Hail to the 2009 SUPERSTAR

RPG Superstar™ 2009 General Discussion

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Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Tarren Dei wrote:
NSpicer wrote:
Thanks, Trevor. You are by far one of the classiest people I've yet encountered (in the virtual world or otherwise). It was great fun having a friend like you along for the ride in the competition. I loved your stuff. I still do. And I think Paizo (or any other publisher) should be beating a path to your door with freelance opportunities to take advantage of your creativity and professionalism.
Very nice of you to say, Neil. I feel the same way about you. I think it is great that even when we were competing against each other, we were able to keep gaming together. Also, sorry about back stabbing your mount and drugging your character. ;-D

Nice. Reminds me of when I knocked out another PC and stole his boots. And then blamed it on someone else... :)

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

NSpicer wrote:

And now, for some individual thanks...

Jason Nelson wrote:
Congrats to the esteemed Mr. Spicer, long may he game!
Thanks, Jason...and thanks for setting such a great example to follow from last year. It turns out you actually were contractually obligated to vote for me. I've got some folks in Cheliax who confirm it. ;-D

Shhhhh... not supposed to talk about that, remember? The eal-day with the ontract-cay written in ood-blay was very specific!

But seriously, I'm glad to have provided whatever amount of inspiration and instruction from last year that helped give your obviously ample talents a little extra kick to go even one step farther than I did last year. I got to the Top 4, but you, mon frere, got to be THE RPG Superstar.

"You have done well, young padawan. There is no more that I can teach you." Or something like that... :)


P.S. I hope we can connect in person at PaizoCon. You said some nice things about me back at the beginning of the contest (though I couldn't actually find the post again when I looked for it today), and I'd like to shake the new Superstar's hand and tell him thanks and congrats in person.

Oh, and by the way:

I am working on a Paizo project right now, and as a nod to your triumph, I think I have just the place to drop the Legendary Playhouse into Golarion. Hope you (and Carl, for creating Sharina in the first place) enjoy it.


Liberty's Edge

Congratulations Neil!

I'd bet that this is only the first of many projects you'll do for Paizo.

Neil, it is a real pleasure to congratulate you for being the RPG Superstar 2009 winner. Bear with me for using this phrase once again, "You are my beloved son in whom I am well pleased." :) That will always be true.

This competition has consumed a big chunk of your thoughts and time and just as you did when you were a small boy drawing cartoons and writing your stories, you gave it 110% for your creative process would not allow otherwise. God has given you a vivid imagination and a talent for writing and you have used them well.

The expressions of gratitude you posted earlier did my heart proud for I know how sincerely you meant them. The competition has been fierce and the prize not easily taken but you did it, son. We all look forward to the publication of the "Realm of the Fellnight Queen."

Much Love,


P.S. Your dad is thrilled for you, too. Grins from ear to ear.
Not me. I'm much more sedate. And if you believe that.......

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher


Congratulations, Neil. Your victory was well won. I can't wait to read your adventure.

--Erik Mona
Paizo Publishing, LLC

Congratulations Neil - see you at PaizoCon!

[I'm not even going to try to top Mom-gratz]

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Majuba wrote:

Congratulations Neil - see you at PaizoCon!

[I'm not even going to try to top Mom-gratz]

Can't be done; Mom-gratz are un-toppable!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Dude, Neil...your mom has a Calistria avatar. That's ... awesome! And so is your win. There's a wiki page waiting for a picture and bio for you now on the PathfinderWiki, so you'd better get on that too. Can't have a stub where a superstar should be. I look forward to meeting you at PaizoCon and even more to playing, or better yet, running "Realm of the Fellnight Queen" in nine months. May the force be with you.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6 aka Eyebite

Congrats Neil!

I can't wait to see "Fellnight Queen" in print!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Congratulations, Neil!

Jason Nelson wrote:
Majuba wrote:

Congratulations Neil - see you at PaizoCon!

[I'm not even going to try to top Mom-gratz]

Can't be done; Mom-gratz are un-toppable!

Fo' shizzle.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32


Congratulations! You definitely earned this, and I'm very excited to see your final product next year!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Congratulations from snowy Poland, Neil. You had me with Gulga. Now go and write that module g#*$!*it !! :)

Congratulations! I'm looking forward to your adventure and - like others - hope that someone, somewhere at Paizo will have the heart to include a Gulga cameo in one of the sourcebooks to come ;).

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 aka Lord Fyre

Lord Fyre wrote:
Do we get to vote on this round? :D

But, I still want to cast my vote for Neil!

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Neil, congratulations to winning RPG Superstar 2009.

Great job in every round.

And congratulations from me too, it has been a pleasure to read your submissions.

Well done Neil! Congratulations. (And to the other top finishers, and in fact all who participated. But especially Neil the new Superstar.)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber


I haven't really been following the whole RPG Superstar thing, but when I saw it was you who won I just had to stop by to say congratulations. You were always one of the most insightful and helpful posters back in the Tequila Starrise days, so it doesn't surprise me that you're the one to come out on top. Congrats!! :D

Dark Archive Contributor, RPG Superstar aka Leandra Christine Schneider


I loved that you used the Gnomes and the Bleaching in your adventure. It was the first article I wrote for Paizo after last year's competition and I am excited that they'll see an adventure by your hand, Superstar!

Congrats Neil! I knew you had it in you to win this thing.

Having lived in one of you campaign worlds for seven years and enjoying every minute of it, there was no doubt in my mind that you could produce the kind of work this contest calls for.

Paizo and the gaming community here are going to enjoy the work you put out and all will be richer for it.

Btw - try to see if you can work Oothie into something. She was such a great villian!! ;-)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Big-time congrats Neil!!


Star Voter Season 6

Wow. Mom-Gratz.

That is so COOL!

And since it can't be topped, I'll just add my heaping-helping of "Yay!" and "Congrats! Good Job!" And get out of the way! ;)

Hey Neil,

Since I'm the guy that probably gave you the most crap about your submissions (early on before I got too busy to be involved) I definitely have to say CONGRATS! I did read the final entries and was amazed by how professional your submission was and how smooth the writing was. I liked the others too but yours just felt like you had been doing this all your life.

Can't wait to see the final product.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Tarren Dei wrote:
...Also, sorry about back stabbing your mount and drugging your character. ;-D

Yes. About that...

::narrows eyes::


Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Gamer Girrl wrote:
Congratulations, Mr. Spicer :) May the ride continue long and proud, if a little less roller-coastery than the past couple of months ::chuckle::

Thanks, Gamer Girrl! The pressure of trying to advance in the competition is now replaced with the added pressure of trying to deliver for those who voted me through. I've noticed that bit of irony in how this competition plays out when you win. :-)

Gamer Girrl wrote:
And I, as others have said, hope to see Gulga Cench in all his glory some day!

If I've learned anything about Paizo through my sometimes-clairvoyant powers of observation, it's that they listen to their customers better than just about any RPG company out there. So, if enough people want more Gulga Cench, let'em know and let's see what comes of that.

I'm also extremely flattered and pleased with how well that villain played out. What's not to love about a guy that can eat...well, you know...and still have such a can-do attitude and positive outlook on his personal future? So when life gets you down, just think...Gulga Cench! And everything will be okay. ;-D


Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Jason Nelson wrote:
Shhhhh... not supposed to talk about that, remember? The eal-day with the ontract-cay written in ood-blay was very specific!

Oops. Sorry. :-D

Jason Nelson wrote:
But seriously, I'm glad to have provided whatever amount of inspiration and instruction from last year that helped give your obviously ample talents a little extra kick to go even one step farther than I did last year. I got to the Top 4, but you, mon frere, got to be THE RPG Superstar...."You have done well, young padawan. There is no more that I can teach you." Or something like that... :)

Really, I drew inspiration and insights from everything you guys did. But your experience stood out for me, because I remember the backlash you took on Avinash for that one little word choice snafu. Basically, you tripped a bunch of traps that allowed me to mark them for avoidance in this year's competition. ;-D

Hah! Just kidding. I learned much more by paying attention to the level of detail, structure, and orgination you used from round-to-round. I'm OCD enough that resonated with me and helped me figure out how I wanted to structure my design choices to navigate each round of elimination. I'm not sure it always came across, but I made a lot very strategic choices with each entry at the same time I tried to pour in enough "awesome-ness" and innovation to catch the voter's eye.

Jason Nelson wrote:
P.S. I hope we can connect in person at PaizoCon. You said some nice things about me back at the beginning of the contest (though I couldn't actually find the post again when I looked for it today), and I'd like to shake the new Superstar's hand and tell him thanks and congrats in person.

Absolutely. Count on it. I know your mug from your pics in the "About the Judges" info. So, even if you don't recognize me across a crowded room, I should be able to pick you out.

And by the way:


Jason Nelson wrote:
I am working on a Paizo project right now, and as a nod to your triumph, I think I have just the place to drop the Legendary Playhouse into Golarion. Hope you (and Carl, for creating Sharina in the first place) enjoy it.

That would be totally cool! I'd suggest you offer that up as more of a tribute to Carl than me. Sharina's his baby. Her lair isn't nearly as special as the villain herself.

Just my two-cents,

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Mary Spicer wrote:

Neil, it is a real pleasure to congratulate you for being the RPG Superstar 2009 winner....

Much Love,


Thanks, Mom! Love you, too. :-D


Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Erik Mona wrote:
Congratulations, Neil. Your victory was well won. I can't wait to read your adventure.

Thank you, Mr. Mona. I appreciate the opportunity you guys provide by putting on this thing. RPG Superstar (although somewhat patterned after American Idol) is one of a kind in my book. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything.


Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

yoda8myhead wrote:
Dude, Neil...your mom has a Calistria avatar. That's ... awesome!

Dude! Avert your eyes! Besides, she has no idea what these avatars signify.

yoda8myhead wrote:
There's a wiki page waiting for a picture and bio for you now on the PathfinderWiki, so you'd better get on that too. Can't have a stub where a superstar should be.

I'm not sure I know the first thing about editing Wiki's. Eventually, maybe I can give Paizo a pic and bio they can use for me and you can snag it from them.

yoda8myhead wrote:
I look forward to meeting you at PaizoCon and even more to playing, or better yet, running "Realm of the Fellnight Queen" in nine months. May the force be with you.

Thanks, Yoda. Weird, this feels. Talking to Yoda, I am!


Scarab Sages Dedicated Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7

Congratulations Neil!
I'm really looking forward to your adventure - it reads very promising!

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Qualidar wrote:
Neil...I haven't really been following the whole RPG Superstar thing, but when I saw it was you who won I just had to stop by to say congratulations. You were always one of the most insightful and helpful posters back in the Tequila Starrise days, so it doesn't surprise me that you're the one to come out on top. Congrats!! :D

Qualidar! I appreciate the comments from anyone knowledgeable of the Tequila Starrise days +50%. Thanks for posting. Man, I miss those days.


Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Leandra Christine Schneider wrote:
Congratulations!....I loved that you used the Gnomes and the Bleaching in your adventure. It was the first article I wrote for Paizo after last year's competition and I am excited that they'll see an adventure by your hand, Superstar!

YOU wrote that part of the campaign guide? LOL! That's perfect! I had no idea!

How ironic that material written by last year's winner contributes so solidly to this year's winning adventure proposal. Thank you for contributing (in no small measure) to my design. And for your comments and feedback...


Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

BoomerHue wrote:
Congrats Neil! I knew you had it in you to win this thing.

Thanks, Scott. And thanks for your support. You contributed more than I can ever explain. And you're a very good friend.

BoomerHue wrote:
Btw - try to see if you can work Oothie into something. She was such a great villian!! ;-)

Heh. My first great villain. I'm sure Oothi would make a great addition to the Witch-Queen's holdings in Irrisen. But, Baba Yaga better watch out for her!

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Ragwaine wrote:
Since I'm the guy that probably gave you the most crap about your submissions (early on before I got too busy to be involved) I definitely have to say CONGRATS! I did read the final entries and was amazed by how professional your submission was and how smooth the writing was. I liked the others too but yours just felt like you had been doing this all your life.

In all honesty, Ragwaine, you helped contribute to my success more than you probably realize. You're one of the guys who always kept me grounded. Even when people were praising Gulga in Round Two, I had you telling me it just didn't work for you. That's okay. It kept me from getting overconfident about anything. And it prompted me to strive harder to win folks over. So I owe a big "thank you" to you, as well.


P.S. There should be an evil pixie hitting you with irresistible dance in five...four...three...two... :-D

Hey Neil big CONGRATS on the contest! You did some amazing work. As much as Id like to see Gulga, I really want to see the encounter with the drunk treant. Maybe it creates its own hallucinogenic tubers, like Alan Moore's Swamp Thing?

Scarab Sages

Congrats, Neil! I look forward to your module.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

NSpicer wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
But seriously, I'm glad to have provided whatever amount of inspiration and instruction from last year that helped give your obviously ample talents a little extra kick to go even one step farther than I did last year. I got to the Top 4, but you, mon frere, got to be THE RPG Superstar...."You have done well, young padawan. There is no more that I can teach you." Or something like that... :)
Really, I drew inspiration and insights from everything you guys did. But your experience stood out for me, because I remember the backlash you took on Avinash for that one little word choice snafu. Basically, you tripped a bunch of traps that allowed me to mark them for avoidance in this year's competition. ;-D

It's the paladin method of Find/Remove Traps.

walk, walk, walk
OW!!!!! Frickin... God bless it... lay on hands
"All right, hallway's clear!"

Not "no plans," but "no grand, Realms-Shattering Event plans"... it all seemed to clear to me what I meant! sigh

Hey, mistakes or successes, skill and craft or colossal OOPS, what is Superstar for if not to help learn from others, right? A little schadenfreude makes for a good sauce. :)

P.S. I will definitely raise a glass to Carl for creating Sharina in the first place. I also had forgotten that Christine had written the gnome race section (I did half-elves and half-orcs) until she pointed it out, but that is a pretty funny coincidence that Superstar 1 would end up providing such a direct inspiration for Superstar 2. Great minds run in the same channel, I suppose.

Dark Archive


Star Voter Season 6

Congratulations, Neil. I'm glad that you did so very well. I look forward to seeing you weird up your fey!

Dark Archive

Nicely done. But then, I knew you had the chops way back when Vesh met Zieke. Congratulations . . . and a mighty big thanks to your family for letting you go create. Not to be underestimated.

Congrats on the win! We'd love to do a quick interview with you for Robot Viking. If you're interested, just email us: zeppelined@robotviking.com.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8


Just got back from a hiatus and look what I see.. a winner!

Congratulations Neil on your victory! Count me among the multitudes eager to read and play your work.

You do us all proud.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Thanks, guys!

zeppelined wrote:
Congrats on the win! We'd love to do a quick interview with you....

Ummm...I'm not really sure how that'd work. And I don't imagine Paizo would mind. If I were interested, what exactly would it entail?

NSpicer wrote:

Thanks, guys!

zeppelined wrote:
Congrats on the win! We'd love to do a quick interview with you....
Ummm...I'm not really sure how that'd work. And I don't imagine Paizo would mind. If I were interested, what exactly would it entail?

I'll email you a few questions (about game design, your past work, things like that), you'll email us the answers, then we'll publish it in a Q&A format. We've been covering RPG Superstar all along.

I don't want to clog up the message boards, so if you have any other questions, feel free to email me! :-)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

zeppelined wrote:
I'll email you a few questions (about game design, your past work, things like that), you'll email us the answers, then we'll publish it in a Q&A format.

I can probably assist with something like that. I'll try and contact you sometime this weekend.


RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 aka Lord Fyre

NSpicer wrote:
zeppelined wrote:
I'll email you a few questions (about game design, your past work, things like that), you'll email us the answers, then we'll publish it in a Q&A format.

I can probably assist with something like that. I'll try and contact you sometime this weekend.


I want to remind the rest of us, that we can still vote for Neil! (As I have been joking.) Just go to "Pathfinder Module: Realm of the Fellnight Queen (PFRPG)" and click "Add to Cart."


(Oh, b.t.w., Congrats Neil. You have earned this. :D )

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Lord Fyre wrote:
I want to remind the rest of us, that we can still vote for Neil!....(Oh, b.t.w., Congrats Neil. You have earned this. :D )

Thanks, Carl. But I think it's really more of a vote for Paizo at this point. And rightly so. RPG Superstar certainly gives me an opportunity. But it's also a great opportunity for Paizo to hopefully generate sales. If I can add to that with my work, it's a win-win. So, even if you support me by buying a copy of Realm of the Fellnight Queen, you can also support Paizo and the whole RPG Superstar phenomenon. And that's what's more important for the industry. :-)

Just my two-cents,

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