Son of Forums are Way Too Long!!!

Off-Topic Discussions

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taig wrote:
I'd be happy to. I'm sure it's not lame at all. You have very clever ideas from what I've seen. :)

We'll see. I'll have to email it to you in a couple hours or so; In a couple minutes, I've got to go walk some dogs so their bladders don't explode.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Would you have a peek at my SupaStah entry and tell me how lame it is? No hurry and no pressure, just feeling insecure about it (what's new).
We'll join a support group together :)

Keep me away from the donuts though. :)

taig wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Orthos wrote:
*cough* Yes, let's just leave it at that shall we? *shoves discussion back into the proper thread*
Same with dragons. This thread is for USELESS discussion only. Also, no one commented on my new haircut.

It looks nice. Did you go to a salon?

He was a guest in our Salon/Spa.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
...Also, no one commented on my new haircut.
Looks like someone took a weed-wacker to you. I have no idea what your hair looks like. :)

Dammit! I told them hedge-clippers only!

Silver Crusade

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Would you have a peek at my SupaStah entry and tell me how lame it is? No hurry and no pressure, just feeling insecure about it (what's new).
We'll join a support group together :)
Keep me away from the donuts though. :)

Now you're just asking too much of me.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Would you have a peek at my SupaStah entry and tell me how lame it is? No hurry and no pressure, just feeling insecure about it (what's new).
We'll join a support group together :)
Keep me away from the donuts though. :)
Now you're just asking too much of me.

More for me!

Hello, dearie. It's just come to me that we should start a Ladies' Tea Society thread.

Heading out, be back later. Hope everyone has a good Monday.

Mona & Cosmo's Mama wrote:
Hello, dearie. It's just come to me that we should start a Ladies' Tea Society thread.

I hope I'm invited! I'm a lady!

RPG Superstar 2012

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Heading out, be back later. Hope everyone has a good Monday.

You too!

howdy folks. I should be enjoying this wonderful Monday. at least we have some sun right now and a little snow. we have a projected low of 1F on wednesday night with Tuesday snowy to nearly white out conditions

Mona & Cosmo's Mama wrote:
Hello, dearie. It's just come to me that we should start a Ladies' Tea Society thread.

Oh joy! Will there be something to eat?

Gotta go. More on Tea Society later.

Sebastian's Mother wrote:
Mona & Cosmo's Mama wrote:
Hello, dearie. It's just come to me that we should start a Ladies' Tea Society thread.
Oh joy! Will there be something to eat?

Tea gives me gas. Can I drink Alka Seltzer instead?

Dark Archive

Okay, I wanted to share something I wrote with you guys. It is spoilered for length and political content.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Steven Tindall wrote:
From my understanding of the way our government "SHOULD!!!" be run it is majority rules but minority rights. The judges are the power to make sure that the majority dosen't totally overrun the minority.
Thank you, Steven! We live in a representative republic, not a strict "democracy." That means that this whole idea being promulgated by a few people upthread that, basically, "the minority are there to suck it up and be the slaves of their more popular peers" is NOT the law of the land in the U.S. (David -- please come back -- you explain this stuff better than I do!) Go back and read some of the Framers' letters if the idea is unclear.

Actually I would refer to Alexis de Tocqeville on this issue. Here are some things he said that seem particularly relevent in this case.

"Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom."

"The best laws cannot make a constitution work in spite of morals; morals can turn the worst laws to advantage. That is a commonplace truth, but one to which my studies are always bringing me back. It is the central point in my conception. I see it at the end of all my reflections.”

“Consider any individual at any period of his life, and you will always find him preoccupied with fresh plans to increase his comfort.”

“When an opinion has taken root in a democracy and established itself in the minds of the majority, if afterward persists by itself, needing no effort to maintain it since no one attacks it. Those who at first rejected it as false come in the end to adopt it as accepted, and even those who still at the bottom of their hearts oppose it keep their views to themselves, taking great care to avoid a dangerous and futile contest.”

“An American cannot converse, but he can discuss, and his talk falls into a dissertation. He speaks to you as if he was addressing a meeting; and if he should chance to become warm in the discussion, he will say ''Gentlemen'' to the person with whom he is conversing.”

I would encourage you to take some time and really think about what Tocqueville is saying here. The realizations you come to may surprise you.


Quotes are quotes. The few political science classes I took and glut of op-eds I read have burned me out on them for the most part. The last part makes it sound as if you are belittling those who disagree with you, which I doubt was your intention.

Silver Crusade

I'm pretty sure everyone is going to assume you are attacking their position and/or stand around scratching their heads. I'm not even sure I get it.

Dark Archive

Freehold DM wrote:
Quotes are quotes. The few political science classes I took and glut of op-eds I read have burned me out on them for the most part. The last part makes it sound as if you are belittling those who disagree with you, which I doubt was your intention.

Not belittling people at all. I just doubt some of the peple involved in that thread will actually take the time to think about what is meant, but will just have a kneejerk reaction.

Dark Archive

Celestial Healer wrote:
I'm pretty sure everyone is going to assume you are attacking their position and/or stand around scratching their heads. I'm not even sure I get it.

I will sent you a message on Facebook and explain what I mean.

Yayyyyy CH is back! *hugs*
And things are worked out on the homefront as well. Big money still not in, but friends and family taking care of the small things. :D
I can breathe at least.

Silver Crusade

David Fryer wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
I'm pretty sure everyone is going to assume you are attacking their position and/or stand around scratching their heads. I'm not even sure I get it.
** spoiler omitted **

FB is being slow in forwarding the message, but I'll take a look when it arrives.

Silver Crusade

Solnes wrote:

Yayyyyy CH is back! *hugs*

And things are worked out on the homefront as well. Big money still not in, but friends and family taking care of the small things. :D
I can breathe at least.

It's good that you have people who can help you with things. I think we all count on each other sometimes. Glad things are going better!

David Fryer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Quotes are quotes. The few political science classes I took and glut of op-eds I read have burned me out on them for the most part. The last part makes it sound as if you are belittling those who disagree with you, which I doubt was your intention.
Not belittling people at all. I just doubt some of the peple involved in that thread will actually take the time to think about what is meant, but will just have a kneejerk reaction.

Well then, there's the problem/belittling. If you are going out with the intent of casting pearls before swine(note: NOT CALLING ANYONE SWINE or intentionally insulting them by comparing them to bacon/ham/sausage/deliciousness/friendly family pet in some countries or counties, just using the expression), then you've kinda quietly set up a straw man. Better to put up less quotes(some of them were rather arcane) and put up a link to the dude who said them, like you have in some other topics- it will encourage those who don't know him to educate themselves while those who do will remember the guy and what he stood for and probably have a better idea of what you're trying to say.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Solnes wrote:

Yayyyyy CH is back! *hugs*

And things are worked out on the homefront as well. Big money still not in, but friends and family taking care of the small things. :D
I can breathe at least.
It's good that you have people who can help you with things. I think we all count on each other sometimes. Glad things are going better!

I have been very lucky indeed to have met/reunited with two very important people in the last year. Katie, who I had coffee with this morning, is my neighbor and we have become fast friends. It is nice b/c we look out for each other. I know that when I need she is there and she knows that when she needs I am there. There is a third to our friendship, and she is the kind of person who is always happy and keeps your spirits up.

I love my girls. :)

Now that I can breathe again, I think it is time for the kidlets to take a nap, so I can relax. Off tonight, although I am supposed to go and do some cleaning.
Going to make homemade chicken tenders for dinner, with TATER TOTS, which will save the world some day...mark my words.

The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Quotes are quotes. The few political science classes I took and glut of op-eds I read have burned me out on them for the most part. The last part makes it sound as if you are belittling those who disagree with you, which I doubt was your intention.
Not belittling people at all. I just doubt some of the peple involved in that thread will actually take the time to think about what is meant, but will just have a kneejerk reaction.
Well then, there's the problem/belittling. If you are going out with the intent of casting pearls before swine(note: NOT CALLING ANYONE SWINE or intentionally insulting them by comparing them to bacon/ham/sausage/deliciousness/friendly family pet in some countries or counties, just using the expression), then you've kinda quietly set up a straw man. Better to put up less quotes(some of them were rather arcane) and put up a link to the dude who said them, like you have in some other topics- it will encourage those who don't know him to educate themselves while those who do will remember the guy and what he stood for and probably have a better idea of what you're trying to say.

I don't know, maybe some people taking some time to research what he is talking about might slow up the conversation a bit and cause peopel to think before they post. Doubt it will happen but hey we can always hope.

David Fryer wrote:
Okay, I wanted to share something I wrote with you guys. It is spoilered for length and political content. ** spoiler omitted **...

I think I have demonstrated that I need to be silent on any fragile topics. Besides, I don;t have enough knowledge on the subject to make an informative comment. :)

David Fryer wrote:
Okay, I wanted to share something I wrote with you guys. It is spoilered for length and political content. ** spoiler omitted **...

The gotcha is that if people agree with the premise they'll see it for what it is. If they disagree they may take umbrage at being too 'enamoured'.

On an aside, I find it educational to see the debates of the distant past applying to today's topics. Though they might not change my ideas I feel better that bigger brains than mine have thought these things over, though it's a bit disheartening to see the 'solutions' are so evasive.

Dark Archive

Merry Christmas!

The Exchange

Solnes wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Okay, I wanted to share something I wrote with you guys. It is spoilered for length and political content. ** spoiler omitted **...
I think I have demonstrated that I need to be silent on any fragile topics. Besides, I don;t have enough knowledge on the subject to make an informative comment. :)

As many have shown previously, you don't have to have any knowledge of a fragile topic to make a comment. :)

Dang I was aggressive last night. I should have had more coffee.

Damn damn damn. The metrocard I left for my wife to go to school today expired yesterday at midnight. I am in trouble when I get home...

Dark Archive

Freehold DM wrote:
Damn damn damn. The metrocard I left for my wife to go to school today expired yesterday at midnight. I am in trouble when I get home...

Yes you are.

David Fryer wrote:
Okay, I wanted to share something I wrote with you guys. It is spoilered for length and political content. ** spoiler omitted **...

Post monster et my reply. *sigh*

If one agrees with the premise (too enamoured of equality) they'll luv this. If one disagrees it's volatile.

Besides, quoting some french guy will bring out Aberzombie. ;)

Dark Archive

Solnes wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Okay, I wanted to share something I wrote with you guys. It is spoilered for length and political content. ** spoiler omitted **...
I think I have demonstrated that I need to be silent on any fragile topics. Besides, I don;t have enough knowledge on the subject to make an informative comment. :)

The fact that you recognize that you don't have enough knowledge to comment makes you more enlightened than 98% of the world's population. :)

Freehold DM wrote:
(note: NOT CALLING ANYONE SWINE or intentionally insulting them by comparing them to bacon/ham/sausage/deliciousness/friendly family pet in some countries or counties, just using the expression)

The fact that it's even necessary to put in that disclaimer is half the problem.

Dark Archive

Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
(note: NOT CALLING ANYONE SWINE or intentionally insulting them by comparing them to bacon/ham/sausage/deliciousness/friendly family pet in some countries or counties, just using the expression)
The fact that it's even necessary to put in that disclaimer is half the problem.

And usually in this thread is unnessecary.

David Fryer wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
(note: NOT CALLING ANYONE SWINE or intentionally insulting them by comparing them to bacon/ham/sausage/deliciousness/friendly family pet in some countries or counties, just using the expression)
The fact that it's even necessary to put in that disclaimer is half the problem.
And usually in this thread is unnessecary.

Actually, I was just trying to slip in a smile in there. Humor cools blood, anger spills it, etc.

The Exchange

Does anyone else notice who comments in one thread can spill over to another?

Dark Archive

I ended up changing the way I worded my final statement. It's changed in my original post in this thread as well. I decided to tonne down the supiriority complex.

David Fryer wrote:
I ended up changing the way I worded my final statement. It's changed in my original post in this thread as well. I decided to tonne down the supiriority complex.

Sounds good. I likes it.

Freehold DM wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
(note: NOT CALLING ANYONE SWINE or intentionally insulting them by comparing them to bacon/ham/sausage/deliciousness/friendly family pet in some countries or counties, just using the expression)
The fact that it's even necessary to put in that disclaimer is half the problem.
And usually in this thread is unnessecary.
Actually, I was just trying to slip in a smile in there. Humor cools blood, anger spills it, etc.

I did get a chuckle out of deliciousness, good show.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Does anyone else notice who comments in one thread can spill over to another?

Move along citizens, nothing to see here.

Agent Dee wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Does anyone else notice who comments in one thread can spill over to another?
Move along citizens, nothing to see here.


Orthos wrote:
Agent Dee wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Does anyone else notice who comments in one thread can spill over to another?
Move along citizens, nothing to see here.

Holds up a ballpoint pen. Can everyone look this way for a second?

Agent Dee wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Agent Dee wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Does anyone else notice who comments in one thread can spill over to another?
Move along citizens, nothing to see here.
Holds up a ballpoint pen. Can everyone look this way for a second?

You'll never get me copper!!


Orthos wrote:
Agent Dee wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Agent Dee wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Does anyone else notice who comments in one thread can spill over to another?
Move along citizens, nothing to see here.
Holds up a ballpoint pen. Can everyone look this way for a second?

You'll never get me copper!!


They always run. Activates portable rocket segway and chases the perp down.

TATER TOT GOOD, Political/Religious thread BAD.
See I told you they would save the world. Good always trumps bad!! ;D

Agent Dee wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Agent Dee wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Agent Dee wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Does anyone else notice who comments in one thread can spill over to another?
Move along citizens, nothing to see here.
Holds up a ballpoint pen. Can everyone look this way for a second?

You'll never get me copper!!


They always run. Activates portable rocket segway and chases the perp down.

*draws portal*

*jumps in*

*slams shut*

*potion of haste, potion of endurance, potion of invisibility*


Dark Archive

So haven't even gotten my LSAT scores back and I am already recieving letters from law schools inviting me to apply.

Sovereign Court

David Fryer wrote:
So haven't even gotten my LSAT scores back and I am already recieving letters from law schools inviting me to apply.

Will you have your own personal Modron to carry your books?

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