
Off-Topic Discussions

Liberty's Edge

Did any of you actually see this?

Just curious. I'd love to read some firsthand accounts.

I told those aliens not to f*@! with us. They'll think twice before they try that again.

Ok Wisconsin, make a reflex save.

Crud, I missed. The city's still there.

HA and they laughed at Ed Greenwood for saying the great sage of shadowdale visits our world.
Thats right folks that was an Elminster fireball if there ever was one.

Shadow Lodge

Some one tried to make sure...

I'm just don't know what they were making sure of... yet.

Field Marshal von Grünmann wrote:
I told those aliens not to f*@! with us. They'll think twice before they try that again.

This is why I strongly advocate >developing weapons now to fight aliens< . It is only a matter of time before they make the next move.

Sovereign Court

Cuchulainn wrote:

Just curious. I'd love to read some firsthand accounts.

Duh! Yup it landed on me head. Got a huge bump now. Bloody meteorites!!


Cuchulainn wrote:

Did any of you actually see this?

Just curious. I'd love to read some firsthand accounts.

We couldn't see it from here, and my mother (who lives about a mile from the Highway 20 referred to in the article) decided to go to Europe this week. How selfish.

There's that damned Lucifer! He's making this Hide and Seek gaming such a @@#^$#@!%!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

I saw it, walking down to the supermarket a little before 10:00.

As it turns out, we had pretty heavy cloud cover, so I didn't get a very good look at it. There was a longish flash, about the size and intensity of the full moon. Some people have described it as "greenish", but it looked blue-white from my perspective.

Then I bought turkey sausage and a can of tomato bisque soup.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Oh please. If it had been battlefield controls and summoning spells Wisconsin would be obliterated by now. /snark

Sovereign Court

Charlie Bell wrote:
Oh please. If it had been battlefield controls and summoning spells Wisconsin would be obliterated by now. /snark

What's wrong with Wisconsin?

The Exchange

No but I saw one oh about 15 years ago. Big bright flash across the sky.

Shadow Lodge

Crimson Jester wrote:
No but I saw one oh about 15 years ago. Big bright flash across the sky.

The group of nude albino skydivers does not count.

my friend saw it while riding home with her boyfriend...they said they were driving along and suddenly it was daytime for a few seconds

The Exchange

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
No but I saw one oh about 15 years ago. Big bright flash across the sky.
The group of nude albino skydivers does not count.

I am not talking about them. Those guys can hold their liquor by the way.

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
No but I saw one oh about 15 years ago. Big bright flash across the sky.
The group of nude albino skydivers does not count.

I'd be too afraid of avians thinking that my genitals are food to attempt that.

These things get off topic so darned fast.

(rolls uphill)

Silver Crusade

Cosmo's Wandering Eye wrote:
(rolls uphill)

Is that all intertia, or are you disregarding the laws of physics again?

Things like this wouldn't happen if we had giant robots like Japan.
Link 1
Link 2

Video about finding a piece of the meteorite

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