Tristan the Waif |

Tristan the Waif wrote:On the dawn of the morning, a young waif scampers out from blind duck alley. He scans the streets of the Bazaar searching for his next meal.Walking through the Bazaar, a young boy spies the waif, and 'drops' a coin , and continues walking. As he walks past it, he spies something shiny in the razed house.
Can Lk go for the shiny left in the burned down house?
Tristan sees the coin fall onto the street and quickly approaches it. His eyes brigten in good fortune. He scoops the coin with his fingers and scampers off towards the closest tavern. This coin would make for a day's breakfast. Maybe he can sleep in a real bed or loft tonight at the Ranger and the Dryad.
Opening a new thread, a tavern within the Bazaar, called the Ranger and the Dryad.

Arielle |

Reasonable to assume that Muulsh will settle on some exorbitant price for the stars? I'm going to assume so and we can do a flashback to settle things if there's any need.
Arielle skipped out of the shop, her great-great-grandfather clutching her hand tightly to keep her from getting away from him again. She hummed to herself happily, an eerily familiar tune. She was glad to have more pieces of mommy. If things kept going this well she'd have her mommy back very, very soon. She could feel one last piece here in this place and led her grandpa towards the edge of the bazaar where she could hear another star singing.

Muulsh the Merchant |

Reasonable to assume that Muulsh will settle on some exorbitant price for the stars? I'm going to assume so and we can do a flashback to settle things if there's any need.
Oh yeah, money is always good
Muulsh calls merrily to the small girl and her grandfather as they leave his shop
A pleasure meeting you both! Please come again!
And it most certainly was.. He thought with barely-hid glee
He ducks back inside and closes and locks his door. A muttered word causes arcane runes in the lintel to glow momentarily
He approaches his counter, almost shivering with anticipation. On the black velvet drape that had once held the interesting trinket stones there now gleamed a pile of precious stones.
Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds and a halfdozen other types of stones lie in a heap, twinkling. Muulsh's eyes open wide as he screws a jeweler's loupe into his left eye and squints at his new treasures.
Flawless ... flawless He mutters
His mind is ablaze at the fortune the elder elemental had carelessly dropped on his counter.
A king's ransom ... two king's ransoms ... It's amazing .. He mutters as he feverishly inspects the pile of finely-cut gems.

Little Kiba |

The figure hesitates.
"Sorry, I can't tell you. Suffice to say, I'm no enemy of yours. I'm keeping an eye on that girl over there."
*Lk looks at the stranger suspiciously, then thanks him again and dashes after Arielle to give her the shiny he found.*
"Excuse me, I think this is yours." He holds up the shiny.

Arielle |

.... wrote:The figure hesitates.
"Sorry, I can't tell you. Suffice to say, I'm no enemy of yours. I'm keeping an eye on that girl over there."*Lk looks at the stranger suspiciously, then thanks him again and dashes after Arielle to give her the shiny he found.*
"Excuse me, I think this is yours." He holds up the shiny.
Arielle's face lights up with joy as she takes the star from him. "Oh, thank you so much for bringing me the shiny!" she exclaims, holding it close to her and humming a strange tune. The shiny seems to sing along with her. After a minute she puts it into her pouch and turns to the elder air elemental.
"That was the last one here, Grandpa."
Azuri'ith |

Azuri'ith wrote:"Hmmmm. Perhaps. Do your parents know where you are, child? I would not wish to cause them worry.""I'm sorta what you'd call a 'lone wolf'. I don't know who my mom is and I don't really know my dad."
"Very well, then. You may accompany us. Which way next, Arielle?"

Azuri'ith |

"Cool! Um, how are we going to get there?"
Lk begins to look between Arielle and Azuri'ith.
Azuri'ith chuckles. "Why, I will carry you. I am quite capable of lifting a couple of children without straining myself. Here," he reaches out an arm for the boy. Arielle has already climbed on to one of Azuri'ith's shoulders.

Little Kiba |

Little Kiba wrote:Azuri'ith chuckles. "Why, I will carry you. I am quite capable of lifting a couple of children without straining myself. Here," he reaches out an arm for the boy. Arielle has already climbed on to one of Azuri'ith's shoulders."Cool! Um, how are we going to get there?"
Lk begins to look between Arielle and Azuri'ith.
He is going to be carried by a creature made of air...
"It's been so long since I last flew...."
Lk quickly scambles up Azuri'ith' arm and holds of firmly.
"Okay, I'm ready!"
Gotta go, RL game beckons!

Arielle |

He is going to be carried by a creature made of air..."It's been so long since I last flew...."
Lk quickly scambles up Azuri'ith' arm and holds of firmly.
"Okay, I'm ready!"Gotta go, RL game beckons!
Have fun!
Arielle giggles. "You've flown before? Don't you just love it? I only flew for the first time two days ago. Of course, I was only born three days ago."

Chance Encounter |
A necromancer called Cardden, a practitioner of the twisted side of the arcane arts, browses the stalls at a more leisurely pace, seeking for one of the magical curiousities he has heard rumour of recently.
Eventually the necromancer concludes his search for the day, having drawn a complete blank. He has, however, gathered interesting information regarding a number of other seekers after the stars.
He leaves word with several of the most likely merchants as to where and how he can be contacted, should any further stars show up at the bazaar and retires for the night.
Little Kiba |

Azuri'ith wrote:Little Kiba wrote:Azuri'ith chuckles. "Why, I will carry you. I am quite capable of lifting a couple of children without straining myself. Here," he reaches out an arm for the boy. Arielle has already climbed on to one of Azuri'ith's shoulders."Cool! Um, how are we going to get there?"
Lk begins to look between Arielle and Azuri'ith."It's been so long since I last flew...."
Lk quickly scambles up Azuri'ith' arm and holds of firmly.
"Okay, I'm ready!"
We're of to see the Sanctum! The wonderfull Sanctum of Sunny!

Nirellia Dimonia |

From out of nowhere, a hunting spear comes and whirls. Five of the cultists die within an instant. The last is pinned against a wall, badly injured.
At last, the elven woman smiles, her teeth pale in the gathering dark. It seems like I've been waiting for ages for someone like you to turn up to hopefully answer me some questions. Let's go home, shall we, and you can talk to me about some interesting things...
In a swirl of deeper darkness, woman, spear, and man are gone, leaving only five corpses and the spreading pools of blood in the ruins of the house.
The spear that slew those five men is going to make it impossible even for servants of the Eldest Elemental Evils to get any answers out of them via divination or dead-raising magic - although the Eldest Elemental Evils are likely to recognise as such the signature as ND's.

Chance Encounter |
Sudden and mysterious, the swathed and turban-wearing traders from Leng arrive in the early hours of the morning whilst it is still dark, and set up stalls, which trade various trinkets and other more valuable items to anyone who happens to be on the streets. With them, they bring a handful of stars, from the Realms of Dream. They sell these latter only to the wealthiest of buyers, and often only for unique items or promises of difficult services.

Chance Encounter |
The Denizens of Leng sell one star to a grim-faced man who hosts gladiatoral contests, and who thinks that it will make a suitable prize for the winner(s) in his next series of arena clashes.
If anyone else wants to run with this one, there could be some fun here, with someone entering to have to fight through to the final to 'win' the star. Simple cash or valuables might not be of interest to bribe this man to part with the star - all he's interested in is putting on a big show, and he reckons that if someone is wealthy enough to offer a large bribe that they're wealthy enough to send a really good champion along to fight for their claim, too.

Prince Azran |

Prince Azran's contact returns from the visit to the denizens, a bewildered expression on his face, and a strange brooch/talisman fashioned in the shape of a holy symbol of the mother of monsters with a star set in it as the 'third eye' with him. He recounts his news, hands over the brooch, and departs.

The Dalesman |

The Denizens of Leng sell one star to a grim-faced man who hosts gladiatoral contests, and who thinks that it will make a suitable prize for the winner(s) in his next series of arena clashes.
If anyone else wants to run with this one, there could be some fun here, with someone entering to have to fight through to the final to 'win' the star. Simple cash or valuables might not be of interest to bribe this man to part with the star - all he's interested in is putting on a big show, and he reckons that if someone is wealthy enough to offer a large bribe that they're wealthy enough to send a really good champion along to fight for their claim, too.

Charles Evans 25 |
Baaack! (For now.) With regard to an earlier post, I assume it will take the politician 72 hours to try to weasel an appointment with his infernal creditors, so prompt action (and an offer which a politician with his soul at stake will take) should be no cause for a problem there. I'm introducing some situations here where approaches of simply 'we'll buy it/find it/ask for it nicely' won't work in a relatively safe environment, since some of the players down the road will be much harder to bargain with.
And someone might like to convince the traders from Leng to stop selling these things at the Bazaar for now otherwise they will be back with more...

The Dalesman |

Baaack! (For now.) With regard to an earlier post, I assume it will take the politician 72 hours to try to weasel an appointment with his infernal creditors, so prompt action (and an offer which a politician with his soul at stake will take) should be no cause for a problem there. I'm introducing some situations here where approaches of simply 'we'll buy it/find it/ask for it nicely' won't work in a relatively safe environment, since some of the players down the road will be much harder to bargain with.
And someone might like to convince the traders from Leng to stop selling these things at the Bazaar for now otherwise they will be back with more...
Or convince them to sell them to one single source of our choosing...then they can come back all they want :)

Chance Encounter |
'Just add this to the font of holy water in the chapel in your village, and it will cure even the most devestating of plagues.', the trader from Leng promises a paladin of Sarenrae as a star exchanges hands. 'It is a relic of the goddess Lynora-Jill, who died fighting a host of undead, and it should be just the thing that you need to deal with that curse. And my thanks for taking care of that Thassilonian problem...'

Denizen of Leng |
Charles Evans 25 wrote:Or convince them to sell them to one single source of our choosing...then they can come back all they want :)Baaack! (For now.) With regard to an earlier post, I assume it will take the politician 72 hours to try to weasel an appointment with his infernal creditors, so prompt action (and an offer which a politician with his soul at stake will take) should be no cause for a problem there. I'm introducing some situations here where approaches of simply 'we'll buy it/find it/ask for it nicely' won't work in a relatively safe environment, since some of the players down the road will be much harder to bargain with.
And someone might like to convince the traders from Leng to stop selling these things at the Bazaar for now otherwise they will be back with more...
When it comes to business we find that unless secrecy requires otherwise that the best policy is to completely cut out the middleman - and sometimes not just figuratively, but literally, too.

The Dalesman |

When it comes to business we find that unless secrecy requires otherwise that the best policy is to completely cut out the middleman - and sometimes not just figuratively, but literally, too.
Depends on whether or not the one buyer offers a sufficiently sweet deal. Business is business after all ;P

Prince Azran |

Bad news, dear, the Prince addresses Aritha. *She* hasn't been making so much of an effort to find me these past few days since she's been trying to figure out what the latest plot by the horrors beyond are. A few hours ago she captured one of their servants, who knew the name and location of another, and by the time that she was finished with extracting information she had a pretty good idea of what they're upto. And it's not a direct threat against her Realm or sovereignty.

Ghregori Deccubus |

A sellsword exits the Ranger and the Dryad with no due haste. A harsh man of many adventures and campaigns, judging by armor, gear, and face, but his demeanor is bright, good humored, and inquisitive. He makes his way down the Bazaar's throughway, looking and eyeing the goods and services merchants provide. Curious, he retrieves a token off the ground, near an abandoned stall. A star token, curious, he has never seen anything like it.

Prince Azran |

I'm afraid that it looks that way, dear. I wish I had more information on what her current priorities are; but I could hardly risk going to see the traders to ask myself, since some of them are likely reporting to *her*.
A couple of the other traders who serve your goddess got together, obtained one of these stars which there seems to be fuss about, and acting on instructions made this which they send to you. Apparently you'll know what to do with it.
He passes her the holy symbol of Lamashtu brooch/talisman.