The political alias thread

Off-Topic Discussions

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I have a feeling I'm going to regret this.

What? You couldn't have said that back in 2003? Sheesh!

Dark Archive

I kinda like this place, but it isn't as nice as the VP mansion.

I knew you wouldn't be able to help showing your ugly mug around here, Biden.


Dark Archive

I just wanted to let you know I had to remodel the VP house. You didn't have a play room.

Sure I did. It was the one in the basement with the manacles, a rack, and a man-sized steel vise.

Hello? How do you all feel about so many politicians getting into sex scandals? Is it their business? Or are they f&$%ing d@#$s who need to resign and go to jail?

Joe Biden wrote:
I just wanted to let you know I had to remodel the VP house. You didn't have a play room.
Dick Cheney wrote:
Sure I did. It was the one in the basement with the manacles, a rack, and a man-sized steel vise.

If you'll permit me, sir. That wasn't much of a play room. We kept all the good stuff at the Shadow White House.

Scooter Libby wrote:
Joe Biden wrote:
I just wanted to let you know I had to remodel the VP house. You didn't have a play room.
Dick Cheney wrote:
Sure I did. It was the one in the basement with the manacles, a rack, and a man-sized steel vise.
If you'll permit me, sir. That wasn't much of a play room. We kept all the good stuff at the Shadow White House.

Shhhh! You weren't supposed to tell anyone. If you drop one more word about it, I'll make you stand trial to cover my butt again.


And did you here that Joe Biden is a secret communist and that stalin is his father?

Dick Cheney wrote:

Scooter Libby wrote:
If you'll permit me, sir. That wasn't much of a play room. We kept all the good stuff at the Shadow White House.
Shhhh! You weren't supposed to tell anyone. If you drop one more word about it, I'll make you stand trial to cover my butt again.

Sorry, sir, of course. May I suggest, sir, that should it become necessary that others stand trial with me. I think it would take more than one person to cover your butt properly.

Why didn't I just have you buncha hacks thrown outta New Paizonia?

Yes we can....Yes we can....Yes we can

Lord President Moorluck wrote:
Why didn't I just have you buncha hacks thrown outta New Paizonia?

You can never get rid of me.

Sarah Palin wrote:

Hey, you resigned! You have no bearing in this thread.

Cultist of Obama wrote:
Yes we can....Yes we can....Yes we can

Why did you have to? Why did you have to? Why did you have to?

Turn away from the tired politics of the past and join our second American Revolution!

Eustace Q. Figg, Chairman WNC wrote:
Turn away from the tired politics of the past and join our second American Revolution!

I take exception to that statement. Lord Cheney's politics are not tired, nor past. Spurn your revolution. Grovel apologetically. A man with your resume and gift for rheotoric could go far in our organization.

Sovereign Court

I'll have you know that the Politics of the Past are the way forward! Now excuse me while I conquer India again. For England!

Scooter Libby wrote:
Eustace Q. Figg, Chairman WNC wrote:
Turn away from the tired politics of the past and join our second American Revolution!
I take exception to that statement. Lord Cheney's politics are not tired, nor past. Spurn your revolution. Grovel apologetically. A man with your resume and gift for rheotoric could go far in our organization.

If you weren't slave labor, I would give you a raise.

Liberty's Edge

Solnes wrote:
Cultist of Obama wrote:
Yes we can....Yes we can....Yes we can
Why did you have to? Why did you have to? Why did you have to?

Oi! I resemble that remark.

Hope.... Change....

Cultist of Obama wrote:
Hope.... Change....


The Exchange

Cultist of Obama wrote:
Hope.... Change....

I'd just as soon Hope I can keep more than Change out of my paycheck thank you. ;p

Dub'Ya wrote:
Cultist of Obama wrote:
Hope.... Change....

You didn't notice? When Obama was elected the sky was a little bluer, the birds started singing, and the grass was a little greener. Now leave me alone and let me chant you fascist! Hope.... Change....Hope.... Change....

Cultist of Obama wrote:
Dub'Ya wrote:
Cultist of Obama wrote:
Hope.... Change....
You didn't notice? When Obama was elected the sky was a little bluer, the birds started singing, and the grass was a little greener. Now leave me alone and let me chant you fascist! Hope.... Change....Hope.... Change....

Blue and green ya commie, when I was in charge the sands ran red with Americas enimeies, the nation was whiter and only the liberials where blue.

Moorluck wrote:
Cultist of Obama wrote:
Hope.... Change....
I'd just as soon Hope I can keep more than Change out of my paycheck thank you. ;p

That doesn't matter because Obama will take care of you! Hope.... Change....

Liberty's Edge

Dub'Ya wrote:
Cultist of Obama wrote:
Hope.... Change....

Get out, Mr. President! You're not president anymore. And don't mock my fan base!

President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Dub'Ya wrote:
Cultist of Obama wrote:
Hope.... Change....
Get out, Mr. President! You're not president anymore. And don't mock my fan base!

OMG! OMG! OMG! It's the Anointed One! *faints*

Liberty's Edge

Cultist of Obama wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Cultist of Obama wrote:
Hope.... Change....
I'd just as soon Hope I can keep more than Change out of my paycheck thank you. ;p
That doesn't matter because Obama will take care of you! Hope.... Change....

And stop talking so ridiculously!

You sound like you're brainwashed...

Liberty's Edge

Cultist of Obama wrote:
President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Dub'Ya wrote:
Cultist of Obama wrote:
Hope.... Change....
Get out, Mr. President! You're not president anymore. And don't mock my fan base!
OMG! OMG! OMG! It's the Anointed One! *faints*

Gah! Where's security when you need it? You people are stupider than Bush! Think for yourselves! I can't do this all on my own!

President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Dub'Ya wrote:
Cultist of Obama wrote:
Hope.... Change....
Get out, Mr. President! You're not president anymore. And don't mock my fan base!

Mocking is all I have left, the pentagon won't let me play with their soilders anymore.

I'm not stupid, I'm from Texas.

Liberty's Edge

Dub'Ya wrote:
President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Dub'Ya wrote:
Cultist of Obama wrote:
Hope.... Change....
Get out, Mr. President! You're not president anymore. And don't mock my fan base!
Mocking is all I have left, the pentagon won't let me play with their soilders anymore.

What about your "dubbing" skills? Didn't you dub the "War on Terror" and the "Axis of Evil?" We could use someone like you working for the Taliban.*

*Joke, for those with thin skins.

Liberty's Edge

Dub'Ya wrote:
President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Dub'Ya wrote:
Cultist of Obama wrote:
Hope.... Change....
Get out, Mr. President! You're not president anymore. And don't mock my fan base!
I'm not stupid, I'm from Texas.

Yes, and now a village there has its village idiot back.

Actual spoiler:

From the joke during the Bush regime "Somewhere in Texas, a village is missing its idiot."

Don't misunderestimate me!
Who turned out the lights? Laura, is that you?

President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Cultist of Obama wrote:
President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Dub'Ya wrote:
Cultist of Obama wrote:
Hope.... Change....
Get out, Mr. President! You're not president anymore. And don't mock my fan base!
OMG! OMG! OMG! It's the Anointed One! *faints*
Gah! Where's security when you need it? You people are stupider than Bush! Think for yourselves! I can't do this all on my own!

But...but...but... I can't help myself. You're so awesome. You rule all 57 states. Yes we can... yes we can...

Cultist of Obama wrote:
But...but...but... I can't help myself. You're so awesome. You rule all 57 states. Yes we can... yes we can...

Nice boy, but about as sharp as a sack of wet mice.

One time at the air national guard I shoved a mouse up my trunk.

Dick Cheney wrote:
Scooter Libby wrote:
Eustace Q. Figg, Chairman WNC wrote:
Turn away from the tired politics of the past and join our second American Revolution!
I take exception to that statement. Lord Cheney's politics are not tired, nor past. Spurn your revolution. Grovel apologetically. A man with your resume and gift for rheotoric could go far in our organization.
If you weren't slave labor, I would give you a raise.

Thank you, sir. I endeavor to give satisfaction.

Dub'Ya wrote:
One time at the air national guard I shoved a mouse up my trunk.


Please, Mr. President. You're embarassing Lord Cheney.

Scooter Libby wrote:
I take exception to that statement. Lord Cheney's politics are not tired, nor past. Spurn your revolution. Grovel apologetically. A man with your resume and gift for rheotoric could go far in our organization.

Sir, I grovel for no man.

Both Lord Cheney and his Democratic replacement are two different paths to the same destination: America's bankrupcy. It matters not WHAT you spend our money on, the fact of the matter is that it was spent, and wastefully.

It is a shameful day when the freest and richest country in the world has become a massive debtor nation, mortgaging our future to avoid difficulties in the present. Look to California to see the future of our great land. Hard service cuts and rising taxes. All because people refuse to assume responsibility for their own lives.

I may be resigning, but you'll see me and my cute accent in 2012 you betcha. And you'll hear me say Joe sixpack all the time.

Dark Archive

Tax cuts taste like freedom.

If I were still around, I'd have you all brought to my private lodge in Cuba, then I'd practice "Talking softly but carrying a big stick". Only I won't be doing any talking.

Scooter Libby wrote:
Dick Cheney wrote:
Scooter Libby wrote:
Eustace Q. Figg, Chairman WNC wrote:
Turn away from the tired politics of the past and join our second American Revolution!
I take exception to that statement. Lord Cheney's politics are not tired, nor past. Spurn your revolution. Grovel apologetically. A man with your resume and gift for rheotoric could go far in our organization.
If you weren't slave labor, I would give you a raise.

Thank you, sir. I endeavor to give satisfaction.

Dub'Ya wrote:
One time at the air national guard I shoved a mouse up my trunk.


Please, Mr. President. You're embarassing Lord Cheney.

He did that for eight years.

Eustace Q. Figg, Chairman WNC wrote:

Sir, I grovel for no man.

Both Lord Cheney and his Democratic replacement are two different paths to the same destination: America's bankrupcy. It matters not WHAT you spend our money on, the fact of the matter is that it was spent, and wastefully.

It is a shameful day when the freest and richest country in the world has become a massive debtor nation, mortgaging our future to avoid difficulties in the present. Look to California to see the future of our great land. Hard service cuts and rising taxes. All because people refuse to assume responsibility for their own lives.

Mr. Figg, by looking at the big picture you are missing the true enemy, the true cause of out nation's unfortunate decline, the DNC. This cabal of conspirators plots tirelessly to multiply the wasteful spending you so properly decry. The current administration and Congress are merely their frontmen in an evil design to bankrupt the state and trigger a financial and constitutional crisis so severe that all the lazy deadbeats, one could hardly call them citizens, who earn less than $200k a year, turn to their WitchQueen Hilary as their savior.

Contrast that with our modest and reasonable goals: to bring about social justice by eliminating all wasteful international and domestic social spending (except spending which benefits our valued right-thinking campaign contributors) , restoring America’s international prestige by always doing what we think right, convenient, or profitable without regard to the rights or opinions of other nations, and tax-cutting our way to a balanced budget!


Dick Cheney wrote:

Dub'Ya wrote:
One time at the air national guard I shoved a mouse up my trunk.


Please, Mr. President. You're embarassing Lord Cheney.

He did that for eight years.

You're so right, sir. Your patience, forbearance, and tact during that period was a shining example to us all.

The Ghost of Teddy Roosevelt wrote:
If I were still around, I'd have you all brought to my private lodge in Cuba, then I'd practice "Talking softly but carrying a big stick". Only I won't be doing any talking.

Mr. President, if only you could see us now. You would sit up and take notice. Even now I hear your ringing cries of "Bully for you, boys! Bully for you!"

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