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![]() you do know that when your gun jams/breaks or you run out of ammo in a encounter you didn't expect you pull out a sword that is going to do almost the same base damage as the pistol. I think that gunslinger class take enough fantasy and reality to make a class that could be fun to play. I just keep think of nobles with pistols and rapiers, different types of ammo, cool daring/ridiculous acts and my players try to justify it. ![]()
![]() see it because of stuff like this is why I don't want to even try 4E. I really hate all this "its collectible" cash grab shit. Like some people have said it, they fired the creative people and hired for advertising people. but I think this really stems from the idea of `profit at any cost` even i it destroys something that we all love. ![]()
![]() FarmerBob wrote:
to be clear you add 50% to the result of the 9d6 roll ![]()
![]() Right now I am a Wizard 5/Alienest 2. Now the Alienest class for spells say "+1 existing spellcasting class". So right now I have access to the spells of an 7 lvl Wizard. So my question is what happens if I take my next lvl in Wizard? Do I now have access to spells of an 8 lvl Wizard or do I gain no spell lvls? ![]()
![]() I'm looking to make a uber powerful character of 5 or 6 lvl and I'm not really sure where to start. I would prefer a melee class but magic is not out the the question. I do have a few restrictions Races
Classes/Prestige Classes
![]() Dude I was a player for 3-4 3.5 games that group fell apart. Then I started GM as a way for me and some other n00bie friends to haves some fun. At first it was a little daunghting but after a few sessions of playing premade quest I started to get the hang of it. Now I'm trying to get my friends into Pathfinder, and being the only one with exserpiance wiht PFRPG it's still a little changleing but were are getting the hang the the new rules one monster at a time. Now I am working on writing my own quest and campaigns. These boards are a invalueable resource for the new gamer you can ask rules questions, advice, and even the stoopid question you don't want to ask. ![]()
![]() This being my first setting I ever bought I was unsure of what to expect. I was going back and forth between Dragonlance and Golarion. Due the death of 3.5 I went with Golarion even though I got the 3.5 version of the setting. I've been using it for about a year now and love it. It has helped me give my games more depth. The many different types of government, climants, lots of places for player hooks, and a rich history. The support books the release every month or two and a steal at $20 each. So over all I like this setting a lot and my players do as well. ![]()
![]() my players are screwed now. You enter a dark tomb with pits of fire light along the walls. At the far end of the room you a small alter with deep red gem the size a gnomes head on. When you approche the alter two javelins fly from the darkness you look to see a four armed skeleton with two javelins and a great axe swing for your head. ![]()
![]() OK I can't decide what my main "bad guys" should be that take up residence in a death shrine to a ancient vampire. The location is where Jagged River and Taggoret River meet in Andoran. The two I am thinking of are werewolves or drakes, but I am open to ideas. We are playing PFRPG and using the Bestiary and a few other pathfinder books I have. So let me know what you think. ![]()
![]() Man I love to hear about people kids getting into gaming. I have a 13 month old and he loves my books and minis (his fave is a Beholder Tyrant). And that your wives are going with you to a Con, it gives me hope to get my wife(new gaming) and my son into it together. And this also helps to end the myth that we are all uber nerds that can't talk to women. ![]()
![]() I struggle with this all the time, be it RPG stuff or music. There are only 2 stores that carry RPG stuff the I know of in Calgary but they hardly ever have Paizo stuff. I just recently subscribed to AP, but first I called both stores asking them if/when they would be getting the "Council of Thieves" AP in. Both stores told me "I don't now" and that was it. I've also tried to order stuff from them before but they either don't call me back saying that they can get it, or they look at me like a moron. I would rather support my local gaming store but its hard some times. ![]()
![]() just a quick question about prestige class. Do you add the BAB of the prestige to highest BAB from the core class, or do you add it to all of the BAB if you have a BAB of +6 or more? example: Fighter 7 BAB +7/+1 level ups to a Arcane Archer 1 with a BAB of +1. Would his new BAB for Fighter 7/ Arcane Archer 1 +8/+1 or +8/+2? ![]()
![]() A Demon lord of the Abyss plots to take over the material plane, and he needs to start some where.4 towers have appeared across "kingdoms name", army's of twisted Human and Orcs are spreading death and mayhem throughout "kingdoms name". And that is where my problem starts. I can't think of any names for this "kingdom". I'm just drawing a blank. So if you folks have any ideas for names or just some tips of making a campaign I would love to hear them. Before you ask the rules set I'm using it is PFRPG/3.5 mash up. I have a pretty good out line of what is going to happen. My plan is to take his campaign from 1-20,battling hordes of humans,orcs and demons. Taking down these dark towers of he abyss. I'm coming up with some epic level stuff from traveling to the abyss and taking on the master mind of this evil plot. ps. not sure if this is the right spot to post this. |