Eric Swanson |

okay, after seeing some of the rolls, i think i will give the option of re-rolling stats.
thsi is going to be a very hard campaign t play, so i am going to use a unique style of stat rolling i learnt from a fellow DM of mine.
for those who want to reroll their stats, please roll 7d10 and disregard the lowest. then add 8 to each roll, making 18 the maximum, and 9 the minimum for stats.
this may even the playing field again.
also, if i see your rolls are exceptionally low again, i may let you keep the 3 highest numbers and let you reroll the lowest 3.
but after that, that is it.
Yeah, blame me, he he.
Ok Take 2:
1. 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
2. 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
3. 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
4. 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
5. 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
6. 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
7. 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Raven34 |
hi ekeebe!
i have a few character concepts
but i need to know what kind of elves we can play
do we play IK elves (i have seen some info on them and they look interesting) there is a snow elf that looks good.
do we play normal phb elves?
can we play forgotten realm elves? (which are similar to the elves in the Monsters manual)

Ekeebe |

i would have to say that for elves, using the PHB elves for now will be better, i may, after i get my HD back with all of the PDFs i bought on it, start up an official Iron Kingdoms PbP, making full use of any book i/we have access to, but for now, because it's all i have access to, just stick to the 3.5 PHB.

Celestial Half-Porc |

Eric Swanson |

Celestial Half-Porc |

Ekeebe |

Do we take 2 of the traits you have linked?
yes, 2 traits per character please, i forgot to mention as much didnt i...*facepalms self*
and brilliant work on finding that wiki and the Buccaneer Bass on the IK.
im going to put the OOC thread up soon, next day or two, and then you can all discuss your characters, and how you all know each other from there.
will have the game up by monday.


i've decided to go a differnt way with my charcter
here is nim (an old charcter from a now dead pbm)
sorry if there are any any mistakes in conversion, i will rectify them when i can
Nim half orc Paladin
i am happy to change his adopted race to one of the pc's and have them as his adopted brother or sister

Ekeebe |

Ekeebe |

okay, for all those who wantot know more about the Ironk Kingdoms, it has taken me ages, but I have put together a 5 part Player's Guide the the IK.
here are the links:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
for all those who want to change their character accordingly, or just to add any more information, then please don't hesitate to do so, just make sure that you tell me what you have changed so i can keep track is all.
i am cross posting this into the OOC thread too.

Ekeebe |

Okay, just an update so that people know what is going on.
I seriously doubt that I will be able to get the game off the ground until early 2010, but there is still some hope for a late 2009 IC(In Character) thread.
Just a few things:
* Sunset (Jasper Di' Glaeys) you just need to create your chatacter
*Raven34 (NIM), you look fine and ready to go, but i might make you chnage your race from being called Half-Orc to Ogrun, it just fits better, no real changes, other than you are, with your current stats, a part of the IK.
* Dax Thura (Joran of the Black Mists), just finish off your character, everything that has been presented so far is correct and ready to play, now all you have to do is finish off the niggly bits and you are ready to jump in.
*David Wickham, you just need to create your character
*Abstract XP, i just need a character from you, also.
Don't forget, guys, it is the holidays, so no rush.
have a happy and save Christmas and New Year guys.
I will be cross posting this into the OOC thread so that nobody misses this post

Corvus Tristis |

Just wondering what is happening, its almost the new year, and I would like to find out who is still keen, and who isn't.
I'm definately still running this game, I'm just awaiting people to finish their characters so I can start.
Thought it wise to post in this thread too to let you know we're still interested.
abstract xp/Corvus

Ekeebe |

Understood, there are just a few things that are preventing me from actually posting very much, which shall be resolved tomorrow, making my PbP games both the ones I wish to DM, and the ones I play, quite diffucult.
I will review all characters tomorrow and I want everyone to please have a character ready for review by this sunday, that way I can start as soon as possible.
For those who don't have a character ready for review by Sunday, I will be adding reserves in your place, so anyone on the reserve list, please create a character now, so that I can review it.
If, by chance, I have less than 5 people with characters by monday afternoon, I will start the IC thread anyway, and I will post another hookup thread asking for fillers. Anyone who failed to have a character ready for review by the Sunday evening will not be allowed to apply.
Sorry to sound snarky, but I have 2 PbPs that have yet to actually have a IC thread, and I started both threads in early December 2009, so I want these games up ASAP.
This will be cross posted into the OOC thread so that nobody misses the post, if, on the off chance you do miss this thread, no leneancy(sp?) will be given.