Caedwyr |
I posted some of this over in the House Rules/Suggestions forum but since the subject of that thread had run its course, I'll be posting here from now on.
I am currently working on creating 4x6 spell cards as a game aid. When completed, I will be submitting them to the pathfinder database or similar website
Spell Cards currently completed:
Acid Fog
Acid Splash
Animate Dead
Arcane Mark
Chill Touch
Control Weather
Crushing Hand
Deep Slumber
Divine Favor
Find the Path
Fog Cloud
Ghoul Touch
Holy Sword
Owl's Wisdom
Righteous Might
Scintillating Pattern
Searing Light
Wall of Fire
Wall of Ice
Wall of Thorns
The only thing slowing me down right now is finding appropriate artwork that I can use for the cards. I'd prefer to use creative commons artwork or other artwork where the artist has given permission for non-commercial reuse and finding appropriate artwork can be a little tricky. If anyone comes across a piece of artwork they think would be appropriate for one of the spells, please post it here with the artist credits if you know them. I will be happy to credit you as well in the final package.

Caedwyr |

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Sublimity |

The cards look sharp.
If I might be so bold--the black text on the colored background tends to be a bit difficult to read. I think I recall seeing where publishers will superimpose the black text on a white text that is just a little bit bigger, which helps to make the text pop a little. There might be other techniques you could try, and what I've said might be wrong--someone'll come along and correct me, I'm sure.

ChrisRevocateur |

Unfortunately, a number of spells are very verbose and do not fit on the usual 4x6 card size. I am trying out some larger 8x6 cards to see how they look and work. What do people think of these?
8 x 6 seems a little big to me.
Maybe you can set it up so the spells with more text are easy to print double sided?

Caedwyr |
The cards look sharp.
If I might be so bold--the black text on the colored background tends to be a bit difficult to read. I think I recall seeing where publishers will superimpose the black text on a white text that is just a little bit bigger, which helps to make the text pop a little. There might be other techniques you could try, and what I've said might be wrong--someone'll come along and correct me, I'm sure.
I've had the same thought, and some sort of lighter shadow effect on the text (what you are proposing I think) might do the trick. I still have to try printing out the cards to see how they turn out, but that is probably the route I will eventually take.
As for making the cards with large amounts of text double-sided, I'd like to stay away from that since I'd like to have proper card set backs on these with some sort of unified imagery (think magic cards or playing cards backs).

ChrisRevocateur |

As for making the cards with large amounts of text double-sided, I'd like to stay away from that since I'd like to have proper card set backs on these with some sort of unified imagery (think magic cards or playing cards backs).
Eh, in my personal opinion, that's sacrificing useability for asthetics, but they're your cards.

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Hi all -
Wow, these are awesome. Then I saw the two bigger cards and thought wow, those are Awesome-er(?)!
By the way, and most people get this wrong too, the long winded speaker is verbose but the (long fingered?) written form is 'prolix'. Something along with Web site that I'll never get wrong until the Chicago Manual of Style and the AP Stylebook make the change (I got a letter grade wrong in two different classes because of each word).
Be Well. Be Well cyberProlix.
Theocrat Issak
Who went by the name cyberProlix for several years because he thought it was cool to make overly long posts that were confusing and utilized punctuation and words that the average person might not understand.

Caedwyr |
Hi all -
Wow, these are awesome. Then I saw the two bigger cards and thought wow, those are Awesome-er(?)!
By the way, and most people get this wrong too, the long winded speaker is verbose but the (long fingered?) written form is 'prolix'. Something along with Web site that I'll never get wrong until the Chicago Manual of Style and the AP Stylebook make the change (I got a letter grade wrong in two different classes because of each word).
Be Well. Be Well cyberProlix.
Theocrat Issak
Who went by the name cyberProlix for several years because he thought it was cool to make overly long posts that were confusing and utilized punctuation and words that the average person might not understand.
Thanks for the pointer on prolix versus verbose.
And now for a few more cards that I had a few minutes to make today:
Control Winds
Cure Critical Wounds
Greater Planar Ally
Mirage Arcana
Plane Shift

Caedwyr |
And a few more:
Fire Storm
Hallucinatory Terrain
Magic Aura
Storm of Vengeance
Summon Nature's Ally I
Summon Nature's Ally II
Summon Nature's Ally IV
Summon Nature's Ally V
Summon Nature's Ally VI
Summon Nature's Ally VII
Summon Nature's Ally VIII
Summon Nature's Ally Summoning Chart

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While I do admire the appearance of the spell cards, I'm concerned the text might indeed be too hard to read. Maybe brightening the background image would do the trick?
Also I give you points for having a unified color system for different schools of spells.
Abjuration = white
Conjuration = brown
Divination = gray/grey
Enchantment = green
Evocation = red
Illusion = purple
Necromancy = black
Transmutation = blue
Universal = yellow
Is it just me, or does it feel like Times New Roman font doesn't really fit those cards? Especially in the bottom where the levels and classes are put, I'd urge to use capitalized letters like "Cle 7", not "cle7". Also the word "Level" is a bit too far left, almost getting over the space it's supposed to be in.

Caedwyr |
While I do admire the appearance of the spell cards, I'm concerned the text might indeed be too hard to read. Maybe brightening the background image would do the trick?
Also I give you points for having a unified color system for different schools of spells.
Abjuration = white
Conjuration = brown
Divination = gray/grey
Enchantment = green
Evocation = red
Illusion = purple
Necromancy = black
Transmutation = blue
Universal = yellowIs it just me, or does it feel like Times New Roman font doesn't really fit those cards? Especially in the bottom where the levels and classes are put, I'd urge to use capitalized letters like "Cle 7", not "cle7". Also the word "Level" is a bit too far left, almost getting over the space it's supposed to be in.
I still haven't print a copy of the cards out yet, as I need to pick up some new ink. On one monitor the text is quite readable and does not appear to be too dark. On another monitor, things do look too dark and colours are off.
For example, on my main drawing monitor (LCD) the colours are as follows:
Abjuration = white
Conjuration = orange
Divination = gray/silver
Enchantment = green
Evocation = red
Illusion = purple
Necromancy = black/dark grey
Transmutation = blue
Universal = yellow/gold
So, it looks like you were seeing the colours a little darker than I normally view them. The proof of course will be when I print them. I've played around with using a text shadow in white or a light colour, and while functional, the text looks a little better without it so I'd like to avoid using that technique if possible.
I like your suggestion for the classes capitalization. I'm switching the cards over to Cle7 instead of cle7. I would prefer to not include a space as I think it makes it more readable at a glance.
As for the Level spacing, I want to have it line up with the spell rarity letter (C on all the cards as I haven't gone through and assigned spell rarities yet), though for the general public I may just turn off the rarity layer since most people won't have a use for it. Some feedback on that would be nice once I start figuring out what I want to do with it (probably something like the 2nd edition rarities for spells as given in the spell compendiums).
For greyscale, you can always just choose to print in greyscale in printing. If it is that big of a deal I can also create versions of the cards in greyscale, or versions of the cards without the background images. I'd like to hear what people would find more useful. These cards will eventually be released in .pdfs (for each class) formatted for printing and creating multiple versions of the .pdfs is not much additional work.
Also, as a general request, if anyone has some image, or can point me to an image that I can use without running into copyright issues for a certain spell, please post. The slowest part of the process is finding the appropriate artwork.

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As for the Level spacing, I want to have it line up with the spell rarity letter (C on all the cards as I haven't gone through and assigned spell rarities yet), though for the general public I may just turn off the rarity layer since most people won't have a use for it. Some feedback on that would be nice once I start figuring out what I want to do with it (probably something like the 2nd edition rarities for spells as given in the spell compendiums).
For greyscale, you can always just choose to print in greyscale in printing. If it is that big of a deal I can also create versions of the cards in greyscale, or versions of the cards without the background images. I'd like to hear what people would find more useful. These cards will eventually be released in .pdfs (for each class) formatted for printing and creating multiple versions of the .pdfs is not much additional work.
Also, as a general request, if anyone has some image, or can point me to an image that I can use without running into copyright issues for a certain spell, please post. The slowest part of the process is finding the appropriate artwork.
I personally would have no use for the rarity but it wouldn't bother me to see it there either.
I would prefer the color versions with pictures. That is a big part of why these are so cool looking to me.
I don't know the slightest thing about finding free artwork so sorry I can't help you there.

Brett Blackwell |

These are really great. The old spell cards for 2e were one of my favorite purchases back in the day... always having my spell info handy without having to sort through a book.
In the past I've done everything from hand-writing, copy-paste to a document, copy-paste into a PDA note, and attempted to print information out on plain 5x7 cards. Which reminds me.. instad of 8x6 how about standard 5x7 size cards? It's a little tighter fit, but you can buy cheap index card holders at supermarkets and office stores.
I do have to say that I really like these and I'm eagerly awaiting the finished product :)

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Out of the gate, these are printing at 3 1/4 by 4 3/4.
First—I have always wanted these... and I'm talking for over 20 years. So, thank you for developing these.
Second—Is it possible to get from you, either publicly or privately, the .psd/.jpg files for all the spells? I can wait and understand you're still developing these. They're marvelous. And my thought is if you can make those files available to me, I might invest in having a deck or two printed professionally for me to use in my home games.
Third—back to the size. It sure would be nice to see them available in standard card sizes. If I do print for my game, poker sized playing cards are 2.5 inches wide by 3.5 inches tall. And, the image that I would need to have will require a 1/8 of an inch bleed all the way around it, which means a size of 2.75 inches wide and 3.75 inches tall would be absolutely ideal.
Lastly, If I haven't mentioned this. These are marvelous. I cant wait to see the whole Pathfinder RPG set. Manythanks.

Caedwyr |
Out of the gate, these are printing at 3 1/4 by 4 3/4.
First—I have always wanted these... and I'm talking for over 20 years. So, thank you for developing these.
Second—Is it possible to get from you, either publicly or privately, the .psd/.jpg files for all the spells? I can wait and understand you're still developing these. They're marvelous. And my thought is if you can make those files available to me, I might invest in having a deck or two printed professionally for me to use in my home games.
Third—back to the size. It sure would be nice to see them available in standard card sizes. If I do print for my game, poker sized playing cards are 2.5 inches wide by 3.5 inches tall. And, the image that I would need to have will require a 1/8 of an inch bleed all the way around it, which means a size of 2.75 inches wide and 3.75 inches tall would be absolutely ideal.
Lastly, If I haven't mentioned this. These are marvelous. I cant wait to see the whole Pathfinder RPG set. Manythanks.
Pax, how well is the text showing up in the ones you have printed?
As for getting the .psd/.jpg files I'd be happy to make them available. The .psd files are fairly large, but I'm sure I'll be able to work something out for storage.
As for card sizes, the cards in Photoshop are 4 3/8" by 6 3/8". In order to allow all the text to fit on the cards I don't think I could really shrink the card sizes by very much - definitely not down to the 2.75x3.75 size you are suggesting while keeping the text readable. I'd love to hear any suggestions for solving that problem though.

Caedwyr |

Charles Evans 25 |
You seem to be putting quite a bit of work in with these, and they're certainly nice to look at, but I'm a bit concerned about the copyrights of the original artists (unless of course you are one of or have already checked with the original artists)?
I know I've seen at least one of those images (Dan Scott's picture you use for Mirror Image) on a magic card (Reality Strobe?) from the future sight expansion, so I'm a bit concerned about corporations too...

Charles Evans 25 |
I just checked Dan Scott's website, where he has his gallery and it says in small text:
... All artwork copyright © Dan Scott. All Magic:The Gathering images are copyright © Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No part of these works may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the respective publishers...
I think it might be safer to swap out the Dan Scott magic card artwork unless you are Dan Scott or have WotC permission...
Brett Blackwell |

I'm curious, how do people use/anticipate using spell cards such as these? Maybe I'm having an old dog moment.
Well, personally I like to have all my spells easily accessible without having to page through the PHB (or PFRGP core book). My current DM also requests that you have all your spell information at hand so we can keep the rule books away from the table as much as possible (though it isn't really enforced much since we are getting used to the new rules anyways).
For me it is easier and quicker to sort through a small stack of spell cards than it is to flip through a book.... though I'm still tempted to create a small 5x7-ish sized book with a cover and everything as a "fake" spellbook to bring to the table....

ChrisRevocateur |

though I'm still tempted to create a small 5x7-ish sized book with a cover and everything as a "fake" spellbook to bring to the table....
I think I'm gonna make this a requirement for all casters in my games from now on. Go get a little notebook, a composition notebook would do fine, and write your spells in it.

Michael Donovan |

This is a worthy project and you've done a nice job.
Two points to consider:
My vision is not so good anymore, so any image behind the main text makes such difficult to read. Small type is ok, but not with a busy or dense background.
To Eric's point about the images, original art on the back of each card illustrating the spell would be nice.

Caedwyr |
For the Dan Scott material, I found the following on his website which is why I have used so many of his images:
Q: I would like to use some images off your site for my own web site, my gaming sessions, to print on a T-shirt, etc..
A: Only if it's not for profit. I don't provide high resolution digital files but you can use what you find on the site. If it's for a website, a reciprocal link to my site would be appreciated.
For the rest of the images I have used Creative Commons, Public Domain works, or images from the Paizo blog (Community Use Policy should cover those). Finding images that are not tied down by copyright is the slowest part of the entire process. I'd appreciate second opinion as to if this use of the images is appropriate.

ChrisRevocateur |

I hate a lot of this copyright bullcrap. I mean, if no one is making profit off of it, or reducing the likely hood that the profit that would otherwise be made from the intellectual material, I don't think there's a problem.
Unfortunately, we live in a greedy competitive society, and if you even touch something that someone else made, they get all possessive and go "MINE!" and slap you with a lawsuit.
Like a rapper sampling beats. NO one is gonna go buy a rap song INSTEAD of the original that it was sampled from, but artists get all huffy about it.
No one hurt? Leave it the **** alone!

ChrisRevocateur |

Well, I understand you may hate it, but Caedwyr is doing the right thing by trying to find out where the lines are and adhere to the law. You may say the law's an ass and that it stinks, but you sure don't want it sitting on you.
Oh, I wasn't saying that Caedwyr wasn't doing the intelligent thing. He definitely is, and I'm not advocating the violation of copyrights (at least not here on a "legal" board). I was just stating that I think it's crap that he even has to jump through those hoops.

Caedwyr |
Digging around, another fantasy artist whose work I might end up using is Nene Thomas. On her website she has the following: http://www.nenethomas.com/TermsofUse.shtml
Free at this time. You may purchase a full sized print, sticker or mini-lithograph to scan in, however we do not send any files.
Nene allows her images to be used as siggies, PSP, avatars, tubes and stationary as long as one adheres to her specific rules:
1) One may feather, add sparkles, animations, tube or blend - we do not send any files.
2) Nene's copyright MUST be clearly visible and a link to her website (it does not have to work) has to be somewhere on the piece.
3) The image may NOT be used to for monetary gain or on a commercial website.
4) Nene's images are NOT to be on websites with adult content, language and/or visuals.
5) Nene images may NOT be combined with another artists (living or dead) work.
This appears to allow the use of her artwork as I will be doing for the cards. Again, I would appreciate a second opinion on the matter.

ChrisRevocateur |

Digging around, another fantasy artist whose work I might end up using is Nene Thomas. On her website she has the following: http://www.nenethomas.com/TermsofUse.shtml
Quote:This appears to allow the use of her artwork as I will be doing for the cards. Again, I would appreciate a second opinion on the matter.FOR USE ON A NON-COMMERCIAL WEBSITE
Free at this time. You may purchase a full sized print, sticker or mini-lithograph to scan in, however we do not send any files.
Nene allows her images to be used as siggies, PSP, avatars, tubes and stationary as long as one adheres to her specific rules:
1) One may feather, add sparkles, animations, tube or blend - we do not send any files.
2) Nene's copyright MUST be clearly visible and a link to her website (it does not have to work) has to be somewhere on the piece.
3) The image may NOT be used to for monetary gain or on a commercial website.
4) Nene's images are NOT to be on websites with adult content, language and/or visuals.
5) Nene images may NOT be combined with another artists (living or dead) work.
I'd say just make sure the copyright is visible, and put the url to her site on the card somewhere (probably inside the border you have on the cards).

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Digging around, another fantasy artist whose work I might end up using is Nene Thomas. On her website she has the following: http://www.nenethomas.com/TermsofUse.shtml
This appears to allow the use of her artwork as I will be doing for the cards. Again, I would appreciate a second opinion on the matter.
Shoot her an email telling her what you want to do. You get an exact response in writing and she might be pleased that her work will be getting all this exposure, with copyright notice intact.
Edit: Also, with the Dan Scott image - double check with him. He may no longer hold the copyright to that one if it has been used on a Magic card and may have had to get permission from WotC to put it up on his own site!