Lucinda Darkeyes |

The Lucinda Fallacy:
A swarm of jellyfish float through the red, a pretty luminescent shade of green, and with tentacles poisonous enough to paralyse a kraken.
A swarm of trilobites scuttle along in their wake, scavenging creatures dropped by the jellyfish.
A pretty woman in dark robes with a hood pulled well up over her face watches the aquatic ballet.
Actually, I'm wearing a coral gown, and with a cute hermit crab nestling in my hair. I just think I'm wearing discreet and secretive robes. The same way that Charles Evans 25 imagines that I'm an alias and doesn't realise that he's a product of my imagination, to distract me from yet another bizarre day in the OTD threads. I mean if you had days filled with drow, dragons, and only-the-eldest-elemental-evils (whom I don't speak to these days) know-what, you might imagine a fantasy character who is rather humdrum and boring whom not a lot ever really happens to.

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The Kassil Interval
The period of time it takes for one to go from idle absence to spam-flooding of posts. Usually preceded and followed by a period of a few months of dormancy.
The Solnes Gambit
A blitz of repeating posts in an attempt to rapidly ramp up post count and make it to being first on a new page.
Kobold Cleaver Defense
Preemptively assert that everything is the fault of someone else and that, as a kobold, you are being assaulted.
Kassil Theorem
The notion that there exist four types of GMs; Monty Haulers, Nice Guys, Evil GMs, and Killer GMs. Assertion that evil GMs result from particularly stupid players existing for an extended time period.
Turin Theorem
The theory that PCs exist solely for the purpose of being rations and paychecks for the monstrous denizens of the world.

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The Malformed Manoeuvre
In a bid to salvage former imperial glory, the denigration of former colonials by pointing out they cannot spell.
See also Maneuver.
See also Heathansson.

Heathanssson |

In a bid to salvage former imperial glory, the denigration of former colonials by pointing out they cannot spell. See also Heathansson.
Talk about spelling, I think you're missing an "s" there, mate.

CourtFool |

The Fryer Theorum No thread will stay on topic for more than one page because of A) some ill informed rant about why whatever is being discussed is wrong which results in everyone beating up the troll, B) someone making a joke at the expense of the topic, or C) CourtFool.
Sometimes A, B and C are accomplished in the same post.

Charles Evans 25 |
The Fryer Theorum No thread will stay on topic for more than one page because of A) some ill informed rant about why whatever is being discussed is wrong which results in everyone beating up the troll, B) someone making a joke at the expense of the topic, or C) CourtFool.
Corollary (?):
Unless the thread in question involves the GSL, Dungeon and Dragon magazines, or what technically count as different editions of D&D in which case it may well stay on topic but descend into a flame war at some point.
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The Fryer Theorum No thread will stay on topic for more than one page because of A) some ill informed rant about why whatever is being discussed is wrong which results in everyone beating up the troll, B) someone making a joke at the expense of the topic, or C) CourtFool.
or D) Kobold Cleaver, or E) Heathy, or F) smyrfs, or G) someone mentioning that pony thing and summoning Sebastian.

Sarah Palin |

David Fryer wrote:The Fryer Theorum No thread will stay on topic for more than one page because of A) some ill informed rant about why whatever is being discussed is wrong which results in everyone beating up the troll, B) someone making a joke at the expense of the topic, or C) CourtFool.Sometimes A, B and C are accomplished in the same post.
Darn right they are.

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The Gavgoyle Differential Range: A value range expressed as the difference between: the amount you want to be a good and valued member of the boards who posts concise and well thought out responses; the amount the battle between short attention span and verbosity allows you to post that is germaine to the topic; and the amount of input that is inserted by the snarky or puckish (or dickish) sense of humor possesed by the poster. It is heavily weighted toward the latter.

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David Fryer wrote:The Fryer Theorum No thread will stay on topic for more than one page because of A) some ill informed rant about why whatever is being discussed is wrong which results in everyone beating up the troll, B) someone making a joke at the expense of the topic, or C) CourtFool.Corollary (?):
Unless the thread in question involves the GSL, Dungeon and Dragon magazines, or what technically count as different editions of D&D in which case it may well stay on topic but descend into a flame war at some point.
Flame wars tend not to be on topic. They very quickly devolve into one side accusing the other of sucking and the other side accusing them of being a noob.

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The Gavgoyle Differential Range: A value range expressed as the difference between: the amount you want to be a good and valued member of the boards who posts concise and well thought out responses; the amount the battle between short attention span and verbosity allows you to post that is germaine to the topic; and the amount of input that is inserted by the snarky or puckish (or dickish) sense of humor possesed by the poster. It is heavily weighted toward the latter.
It is also sometimes called The Sebastian Factor.

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Poodle Premise
Threads are, therefore, they go off topic.
I thought that was an Internet Law.
CDAG Theorem
Any problem may be solved by a sufficient application of firepower, regardless of the type of problem. This usually results in greater damage than the initial problem was causing. If it doesn't, someone isn't doing things properly.