Oracle-General First Impressions

Round 1: Cavalier and Oracle

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Just realized something. An oracle with Deafness would make a very powerful sorcerer. One level dip at 1st level to get deafness, then go sorcerer the rest of the levels. This would give you silent spell on all your sorcerer spells too (the curse doesn't specify only Oracle spells, it says all spells).

Hmmm, it makes sense logically, but it seems rather a cheesy dip IMHO. Perhaps something needs to be done about that?

A Man In Black wrote:
Divining (not necessarily Divination with a capital D) needs to somehow be a core part of the class, even if you're just giving everyone a signature divination. Bone oracles need to cast the bones as a basic thing.

I couldn't agree more. This would be a great idea. Some divination for the class

mdt wrote:

Just realized something. An oracle with Deafness would make a very powerful sorcerer. One level dip at 1st level to get deafness, then go sorcerer the rest of the levels. This would give you silent spell on all your sorcerer spells too (the curse doesn't specify only Oracle spells, it says all spells).

Hmmm, it makes sense logically, but it seems rather a cheesy dip IMHO. Perhaps something needs to be done about that?

I'm not sure how free Silent spell is really that cheesy for a sorcerer, especially when you factor in the penalties of being deaf. It's really not just a nothing penalty, if you're playing it right. And you've delayed your spell progression an extra level to boot. Now, go Sorcerer/Rogue/Arcane Trickster with it, and I could maybe see the benefits, but you've still got that extra level impeding you and hurting your communication abilities.

mdt wrote:

Just realized something. An oracle with Deafness would make a very powerful sorcerer. One level dip at 1st level to get deafness, then go sorcerer the rest of the levels. This would give you silent spell on all your sorcerer spells too (the curse doesn't specify only Oracle spells, it says all spells).

Hmmm, it makes sense logically, but it seems rather a cheesy dip IMHO. Perhaps something needs to be done about that?

Well, Silent Spell is one of the metamagic feats that's nice to have but probably not useful enough to spend a feat on, you know? Getting it for free on everything shouldn't be too unbalancing.

Dark Archive

Hey all, thanks for addressing my concerns about the Oracle without bashing them. I feel a little better about the flavor now. Going back to the root meaning of oracle, this class can be viewed as a speaker FOR something, an advocate. That makes more sense to me.

I still hope to see a more explicitly divination focused, er, focus.

Elendur wrote:

Hey all, thanks for addressing my concerns about the Oracle without bashing them. I feel a little better about the flavor now. Going back to the root meaning of oracle, this class can be viewed as a speaker FOR something, an advocate. That makes more sense to me.

I still hope to see a more explicitly divination focused, er, focus.

Well, they already said they haven't given us all the foci yet, so the divination-based focus should be around soon enough.

Disciple of Sakura wrote:

I'm not sure how free Silent spell is really that cheesy for a sorcerer, especially when you factor in the penalties of being deaf. It's really not just a nothing penalty, if you're playing it right. And you've delayed your spell progression an extra level to boot. Now, go Sorcerer/Rogue/Arcane Trickster with it, and I could maybe see the benefits, but you've still got that extra level impeding you and hurting your communication abilities.

Not saying it's overpowering, I just always find one-level dips into another class for one ability to be a bit cheesy is all.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Quandary wrote:

To chime in with practically everybody else, Mystery (instead of Foci) sounds perfect!

I think the flavor text should be clarified (further) that their powers are not FROM any of the Gods, they simply "share an interest", so to speak, with Dieties of like Domains. Each Foci listing multiple Dieties should be seen as "Dieties with the same hobby as you" and not anything like a Cleric:Diety relationship.

I think I disagree, it is the gods who have chosen the character in this case not the character who has chosen the god. Clerics are rewarded for their piety with power, oracles have their powers thrust upon them by the gods whether they like it or not. They may be driven to serve the deity by powerful visions or compulsions but they may not ever give worship in the conventional fashion, heck they may even be heretics by the conventional measure even if they are chosen.

Liberty's Edge

Has anyone else noticed that a Lame Oracle with the Flame Focus and the Cinder Dance Revelation basically has no hindrance at all?

Lame (as a Curse) lowers your base speed by 10ft. (or 5ft. if small), and Cinder dance restores it. Even more so, a Small Oracle with them ends up with an extra 5ft. movement.

Anyone else see meta-gaming issues between curses and Foci?

Yes, there is some blatant clashing between curses and foci (not enough time to dig-up examples now...). I wish they would take a new look at this whole thing...there has to be a smoother mechanic for curses.

Personally I'd like to chime in on the curses, I just don't think they are very well planned out.

The negatives are way to harsh. I've played a character with limited sight before...and wow is it awful. You get killed by archers or mages really quickly without being able to tell where they are. You can't tell directions, etc.

I can't see any character wanting to take these, even if they made them optional. I like the flavor, but eh...not great implementation.

We have been talking about just dropping the curse mechanic, and using the class without the curse....or leaving it as an optinal rule for those who want to use it for RP reasons.

Dark Archive

I'll have to say that now it's been mentioned again, I'm becoming more and more interested in the idea behind Revelations working on a 'Trance' mechanic [similar to Rage and Rage Powers]. Hmmm...

re: the Class Name "Oracle":
I think it's fine enough for the Class Name itself, but adding a bit to the Class' fluff along the lines of "Not all Oracles are called by the name "Oracle". Given Oracles' supernatural focus on one aspect of being, and their tendency to operate on their own and not in an organization like Clerics, Oracles tend to be seen more as unique phenomenon, rather than a coherent group as a whole. In some cultures they are more often referred to as Exemplars, Channels, The Chosen, Fate Cursed, or other terms appropriate to the role they discover for themselves, often in conjunction with their specific Foci/Mystery, i.e. "Blood Cursed" (to go with another posters' take on Battle Focus), or Flame Chosen. "

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Arnim Thayer wrote:

Has anyone else noticed that a Lame Oracle with the Flame Focus and the Cinder Dance Revelation basically has no hindrance at all?

Lame (as a Curse) lowers your base speed by 10ft. (or 5ft. if small), and Cinder dance restores it. Even more so, a Small Oracle with them ends up with an extra 5ft. movement.

Anyone else see meta-gaming issues between curses and Foci?

That's interesting, but not sure if it's a problem. A flame oracle that isn't lame still moves faster 40 for medium instead of 30, or 30 for small instead of 25.

There's lots of ways to turn your curse into a bit of an advantage, such as clouded vision and a darkness spell, deaf and a silence spell, etc.

Or, you could make the curse mechanic less powerful all around, less penalty and less bonus, but still keep the role-play aspect intact. It's a really cool idea, but maybe it doesn't need to be so pronounced...

JoelF847 wrote:
Arnim Thayer wrote:

Has anyone else noticed that a Lame Oracle with the Flame Focus and the Cinder Dance Revelation basically has no hindrance at all?

Lame (as a Curse) lowers your base speed by 10ft. (or 5ft. if small), and Cinder dance restores it. Even more so, a Small Oracle with them ends up with an extra 5ft. movement.

That's interesting, but not sure if it's a problem. A flame oracle that isn't lame still moves faster 40 for medium instead of 30, or 30 for small instead of 25.

I don't see a problem. You can play WITH the class, getting great advantages for the cost of a penalty/Curse, or you can "be sneaky/metagaming" have them cancel each other out... leaving you not quite as special.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

mdt wrote:
Not saying it's overpowering, I just always find one-level dips into another class for one ability to be a bit cheesy is all.

It's not overpowering, or even cheesy. It's a one-level dip into another class that doesn't give you a caster level. That's not even a good idea.

KaeYoss wrote:
I'd prefer to keep it optional.

That's nice.

The reason I suggesting a divining focus to serve as a divine focus is because it gives the class a specific visual element that separates it from other classes. An oracle will have dice carved from bones or a crystal ball filled with dancing flames or whatnot, so you can look at a guy in art and say, "Yeah, that guy's an oracle."

Sorcerers and wizards already have a little bit of this problem, so there's no sense making another class visually indistinguishable from those classes.

A Man In Black wrote:

Haunted needs to be clear about what it does and no more. People keep adding extra disadvantages to Haunted every time I look.

I'm not sure the rules hard approach works for that ability. I'd rather it emphasises that this is no simple +2/-2 deal, and that you need to check with your GM before you take this, to see if your opinions mesh well.

Things I can see haunted do:

  • Mess up stealth, because the voices warn the guy you sneak up to, or you get witch lights when you need it least.
  • "Attack" people you don't like (throw small items at them), and "help" those you do like (like pulling a rake away before they step on it.). Alternatively, it's the other way around!
  • Embarrass you by dropping your pants or letting your weapon belt drop.
  • Case in point. I don't want the oracle curses to be "The GM randomly dicks with you based on a theme."

    Then don't use [Wasting]. You have your pick of half a dozen curses, and the final version might have more. Of course the Oracle of Friendship won't take this one. An Oracle of Flame would probably not get Lame, either.

    The point is that there are lots of characters who fit the theme of "Cursed with horrible ugliness" and you can't give them Wasting because then they can't do their schtick. Raistlin, the wizened and wily witch of the forest, the scarred fire dancer, etc.

    Plus, the Wasting disadvantages and advantages don't have anything to do with each other mechanically. Haunted makes things fly away from you, and you get the ability to make things fly to you. Blind costs you regular sight but gives you super-sight. Tongues costs you the ability to talk in combat but gives you extra speech abilities. Wasting gives you penalties to social skills...and condition immunities? Whut?

    Why not give Wasting a con penalty or a fort penalty or a HP penalty or something to do with being physically wasted away? Then make an Ugliness curse, which gives a deep penalty to social skills and special effects related to being really scary.

    Just stop talking about the oracle's name. It's been argued to death. The name is fine and it's not changing. Change the name to whatever you want in your games, but please, please, please, please, PLEASE stop talking about it. You're beating a dead horse when he's down.

    Sovereign Court

    Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Haunted - If I'm reading it right, Quick draw won't help and neither would the trait- Accelerated Drinker?

    A Man In Black wrote:

    Case in point. I don't want the oracle curses to be "The GM randomly dicks with you based on a theme."

    Oh gods man, why not? Where's your sense of humor? The possibilities for humor, as long as it's not lethal, are tremendous :D

    Hmm... only half kidding here. The haunted curse is custom made for role playing. Might not be as funny with others, depending on your players sense of humor of course. Still, I can see an Orcale getting hit in the head with a small object everytime he makes a play for the cute girl, his mug moving everytime someone tries to pour him an alcoholic beverage, etc. Nothing crippling there. Just minor role playing opportunities. The key would be to keep it light and only occasionally pull it in crisis situations. And it could come in handy. Some Succubi charms him and before they can "clinch" the deal he gets hit in the head. Saving throw time. Somebody spikes the beer and he never gets to drink any. You never know. One man's curse...

    Galnörag wrote:
    I think I disagree, it is the gods who have chosen the character in this case not the character who has chosen the god. Clerics are rewarded for their piety with power, oracles have their powers thrust upon them by the gods whether they like it or not. They may be driven to serve the deity by powerful visions or compulsions but they may not ever give worship in the conventional fashion, heck they may even be heretics by the conventional measure even if they are chosen.

    This makes sense to me. The player might not even know which deity has chosen him. That could be interesting. Alternately, the deity might just want an agent outside of the heirarchy of clerics. Odd jobs for odd people. Another possibility, an order of Friars, wondering priests who carry out the deities will in areas where the traditional heirarchy would not be apprpriate. Like Friar Tuck ministering to Robin's men. I can see a lot of possibilities for the Oracle.

    RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

    nighttree wrote:
    We have been talking about just dropping the curse mechanic, and using the class without the curse....or leaving it as an optinal rule for those who want to use it for RP reasons.

    Or they could just add a curse of mediocrity. Benefits: none. Drawbacks: none.

    (And yes, the above is a serious suggestion.)

    RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

    Enchanter Tom wrote:
    Just stop talking about the oracle's name. It's been argued to death. The name is fine and it's not changing. Change the name to whatever you want in your games, but please, please, please, please, PLEASE stop talking about it. You're beating a dead horse when he's down.

    It's worth talking about as a potential for inspiration. I'm not suggesting renaming the oracle, but instead offering ideas to make oracle more oracular without fiddling with rules too much.

    Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
    A Man In Black wrote:
    Enchanter Tom wrote:
    Just stop talking about the oracle's name. It's been argued to death. The name is fine and it's not changing. Change the name to whatever you want in your games, but please, please, please, please, PLEASE stop talking about it. You're beating a dead horse when he's down.
    It's worth talking about as a potential for inspiration. I'm not suggesting renaming the oracle, but instead offering ideas to make oracle more oracular without fiddling with rules too much.

    It's my understanding that the oracle isn't supposed to be all that much "oracular" in the way that you interpret it.

    RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

    Zaister wrote:
    It's my understanding that the oracle isn't supposed to be all that much "oracular" in the way that you interpret it.

    Oracles are granted abilities by chance, and inspired by their [domain], whatever it's going to be called. Why not have them contemplate an item related to their [domain] as a divine focus? It's not any more of a game-rule restriction or restriction to divination than having druids use holly as their divine focus.

    I'm thinking ahead to Paizo publishing works with oracles in them. The whole point of iconic characters is to give people a visual hook on the class and also show the class in various situations in PF art, and giving oracles a specific visual tag goes a long way toward effecting that.

    RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

    A Man In Black wrote:
    I'm not suggesting renaming the oracle, but instead offering ideas to make oracle more oracular without fiddling with rules too much.

    I agree with keeping the name, but throwing in a little something extra to add some divinatory elements to the class.

    My initial suggestion (link), which Asgetrion was kind enough to mention above, was to say that oracles only receive revelations when in a trance. They can trance X number of rounds per day, and can only benefit from or activate their revelations when in a trance. Grant a few extra revelations across 20 levels to counterbalance this restriction.

    Another suggestion would be to add the following to the description of the oracle's spellcasting: "Each day, an oracle must focus her mind on the task of casting her spells, as does a bard or sorcerer. While doing so, the oracle receives vague visions of the future. These visions ready her mind for the spells she will cast in the coming day, but do not otherwise provide any benefit or forewarning."

    Okay, so after GMing one session with a gnome Flame Focus Oracle, who happened to be played highly CN, by a player who has recently been very much indeed into the part of the Sarenrae-faith involving be purged/redeemed by fire!!! Oracles seem scary. Very scary.

    They seem to have excellent abilities as so, the curses are more flavour than disadvantages (well, most of them can even turn into an advantage with a minor sting) which I don't really mind, negative class abilities was never my thing. They have the flavour and exotic strangeness I hoped for, however. (but a gnome throwing fire and babbling wildly of in Ignan is just FLAMING scary)

    More Foci (or whatever name-change they get) will of course be welcome. By now the Earth=Acid, Air=Electricity and so on, is by far almost over debated. Sadl, I believe they would have to change things already in the Core book to adjust this association. And honestly it doesn't bother me that much. Just a short word on it though. A player of mine mentioned that some "Earth-based" abilities giving bouldering damage could be quite awesome, seeing as it fits the idea of getting vast stones piles on dirth over/on you. Enoogh of that. I look forward to a Life/Healing "Focus".

    Again on the subject of Foci, I might find a few additional options for each an attraction. While I have not yet playtested at above 7th level, there seems to be a slight lack of choices if there are to be true variation in what you can get out of one Focus. Yet, well, this is still subject to testing for me, just an initial impression.

    Sovereign Court

    Zurai wrote:

    Deaf: You can't communicate with anyone who doesn't know some sort of nonverbal language, you can't identify anything anyone says in combat (which includes a hefty penalty to Spellcraft checks to identify spells as they're being cast). This is a huge penalty to battlefiend communication and group tactics.

    Wow, way to show you know absolutely nothing about hearing impairments. I'll give you the combat issue, but the can't communicate with anyone who doesn't know a non-verbal language, you might want to learn a bit about hearing impairments before you make statements like that.

    Sovereign Court

    R_Chance wrote:
    A Man In Black wrote:

    Case in point. I don't want the oracle curses to be "The GM randomly dicks with you based on a theme."

    Oh gods man, why not? Where's your sense of humor? The possibilities for humor, as long as it's not lethal, are tremendous :D

    Hmm... only half kidding here. The haunted curse is custom made for role playing. Might not be as funny with others, depending on your players sense of humor of course. Still, I can see an Orcale getting hit in the head with a small object everytime he makes a play for the cute girl, his mug moving everytime someone tries to pour him an alcoholic beverage, etc. Nothing crippling there. Just minor role playing opportunities. The key would be to keep it light and only occasionally pull it in crisis situations. And it could come in handy. Some Succubi charms him and before they can "clinch" the deal he gets hit in the head. Saving throw time. Somebody spikes the beer and he never gets to drink any. You never know. One man's curse...

    On the other hand you won't be seeing any multiclassed oracle/archer builds with the haunted curse. arrows are stored items so are bolts, heck since it takes a move action to reload a crossbow and a move action just to get the bolt crossbows are slowed even more.

    Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
    magnuskn wrote:

    Why exactly does the Oracle get four skill points, if it is the divine equivalent to the Sorceror? Kinda rubs the salt into the wound for people who like Sorcerors.

    Not to mention that their class skill list is much better than the Sorcerors, too... :-/

    Otherwise the class seems fine, but four skill points clearly elevates this class above the other full-casters. Power creep is not necessary, IMO.

    I love sorcerers and I have no problem with the Oracles getting more skills. Not only do they have the severely cramped spell lists they've got far more baggage to deal with than my sorcerer does because of the curses. It is NOT the divine equivalent to the Sorcerer it's not a Favored Soul retread it's it's own thing and should be judged as such.

    Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
    eljava77 wrote:

    Personally I'd like to chime in on the curses, I just don't think they are very well planned out.

    The negatives are way to harsh. I've played a character with limited sight before...and wow is it awful. You get killed by archers or mages really quickly without being able to tell where they are. You can't tell directions, etc.

    I can't see any character wanting to take these, even if they made them optional. I like the flavor, but eh...not great implementation.

    What you call a minus I call a plus. The hindrances are fairly well balanced with the bonuses. The limited sight oracle will obviously be relying on his companions and armor for protection as opposed to dexterity, and will concentrate her contributions to short range attacks and/or party healing and buffing.

    Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
    Disciple of Sakura wrote:

    First impression:

    Where's the Oracle of Knowledge? Seriously. Knowledge is (one of) the most obvious conception for the Oracle, and it's not even there. The list of foci feels short, and that particular omission feels really obviously lacking. I can't speak for each particular ability, because I haven't been able to mull them over that much, but there's definitely some interesting stuff here. Just doesn't feel right without knowledge, at least if you're actually calling it an "oracle."

    Quite frankly, Bards and Wizards pretty much have the Knowledge schtick sewed up between them. I suspect the name Oracle was probably the best out of a bad batch possible, names like Mystic having been done to death elsewhere and Inspired One, just sounding too pretentious or clumsy.

    Sovereign Court

    Having given it some more thought I'm a little less dissapointed with curses, considering the # of people saying the penalties are too harsh, I can live with the fact that I actually expected them to be harsher. Now my only complaint is that there aren't enough, much like the foci. So really it's just a matter of patience rather than anu significant problems with the class.

    lastknightleft wrote:
    Wow, way to show you know absolutely nothing about hearing impairments. I'll give you the combat issue, but the can't communicate with anyone who doesn't know a non-verbal language, you might want to learn a bit about hearing impairments before you make statements like that.

    Wow, way to show you can't make an argument with anything but insults. You might want to learn a bit about debating before you make statements like that.

    lastknightleft wrote:
    Wow, way to show you know absolutely nothing about hearing impairments. I'll give you the combat issue, but the can't communicate with anyone who doesn't know a non-verbal language, you might want to learn a bit about hearing impairments before you make statements like that.

    Dude, chill out. His post was perfectly reasonable, and you didn't need to get snide. Not all deaf people read lips, or are even taught in a medieval culture.

    Luthia wrote:
    By now the Earth=Acid, Air=Electricity and so on, is by far almost over debated. Sadl, I believe they would have to change things already in the Core book to adjust this association.

    I don't see it requiring any change to Core. There isn't anything requiring that Foci replicate EVERY aspect of each Domain. Acid abilities COULD well fit in another domain besides Earth, and for that matter, if Wind=Air, then both it and a Weather Domain analog will both have lightning abilities - Why not have each 'specialize' more instead of multiple Foci with Acid, Electricity, Cold Damage abilities?

    Liberty's Edge

    Lame Dwarven Oracles are the suck. Not only do they have their speed reduced to 10ft (they aren't small, so they don't get the reduced speed reduction), but they don't gain any further benefit from the ability to not reduce their speed further from heavy loads (as they already have that as a dwarf).

    1) Change the wording of the speed so that it isn't size dependent, and is strictly a function of the creatures base speed.

    2) Maybe throw lame dwarven oracles a bone in exchange for the heavy load ability. Maybe let them offset the speed penalty when they are moving across stone (not earthen) surfaces.

    Robert Little wrote:

    Lame Dwarven Oracles are the suck. Not only do they have their speed reduced to 10ft (they aren't small, so they don't get the reduced speed reduction), but they don't gain any further benefit from the ability to not reduce their speed further from heavy loads (as they already have that as a dwarf).

    1) Change the wording of the speed so that it isn't size dependent, and is strictly a function of the creatures base speed.

    2) Maybe throw lame dwarven oracles a bone in exchange for the heavy load ability. Maybe let them offset the speed penalty when they are moving across stone (not earthen) surfaces.


    1) Lame - Reduce the oracle's base movement by 1/3, rounded to the nearest 5 foot increment. See the table below for examples :

    20*2/3 = 13.3 = 15 rounded
    30*2/3 = 20
    40*2/3 = 26.6 = 25 rounded

    Quandary wrote:
    Luthia wrote:
    By now the Earth=Acid, Air=Electricity and so on, is by far almost over debated. Sadl, I believe they would have to change things already in the Core book to adjust this association.
    I don't see it requiring any change to Core. There isn't anything requiring that Foci replicate EVERY aspect of each Domain. Acid abilities COULD well fit in another domain besides Earth, and for that matter, if Wind=Air, then both it and a Weather Domain analog will both have lightning abilities - Why not have each 'specialize' more instead of multiple Foci with Acid, Electricity, Cold Damage abilities?

    Quite true, although it would to some extend contradict itself to have the "Air Domain" running mainly with electricity for damage and the "Air Focus" running mainly with x type of damage, x not really known.

    And while it would certainly be great, would potential new energy types not mess up the general way things works (Monster resistances and immunities, existing spells...)

    I think the point of how it's done at the moment is to keep things working in the logical in comparison to what already exists.

    I'm not proposing any new Energy Types: that WOULD be detrimental to the game.
    I'm saying it's possible to get AWAY from Elemental Damage Type fixation, not just tweak it :-)

    Not every Foci need have damage abilities in the first place, and Melee Damage Types (Bludgeon, Pierce, Slashing) are just as capable of being effected by Su/SLA's. Buffeting Gusts & Whirlwinds, Tsunami Waves and Drowning Air-Breathers seems equally, or MORE effective than "Energy Damage" and judging from the broad response to Stone's "Rock Explosion" and "Mighty Pebble", would be welcomed as MORE evocative/flavorful/thematic.

    Anyhow, I think this subject is now out in the open for Jason to consider, so I'll give it a rest :-)

    Quandary wrote:
    Not every Foci need have damage abilities in the first place, and Melee Damage Types (Bludgeon, Pierce, Slashing) are just as capable of being effected by Su/SLA's. Buffeting Gusts & Whirlwinds, Tsunami Waves and Drowning Air-Breathers seems equally, or MORE effective than "Energy Damage" and judging from the broad response to Stone's "Rock Explosion" and "Mighty Pebble", would be welcomed as MORE evocative/flavorful/thematic.

    I do agree with this. I'd really like to see the Oracle move away from the tightly linked element/energy types and more into thematically linked revelations. It makes more sense for an Oracle of the Waves to use water than cold, to me. The element-energy links are fine, I'm not campaigning against them, but I think the Oracles offer a nice opportunity to do something different with them.

    Paizo Employee Director of Games

    I am going to be moving some of these away from their elemental damage ties a bit, but it will not be going entirely.

    Jason Bulmahn
    Lead Designer
    Paizo Publishing

    Jason Bulmahn wrote:
    I am going to be moving some of these away from their elemental damage ties a bit, but it will not be going entirely.

    Great to hear.

    I don't think having the OPTION for Cold powers in a Wave Oracle (or Acid in a Stone Oracel) is necessarily bad,
    but there should be enough alternative options so you aren't FORCED to make a Wave Oracle w/ Ice/Cold powers.
    A "hybrid" Water/Ice Wave Oracle, a 90-100% "Ice" Wave Oracle, or a 100% "Water" Wave Oracle, could all be supported.

    Ideally, the Bonus Spell list should be 'neutral' w/r to these tenuously-linked para-Elemental Damage, and more universally applicable to the Foci theme (i.e. Glitterdust instead of Acid Arrow would be better for Stone, IMHO)

    Shadow Lodge

    Without spending time to analyze it to death, I like the Oracle.

    RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

    Dragonborn3 wrote:
    The Cavalier? Death by rogues.

    I did a quick thought experiment of a playtest where I grabbed a stack of random adventures and asked what a cavalier would be doing in each combat encounter therein. Among other things, I noticed based that 'death by rogues' wouldn't be very common at all.

    Perhaps my random sample wasn't representative, but published adventures seem to have a fairly good mix of encounters, with rogues appearing in only a small percentage of fights against NPCs. And fights against NPCs are slightly less frequent than fights against monsters, so that makes a 'death by rogues' scenario even less likely.

    Tim Statler wrote:
    Haunted - If I'm reading it right, Quick draw won't help and neither would the trait- Accelerated Drinker?

    It would also prevent readying an item as part of a move action (if you have a +1 or better BAB). No drawing a scroll of breath of life as you race to a downed ally.

    Drawing ammo is now a move action as well (it is normally a free action).

    Zurai wrote:
    Clouded Vision: You can never see further than 60 feet away from you. Ever. That means you basically cannot target anything further than 60 feet away from you. That means your spells have an effective cap of 60 foot range (less than Medium range).

    I noticed this immediately. In a dungeon, this is not a big hinderance, but in fight on open terrain or against an airborn combatant with a ranged attack form (dragon or airborn spellcaster), being limited to 60 feet of sight can but a spellcaster on the sidelines.

    For the love of all that is Good and Holy!

    Oracle does not = Diviner!!!!

    Look up oracle on and see all the many meanings above prophet, fortune teller, etc.

    The Oracle class is perfectly named, well done.

    The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

    Enchanter Tom wrote:
    Just stop talking about the oracle's name. It's been argued to death. The name is fine and it's not changing. Change the name to whatever you want in your games, but PLEASE stop talking about it. You're beating a dead horse when he's down.

    Hi, Tom.

    When people were complaining about the name Oracle last month, the word from Paizo was something like, "Look, you're reacting based on a single blog entry. We, who've seen the rough draft of the class, like the name a lot. Once you see the full write-up, we bet you'll like it, too. Right now, though, just throw some trust our way."

    So, now that we've seen the rough draft of the class, it's exactly the right time to talk about the name of the class.

    (And, of course anybody can change the names of anything in his or her home campaign. If that were a good argument against commentary, we might as well shut down the whole playtest thing.)

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