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Glad to help out.
One of the reasons I converted the inhabitants of the Keep is to give players some NPCs to interact. PCs will be better than the average guard at the Keep, regardless of what stat creation system you use for your games. In retrospect, there are perhaps one or two changes I might make now to the Keep inhabitants.

Oliver Brooks |
Hi I don't suppose I could request a copy I just stumbled upon your conversion when looking for ideas on how to convert the original module.

gatims |
I am sorry that I did not check out the thread more recently, but I have been busy. So, please accept my apology and the copies of my conversion which should be attached to my e-mail. Enjoy!!!
I didn't receive a copy in your last emails. Could you send me one?

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William Ronald wrote:I am sorry that I did not check out the thread more recently, but I have been busy. So, please accept my apology and the copies of my conversion which should be attached to my e-mail. Enjoy!!!I didn't receive a copy in your last emails. Could you send me one?
Check your e-mail now. Enjoy!!

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Hey William. I would love a copy of your conversion for my files. Keep on the Borderland was the first module I ever DMed way back in the day. It would be fun to see what you've done with it for Pathfinder. lisa@paizo.com
I am honored and flattered to do so.
I was still fairly new to Pathfinder at the time I created the conversions. I made the guards kind of average, so that the PCs - regardless of character generation methods -- would be tougher thant he typical guard. I also changed a couple details to add some Golarion flavor.
As I set the adventure in Lastwall in the Fangwood on a road that ultimately leads to the Hold of Belkzen, I used names that seemeed appropriate to the region. As Vellumis, capitol of Lastwall, sounds vaguely Slavic or Baltic, I used Slavic, Baltic or Germanic names for many of the NPCs. (I was unaware of a previous reference to the Cave of Chaos in Ustalav, but the names would work there as well.)
In retrospect, I would probably have made some changes to the adventure. (I have learned a lot since becoming a Pathfinder Society player and GM.) But I am happy with it and hope that everyone who reads my conversion enjoys it.