists are my thing at the moment.

Druid. I want to show different kind of druid to my gaming group than one of my friend did who played it as cleric without channel energy. Duh.

Bard. Bards and illusionists are in same group, you ave think how to use your spells. Illusions are great fun.

3.5 was Ranger Ninja or Ranger/Dread Necro (Captain Creepy was a champ)

I doubt I'll actually ever get to run a PF character, since no one else i play with ever wants to (or is incapable of) being a DM/GM.

That said I really wanna play an alchemist or summoner

Cuchulainn wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Bard forever!

Ditto. I have loved the bard since 1E, when they were the protype prestige class.

They were even fun to play in 2E, once you added the kit options from the Complete Bard splatbook. Blades, Jesters, and Riddlemasters, especially.

They are my default character class whenever I play (rather than GM). I have to make a conscious effort to choose something else.

Got to go with that one too! My staple character is a bard indeed (even if its first iteration in 2n ed was a mage-thief, since elves couldn't play bards by RAW).

For all the bad press they get, bards have alot of fans in this thread!

My favourite class is probably wizard, though I love witches, sorcerers and cavaliers!

Fighter has always been my favorite. Conceptually, the most customizable class. I'm glad that Paizo didn't give it too many class abilities actually. I am however looking forward to what the Paizo staff came up with in regards to alternate class features (not just for the fighter, but for all classes) in the APG.

Dark Archive

Bards are great and I luv me some H-Orc Barbarians.!!!

Honestly, I dont have a favorite. There are things I like about every class.

The sorcerer is by far my favorite class in Pathfinder. Thematically and mechanically strong, and very customizable.

Shadow Lodge

Druid! Nature Incarnate for the win!

An animal companion to travel with, spells that bring plants to life and shake the very earth, being able to turn into huge creature of flame, rock, water, or wind... just so much that is so cool!

Bard is climbing higher on my List of Favorites though, because it's turning out to be a fun class to play...

I usually tend to multiclass, or pick classes that are built as multiclass.

In 3.5 I loved playing a warmage.

In PF, I think I really like the concept of the Summoner as well as the new Rogue. I need to see the final version of the Summoner obviously.

Alchemist, witch, or PF ranger are the three I'm most interested in.

...But factotum reigns supreme ;p

Dark Archive

I really like the arcane classes so far. I haven't had a chance to play the witch, but they look like a lot of fun.

Grand Lodge

anthony Valente wrote:
Fighter has always been my favorite. Conceptually, the most customizable class. I'm glad that Paizo didn't give it too many class abilities actually. I am however looking forward to what the Paizo staff came up with in regards to alternate class features (not just for the fighter, but for all classes) in the APG.

Throughout my playing history, I have mirrored your sentiment... but after the overhaul that the Rogue got, I really love playing the rogue, especially with the flexibility that the Rogue Talents give him. Overall, I believe that the Rogue and the Fighter are the most flexible classes! I love them almost equally! Now, as Lord Valente said, let's see those alternate class features! Ha ha!

i have been playing pf for 2 months now and played 3.5 for 2 1/2 years. my fav class are ranger and cleric. followed close by barbarian

Eldritch Knight, now and forever.

I cannot decide... there are so many versions of specialty wizard! :)

So lets just go with Universal Wizard.

Dark Archive

Cleric and Druid, in 3rd edition, with the Dread Necromancer being my favorite non-core class.

Still noodling about with the Pathfinder changes, but I'm still liking the Cleric and Druid, and perhaps the Summoner as well, although, in play, it's quite a bit different than it looks on paper, thanks to the strange wording of Life Link.

Barbarian, i have loved the barbarian ever sense i started playing DnD back in 2001, i love the new changes to the barbarian and i still love the idea of small barbarians.

Grand Lodge

If you can't tell from my icon...wizard.

Although I do like fighter/wizards...I just can't say EK.

Ranger maybe

Wizard, no contest. Which specialty school I prefer depends on the character and my mood, but I most often enjoy Evokers, Illusionists and Necromancers.

Occasionally I will stoop to playing a Druid, Ranger, or something else, but the Wizard class is my true love.

MerrikCale wrote:
Ranger maybe

No "maybe" about it. The Pathfinder Ranger is the best version yet.

Just My Thoughts

I've liked 3.5Ranger. And I love PF Ranger.

sorc will always be my favorite class, the fact that i like the bloodline concept more or less cemented it.

Scarab Sages

Illusionist. Especially Gnome Illusionist. Instant win :)

Bards too, but that would have to be second to an illusionist really.

Well, maybe they are tied, because now I want to be a bard.

Oh screw it, Bard/Illusionist.

Sovereign Court

Ranger, especially bow using ranger.

From the advanced playtest, Alchemist and Witch. Love the flavor on both and the mechanics are quite interesting.

From the core, Sorcerer and Cleric. Bard gets runner-up.

I've always vacillated between Cleric and Wizard, but lately I've been playing a Witch and find it offers some of the best parts of Wizarding with just the right amount of healing and support. My favorite character ever was an Elf Cleric/Wizard "Astrologer" I played in a 1e campaign many years ago...

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I have to go with Wizard. I find myself strangling with the limited spell options of Spontanious Casters.

Liberty's Edge

Still digging the rogue, love the talents, love being a skill monkey, love the sneak attack.

Evasion doesn't suck either.

Too new to PF to have a favorite in it, but in 3.x it was cleric, and my favorite single character ever in 3.5 was a cleric/Radiant Servant of Pelor. Didn't hurt that my DM ran an undead-heavy campaign. Ulffren developed a rep for making undead re-dead.

Back in the 2e days, it was rangers, hands down.

Extremes.......either straight up Human Barbarian Raaaarrrrrghhhh! or Mastermind Elf Wizard......, did have a fun halfling rogue for a while that was an acrobat, improved unarmed strike, feinting pit fighter type, classic little guy like to beat up the big dudes type...unfortunately didn't put enough into find traps/open locks and had his soul sucked out into a demonic void........

2. Cleric
3. Enchanter or Illusionist
4. Rogue
5. Ranger

Druid. Releasing the inner beast while also being accompanied by the outer beast? Hell yeah!

Summon focused Druid (with animal companion, of course) and Bard are tied for me. Wizards are great fun to play, and so are rangers- but they're no Bard or Druid.

+1 Wizards. Feel the love!!

Paladin. Smite is might. Right?

Being a Theology major, my favorite has always been Cleric. :) It's just a very versatile class - the feel of playing a Cleric completely changes depending on that Cleric's particular faith. As for classes unique to Pathfinder, the Oracle looks like a real winner. And as far as prestige classes go - the Hellknight is by FAR my favorite prestige class for as long as the mechanic of the prestige class has existed. And this is coming from a guy who normally avoids them like the plague.

Shadow Lodge


I'm a skill-monkey at heart, and the fact that they can actually fight and have a few spells to break up the weapon slinging monotony is fun.

But Bard comes a very very close second, and I'm beginning to love the concepts behind the Inquisitor and Alchemist.

James Jacobs wrote:
Bard forever!


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I used to love Rogues (because skills are win).

I now love Bards, they let me get creative in ways that a lot of classes don't give me a chance to!

Sovereign Court

bards FTW!

lastknightleft wrote:
bards FTW!

I'm surprised there are so many Bard lovers.

I was under the impression that the Bard was the "Black Sheep" of all the classes.

It's been a while since I played a Bard, but I remember it as being a mediocre experience. The next time I roll up a character, I'll have to try the Bard again and see what all the fuss is about.

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