The Oasis of Still Water

Forum Games

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Jack Hammer wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
I trace it back to when I was 14 and being confirmed. I was doing the reading in front of the full church and my voice cracked. I must have been redder than Devlyn's sunburned bum. ;)

Churches tend to do that. ;p

P.S.: confirmed?
Settle down.... :)
My mistake, DB3 - I missed the confirmation part of Jack's post. I thought you were asking for confirmation of something else, so that was just for Jack. Nothing to see here, carry on... :P
Catholic - baptized as a babe, confirmation as a young adult.

Don't forget the long long years of CCD in between! :P

Ethelbert guards the portal, munching mountains of lobsters.

Esmarelda, the goblin corrects himself. He waves to Jack Hammer in passing, but continues his search for the kobolds...

lynora-Jill wrote:
Runelord of Uncaring wrote:

A shock lizard runs in.

"Yippity yippety yappity yip."
A small scroll is tied to its leg.
Oh, hello little one. Aren't you cute. Would you like me to take that scroll off your leg? she says reaching out to the lizard.

Lynora feels a bit of static as she takes the scroll. It unfurls at the touch. It reads,

"My servants are not being allowed in the Grove, due to a bit of trouble a while back involving a tank of gasoline. Silly trees. Anyways, I need you to tell KC that he needs to regain his power and stop being a jerk. I mean, this one time, he fireballed a smrf just for calling him a 'smrfy guy'. Then a bunch of...wait, I'm getting off-topic again. Anyways (man, how often have I said 'anyways'? Wow, I need to stop. Hang on, I'm getting distracted. I'm told I do that a lot when writing, something about--wait, whoops, I'm doing it again. Sorry, just ignore these parentheses. Just ignore them. Are you ignoring them? YOU AREN'T! DIE! Heh, that reminds me of this great preface--whoops, off track again), with Candle Lighter back, people are gonna need his help. there, I'm done. G'bye!
--The Runelord of Uncaring."

Auruns the Goblin wrote:

Esmarelda, the goblin corrects himself. He waves to Jack Hammer in passing, but continues his search for the kobolds...

"Oh, hey! Are you one of the Runelord of Doom's servants? How's it goin'?"

Mah Aunt Esmarelda wrote:
Auruns the Goblin wrote:

Esmarelda, the goblin corrects himself. He waves to Jack Hammer in passing, but continues his search for the kobolds...

"Oh, hey! Are you one of the Runelord of Doom's servants? How's it goin'?"

The goblin reins his mount to a halt.

Badly in the small things, apart from the tomatoes. The tomatoes very good.
The very big things uncertain.
Gypsies. Have you or Uncle Meepo seen or heard any gypsies? Are they part of any of your battle plans?
Gypsies are important, the Runelord say to Auruns the other day. Auruns is supposed to watch for them and to try to track their movements - or those of their leader.

Auruns the Goblin wrote:
Mah Aunt Esmarelda wrote:
Auruns the Goblin wrote:

Esmarelda, the goblin corrects himself. He waves to Jack Hammer in passing, but continues his search for the kobolds...

"Oh, hey! Are you one of the Runelord of Doom's servants? How's it goin'?"

The goblin reins his mount to a halt.

Badly in the small things, apart from the tomatoes. The tomatoes very good.
The very big things uncertain.
Gypsies. Have you or Uncle Meepo seen or heard any gypsies? Are they part of any of your battle plans?
Gypsies are important, the Runelord say to Auruns the other day. Auruns is supposed to watch for them and to try to track their movements - or those of their leader.

[i]Esmerelda shrugs sadly.[i/]

"Sorry, dear, we haven't got any gypsies. Good luck findin' them, though."

LJ lets out a sigh. Well, it looks like now someone wants me to play messenger. Apparently I need to go talk to KC. Anybody want to go with me to the Grove?

The goblin continues to address Aunt Esmarelda.
If you see gypsies, it important that you have care. There good gypsies, normal gypsies, bad gyspies, and wicked evil gypsies that sold their souls and services to a lord of the undead, a servant of something worse, many years ago. And their master's master's master give them commands to help a bad wicked one, who serve another servant of the master's master's master.
At least I think that the number of times master, the Runelord say, the goblin frowns hard.
I wish he say it in song, or give names which Auruns could make up song to remember.
But the names bad for some reason he say.

Be careful, he enjoins Aunt Esmarelda once again. Then he heads over to the main pool, so his mount can have a drink, and to refill his own water-bottle.

Hey everybody. :::waves:::

I heard about Club Callistra, Sorry to see it go but hey, mind if I drop in with the family?

Yes, I'm a father. My second wife just had five children. No I have a family of grubs to feed.

The goblin, having finally finished watering his mount, eyes the insect lord...

You seen any gypsies?

Growing bored of being ignored by the insect lord whilst the sun beats down, the goblin swings himself back up onto his gecko.
Stand-offish insect, be like that then, he mutters.
He heads off back out into the desert, and is soon lost from sight amidst the rolling dunes.

I luv rolling around in the sand. It feels soooo....liberating.

lynora-Jill wrote:
LJ lets out a sigh. Well, it looks like now someone wants me to play messenger. Apparently I need to go talk to KC. Anybody want to go with me to the Grove?

Hmmm - do we want to just pick back up from here, or advance to the next day? Either is fine with me, but it will affect my first post for Devlyn today.

The Dalesman wrote:
lynora-Jill wrote:
LJ lets out a sigh. Well, it looks like now someone wants me to play messenger. Apparently I need to go talk to KC. Anybody want to go with me to the Grove?
Hmmm - do we want to just pick back up from here, or advance to the next day? Either is fine with me, but it will affect my first post for Devlyn today.

Let's just pick back up from there. It's less confusing that way.

lynora-Jill wrote:

LJ lets out a sigh. Well, it looks like now someone wants me to play messenger. Apparently I need to go talk to KC. Anybody want to go with me to the Grove?

Let's just pick back up from there. It's less confusing that way.

Done and done!

Devlyn thinks for a moment, then says:
"I'll go, but if he has another 'episode' like he did yesterday we might not get anything useful out of him. I'm wondering if it might be wiser for me to wait here, for the sake of expedience. If what he's saying about Candle Lighter putting things into motion is true, then we don't have time for any more internal bickering; we need the information now, and we need to coordinate with our allies now."

lynora-Jill wrote:
LJ lets out a sigh. Well, it looks like now someone wants me to play messenger. Apparently I need to go talk to KC. Anybody want to go with me to the Grove?

I'm always up for a trip there.

Did ya notice that the spring water tastes like a Dark & Stormy? I'm serious! It was great!

Jack Hammer wrote:
lynora-Jill wrote:
LJ lets out a sigh. Well, it looks like now someone wants me to play messenger. Apparently I need to go talk to KC. Anybody want to go with me to the Grove?

I'm always up for a trip there.

Did ya notice that the spring water tastes like a Dark & Stormy? I'm serious! It was great!

Devlyn just shakes his head and laughs quietly.

Jack Hammer wrote:
lynora-Jill wrote:
LJ lets out a sigh. Well, it looks like now someone wants me to play messenger. Apparently I need to go talk to KC. Anybody want to go with me to the Grove?

I'm always up for a trip there.

Did ya notice that the spring water tastes like a Dark & Stormy? I'm serious! It was great!

Really? It tasted like something different to me, but I couldn't quite place the flavor.

Devlyn, it's up to you whether you think it's a good idea to come along. His manners are certainly one of the things that are going to be up for discussion. He has to learn to work with a team and accept his own limitations or he's no use to us at all.

She heads over to the Grove along with JH, leaving it to Devlyn to decide if he's coming along or not.

lynora-Jill wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
lynora-Jill wrote:
LJ lets out a sigh. Well, it looks like now someone wants me to play messenger. Apparently I need to go talk to KC. Anybody want to go with me to the Grove?

I'm always up for a trip there.

Did ya notice that the spring water tastes like a Dark & Stormy? I'm serious! It was great!

Really? It tasted like something different to me, but I couldn't quite place the flavor.

Devlyn, it's up to you whether you think it's a good idea to come along. His manners are certainly one of the things that are going to be up for discussion. He has to learn to work with a team and accept his own limitations or he's no use to us at all.

She heads over to the Grove along with JH, leaving it to Devlyn to decide if he's coming along or not.

"Good point. Alright, I'll do my best to behave this time," he says with a chuckle.

He then walks over to Allura:
"Shall we give the Grove another try?"

The Dalesman wrote:

"Good point. Alright, I'll do my best to behave this time," he says with a chuckle.

He then walks over to Allura:
"Shall we give the Grove another try?"

"Yes, I think we shall. Otherwise, we'll never have any idea what's going on," she added with a wry smile.

Allura wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

"Good point. Alright, I'll do my best to behave this time," he says with a chuckle.

He then walks over to Allura:
"Shall we give the Grove another try?"

"Yes, I think we shall. Otherwise, we'll never have any idea what's going on," she added with a wry smile.

As they go through the omniportal, he says with a grin:

"Aw c'mon, a little mystery in life is fun, right...?" ;P

Porting to the Grove

Shadow Lodge

Jack Hammer wrote:

If you pop out of my computer and attempt to burn me at the stake... be warned. ;p(Just kidding)

*A small whorl appears in front of Nimora.*
"Could you be so kind as to tell everyone that they'd need a sub to hit my 'shop'? Thank you. I be up soon anyway, the boy (Aidan) has been most helpful and is almost ready to defend himself. If you see Delvyn or JH, I'd like you to see if one of them will spar with him a bit. Once the boys up there, you could come down if you want..."

The Bard wrote:

*A small whorl appears in front of Nimora.*

"Could you be so kind as to tell everyone that they'd need a sub to hit my 'shop'? Thank you. I be up soon anyway, the boy (Aidan) has been most helpful and is almost ready to defend himself. If you see Delvyn or JH, I'd like you to see if one of them will spar with him a bit. Once the boys up there, you could come down if you want..."

I is glad to be tell them when I seeing them, but they is just leave and maybe gone long time. I is glad to being spar with him if you is liking. I is very good warrior.

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:

I is glad to be tell them when I seeing them, but they is just leave and maybe gone long time. I is glad to being spar with him if you is liking. I is very good warrior.

"I don't think Aidan could fight well in the water, and you said you were not such a good fighter on land. But if you want to, I won't stop you."

The Bard wrote:
Nimora Orlbereth wrote:

I is glad to be tell them when I seeing them, but they is just leave and maybe gone long time. I is glad to being spar with him if you is liking. I is very good warrior.
"I don't think Aidan could fight well in the water, and you said you were not such a good fighter on land. But if you want to, I won't stop you."

She shrugs. I is not being so very good on land, but maybe it is being good to having the practice. I is being very tired wait all the time while everybody else is being fight.

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
She shrugs. I is not being so very good on land, but maybe it is being good to having the practice. I is being very tired wait all the time while everybody else is being fight.

"Okay, I'll send him up."

*In the whorl Kaelar's turns his head*
"Hey Aidan? You can go back up now, Nimora has agreed to spar with you. Yes, yes I know, but you have to gain control somehow."
*Kaelar looks back to Nimora*
"We'll be up in just a moment."

*And out of the water rises Kaelar's forge, it settles down on a nearby dune.*

This was the best avatar I could find.

*Kaelar and Aidan step out of the forge. Aidan seems different, he looks a bit taller and his hair has turned white. He is wearing red armor that should be familiar to those from the Club. After The Bard points her out, Aidan walks over to Nimora.*

"Um.. your Nimora right? Mr. Duskwalker said you agreed to spar with me. I'm new at this so can you go easy on me?"

*He takes two starknves from his belt, and waits for her to ready herself. Kaelar stands in the shade of tree nearby, watching with a small grin on his face.*

Should we move this to the RP thread?

This should be interesting...

Aidan Shade wrote:

This was the best avatar I could find.

*Kaelar and Aidan step out of the forge. Aidan seems different, he looks a bit taller and his hair has turned white. He is wearing red armor that should be familiar to those from the Club. After The Bard points her out, Aidan walks over to Nimora.*

"Um.. your Nimora right? Mr. Duskwalker said you agreed to spar with me. I'm new at this so can you go easy on me?"

*He takes two starknves from his belt, and waits for her to ready herself. Kaelar stands in the shade of tree nearby, watching with a small grin on his face.*

Should we move this to the RP thread?

We can do this here. It's not like we're interfering with anyone's conversations, and it's just a little sparring match.

Nimora takes her trident and heads onto the land. She takes a few staggering steps before she is able to catch her balance. Well, for the most part.
I is being ready when you is. I is being new at fight on land, too, so we is both being practice, okay?

Nimora feints toward Aidan, barely keeping her balance as she does so. She blushes.
I is need try that again.
She attempts to hit him with the flat of her trident, this time moving a little more gracefully.

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:

Nimora feints toward Aidan, barely keeping her balance as she does so. She blushes.

I is need try that again.
She attempts to hit him with the flat of her trident, this time moving a little more gracefully.

*Aidan doesn't manage to dodge the trident completely, cringing as it hits his armor. He steadies himself and attempts to block Nimora's next attack with one starknife, and tries to hit her with the flat of the other.*

Aidan Shade wrote:
*Aidan doesn't manage to dodge the trident completely, cringing as it hits his armor. He steadies himself and attempts to block Nimora's next attack with one starknife, and tries to hit her with the flat of the other.*

*Oroth is watching from the shade of a tree. He looks worried, and cringes when Aidan does.*

Nimora swings again, missing wildly as she loses her balance, and hissing slightly as her gaffe has caused her to get a small cut on her arm from the starknife.
I is being most sorry, Aidan, she says, glancing at her bloody shoulder. That was being clumsy of me.

The omniportal flares back to life as Devlyn and Allura return to the Oasis. Devlyn is carrying a green orb in one hand.

Seeing Nimora and Aidan squared off by the pool and blood on her shoulder, he says:

"Hi guys - please tell me this is just play fighting..."

Nimora blushes.
We was being sparring, so we could be learn to fight better. I was being too clumsy and got hurt.

Allura walks over and gives Nimora a quick healing spell.
"Not to be too much of a pain, but I think you both need to be sparring with someone who knows what they're doing before one of you ends up getting hurt worse." To Nimora, "And in your case I would recommend learning to move better on land before you try fighting on land."

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:

Nimora swings again, missing wildly as she loses her balance, and hissing slightly as her gaffe has caused her to get a small cut on her arm from the starknife.

I is being most sorry, Aidan, she says, glancing at her bloody shoulder. That was being clumsy of me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I told Mr. Duskwalker I shouldn't be using sharp weapons."

*He seems sad to have hurt a friend.*

Shadow Lodge

Aidan Shade wrote:
*He is wearing red armor that should be familiar to those from the Club.

Come on Delvyn, recognize the armor....

Aidan Shade wrote:

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I told Mr. Duskwalker I shouldn't be using sharp weapons."
*He seems sad to have hurt a friend.*

It is not being your fault, Aidan. I is being one who was clumsy and tripped. Look, see it is being all better thanks to Allura.

Nimora looks sheepish. But she is being right about me not fight on land until I is learn to move better.

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Aidan Shade wrote:
*He is wearing red armor that should be familiar to those from the Club.
Come on Delvyn, recognize the armor....

Ack - too many posts going on at once. Gimme a sec - trying to organize thoughts.... :P

Nimora Orlbereth wrote:
Aidan Shade wrote:

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I told Mr. Duskwalker I shouldn't be using sharp weapons."
*He seems sad to have hurt a friend.*

It is not being your fault, Aidan. I is being one who was clumsy and tripped. Look, see it is being all better thanks to Allura.

Nimora looks sheepish. But she is being right about me not fight on land until I is learn to move better.

"No permanent harm done, so don't worry about it, Aidan. And I'll help you get your land legs, Nimora. I should've been helping you with that already, so that's my fault."

He sniffs the air for a second, then turns back to Aidan.
"Where did you get that armor from Aidan, if I may ask?"

"Mr. Duskwalker, he made it for someone named Acme, but thought I'd have better use for it."
*He points over to The Bard.*

Remember the 'project The Bard was talking about? *Insert maniacal grin here*

Aidan Shade wrote:

"Mr. Duskwalker, made it for someone named Acme, but thought I'd have better use for it."

*He points over to The Bard.*

"Well then, you've got quite the heirloom there. Acme was a good guy, even if he was technically a construct. Wear it with pride," he says with a nod. Looking over at Kaelar, he says:

"Would your skills in 'crafting' allow you to come up with something for Nimora and Mirathan so they could venture out of water without fear of drowning, by any chance? These two have been itching to pitch in, and it would be rude to deny them the opportunity if anything can be done about it."

The Dalesman wrote:
Aidan Shade wrote:

"Mr. Duskwalker, made it for someone named Acme, but thought I'd have better use for it."

*He points over to The Bard.*

"Well then, you've got quite the heirloom there. Acme was a good guy, even if he was technically a construct. Wear it with pride," he says with a nod. Looking over at Kaelar, he says:

"Would your skills in 'crafting' allow you to come up with something for Nimora and Mirathan so they could venture out of water without fear of drowning, by any chance? These two have been itching to pitch in, and it would be rude to deny them the opportunity if anything can be done about it."

"I think I can make something for that purpose."

*He heads back for his forge, muttering something about 'pearls of the sirens'...*

We can breathe out of water, but just have trouble walking and dealing with dry skin.

despite the avatar. few choices there.

Remembering the reason why they came back, Devlyn walks over to Esmerelda and Meepo, and places the orb on the ground between them.

"Here's Kobold Cleaver, folks. I understand that he needs to talk strategy and news with the two of you. Please catch him up on what you've been discussing these last few days."

He then returns to the rest of the group.

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