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William Ronald wrote:gigglestick wrote:\I would also be interested in trying this.
you can email me at
splunge42 at yahoo dot com
Allensh and gigglestick, check your e-mails.
I am pretty busy right now, d20PFSRD, but I hope that once I get a few things taken care of in the next few months to have some time to work on some conversions. (Hmm, maybe some of the magic items in the DMG?)
Nice. Thanks.
One question. How do the {ooooo oo} correspond to HP (in this case, 11 hp?)
Those were left over from the original module and the 3.0 conversion so one dot represents a hit point to mark off. So, use them or not.

gigglestick |

gigglestick wrote:William Ronald wrote:gigglestick wrote:\I would also be interested in trying this.
you can email me at
splunge42 at yahoo dot com
Allensh and gigglestick, check your e-mails.
I am pretty busy right now, d20PFSRD, but I hope that once I get a few things taken care of in the next few months to have some time to work on some conversions. (Hmm, maybe some of the magic items in the DMG?)
Nice. Thanks.
One question. How do the {ooooo oo} correspond to HP (in this case, 11 hp?)
No problem, I just wasn;t sure if there was something I was missing.
Very nice conversion. SOme of it is going to show up in my campaign.
Those were left over from the original module and the 3.0 conversion so one dot represents a hit point to mark off. So, use them or not.

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I believe that this is the location where the original 3.0 item could be seen...
Correct. I used this site as a basis for my conversion. So, I kept many of the ability scores of the NPCs but made some changes in addition to making changes for the conversion. For example, I used some of the different versions of skeletons and zombies in the Bestiary. I wanted to add a few changes, and I like what Paizo did with some of the variants on traditional undead monsters.

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Shows how much PF I've read...I just realised that the KOTB and the Caves of Chaos EXIST in Pathfinder (PF Campgain Guide: Worldwound...)
This is so getting used now!
Both the area around the Worldwound and Lastwall would be good locations for the Keep on the Borderlands. I thought Lastwall would be a better setting for a lower level adventure as there are humanoids in the area as opposed to the demons which are dominant around the Worldwound. (For a good overview of Golarion, check out PathfinderWiki Portal:Geography. Of course, it would not be surprising if some of the rulers in the Worldwound would like to cause trouble elsewhere.
Beholderbob and DM_Blackfalcon, check your e-mails.

gigglestick |

gigglestick wrote:Shows how much PF I've read...I just realised that the KOTB and the Caves of Chaos EXIST in Pathfinder (PF Campgain Guide: Worldwound...)
This is so getting used now!
THANKS!Both the area around the Worldwound and Lastwall would be good locations for the Keep on the Borderlands. I thought Lastwall would be a better setting for a lower level adventure as there are humanoids in the area as opposed to the demons which are dominant around the Worldwound. (For a good overview of Golarion, check out PathfinderWiki Portal:Geography. Of course, it would not be surprising if some of the rulers in the Worldwound would like to cause trouble elsewhere.
Beholderbob and DM_Blackfalcon, check your e-mails.
From the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, page 151:
"Caves of Chaos: As a fallen land infested with creatures of raw
chaos, the Worldwound spawns dungeons as fast as inhuman
monstrosities—whether demons or their lesser cousins—
can find places to hide and prey upon anything weaker than
themselves. Well-known Sarkorian holds such as Hruska’s
Mine or the Tower of Samhan Kuso are assumed to be longsince
plundered and occupied by demons and their ilk.
In truth, one of the best-known “dungeons” in the
Worldwound is on its far southern frontier, in the borderlands
area where Numeria and Ustalav meet at the junction of the
Moutray and Sellen rivers. A motley assortment of humanoid
tribes resides here in a scrub-filled valley honeycombed with
caves, sometimes fighting one another and sometimes raiding
Sarkorian refugees and other settlers in the area. Many wouldbe
heroes set out from the keep Ustalav constructed, through
the cold marshes and tamarack stands, to bring ruin to the
Caves of Chaos and those who dwell there."
Hmmmm....looks good to me!

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William Ronald wrote:gigglestick wrote:Shows how much PF I've read...I just realised that the KOTB and the Caves of Chaos EXIST in Pathfinder (PF Campgain Guide: Worldwound...)
This is so getting used now!
THANKS!Both the area around the Worldwound and Lastwall would be good locations for the Keep on the Borderlands. I thought Lastwall would be a better setting for a lower level adventure as there are humanoids in the area as opposed to the demons which are dominant around the Worldwound. (For a good overview of Golarion, check out PathfinderWiki Portal:Geography. Of course, it would not be surprising if some of the rulers in the Worldwound would like to cause trouble elsewhere.
Beholderbob and DM_Blackfalcon, check your e-mails.
From the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, page 151:
"Caves of Chaos: As a fallen land infested with creatures of raw
chaos, the Worldwound spawns dungeons as fast as inhuman
monstrosities—whether demons or their lesser cousins—
can find places to hide and prey upon anything weaker than
themselves. Well-known Sarkorian holds such as Hruska’s
Mine or the Tower of Samhan Kuso are assumed to be longsince
plundered and occupied by demons and their ilk.
In truth, one of the best-known “dungeons” in the
Worldwound is on its far southern frontier, in the borderlands
area where Numeria and Ustalav meet at the junction of the
Moutray and Sellen rivers. A motley assortment of humanoid
tribes resides here in a scrub-filled valley honeycombed with
caves, sometimes fighting one another and sometimes raiding
Sarkorian refugees and other settlers in the area. Many wouldbe
heroes set out from the keep Ustalav constructed, through
the cold marshes and tamarack stands, to bring ruin to the
Caves of Chaos and those who dwell there."Hmmmm....looks good to me!
Hmm, I still have to pick up the campaign setting and I am debating about waiting for the new release or not. Still, I suppose WoTC could not copyright Caves of Chaos. (Of course, I think the Keep on the Borderlands adventures can work well in either the Worldwound or Lastwall.)

Tem |

I thought I might just poke my head in and mention that my old group ran a 24-hour charity event which was based on a 3.5 conversion of Keep on the Borderlands a couple years ago. The forum which tracked everything leading up to and following the event is still available here: http://www.gelatinousdudes.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=54
The big twist was that in honour of 4e coming out around the same time, we titled the event "No Country for Old Gnomes" and we limited the game to only the 3.5 core rulebook and every player's character was a Gnome.
A whole party with 20ft movement and small weapons was interesting to say the least.
I'm not sure how much work the DM put into the conversion, but since he's already converted the whole thing to 3.5, I'm sure he'd be able to offer some advice if you were interested in seeking it out.

MenzelG. |
I know this has been dead for quite a while but, I was wondering if I could possibly get a copy of the KotB conversion that was done by William Ronald as well as a copy of the ToEE conversion that was done by Jacob Blackmon?
I had actually just pulled out KotB and was considering converting it when I decided to take a look out here first and found this.
Also, ToEE has always been one of my favorite modules and when I saw that someone had converted it I was pretty excited.
Thanks in advance!

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I know this has been dead for quite a while but, I was wondering if I could possibly get a copy of the KotB conversion that was done by William Ronald as well as a copy of the ToEE conversion that was done by Jacob Blackmon?
I had actually just pulled out KotB and was considering converting it when I decided to take a look out here first and found this.
Also, ToEE has always been one of my favorite modules and when I saw that someone had converted it I was pretty excited.
** spoiler omitted **
Thanks in advance!
William here, glad to help.
I have found no evidence that either adventure was ever Open License. So, MenzelG., check your e-mail.

juanpsantiagoXIV |

I plan to run a version of Keep on the Borderlands at the ENWorld Chicago Gameday on February 27th.
I'm converting B1-B3 currently in my spare time. You can get the pdfs over at 4shared.com. I just finished the castellan's stat block yesterday - I'm not sure how long it will take me to do the Caves of Chaos, but hopefully not long.

MenzelG. |
Okay, a little bit of a rant...
I was one of the people who wanted to see a copy of the KotB conversion and then I really got to thinking about this. If everyone who wanted a copy of the conversion (I think I counted like 16 of us) had just gotten together and worked on it as a group, the entire thing could have been done pretty quickly...and probably done in more detail (convert all the words as well as the stat blocks).
Just a thought but, if there's a module someone would like to convert, maybe put the word out there and see if maybe some folks could help and get it done!!

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Hi William,
I'd be glad to have a copy of your conversion of B2.
Couldn't it be possible to host conversions on a site like d20pfsrd, if possible ?
My mail is : silenttimo(at)yahoo(dot)fr
Thanks in advance, and happy new year !
Hi William,
not sure you read my message !
I'm in for a copy of your conversion !

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I'd also love a copy
I'm thinking of doing a conversion of the Sinister Secret of Salt Marsh-The Danger At Dunwater-the Final Enemy),
Baltron's Beacon and a bunch of the UK modules, which were simply superb (All that Glitters..., Ravager of Time, Dark Clouds Gather).
I ran a 3.X version of White Plume, and converted Ghost Tower of Inverness.
Both were a blast.

MattW |

I plan to run a version of Keep on the Borderlands at the ENWorld Chicago Gameday on February 27th. So far, my conversion is coming along well (especially considering I can't find my copy of the original module and had to use a Fantasy Hero PDF and a 3E conversion document. However, I thought I would ask some questions and share some of my ideas.
I ran my players through the 'Return to KotB' a few years back and we had a blast. Only one player death due to the shadows vs. an overeager Rogue.
Please send me a copy of your conversion to: Coolaid20@hotmail.com