Numeria AP?

Iron Gods

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ewan cummins 325 wrote:

Purism...In D&D? :()
It's as impure as a slatterny trull.
The game developed out of a crazy combination of wargaming, platonic solids, fantasy/sci fi/weird fiction, old horror flicks, myths and legends from around the world, ancient and medieval history, dinosaurs, 70s kung fu mania, plastic Hong Kong toys, and other assorted strangeness.

I get that some people don't like high tech stuff in their fantasy worlds, but I don't get why anybody would object to Paizo publishing materials on Numeria (or, not so high tech, Alkenstar).

It's the same reason why people objected to the inclusion of the gunslinger, samurai and ninja classes. They might abhor them, will never use them or allow them in their campaigns, but their very existence insults them to their very core so they must do. Something. Anything to stop it. A N Y T H I N G

Technology doesn't bother me if the setting is set up for it(Numeria, other planets, etc.) I just do not understand that they can have guns, airships, flying cities, robots but no trains.

I love that paizo has al these different kinds of fantasy and scifi goodness so I I want a homebrew campain that takes place in modern times, age of dinosaurs, outer space, ancient egypt, etc. I have the tools to do it with.

James Jacobs wrote:
Cthulhudrew wrote:

I'd be happy just to see a single Pathfinder length one-shot adventure/module for Numeria, myself. I could definitely see how a whole AP would turn people off, but a single module would allow those of us sci-fantasy nuts to enjoy ourselves, and those not so inclined could continue to get their regular fantasy fix.

Come to think of it, with Distant Worlds coming up soon, that would be a great way to do some kind of Numeria tie-in. That spaceship had to come from somewhere, after all.

True... but Distant Worlds really focuses on Golarion's Solar System, and the spaceship in Numeria came from a long way beyond Golarion's system. There's certainly SOME stuff that we'd use in Distant Worlds for a Numeria AP, but not as much as one might initially suspect.

I get the impression that Distant Worlds is going to have a certain planterary romance vibe. Should we expect to see some material inspired by ERB, Otis Adelbert Kline, Leigh Brackett, etc.?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Cheapy wrote:
Did the spaceship come from a galaxy far, far away?

Nope, because that particular far, far away galaxy has a lot of high-level lawyers protecting it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ewan cummins 325 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Cthulhudrew wrote:

I'd be happy just to see a single Pathfinder length one-shot adventure/module for Numeria, myself. I could definitely see how a whole AP would turn people off, but a single module would allow those of us sci-fantasy nuts to enjoy ourselves, and those not so inclined could continue to get their regular fantasy fix.

Come to think of it, with Distant Worlds coming up soon, that would be a great way to do some kind of Numeria tie-in. That spaceship had to come from somewhere, after all.

True... but Distant Worlds really focuses on Golarion's Solar System, and the spaceship in Numeria came from a long way beyond Golarion's system. There's certainly SOME stuff that we'd use in Distant Worlds for a Numeria AP, but not as much as one might initially suspect.

I get the impression that Distant Worlds is going to have a certain planterary romance vibe. Should we expect to see some material inspired by ERB, Otis Adelbert Kline, Leigh Brackett, etc.?

Yes, but there's also a lot of inspiration taken from more modern writers, like Dan Simmons.

James Jacobs wrote:

Yes, but there's also a lot of inspiration taken from more modern writers, like Dan Simmons.

Kewl beans.

I'm running B/X D&D these days. Maybe I'll convert Distant Worlds to Basic/Expert rules.

James Jacobs wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
Did the spaceship come from a galaxy far, far away?
Nope, because that particular far, far away galaxy has a lot of high-level lawyers protecting it.

Huh? I thought they were contract devils...

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

I'm all for Numeria in an adventure path, but I'm thinking it might make more sense as merely one part or two of the adventure path rather than the whole thing.

That could really highlight the otherworldliness of it without subjecting those who are unthrilled with 6 months of super-science.

After all, we've already seen bits and pieces of it here and there.

Now, that being said, mising a Numerian adventure path with a distant worlds/planar one would be very, very cool. Suppose that there's some sort of gate in or near the ship, and that's what they have to use to get to another planet, where they have to repair the atmospheric generators before ... wait, sorry, got John Carter on the brain again :)

James Jacobs wrote:
ewan cummins 325 wrote:
I get the impression that Distant Worlds is going to have a certain planterary romance vibe. Should we expect to see some material inspired by ERB, Otis Adelbert Kline, Leigh Brackett, etc.?
Yes, but there's also a lot of inspiration taken from more modern writers, like Dan Simmons.

Nice. Are we talking Simmons Hyperion/Endymion, or Simmons Ilium? (Either is fine.)

Also, Simon Green is another really good choice for space opera/fantasy in his Deathstalker series. The characters are wooden (though with amazing backstories), but his planets are just so ripe with creativity.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cthulhudrew wrote:
Nice. Are we talking Simmons Hyperion/Endymion, or Simmons Ilium? (Either is fine.)

Both, but mostly Hyperion/Endymion, I believe.

Just my two cents on a Numeria AP:

I realize sci-fi/fantasy mixes, as well as steampunk, are a mixed bag. Some gamers adore them; some despise them. I've bought every Pathfinder product outside of some of the stand-alone modules (though picked up a couple). Some of the adventure paths are clearly never going to be used in my campaign... most, in fact. Nonetheless, I enjoyed reading them and culling ideas from them piecemeal. I understand the aversion to a six month commitment to Numeria, but look at the popularity of the Warmachine/Hordes skirmish game (Iron Kingdoms d20 setting). Admittedly, steampunk and sci-fi aren't exactly the same thing, but it does often lead to the same arguments.

Most of us who ignored 4th edition D&D and followed Pathfinder like the variety of options 3rd party companies provided. Introducing regions like Numeria and Alkenstar obviously display some recognition of the steampunk and sci-fi/fantasy fan base. I'd be very disappointed if Paizo avoids publishing Numeria and Alkenstar content. Sure, I can adapt Iron Kingdoms sources (new books are in the works, but I have no idea if they'll be Pathfinder compatible or a 4th edition addon) or the different steampunk material floating around, but I value Paizo's balance and integration, which is why I buy 100% Paizo (and no WoTC) products since 4th edition rolled out.

Consider "Guide to" products for Alkenstar and Numeria even if a AP is out of the question. while the number of steampunk and sci-fi/fantasy fans might be less than the total body of Pathfinder players, they are a group pretty starved for publications they don't have to completely retool to whatever setting they're gaming in.

Saphrael wrote:
Sure, I can adapt Iron Kingdoms sources (new books are in the works, but I have no idea if they'll be Pathfinder compatible or a 4th edition addon) ...

Rumors are that they'll come up with their own game mechanics rather than depend on another's system.

Getting Numeria and Alkenstar (a/k/a Mana Wastes) as an AP seems to be a difficult proposition. I've been asking for several years now. :/

I wouldn't mind seeing a pair or trio of modules delving into those regions if that's a more plausible route.

Just chiming in to say if Paizo did a Numeria AP, I would buy TWO.

Sovereign Court

I can see the concerns about it putting off a bunch of people (concerns JJ expressed when this thread started in 2009). I felt pretty much the same way about Jade Regent and a burst of Oriental-Golarion stuff (fortunately Jade Regent doesn't spend all the time in the East).

I would also like to see a Vudra AP and associated material (and I don't see why it needs psionics) but I assume that's never going to be popular enough to happen.

I'd love to see an AP that spends significant time in Numeria, though.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Search your feelings James. Numeria is calling to you. You know it to be true.

Ariel, Ookla, we Ride!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

I don't need to search my feelings at all. I've wanted to do a Numeria AP from the start.

It's a little more complicated than me just wanting the AP, though. I've also wanted the Jade Regent AP from the start... that took nearly half a decade to be realized, and it didn't even have a single laser gun.

James Jacobs wrote:
The thing with a Numeria AP is that it'd turn off a lot of players, I fear... which is a damn shame. Worse, though, is my fear that even if we do 10 "classic" fantasy APs and then on 11 we do a Numeria with promises to return to the classic model with number 12 that there'll be a mass freak out and subscription bailout and scorched earth.

That'd be me. Well, less "freak out", more "Meh. Suck. Dump."

But do you believe that people wouldn't resubscribe when the next 'more normal' AP comes out?

Dark Archive

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Or they might just hang around, continue buying them and enjoy the read even if they don't have any intention of running them.

That was me with Jade Regent. I have ZERO interest in running it. HATE Eastern flavor in my RPG. But it's still a quality product and an interesting read so I didn't cancel my subscription. It'll go on the shelf untouched with some of my other RPG books.

But I'm still here waiting anxiously for Skull and Shackles. It didn't drive me away.

James Jacobs wrote:

I don't need to search my feelings at all. I've wanted to do a Numeria AP from the start.

It's a little more complicated than me just wanting the AP, though. I've also wanted the Jade Regent AP from the start... that took nearly half a decade to be realized, and it didn't even have a single laser gun.

hmmmm, samari with laser guns sounds interesting

MerrikCale wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

I don't need to search my feelings at all. I've wanted to do a Numeria AP from the start.

It's a little more complicated than me just wanting the AP, though. I've also wanted the Jade Regent AP from the start... that took nearly half a decade to be realized, and it didn't even have a single laser gun.

hmmmm, samari with laser guns sounds interesting

Sounds like the early draft of Star Wars...

It's interesting, while I want to run some APs (Skull & Shackles is coming up) - others I'd rather play in. Numeria falls under the latter category. I like how different and unexpected it would be and would want to enjoy the suspense of not know what was going to happen...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Arnwyn wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The thing with a Numeria AP is that it'd turn off a lot of players, I fear... which is a damn shame. Worse, though, is my fear that even if we do 10 "classic" fantasy APs and then on 11 we do a Numeria with promises to return to the classic model with number 12 that there'll be a mass freak out and subscription bailout and scorched earth.

That'd be me. Well, less "freak out", more "Meh. Suck. Dump."

But do you believe that people wouldn't resubscribe when the next 'more normal' AP comes out?

Actually, I'm starting to believe that the number of new subscribers we'd get if we did a Numeria AP would exceed the number of existing subscribers who would dump their subscription.

if we are worried about an AP being too much, perhaps 2 or 3 set of adventures in the module line might be a good middle ground

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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MerrikCale wrote:
if we are worried about an AP being too much, perhaps 2 or 3 set of adventures in the module line might be a good middle ground

Nah. I want it to be an AP. :P

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
MerrikCale wrote:
if we are worried about an AP being too much, perhaps 2 or 3 set of adventures in the module line might be a good middle ground
Nah. I want it to be an AP. :P

well, I'm in then

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

James Jacobs wrote:
MerrikCale wrote:
if we are worried about an AP being too much, perhaps 2 or 3 set of adventures in the module line might be a good middle ground
Nah. I want it to be an AP. :P

Not only that, but I think the "grouped adventures" category is best served by the adventure paths. I like having the modules be one-offs rather than mini-adventure paths; that allows for a lot greater variety, and also things like using them as filler in adventure paths.

I was thinking something along the lines of the Price of Immortality triology as a compromise to the thought that Numeria might be a bit off-putting for some AP subscribers

For the record, I would love a Numeria AP. Lord knows I love Thundarr the Barbarian so....

Dark Archive Contributor

I'd buy it either way, though a very pulpy module would be just awesome- gearmen take the the daughter of a barbarian chief and only noble heroes (with thews of iron!) have the ability to overcome their lasers and lightsabres to rescue the fair damsel and prevent a Numeria-wide war...

But that's just me...

N'wah wrote:

Just got off the Paizo Chat a bit ago, and one of the things that had come up was the possibility of a Numeria-centric Adventure Path. A lot of folks were interested in the idea, but James was worried that the powers-that-be might not be so inclined to green-light such a sci-fi/fantasy crossbreed, especially for a whole AP.

I, however, beg to differ. :P

So I thought I'd start this thread as a sort of petition to garner some support for a future Numeria AP. Fans of metal men, laser guns, tech-wielding savages, and crashed spaceships unite! Anyone else interested?

Count me in. Twice.

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Numeria for 2013. DOO EEET!

The Exchange

Funny thing, I was just brainstorming earlier today on campaign ideas I'd like to run and this was the first thing that came to mind. Regardless of when this happens I'm strongly considering starting on a homebrew Numeria themed campaign.

So, obviously, you could count me in.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Urizen wrote:
Numeria for 2013. DOO EEET!

He said no to doing in 2013 in chat last night (or at least implied no)...

So unless he is trying to throw us off...

Mythic 2013, Numeria 2014, Casmaron 2015.....JJ breakdown 2012.

Justin Franklin wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Numeria for 2013. DOO EEET!

He said no to doing in 2013 in chat last night (or at least implied no)...

So unless he is trying to throw us off...

Mythic 2013, Numeria 2014, Casmaron 2015.....JJ breakdown 2012.

Which means Numeria for 2012, right? right??

Justin Franklin wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Numeria for 2013. DOO EEET!

He said no to doing in 2013 in chat last night (or at least implied no)...

So unless he is trying to throw us off...

Mythic 2013, Numeria 2014, Casmaron 2015.....JJ breakdown 2012.


Given the frequency that you deliberately try to trip JJ up in revealing something prematurely, he's probably doing trying to return the karma.

That's my theory. I'm sticking with it. *crosses arms*

Numeria AP +1
Bring it all on!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Urizen wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Numeria for 2013. DOO EEET!

He said no to doing in 2013 in chat last night (or at least implied no)...

So unless he is trying to throw us off...

Mythic 2013, Numeria 2014, Casmaron 2015.....JJ breakdown 2012.


Given the frequency that you deliberately try to trip JJ up in revealing something prematurely, he's probably doing trying to return the karma.

That's my theory. I'm sticking with it. *crosses arms*

That's an excellent theory.

The Exchange

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

We got your back James. Numeria AP comes out I'm buying the map, all associated Players/Settings books, the associated card set, and any core/bestiary that has elements that benefit it.

You can count on SOLID sales from me. Anyone wanna +1 me on this?

Justin, maybe it's THIS year? We don't know what the AP for the last half of 2012 is yet. But then again, if it's 2014 I'll be there with bells on. I'll cry for 2 years, but I'll still be there.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
TheLoneCleric wrote:

We got your back James. Numeria AP comes out I'm buying the map, all associated Players/Settings books, the associated card set, and any core/bestiary that has elements that benefit it.

You can count on SOLID sales from me. Anyone wanna +1 me on this?

Justin, maybe it's THIS year? We don't know what the AP for the last half of 2012 is yet. But then again, if it's 2014 I'll be there with bells on. I'll cry for 2 years, but I'll still be there.

I would not cancel any of my subscriptions for a Numeria AP. and we do know the 2nd AP for this year. It is Shattered Star.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Oh right. Durr. I keep forgetting the way timing on APs work there are kinda 3 in sequence. But the first is the previous years wrapping up.

I'll add my voice to those crying out for a Numeria adventure path. I would love to see Sci-Fi crossover stuff for Pathfinder. If we got an AP, maybe we could have a whole 64-page guide to the sci-fi tech.

On a related note, I'd like to point out that I was extremely disinterested in an Oriental Adventures style expansion to Golarion. I have no interest in ninjas or samurai or other far-east stuff; it just doesn't appeal to me. But I bought it, because Paizo does great stuff, no matter the subject matter, and I have both confidence in and dedication to the company. And I have not been disappointed. I think many of your customers feel the same way. We trust you to make something we want to read and play, even if we're skeptical of the choice initially. I can't speak for everyone, but I like to think I speak for a majority.

So if you've got good ideas, go for it!

I can't promise I would purchase a Numeria AP, but it would definitely pique my interest. When shopping for APs, I look for something I haven't seen before that is well done that I can use--it appears that a Numeria AP could be that type of AP.

I'd probably at minimum buy one for a unique adventure session to use for my players.

The Exchange

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I would be all over this like a horde of barbarians trying to bring down a giant robot spider (or scorpion in this case)!

I prefer 4E D&D, but I would buy Pathfinder crunch for Numeria. (I already buy the fluff, mmmm Pirates!).

omg numeria!

+1 for me:)

Given that "Distant Worlds" has been outselling everything else, and it's garnering a lot of positive attention, I think that's a good sign for a possible Numeria AP. Also, the Red Redoubt of Karamoss the Red in Dungeons of Golarion was, in my opinion, Numeria-lite. I can only speak for myself, but I really liked the super science rules there.

Been a loooooong time since I was in these here parts, but I'm back running Pathfinder again and figured I should add to the chorus for Numeria.

I like aliens, tech and gonzo stuff in my fantasy. Whether it's Barsoom or Krull, there's plenty of room for that sort of thing in fantasy gaming.

I just did the switch from my homebrew to Golarion and after a perusal of the Inner Sea Primer I'm digging the idea behind Numeria. However, I've seen a chorus against super-science in fantasy gaming before but I enjoy it in small bits. For example I made the Spellweaver ruins in Shackled City super-science and it was a nice change of pace before going back to more conventional themes. An entire AP may be a little much but some elements would be hella cool.

The take I'm doing for Numeria in my Kingmaker game is a bit less of the superscience side of things and more like the technology from The Brother's War era in MtG. I assume that the Technic League being primarily mages can't quite get a handle on the way that the more advanced technological stuff works and so try to fudge things using magic.

I was wanting to speed up exploration a bit so I opted for my players to find a very old downed ornihopter that an ex-technic league artificer wants rebuild with their backing.

Sovereign Court

I just wanted to chime in with a thought or two regarding a steam punk/fantasy mash up.

I'm running the Zeitgeist (ENWorld Publishing) campaign saga, and my players (who have played traditional fantasy for decades) LOVE it.

It is definitely possible to do a near seamless transition between the two genres, it just takes a little effort. And if you make the story good enough, it really doesn't matter which "camp" the players are in.

Numeria is part of Golarion - ignoring it won't make it go away! If it was worth putting into the world, it's worth doing an AP in, in my opinion.

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