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Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Dark Archive

As the Paizo special comes to a close tomorrow, what Pathfinder PDF did you snag from Paizo's virtual storefront?

Liberty's Edge

I picked up the first seven Pathfinder Society scenarios.

I've been happily butchering PCs since. :D

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Society Scenarios from #9 to #18, Pathfinder Modules D2, J4, S1 and E2, and the three releases so far of Pathfinder Paper Minis.

LoF 1 and 2, 2 PF Society dealies, and the magnificent Classic Monsters Revisited! (Trolls for the Win!)

All I had before was the Pathfinder Beta book, so I picked up quite a few items:

  • Pathfinder Campaign Setting
  • Classic Monsters Revisited
  • Darklands
  • Dragons Revisited
  • Guide to Absalom
  • Elves of Golarian
  • Modules D0, D3, J3 and LB1

I'm still getting through the Campaign Setting. Classic Monsters Revisited rocks!

So, is there anything else I should have picked up? I haven't yet dived into the actual adventure paths. At the moment, I have more than enough adventure material. But was wanted to get a clear feel for Golarian as I'm thinking of merging some of it into my Ptolus campaign.

I'd dropped my subscriptions to the Pathfinder AP and Chronicles about two months ago, so I took advantage of the sale to catch up on some of those missed products. In total I grabbed:

Guide to Absalom
AP #19: Howl of the Carrion King
Dragons Revisited
E2: Blood of Dragonscar

Dark Archive

jaaronfarr wrote:

All I had before was the Pathfinder Beta book, so I picked up quite a few items:

  • Pathfinder Campaign Setting
  • Classic Monsters Revisited
  • Darklands
  • Dragons Revisited
  • Guide to Absalom
  • Elves of Golarian
  • Modules D0, D3, J3 and LB1

I'm still getting through the Campaign Setting. Classic Monsters Revisited rocks!

So, is there anything else I should have picked up? I haven't yet dived into the actual adventure paths. At the moment, I have more than enough adventure material. But was wanted to get a clear feel for Golarian as I'm thinking of merging some of it into my Ptolus campaign.

The Guide to Korvosa is excellent. Also Gods and Magic is a useful background resource.

Guide to Darkmoon Vale, despite the mapping layout issues (nothing mind-wrecking, to be honest), has a great atmosphere.

The Exchange

As I have not been able to subscribe to the Chronicles line so far, I took the opportunity to get my hands on

Into the Darklands
Guide to Absalom
Dragons Revisited (Mike, you rock once again!)

I also snagged a pdf of Christine Schneider's "Clash of the Kingslayer"

And now I'm thinking about adding some Pathfinder Society Scenarios

Liberty's Edge

AP #19: Howl of the Carrion King
AP #20: House of the Beast
All of N'wah minis
LB2:Quimera Cove
E2: Blood of Dragonscar

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Since we bought several books before the hubby subscribed, we nabbed all of those in PDF format:

Runelords 1-6
Crimson Throne 1-2
Guide to Korvosa
Guide to Darkmoon Vale
Classic Monsters Revisited

Now I just need to get Darkmoon Vale in book form for a complete to date library :)

RPG Superstar 2012

I just picked up PFS Scenarios 19 and 20. Those were the only unpurchased things I could get with the coupon. (curse my indiscriminate spending)

Well, actually: Nothing. I already have all I need because I get it for free as a subscriber. I could have gotten modules and scenarios, but I really don't need more adventures - I already have the APs, and we're lagging behind one and a half APs already.

The Exchange

I admit, I bought the things. Crazy. I spent 116 bucks getting up to date. As one can see, I am a subscriber. For a bit, I had to cancel my subscription. I laid low. I bought in secret from the FLGS.

As fast as I could, I subscribed again. However, I missed a slug of PDFs. Since I didn't get a subscription for a few months.

Today, I did it. I have every single PDF for all Pathfinder Products. Gamemastery too. I end that shameful period of not subscibing and missing the free PDFs. Completely sad that I was missing those PDFs.

And what the hell, throw in all those Pathfinder Society Scenarios while you are at it. Done!

Dark Archive

golem101 wrote:
Pathfinder Society Scenarios from #9 to #18, Pathfinder Modules D2, J4, S1 and E2, and the three releases so far of Pathfinder Paper Minis.

Add to the list the latest 2 Pathfinder Society scenarios, #19 and # 20. :)

I'm a Charter Superscriber, so I only needed to pick up all the 20 society scenarios and the paper minis.

I picked up these products.

Pathfinder Campaign Setting
Gods & Magic
Classic Monsters Revisited
Guide to Absalom
LB1:Tower of the Last Baron
E2:Blood of Dragonscar
PFS #16,17,18,19,20

Thank you Paizo!

Liberty's Edge

Going to pick up PFS #5-20 later today as well as the new paper minis :-)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Pathfinder Society Scenarios #13-20.
I am gonna get in the sh!t for it when my wife sees the Credit Card Statement but what the heck.

I had to cancel my Superscriber Subs as of Legacy of Fire because of stupid cash flow dramas. I still get everything from my FLGS (except Planet Stories unfortunately) but now it's not on the Credit Card and I can lay-by it and pick it up when I have the cash.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

PFS #17-20
all 3 Pathfinder Minis
SKR's Lycanthrope PDF
+ some undiscounted PDFs (i.e. Pathfinder Terrain and 0OneGames' The Great City)

Is the promotion finished? I cannot find it on the front page.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

trellian wrote:
Is the promotion finished? I cannot find it on the front page.

Not until 12.01am on Friday the 1st.

(Although I have no idea when that is for anyone backwards of Australia unfortunately... that's in about 6 minutes here).

Sovereign Court

Classic Mosters Revisited
Dragons Revisited

and I got one of the guys in my group to buy his own copy of CMR, because his favored enemy is goblinoids so I let him read up on bugbears, hobgoblins, and goblins and he was hooked.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I bought N'wah's minis and a couple PFS scenarios.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

flash_cxxi wrote:
trellian wrote:
Is the promotion finished? I cannot find it on the front page.

Not until 12.01am on Friday the 1st.

(Although I have no idea when that is for anyone backwards of Australia unfortunately... that's in about 6 minutes here).

It is 16 and 1/2 hours from now.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hangman's Noose and the first two paper miniature releases.

Liberty's Edge

Locke1520 wrote:
Hangman's Noose and the first two paper miniature releases.

there is a 3rd already :P


now that i know there's 3 paper mini sets, those 3.

as well as the PDF of Elves of Golarion.

gotta love PDF downloads that are actually USEFUL as well as looking good.


Liberty's Edge

ok ok I am weak... and I like SKR's work.. so I got Curse of the Moon (nothing to do with my love for Werewolves... even more if I see werewolves killed by vampires :D)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I got Pathfinder Campaign Setting, N,wah's Gnolls, and PFS#18.

---The Poster Map of the Inner Sea is blowing my mind! Is it possible to buy just the map in physical form???---

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder #18—Second Darkness Chapter 6: "Descent into Midnight" (OGL) PDF

Pathfinder Adventure Path #19: "Howl of the Carrion King" (Legacy of Fire 1 of 6) (OGL) PDF

Pathfinder Module S1: Clash of the Kingslayers (OGL) PDF

Pathfinder Paper Minis: Katapeshi Caravan PDF

Pathfinder Paper Minis: Monster Set 1—Gnolls PDF

Pathfinder Paper Minis: Howl of the Carrion King PDF

Pathfinder Society Scenario #19: Skeleton Moon (OGL) PDF

As well as Pact Stone Pyramid module (gonna run this one at ReaperCon in a couple weeks!!)

Products were around 60.00 got them for around 40.00, damn good sale. Thank you Paizo!!!

Not to mention, I won't feel as bad when I buy the physical copy eventually, ha ha (soon subscriber status again soon!!)

I picked up Classic Monsters Revisited, since it's out of print. Excellent book.

Since it's the last day, I might as well sift through and see if there's any other out of print stuff I can't live without.

Scarab Sages

I picked up:
All three of the paper minis sets! (I love the style!)

Sean K Reynolds'; Curse of the Moon, Hungry little Monsters,Swords to Plowshares, The New Argonauts! (These all look very cool!)

Pathfinder Society scenerios 1-5, 18, and 19. (Even without the discount you can't beat these for gaming value for your $!)

Pathfinder Modules: J1 Entombed with the Pharohs and TC1 Into the Haunted Forest (I've had my eye on J1 forever!)

Very nice products at an awesome value!

Thank you Paizo!

Thank you to the creative teams who made these products!

Dark Archive

I picked up Dragons Revisited, and I'm loving it.

Sovereign Court

[shameless pleading]
For all of those who have bought Pathfinder Society scenarios at low, low prices, feel free to visit this Google group (link) and volunteer your services as an on-line Pathfinder Society DM!
[/shamless pleading]

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

PFS 1,4,5,6,8,16,18 and 20

Pathfinder Module E2

Looking forward to them!

I purchased:

Pathfinder Chronicles: Classic Monsters Revisited
Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting
Pathfinder Society Scenario #4: The Frozen Fingers of Midnight
Pathfinder Chronicles: Gods & Magic
Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to Absalom

Most of what I bought was to study for running games at Gencon. I also wanted to send a message (of appreciation) to Paizo after WoTC's PDF blunder. All in all, about $50.00 of revenue with very little marginal cost for Paizo. Win/win.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

I might be interested in getting the minis. This may have been covered in another thread, but how does one get the minis on something that will stand up (no pun intended) at the gaming table. Is it easy to get them on cardstock and cut them out? Would I print them out in B/W or find a color printer?

The Exchange

Gods & Magic
Guide to Absalom
Burnt Offerings
Gallery of Evil

A mix from the different product lines to have a look while they were affordable. I may pick some more up based on what I read, if I can. Torn between feeding an RPG addiction and a toddler, the toddler wins every time :)

Scarab Sages

I got
Guide to Darkmoon Vale
Guide to Korvosa (especially appropriate since I'm taking over a CoCT PbP)
Sean K Reynolds'; Curse of the Moon

I might add a couple little things tonight, gotta check muh bank account...but Dragons revisited sounds very does the newest Pathfinder Society scenario, with the Azlant ship...

I celebrated the beginning by getting the Guide to Absalom. Today, I wrapped up the love with the three paper mini sets. It's not a lot, but I am happy to get them. (If I could get more, I'd go with the Osirion Companion and maybe a few PfS scenarios.)

Huzzah for PDF love! Long live Paizo!

All I was able to afford were the PFS scenarios of #15-#20. I now have a complete set. I just have to schedule when I will run them on the Pathfinder Society Game Days at my FLGS. *sigh*

Silver Crusade

just added Osirion pdf tonight (hell at under 5.00 bucks why not!!)

I have the dead tree, now the pdf. Man I miss not being a Superscriber.


All 20 PF Society Scenarios. I was hoping against hope for the chance to buy print versions, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards so...

Liberty's Edge

Picked up:

Guide to Korvosa
All three Paper Minis sets
Pathfinder Society Scenarios 1 – 20
Into the Darklands
Osiron, Land of Pharaohs

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Mactaka wrote:

PFS 1,4,5,6,8,16,18 and 20

Pathfinder Module E2

Looking forward to them!

And I bought all three sets of the Paper Minis!!

3 hours and 3 minutes left for those counting.

Off to finish the PFS adventure set, and that last paper mini. Already got the rest of the adventures and Sean's stuff (Lycanthropes is cool! - and I'm not even that big a fan of them!)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

taig wrote:

I might be interested in getting the minis. This may have been covered in another thread, but how does one get the minis on something that will stand up (no pun intended) at the gaming table. Is it easy to get them on cardstock and cut them out? Would I print them out in B/W or find a color printer?

You can download the instructions for free, so I suggest you take a quick look at those to see how they're put together.

You can get cardstock at any hobby or office supply store. Cutting them out neatly requires a hobby/X-Acto knife, but you can make square stand-ups with just sissors if you're less worried about precision.

You can print them in b&w if you like and that's what you have available, but the PDFs are in color.

Sovereign Court

More than I probably should have ;)

Pretty much all the Chronicles publications and the two Companions I didn't already have in hard copy.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Bless you all.

Thanks for sharing in the PDF Love!

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