Countdown to Witch and Summoner begins!

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest General Discussion

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Durn it, I can't seem to be able to get to my downloads, so can't download it - .-


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yay! Now to read and nitpick:D

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Both are really neat. I love that witches (with the right hex) can join hag covens. Awesome sauce for DM's.

The Summoner looks like he'd make a decent f/mu to me. D8 hit die, moderate BAB, Bard spell progression, with a better spell list, simple weapons and light armor. And he gets one heck of a flanking buddy!

Shadow Lodge

I see the eidolon can get climb/swim speeds, but were is the fly speed evolution?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

It's a higher cost evolution. Scroll down a little more.

I think I'm about to have a party of 7 summoners for tonight's game.

Awesome new classes. The eidolon for the summoner is just about the coolest weapon/guardian/spy I can think of, and nice HP for a specialized caster.
The witch has very much a fairy tale aspect to it, too many cool ideas to use the witch on (shades of Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow comes to mind). Is Baba Yaga and her daughters going to be witches?

Dark Archive

Very, very nice! I'm really enjoying what I'm seeig so far! Methinks my new character will be a summoner! Thanks Paizo! You guys really made my day!

Grand Lodge

Kakitamike wrote:
I think I'm about to have a party of 7 summoners for tonight's game.

Heh. Look on the bright side. One: everyone can have a different pet. PC1 - Eldritch horror, PC2 - frankenstein's nephew, PC3 "Angel" of light and purity, PC4 - "Darkness Incarnate".

Second, you get to have lots of fun with traps. "Where's the rogue? Oh, you don't have one? Too bad. You may have noticed the big hall of deadly traps if you had." <evil grin>

Have fun!


Just saw the summoner, and it is so gnome friendly, and i love gnomes. FANGASM!

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Byron Zibeck wrote:

ERIK: What shouuld be call the company?

JAMES (eating pie): I like pie. So how about....
ERIK: PAIZO! That's it!
JAMES: What's it?

I didn't get a vote on the name.

Our first publisher, Johnny Wilson, was a biblical scholar adept at ancient Greek. "Paizo" is a form of the Greek verb "to play," apparently, and thus the clever name Paizo was born.

I was merely a middling editorial type at the time, and once I'd figured out how to spell and pronounce it, I just went with the flow.

It's interesting to see how all of the Brits over here pronounce it. They say PAY-zo, whereas in the states it seems more like a 50/50 split.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

WildB wrote:

Is Baba Yaga and her daughters going to be witches?


Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

I so totally would have loved to use the Witch class for a certain queen with the fey type I recently worked on. ;-)

And, that said, an Oracle of Battle would have come in real handy rather than the shaman I used in a certain other project I just turned in.

Timing is everything, I guess. :-D

But seriously awesome stuff from Jason...and everyone else who contributed!


The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

C'mon you selfish bastards ... pause your downloading a second to give me a chance ... oh, here it comes.


I blame Neil.

Am I the only one who really, really, really wants to build a super-pouncing Eidolon with as many secondary attacks as humanly possible, then throw on an Amulet of Mighty fists?

So far I'm thinking (at 5th level)...

Free Evolutions: Legs (2), Bite
Evolutions[8]: Pounce, Claw, Claw, Imp Natural Armor, Str Boost, Tentacle
Feats: Multiattack, Power Attack, Dodge

Full Attack (Charge): Bite +11 (1d6+6), 4x Claw (+9) (1d4+2), Tentacle (+9) (1d4+2).

Throw on flaming (or even Holy) Amulet of Mighty Fists and a Belt of Strength +2 for even more fun...

At sixth level, maybe drop the Str & Natural Armor for the (Large) size boost... +8 Str, +4 Con.

I'm loving this class so much.

-- W

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Tarren Dei wrote:
I blame Neil.

Most people do. My wife, for example... ;-)

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

NSpicer wrote:
Tarren Dei wrote:
I blame Neil.
Most people do. My wife, for example... ;-)

Your wife is a very clever woman; we can't fault her for a few bad choices.

I am so looking forward to playing summoner vs. summoner with Nerrat. It's got a bit of a Magi-Nation feel to it.


Tarren Dei wrote:
It's got a bit of a Magi-Nation feel to it.

Ha! Awesome.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Tarren Dei wrote:
Your wife is a very clever woman; we can't fault her for a few bad choices.

Yes, she is...and the best bad choice she ever made was to say yes to marrying me.

::scribbles note to show this statement to wife later::

Kudos! both classes look awesome.

I wish that the Witch had fewer spells, and higher BAB and HD. Id like to run it as a Gish-type, so i hope there is a variant at some point for just that.

Additionally, im sad that the Summoner cant pass as a Necromancer. I really wish Pathfinder had Summon Undead I equivalent, or that the eidiolon could be undead, or similar to it. I know i could flavor it that way, but its not the same as official rules, you know?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
Byron Zibeck wrote:

ERIK: What shouuld be call the company?

JAMES (eating pie): I like pie. So how about....
ERIK: PAIZO! That's it!
JAMES: What's it?

I didn't get a vote on the name.

Our first publisher, Johnny Wilson, was a biblical scholar adept at ancient Greek. "Paizo" is a form of the Greek verb "to play," apparently, and thus the clever name Paizo was born.

I was merely a middling editorial type at the time, and once I'd figured out how to spell and pronounce it, I just went with the flow.

It's interesting to see how all of the Brits over here pronounce it. They say PAY-zo, whereas in the states it seems more like a 50/50 split.

There you go with your facts!

Kadeity wrote:
I wish that the Witch had fewer spells, and higher BAB and HD. Id like to run it as a Gish-type, so i hope there is a variant at some point for just that.

No offense to you personally, Kadeity, but I actually think I've had it just about up to here with Gish requests.

Grand Lodge

Kadeity wrote:
I know i could flavor it that way, but its not the same as official rules, you know?

Nope, can't say that I do. But then, I feel undead could have just been a tag stating 'takes damage from positive energy and heals by negative energy' without any other changes to a creatures stat block.

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