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Me too?

I'm still here. I transferred my remaining dragon and dungeon issues into the APs. Not sure if I get the tag or not. At one point, I had a purple border, but that has disappeared.

I should still have my status, but the purple border I used to have has disappeared.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Grand Magus wrote:

The United Nations declared Monday, Oct. 31 2011 the day that the world's

population officially surpasses 7 billion.


Were did they all come from?? I'm quite sure there were not this many people around a few decades ago.

The must be arriving from space.



In a related story, stork population found to be on the verge of exhaustive collapse.

While this isn't intended to be the be all of the discussion, I remember reading a similar discussion on one of the websites that had archived some of Gary Gygax's q&a sessions. He indicated that it would be the moral imperative of (and I believe he was speaking to a question about a LG paladin) the PCs to kill all the creatures as they were evil and could not be redeemed as they were, in their very nature, evil and would later grow up to be killers of innocents. I think some of the discussion also went on to delineate the choice of being good/evil we have and the embodiment of evil that creatures in the D&D world are?

You might want to check out the movie _Pandorum_ which has an interesting example of "innocent" children of man-eating creatures and what they might be capable of doing.

Thanks to you both.

I'll just be visiting for a few days, so I'm not looking for a place to play. I just like to check out used book stores in new towns as I've tapped out the places near me.

I'll try to check out some of those places.

Liz Courts wrote:
Moved thread to Gamer Connection.

Sorry, I thought I had the right place for the question.

Work is going to be taking me out to San Francisco in a couple of weeks, and I was hoping some of you might be able to suggest a few good used bookstores and/or a gaming shop that I might check out on my trip.

Thanks in advance.

I know you mean pen and paper games, but I'll answer what I've done in a different genre.

When playing Fallout 3 for the first time, I tried to walk up to one of the people in the high school to see if I couldn't initiate a conversation. I hadn't played anything like Fallout before, so I hadn't realized that outside of towns and the occasional trader, virtually nothing in the wasteland doesn't want to kill you.

I did the same foolish thing in Red Dead Redemption. Walked up to a campfire, and when I got up to leave, they started shooting at me.

Xyll wrote:
True, with the shear volume of written word out their i guess every sentence written is in fact plagarism. :)

You've got to keep reading. You wouldn't want to end up like Casaubon and write the key to all mythologies only to find out that it's all been written before. . .

The only reading that I found has hurt my writing was when I was teaching and reading freshman papers--I saw the same errors so many times that I began to doubt what was correct. . .

For those dinosaur aficionados out there, the March 2011 issue of Wood Magazine has the plans and patterns for a rather neat, seven-piece dinosaur puzzle.

If you've got some skill with a band or scroll saw and like dinosaurs you might want to give it a look. Actually, from the looks of it, as long as you have a steady hand and can cut within the lines, it doesn't look like it is too difficult of a project.

Mageye wrote:

As the thread implies I am attempting to read these three books with understanding in one day. I am just wondering what my page/word per minute ratio should be to pull this off? Reason for doing this is I am running a game for some local kids on Saturday and I have only read the core before back when it was released and am rust on rules. Also am looking at developing my own game world and adventure.

I think if you are able to pull it off, an angel might get its wings.

Perhaps you don't need to read the bestiary cover to cover. I would look to the adventure and what creatures might be called for and look up their particular entries.

If it were on purpose, one could see GWB as Wildean.

"People have a distrust of Intelligence" - George W. Bush.

My three friends and I had been playing for years together--D&D, Risk, computer games (back when you used a tape deck to load a game), football, basketball, you name it.

During the summer of the final year that we hung out as a group (sometime right after the release of UK6), we couldn't seem to get through a single day without it devolving into a fight. In pairs, we were good friends, but once a third joined, insults and worse starting flying. I had mentioned to them that I wouldn't hang out with them as a group anymore.

They talked me out of it at first, but what ultimately convinced me that I was right was the UK6 module: . . .All that Glitters. I read the module and thought that it would be a fun departure from what we had been doing. Part of my problem was my enthusiasm for the module and that I thought the introduction was a good read. I wanted them to understand it well before we started. As I began reading it to them, they started giggling and fooling around right off the bat. So I turned it over to them and asked them to each read it--I think we only got to the second person when it became apparent that we were never going to run that module.

And I never did. That was the last time I tried to run a module or even play in one--until 2008. I stayed friends with each of them, but never hung out with the whole group again.

There's a particularly bawdy (though smallish) monologue in Twelfth Night where the character discusses a woman's writing style and alludes to a woman's naughty bits. . .Can't think of the character off the top of my head.

Probably too old for you, but Richard III has some nice parts in it.

Also, (again, too old) but Henry II... "let us sit on the ground and speak of cabbages and kings"

I'm sorry, I didn't see the footnote about Henry V. . .

Can you pull a fast one and perform, as they would have in his day, a woman's speech?

I'm partial to the St. Crispin's Day speech from Henry V. If memory serves, the opening monologue ("Oh for a muse of Fire!) is also from Henry V.

Hey, a printed image of the PFRPG with a small blurb extolling its greatness appeared in the 200th issue of game informer (page 37). Kudos to the team!

"Un Sospiro" (spelling might be off) by Liszt.

I say go olde school:

Matthew Lewis: Monk
Horace Walpole: Castle Otranto (the grand-daddy of the Gothic)
Ann Radcliffe: Mysteries of Udolpho
Goethe: Sorrows of Young Werther

Arelas wrote:
Skeld wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Mine's not even pending yet...

Mine's been pending since Tuesday (I think, maybe Wednesday). At least I'm not the only one in the boat. I hope it gets shipped today so I can get PDFs.


Mines been pending since the 7th.


I think ordinary, right-thinking people are sick and tired with being told that ordinary, right-thinking people are sick and tired.

For about $30, you can go to hobby lobby and buy a projector that you can place over your map and project the image on a nearby wall (or, with some fancy-smancy work, you can suspend it over a table).

If I remember correctly, G4tv's AOTS reviewed a digital mini-projector for under $300. It has HDMI as well.

You could also go old school and have your players draw the map as you describe it. . .though that would only solve your headache, not theirs.

In an effort to decrease the pile of books in the living room, I've picked up Sartre's _Existentialism and Human Emotion_. It's interesting, if a little dense.

Jay Walsh wrote:

Is there any reason #139 isn't available in print but the rest of the series is? Can anyone help me out?


Given James Jacobs' love of all things dinosaur, he might have purchased them all.

The fact that it has something about Maure Castle in it, an adventure that Paizo's staff has mentioned as being immensely popular, suggests that people grabbed it up.

I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. . .

1d10 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9


Elessar1971 wrote:

I checked my e-mail every fifteen minutes until I got confirmation it was received! I slept better last night :)

Good luck to all! Can't wait to play or Gm it!

Should we expect a confirmation email? I sent mine in with only two hours to go on the deadline. So I should begin looking every fifteen minutes around 1pm est?

Does anyone know if they are just looking to fill one spot or if they find, say, three that are great, they'll use all three? (and yes, I do recognize it was listed as Scenario 43, not 43, 44 & 45).

Good luck to all who submitted.

Congrats and best of luck!

Eoleo completed his trek down the stairs, watching the proceedings as he went. His eyes fell upon the meager fare at the table and absentmindedly touched the top of his belly. He looked to where the dwarf had been sitting. The thump of the dagger hitting its target brought him out of his contemplations.

"Oh, thank you for the opportunity to join the game. I’m not very good at the use of bladed weapons."

He taps his fingers against the fire-hardened staff slung over his back with a small cord. Sitting down, he touches each of the three small loaves he surreptitiously placed on his plate. He appears to be more content with seeing them on his plate than he does in eating them; however, as the drama of the competition continues, he quickly begins to devour his morning’s repast.

Razz wrote:

I just realized the problem with taking Concentration out as a skill and having it rely on just "Caster Level + ability modifier".

This really screws over multiclass characters. Whereas a Wizard 5/Fighter 15 could use Fighter skill points to boost his Concentration so he can be on par with needing to make those checks more often at to beat creature's CMB checks for grappling or whatever, with the new rules you're stuck having an average of +7 to +9 bonus at such a high level.

What's the benefit of this?

I wonder if it isn't done as a way of reflecting how the character gave up casting full-time fifteen levels ago and so wouldn't be quite as adept at it as someone who put twenty-levels into the wizard class. Even were the character to vary the levels, it would still reflect someone who has focused more on his martial aspect than his arcane.

So what exactly are you upset with? The team? the Refs?

I've long been interested in learning a bit about Cricket, but, unfortunately, we don't get much coverage of the sport here in the States.

I vaguely remember Sports Night (a show that aired around the Millennium) making a reference to the scoring and to something known as a "sticky wicket".

I also remember an episode of My Hero where George was hitting a ball with a flat paddle, but other than the various sight gags of people and things being impaled by the ball, it was difficult to tell what the game was doing.

To continue a rant. . .

I'm still angry (almost ten years later) that American Football doesn't start on Labor Day Weekend anymore. It was always a nice way to say goodbye to the summer, and a way of ameliorating the sadness about a new school year.

The cards look sharp.

If I might be so bold--the black text on the colored background tends to be a bit difficult to read. I think I recall seeing where publishers will superimpose the black text on a white text that is just a little bit bigger, which helps to make the text pop a little. There might be other techniques you could try, and what I've said might be wrong--someone'll come along and correct me, I'm sure.

Sorry, I've been rebuilding my machine for the last day and a half. I'll have a post up sometime this afternoon.

Ok, here's Eoleo turned back into a cleric.

I have a question about spells. Do they function like 1e (D&D) where the priest can swap out whatever he wants on a daily basis, or are they permanent choices? Once I know that, I'll select his spells. Until then, here's Eoleo the cleric:


Name: Eoleo

Building Points: ???

Strength: 10/39 : 194 lbs; 44 carry lbs; 485 drag lbs.
Intelligence: 12/86 : +1 atk; 2 BP bonus.
Wisdom: 16/78 : 0 Init; 15 BP bonus; +2 Def mod.
Dexterity: 12/11 : +1 Init; +1 Atk; +1 Def mod.
Constitution: 10/94 :
Looks: 13/29 : +1 mod to CHA; +1 starting HON
Charisma: 08/89 : -1 starting HON; -2 Turning Mod. NB: *
Honor: 11

Race: Human
Class: Cleric
Alignment: NG (Caregiver)
HP: 10+10+3: 23

Heavy Armor Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Weapon proficiency (Sling & Staff),

Divine Lore (WIS): 03+16: 19
Religion [Caregiver] (WIS): 12+16: 28
Cooking/Baking (INT & WIS): 10+12: 22
First Aid (WIS): 11+16: 27

Quirk: 47: Greedy
Flaw: 17: Allergies

First HP Roll: 03
Luck Points: N/A
Threshold of Pain: 07

Combat Profile with Staff: Damage: 2d4p Speed: 13

Attack Bonus: +2 [+1 INT / +1 DEX]
Speed: 0
Initiative: +2 [+1 Class / +1 DEX]
Defense: +5 [+2 WIS / +1 DEX / -2 Armor / +4 Shield)
Damage: 0

Combat Profile with Sling: Damage: (d4+d6) Speed: Missile Weapon

Leather Armor, Small Shield, Staff & Sling

Leather Backpack, Wineskin (2 qt.), Week’s worth of trail rations, two small leather belt pouches, a prayer book, a silver divine icon, a woolen blanket, a wineskin, a tinderbox, flint and steel, a whetstone, three iron spikes, an axe-hammer, six torches and 10 cp.

One pair of leather boots; wool trousers and tunic; linen undershirt and vestments

On-Line Die Rolls:
Character Stats roll: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2226752/
Charisma link: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2226756/
Percentile link: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2226760/
HP link: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2229613/
Proficiency roll: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2227317/
Skill rolls: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2229623/
Quirk & Flaw Roll: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2227336/

*CHA received +1 bonus from LKS;

You've all got me thinking of what was and what now is. . .

My mother used to have a piece of paper taped to the refrigerator that said: if you were born before 1945 than you have witnessed. . . (and it went on to list a slew of things that came into existence during their lives.

I was trying to think of some of the things that have come into existence since the 70s. Cell phones didn't exist when I was born--hell, the rotary phone was just getting phased out. Televisions didn't have remote controls and, when they did come into existence, they had ten-foot long cords that connected them to the tvs. VCRs weren't around then. Cars didn't have computers in them. The first PCs (apple //e in my case) had less memory than most digital watches now have. The digital watch. The most gears bikes had was ten--the mountain bike did not exist. BBSs were all the rage in the 80s--back when you had to dial a telephone and connect via a 300 baud modem (what's a baud you say?). If you had a dot-matrix printer with that perforated paper, you were doin' alright.

Cheech and Chong were considered outlandish comics.

People went to arcades where, sadly, pinball machines were horribly outnumbered by them new fangled computer-in-box-consoles. Basketball players played 60 minute games and wore incredibly short shorts.

schools required students to take four english, four math, and four pe classes through the course of high school. We were taught "things to know" not necessarily because there was local/state/national test coming at the end of the quarter.

Hmmm, what else have I forgotten?

Ok, here's the beginning of the character:


Name: Eoleo
Building Points: 100-7: 93 + 12: 105 – 25: 80
Strength: 10/39 : 194 lbs; 44 carry lbs; 485 drag lbs.
Intelligence: 12/86 : +1 atk; 2 BP bonus.
Wisdom: 15/01 : 0 Init; 10 BP bonus; +2 Def mod. NB: ***
Dexterity: 12/11 : +1 Init; +1 Atk; +1 Def mod.
Constitution: 11/04 : NB: **
Looks: 13/29 : +1 mod to CHA; +1 starting HON
Charisma: 08/89 : -1 starting HON; -2 Turning Mod. NB: *
Race: Human
Size medium for HP (10hp + CON + Class Roll)
May purchase Language (Merchant’s Tongue) at 50% cost
Class: Cleric (Neutral Good—Caregiver)
Character Stats roll: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2226752/
Charisma link: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2226756/
Percentile link: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2226760/
*CHA received +1 bonus from LKS;
**CON received 2BP to increase 10% points
***WIS received 5BP to increase 25% points

I'll finish him a little later--I'm off.

Ok, sorry about my own delay. I'm rolling up a character right now. . .more info to follow.

Frederick wrote:

Well first off to generate your character, do you have the hackmaster basic rulebook or do you need a link to the site to download the quick start rules?

I can hunt up the link or as I have the book can go over the character generation if you want.

I use an online die roller for die rolling purposes when I first started I rolled them normally since I couldn't get Invisible Castle to work but you can ask the dm to roll on your behalf if getting access to an online die roller becomes difficult.

What did you fancy playing by the way?

Hey, thanks for the info. I've got the book. I've got a die roller with Hero Lab, but, if it needs to be on-line with a link for the dm (to verify my truthiness), could you supply a link to the die roller you mentioned?

I can play whatever class the dice dictate or the party needs.--I've never played Hackmaster--though I've been reading the rules / comic for the last several years.

I've not played a pbp here at Paizo, so I'll need a little help to move forward. Can you tell me what we need and what I need to do to do it? (sentences in this post do not necessarily reflect the skill level of poster)

Andre Caceres wrote:
Best movie of the year! Maybe the decade! This one will go down in history along with Star Wars, Bladerunner, and Dark City, it was quite simply a great achivement.

Not to derail the thread but (and I did enjoy the movie) does Dark City deserve to be counted among such films as Star Wars and Bladerunner?

I'd be willing to give it a go. I bought the book, read it, but haven't any experience running in it.

Hey, book arrived today in South Carolina. I just started leafing through the pages.

So far, my favorite piece of artwork is on page 211.

I must say, I'm a little mad that they nerfed the bard's spell "Lullabye".

Congrats to the team--you all created a wonderful, beautiful book that'll do you proud.

KaeYoss wrote:
Sublimity wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:

I think they'll do Psion, Psychic Warrior and Wilder, but not soulknife - that one is a feat chain disguising as a class.

With apologies for the thread derailment. . .

what do you mean by "feat chain disguising as a class"?

I mean that while the concept of a weapon made up of mental energy is really cool, it is not enough to justify being a whole class.

Look at the class: what is there, really?

  • The mindblade mechanic itself: Create a shortsword with your mind
  • Some improvements on the mindblade, make it use a different weapon, throw it - stuff that copies existing items and/or magic abilities
  • Some actions you can use with your mind blade that copy existing feats.
  • Enhancement bonuses to the mind blade - basically stuff that emulates magic items.
  • extra damage when you "charge" the mind blade - something that is a lot like psionic weapon.

    Now, if you turn the mind blade into a feat that lets you manifest a, say, light martial weapon with your psionic power (would be a psionic feat), focussed on some item (let's say a crystal), and say you can treat it like a normal weapon made out of wood or metal, and can even have it enchanted by enchanting that focus crystal, you have one feat that eliminates most class features:

  • The core mechanic is a feat
  • You can use feats like whirlwind attack as normal
  • you can get enhancement bonuses as normal
  • You can get psionic weapon as normal

    The only thing that doesn't quite work yet is the shape mind blade feature, and that can be solved with another faet or two.

  • Thanks for the response. I wasn't attacking you; I just didn't understand what you meant. I do now.

    By the bye, my first 3e character was/is a soulknife. . . I liked the concept a lot, worked well with my idea of the character's backstory. The only thing that killed it for me was that, at some point, I realized I was playing a veiled, fantasy-esque jedi.

    To return to the thread's purpose. . .I really can't guess what classes will be announced. My familiarity with the game is so very limited. I played about nine sessions with one group over the course of two years and (they tell me) they aren't playing anymore.

    without a doubt: NERO WOLFE

    I loved every episode but that terrible last one, and, chances are, I don't like it because I knew going into it that it was the last one. . .

    My wife would say: Firefly and Alias.

    She gets so mad at me when I get something from netflix and, once she gets involved with the characters, finds out that the show is cut short.

    From the 80s, I miss Cheers.

    I also would have liked to see what happened to Jon Crier's old show. . .Duet? He was an architect whose friend was getting married.

    KaeYoss wrote:

    I think they'll do Psion, Psychic Warrior and Wilder, but not soulknife - that one is a feat chain disguising as a class.

    With apologies for the thread derailment. . .

    what do you mean by "feat chain disguising as a class"?

    I don't know what brand they are, but we have two largish (about one inch in size) spiders that set up a web at night between the house and a pear tree and remove it before we get up in the morning. They seem to like to eat the palmetto bugs, so we're not evicting them.

    My wife was also turned down initially for her disability claim. After doing some research, we discovered that she needed a Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE). Once she got that, the disability claim went through without a hitch.

    Legal channels are certainly an option, but you might want to talk to the people at SSI about the FCE.

    My wife has asked me to explain that and FCE is a 3 to 4 hour long test with a physical therapist. Unfortunately, these tests are not cheap. The least expensive one is about $600.00 and insurance wouldn't pay for hers, though, your insurance company might view it differently.

    If you want to talk to me (or my wife about it) shoot me an email at evenest(at)juno(dot)com. Oh, if you do send me an email, please mention the paizo board in the RE so I don't delete it.

    You have my deepest sympathies. My wife has suffered from chronic, debilitating pain for about twenty-five years. She couldn't get any doctors to recognize that she was in pain--several times she was told to spend the weekend in bed and take some advil. We moved about eight years ago to South Carolina where we found a doctor who recognized her symptoms and suggested she see a specialist over in Florence. Within fifteen minutes, he had a diagnosis and scheduled her for surgery. While she is still in great pain, she is able to function much better than she was able to, and the initial doctor has promised her that he will work to help her lead as normal a life as possible.

    I am so very sorry you have hit this wall. I know a little bit about how frustrating the medical profession and its related bureaucracies can be. What helped her (and me) was finally finding a doctor who was willing to "get in her corner". I pray that you'll be able to find relief.

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