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Beauty beauty beauty beautiful
Alcohol is your yoga baby
Gonna call out my name
Then I'm gonna rain
All over you
Diamond days cut and dry
But beauty in the hurricane's eye
What's the deal with aliases?
She-Rulk not like Spearows!
<Stabs Piratey McPirate>
Add butter to your next meal to bring out the flavor!
<Flings poo>
This thread is Abyssmal!
Ey mrs. Puddel!
I'm the superior copy.
I like poodles!
Stay away!
<Looks over at Moorluck's pet rust monster>
Today's political situation would have me rolling over in my grave, if I weren't a ghost. Where's my stick?
I love the feel of an autumn breeze. I know it's going to be "naked time" soon.
I'm sensing inanity.
Thread self-destruct sequence engaged. T-minus 153.
It is very quiet in this corner of the messageboard.
It's almost midnight. I wonder if the PDF will be available then.
Actually, I doubt it will, since no one will be around to cycle power to the servers when they go down.
New page! Only three more to fill up!
Lots of cool updates from GenCon. I wish I were there. :(
If I were there, I wouldn't be able to push this thread over 7500.
So there is that.
We get wolf spiders around this time of year, and they build absolutely beautiful webs.
Personally, I am icked out by spiders, but I think they are pretty useful in eliminating other less useful vermin.
And I must say, their webs are pretty amazing pieces of architecture.
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
Two can be as bad as one
It's the loneliest number since the number one
No is the saddest experience you'll ever know
Yes, it's the saddest experience you'll ever know
`Cause one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do