Dead and Dead Again


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Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000

Pharast 10, 2007 – Moonday

The day was like any other uneventful one, but the night was turning out to be different. Each of you has found your way into the Rusty Dragon for ale and conversation. The exotically beautiful barkeep, Amekio, was kept busy pouring drinks and serving the spicy fare. She barely had time to take the stage and entertain the crowed, yet she did so with amazing talent. To fill the time between her soulful performances a more than adequate story teller spun yarn after yarn. Mostly they were humorous antidotes of Pathfinders who narrowly lost their lives in the pursuit of knowledge and glory, yet one tale seemed to catch your ears. Sharing a brief local history the bard says,

"Sandpoint was once a prospering village. That was during the era of Lord Drestyn, a wealthy nobleman. He owned a large mansion just a few miles from here. His nightly feasts and parties brought nobles and other guests from as far away as the city of Magnimar. As time passed, however, fewer and fewer guests arrived. Several vowed never to return, speaking badly of Lord Drestyn and his feasts. As the visitors dwindled, so did the prosperity of the Hinterlands. Then the crops failed and a plague of snakes swept across the nearby farms. A former servant at the manor revealed that Lord Drestyn had made a pact with a demon or some foul creature which had brought the curse upon the village. Finally, one fateful night, in a fit of rage, the evil Lord Drestyn killed all of his servants and himself."

"That was twenty years ago..."

"Since then, many have talked of Lord Drestyn's treasure, but few have dared to enter the mansion. From outside, some claim to have seen strange sights moving within. Those brave enough to enter say the manor is haunted by restless spirits. A few even swear they have faced the ghost of the dead Lord Drestyn!"

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000


The bandit Bruthazmus has been so troublesome along the Lost Coast Road as of late that Mayor Kendra Deverin has offered a 300 gold piece reward for his head. Hoping to rid the land of such a brutal bugbear and earn some coin the three of you have been working up and down the road for weeks searching for some sign of him to no avail. Knowing that the famous ranger Shalelu often times her wanderings into Sandpoint around the full moon you headed to the Rusty Dragon in hopes of crossing paths with her to see if she had any leads as to Bruthazmus’s whereabouts. The last full moon occurred two nights past on the 8th and tonight you were in luck. Shalelu arrived for dinner and was glad to share a bottle of Magnimarian wine with you. Though the conversation was pleasant she too has been unable to find any signs of the bugbear and wonders what magic he has gained to make his trail disappear. All that she could tell you was that a splinter group of the Licktoad goblin tribe has taken to working with him for the time being.

It is now late and Shalelu has taken to her room. The three of you pay your tab and exit the inn with a parting nod to a familiar serving girl, Dirdelle whom you’ve befriended over the past few days. As you stroll down the quite streets of Sandpoint a sudden scream sounding of pain and panic sounds from a darkened ally between the Inn and the Sandpoint Meat Market.

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000


The hustle and bustle of the night has left you tired. The fruits of your labor, 30 silver coins in gratuities and “liberties”, jingle in your pouch and ease your weary thoughts. The crowed was nice and the storyteller good. You found your self refilling the drinks for a half-orc woman that the rest of the crowed seemed to shun. Her name was Ree and she was very pleasant, not like the stereotypes of her kind, and you found yourself hoping she would come in to dine again. The woodsmen Rhade, Ulven, and Baran, a few friends you have met since arriving in Sandpoint, were in for dinner. However, Amekio took care of their service personally since they dined with a good friend and regular of the inn. A swarthy sailor who paid more attention to your chest than your smile shared with you that it was the famous ranger Shalelu whom Amekio was making such a fuss for.

At closing you watch as they leave and you share a parting nod before slipping out the back. On your way through the kitchen you grab some garbage to add to the piles awaiting Gorvi’s collection boys. Out back your dumping the trash when a pain filled, panicked scream breaks the stillness of the night. It seems to have come from the alley between the inn and the Sandpoint Meat Market next door.

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000


The night at the Rusty Dragon had not been what you had hoped. The intolerance of your mix heritage existed even here along the Long Coast Road, far from the Hold of Belzcan. One barmaid seemed not to care, she poured your drinks and seem to “undercharge” you a fair amount. Her name was Dirdelle and you promised yourself you would return to the Rusty Dragon for a meal again in the future when you had the coin. Your current state of funds was upon your mind as you left the inn near close. Heading down Salmon Street a flyer on the wall of the Mercantile League catches your eye.

By order of Lady Kendra Deverin, Mayor of Sandpoint, a reward of 300 gold coins will be paid to any one individual or group that brings her the head of the bugbear known as Bruthazmus thus bringing peace and security to the Lost Coast Road once again. Beneath this a picture of a brutish bugbear has been rendered in charcoal with emphasis on its ferocious teeth.

Your ponderings are interrupted by a painful and panicked scream coming from behind you. Turning you see the darkened alley between the Rusty Dragon and a Meat Market. Three of the inns patrons have just exited and have also noticed the breach of the quiet night.

Ulven glances quickly at his companions, draws his kukri (too close for the curve blade) and moves into the alley toward the sounds of pain.

Female Half-Elf Cleric 2/ Rouge 1

Dirdelle rushed upstairs and quickly grabbed her gear. The armor would take to long to put on, but she slipped the belt with her rapier around her waist and slipped back outside. She approached the alley cautiously and peered around the corner to see what was going on, rapier in hand.

1d20+9=22 for Stealth

Male Half Elf Ranger 3rd
Ulven Dragonskin wrote:
Ulven glances quickly at his companions, draws his kukri (too close for the curve blade) and moves into the alley toward the sounds of pain.

Rhade nods back drawing an arrow from his quiver and notching it to his bow as he moves to back Ulven up wondering what idiot was going to have a really bad night tonight.

16+8 for 24 to see and hear whats going on down that alley, was also going to make a Stealth check but with Ulven heading down there Rhade messes up the Stealth check (rolled a 1+7 for a total of 8) so he'll be a little behind Ulven as a result. I should point out the bow won't be aimed at anyone until Rhade can see whats going on

Female Half-Orc Sorcerer 3

Ree decides to shrug off the hostile treatment she's been receiving since her arrival in town. It's not exactly anything new to her. The poster with the face of the bugbear makes her smirk. 'Yes, smashing idea. Send a lot of untrained or half-trained amateurs out to hunt down a monster that has already proven to be capable of -'

Ree's train of thought is derailed by the shrieking, and she turns around. 'Now, a clever woman would run away from a horrible scream,' she tells herself. 'Especially in a town where she is less than popular by virtue of her stock. ... Oh, well. No one ever accused me of being clever.'

Ree turns towards the source of the screaming and mutters words of power: "Neque vis, neque infortunium me tangete. Lorica magi me vela." A brief shimmer of force surrounds the Sorceress, and she starts to run towards the sound of the screams. The words of other spells are already tumbling through her thoughts.

Casting Mage Armor, just in case. I hope no one objects to translating at least some of my spells into Latin; I have a few pre-translated from another campaign. ^^

Baran knocks an arrow and follows Ulven's lead into the alley, straining his senses to get some idea of what is happening.

Initiative = 10
Perception (sight/sound) = 27

Just so everyone is aware, I usually specify in parenthesis what sort of perception check I am rolling.

Perception: 1d20+10=26

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000


Finding space to sit in the common room was difficult tonight and the three of you found yourselves sharing a table. Perhaps it was fate, the mood set by the entertainment, or just the effects of good hops and spirits but the three of you quickly became friends. After the bard tells his stories he mingles amongst the crowd and soon finds himself at your table saying, “Ah, adventurers to be sure are sitting and drinking here. I saw the way your eyes light up as I spoke of old lord Drestyn’s treasure. But be warned all tales have a bit of the truth in them and this tale is based on curses. I’d not want to be caught alone in that forsaken place.” He slides away and you return to your drinks thinking about what he just said. As the night draws to and end you each say your farewells and head for the exit together.

Stepping out into the cool night air you hear a panicked scream thick with the sounds of pain coming from an alley next to the inn. Three woodsmen that left the bar immediately before you quickly respond to the sound. One draws a blade and approaches the alley while the others unsling their bows to cover him. From across the way a female half-orc is enchanting herself also responding to the disturbance.

Female Human(Varisian) Sorcerer(Elemental Fire Bloodline)/1st

"Well Well...I certainly hope you all didnt have too much cheap ale." She states, a smirk coming over her face as she Walks calmly towards the alley, more than confident that the wilderness types infront of her could take care of an angry stray dog. She was sure it wasnt much more than that, but she sauntered over to the dark alley, to get a better look.

"Palol jhol kyrdol os..." The words roll off her tounge as four glowing orbs manifest slightly above and infront of her. She moves them into the alley, to illuminate the scene.

Dancing lights, incase you couldnt tell

Male Half Elf Ranger 3rd
Ulven Dragonskin wrote:


Perception: 1d20+10=26

Rhade's initiative rolled a 2+2 for a total of 4!

Noting the sudden increase in light Rhade turns to look over his shoulder and notices the mage stepping across to join them with the glowing orbs of light dancing above her.
He briefly nods in her direction before returning his attention to those in front.
" Looks like Sandpoint's been increasing its magic quota again, I'll keep an eye on our magic using friend," Rhade whispers to his two comrades as he keeps an eye on what the new arrival was doing, which thanks to the light source made his elven comrades sight better but also risked announcing their presence to whoever was causing the problem ahead still Rhade couldn't help shaking his head wondering what else would pop out this night.

Decided to correct since the only one Rhade would notice would be the light casting mage

Female Half-Elf Cleric 2/ Rouge 1

1d20+7=12 for initative.

Female Human(Varisian) Sorcerer(Elemental Fire Bloodline)/1st

Init: 1d20+2=16



Might I suggest we use a static init system, like, for example, it would just be 10+init modifier, and no roll. That way someone with a plus one init would have 11, someone with plus 6 would be 16, so on and so forth, this would save us from having to roll init every encounter and i think would go a long way to speed up combat.

Female Half-Orc Sorcerer 3

Forgot to do this, I see: Initiative: 2

Male Half-Orc Barbarian/ 3rd

Etrac Draws his Greataxe,and walks slowly toward the alley way.


Rhade wrote:

Rhade's initiative rolled a 2+2 for a total of 4!

Noting the sudden increase in light Rhade turns to look over his shoulder and notices the mage stepping across to join them with the glowing orbs of light dancing above her.
He briefly nods in her direction before returning his attention to those in front.
" Looks like Sandpoint's been increasing its magic quota again, I'll keep an eye on our magic using friend," Rhade whispers to his two comrades as he keeps an eye on what the new arrival was doing, which thanks to the light source made his elven comrades sight better but also risked announcing their presence to whoever was causing the problem ahead still Rhade couldn't help shaking his head wondering what else would pop out this night.

Decided to correct since the only one Rhade would notice would be the light casting mage

"Good call. Unfortunately it looks like we might have a party."

Baran glances around as other individuals close on the alley.

Male Half Elf Ranger 3rd
Baran Caranthir wrote:
Rhade wrote:

Rhade's initiative rolled a 2+2 for a total of 4!

Noting the sudden increase in light Rhade turns to look over his shoulder and notices the mage stepping across to join them with the glowing orbs of light dancing above her.
He briefly nods in her direction before returning his attention to those in front.
" Looks like Sandpoint's been increasing its magic quota again, I'll keep an eye on our magic using friend," Rhade whispers to his two comrades as he keeps an eye on what the new arrival was doing, which thanks to the light source made his elven comrades sight better but also risked announcing their presence to whoever was causing the problem ahead still Rhade couldn't help shaking his head wondering what else would pop out this night.
Decided to correct since the only one Rhade would notice would be the light casting mage

"Good call. Unfortunately it looks like we might have a party."

Baran glances around as other individuals close on the alley.

"Is it just me or has Sandpoint's elven population just doubled?" Rhade mutters in elven as he now notes the mage's race.

And upon seeing the half orcs...
"Looks like either we've got a fight on our hands or whoever is causing that ruckus has an amazing amount of bad luck!" Rhade adds (in elven) as two half orcs approach one wielding an axe the other looking like another spellcaster and since the axe wielder is heading from the same direction as the elven mage Rhade is wondering if everyone flocking in for a bugbear hunt...

Male Half Elf Ranger 3rd

Not going to be able to post any further today so if anything develops Rhade backs up Baran and Ulven and will keep an eye on the newcomers at first in case they're hostile then in case they get into trouble since he doesn't really know what they can do even if the axe wielder is bad news for anyone! Take care!

Female Half-Elf Cleric 2/ Rouge 1

This place is suddenly geting very crowded, Dirdelle thinks to herself. Cayden Cailean, give me the foresight to end this quickly.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian/ 3rd

Etrac walks for about 2 seconds as he gets tired of walking,he then Screams "BLOOD AND THUNDER!" as he he easily throws his mighty Greataxe above his head,and charges full force into the alley way.

by the way incase u donot know the refrence blood and thunder is from WoW.

Male Gnome Fey Sorcerer 3

Halungalom rushes to the alley, in hopes to aide the person screaming. Expecting a fight, he gestures and says a few words, covering himself with a magical shield of force before entering the alley. Shield spell

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000

Everyone flocks to the end of the alley and, because of the magical illumination can easily see what is transpiring inside. Crawling and wailing along the ground is a man covered in blood. He is grasping his right arm trying to staunch the flow of blood. As things go bright he looks up and cries out, “I’ve been bitten, the foul werewolf bit me!”

Those of you native to Sandpoint recognize the man as the local butcher Chod Bevuk. He owns and operates the Sandpoint Meat Market. A blood stained apron covers his clothes, some old, some fresh.

Aside from a trail of blood leading from Chod’s prone form to the Markets back door the alley is empty.


You recall that Chod had a brief bit of fame surrounding the exploits of the serial killer know as Chopper five years ago. Exactly what it was you can not remember.

Knowledge: History (1d20+10=20)

Female Human(Varisian) Sorcerer(Elemental Fire Bloodline)/1st

"Pas!*, I'm no healer.." Catalina spits out as she rushes to the butcher's side, examining the wound. She winces as she turns to face the others. "I dont suppose any of you are?" She inquires.

"Well Don't just stand there and let that foul beast escape." she says calmly while pondering over how to bandage this wound, directing the more martial looking types towards the trail of blood.

*Kinda makin up some Elven obscenities along the way..hope you guys dont mind

Female Half-Orc Sorcerer 3

"I'm no doctor myself," Ree says, shrugging as she slows down her run to a walk. "A werewolf, what?" she asks as she kneels down to help the butcher sit up against the wall if he'll let her. "Amazing! I'm short on silver, myself. Did any of you nice people bring any?"

Male Half Elf Ranger 3rd
Catalina wrote:
"Pas!*, I'm no healer.." Catalina spits out as she rushes to the butcher's side, examining the wound. She winces as she turns to face the others. "I dont suppose any of you are?" She inquires.

"Better make sure he gets to the priest then," Rhade swiftly replies.

][b wrote:

"Well Don't just stand there and let that foul beast escape." [/b] she says calmly while pondering over how to bandage this wound, directing the more martial looking types towards the trail of blood.

*Kinda makin up some Elven obscenities along the way..hope you guys dont mind

Rhade takes note of the scene.

Knowledge/Local rolled a 19+2 for 21, who is this guy?
Heal check on him rolled another 19+5 for 24 so I should be able to tend to his wounds and tell if they're from a wolf, the Perception to see if the creature is nearby rolled a 4+8 for 12, Survival/Tracking effort to see if there any sign of where it went if there was such a creature present rolled a 7+11 for a total of 18 and the last two checks would apply after the Heal skill was used to treat this fellow.

Mythril DM wrote:

Everyone flocks to the end of the alley and, because of the magical illumination can easily see what is transpiring inside. Crawling and wailing along the ground is a man covered in blood. He is grasping his right arm trying to staunch the flow of blood. As things go bright he looks up and cries out, “I’ve been bitten, the foul werewolf bit me!”

Those of you native to Sandpoint recognize the man as the local butcher Chod Bevuk. He owns and operates the Sandpoint Meat Market. A blood stained apron covers his clothes, some old, some fresh.

Aside from a trail of blood leading from Chod’s prone form to the Markets back door the alley is empty.

** spoiler omitted **

As Rhade tends to the man's wounds Baran quickly steps over to the side of the door and peers in, trying to follow the trail of blood.

Perception (sight/sound) check = 27

"Tell us friend. Where were you attacked? In the alley or at the butchers block? Ulven, keep an eye out for the furry beast in case it decides to come back."

Female Half-Elf Cleric 2/ Rouge 1

"I can heal him," Dirdelle says. Whispering a prayer to Cayden Cailean she casts Cure Light Wounds. "However, I cannot do anything about lycanthropy so we should still take you to the priest to be cured of that." 1d8+1=6 hitpoint healed.

Ulven stares at the man, unable to find any foe needing smote, Upon hearing of a werewolf attack, he begins to search around, seeking tracks.
Survival Check: 1d20+10=25

Catalina wrote:
... "Well Don't just stand there and let that foul beast escape." she says calmly while pondering over how to bandage this wound, directing the more martial looking types towards the trail of blood.

"You're a wizard by the looks of it. Why don't you use your magic to find the beast and slay it?" Baran says sarcastically, obviously not expecting a response, while looking about for any sign of the creature who caused the injury and half wondering if the man didn't injure himself while working late in the butcher's shop.

Knowledge: Dungeoneering (1d20+6=24)

Does Baran recall anything specific about werewolves and what is considered general knowledge about them?

"Does anyone know anything about werewolves?"

Male Gnome Fey Sorcerer 3

Walking into the alley, hearing mention of werewolves, Halungalom joins the rest of the people thinking if he remembers anything about were- creatures at all.

Knowledge(Nature) (1d20 5=24)

Female Half-Elf Cleric 2/ Rouge 1

As she attends to the man's wounds she trys to learn more about the attack. "Can you tell us which way your attacker went, and if there is anything that might identify him?"

1d20+6=22 for Diplomacy

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000
Rhade wrote:

Rhade takes note of the scene.

Knowledge/Local rolled a 19+2 for 21, who is this guy?
Heal check on him rolled another 19+5 for 24 so I should be able to tend to his wounds and tell if they're from a wolf, the Perception to see if the creature is nearby rolled a 4+8 for 12, Survival/Tracking effort to see if there any sign of where it went if there was such a creature present rolled a 7+11 for a total of 18 and the last two checks would apply after the Heal skill was used to treat this fellow.

Knowlege check:

Your mind races as you think about who Chod is.
Local rumors imply that Chod is someone who needs to attract alot of attention and often makes up stories to get it.

You pace along the alley looking for tracks. Many sets have used the alley in the past 24hrs. You can identify various sizes of boots and shoes and one that appears to be from some sort of large canine.

Keep in mind you can only do so much in one round or turn. Also can you please use Invisible Castle to make your dice rolls. You can link them in your posts for easy verification.

This is the link: LINK

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000
Baran Caranthir wrote:

Baran quickly steps over to the side of the door and peers in, trying to follow the trail of blood.

Perception (sight/sound) check = 27

"Tell us friend. Where were you attacked? In the alley or at the butchers block? Ulven, keep an eye out for the furry beast in case it decides to come back."

The trail of blood ends outside the door where it lies in a big pool and drips into the storm drain outside the Markets back door. Close inspection of the door reveals several claw marks raked into the woodwork.

Chod stammers, "It attacked me outside as I was leaving for the night."

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000
Dirdelle wrote:
"I can heal him," Dirdelle says. Whispering a prayer to Cayden Cailean she casts Cure Light Wounds. "However, I cannot do anything about lycanthropy so we should still take you to the priest to be cured of that." 1d8+1=6 hitpoint healed.

Your magic stops the bleading and starts the wound to healing but cuts still look like they will need alot more attention.

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000
Ulven Dragonskin wrote:

Ulven stares at the man, unable to find any foe needing smote, Upon hearing of a werewolf attack, he begins to search around, seeking tracks.

Survival Check: 1d20+10=25

Your search reveals several types of boot and shoe tracks as well as one set that appears to belong to a large canine. Oddly the animal tracks can only be detected inside the alley and do not appear to lead out into the streets at either end.

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000
Halungalom wrote:

Walking into the alley, hearing mention of werewolves, Halungalom joins the rest of the people thinking if he remembers anything about were- creatures at all.

Knowledge(Nature) (1d20 5=24)

You know that Lycantropes are men that can turn into beasts. In either from they are nearly undectectable from a normal person or animal. The affliction spreads like a disease from one infected creatrue to its victims. What ever curse that causes the affliction it seems to have a weakness against silver. There are two types of werecreatures, natural creatrues that are born with the disease and afflicted creatrues who were born normal and contracted the lycantrhropy from an attack.

Mid Morning Day 2 Total earned XP: 15,000
Dirdelle wrote:

As she attends to the man's wounds she trys to learn more about the attack. "Can you tell us which way your attacker went, and if there is anything that might identify him?"

1d20+6=22 for Diplomacy

"The alley is dark and it attacked my from behind as I was turned to lock the door. It caught my arm in its teeth and drug me to the ground where I must have hit my head. Everything spun for a few minutes and then it was gone. I couldn't see where it went."

Mythril DM wrote:

The trail of blood ends outside the door where it lies in a big pool and drips into the storm drain outside the Markets back door. Close inspection of the door reveals several claw marks raked into the woodwork.

Chod stammers, "It attakced me outside as I was leaving for the night."

"Hmmmm, there's claw marks on the woodwork of the door. I apologize for all of the questions as I'm sure you want to get to the priest as soon as possible but these claw marks, do you know if they happened during the attack and how do you know what attacked you was a werewolf and not just a starved dog or wolf?"

Baran looks up at the buildings forming the alleyway to see if there are any windows facing the alley or any places to perch from. He's wondering if someone may have seen what happened from a windor or if the werewolf could have jumped down from above and attacked Chod.

Perception (sight/sound) check = 28

Female Half-Elf Cleric 2/ Rouge 1

Dirdelle nods her head and then stands. Walking over to Rhade she frowns. "Have you ever heard of a beast or man that would attack a person and not finish them off when they are helpless?" she says whispering.

Mythril DM wrote:

Your search reveals several types of boot and shoe tracks as well as one set that appears to belong to a large canine. Oddly the animal tracks can only be detected inside the alley and do not appear to lead out into the streets at either end.

Ulven stares hard at the injured man and abruptly walks over to him, grabbing the front of his shirt. Staring hard into his eyes and pulling the butcher close to his ruined face, he nearly spits out his words in a harsh, broken voice, "ARE YOU LYING TO ME?"

Intimidate: 1d20+4=15

Female Half-Orc Sorcerer 3
Ulven Dragonskin wrote:

Ulven stares hard at the injured man and abruptly walks over to him, grabbing the front of his shirt. Staring hard into his eyes and pulling the butcher close to his ruined face, he nearly spits out his words in a harsh, broken voice, "ARE YOU LYING TO ME?"

Intimidate: 1d20+4=15

"Well, here now, neighbour," Ree says to the apparently angry Elf. "That's not the way to treat a wounded man, is it? Why don't we all settle down a smidgeon, and see whether the nice man's willing to talk somewhat more, alright?"

She does not actually touch Ulven, but very gently tugs on the collar of Chod's shirt, as if suggesting it might be a good idea to let go of it.

Male Gnome Fey Sorcerer 3
Ulven Dragonskin wrote:

Ulven stares hard at the injured man and abruptly walks over to him, grabbing the front of his shirt. Staring hard into his eyes and pulling the butcher close to his ruined face, he nearly spits out his words in a harsh, broken voice, "ARE YOU LYING TO ME?"

Intimidate: 1d20+4=15

"Somebody's grumpy today! You do know what a werewolf is, right? A wolf that turns into a man, or woman, or elf, or dwarf, or.. well.. you get my point. I hope." He says shiftily, and uncomfortably.

Ulven drops the injured man, and steps back at attention. His eyes, the only thing whole in his ruined, acid scarred face, bore into the half-orc and gnome (?). He says nothing, but holds the stare an uncomfortably long time before turning back to the butcher. "TALK," he growls in his disused voice.

Female Half-Elf Cleric 2/ Rouge 1
Ree Luskan wrote:
Ulven Dragonskin wrote:

Ulven stares hard at the injured man and abruptly walks over to him, grabbing the front of his shirt. Staring hard into his eyes and pulling the butcher close to his ruined face, he nearly spits out his words in a harsh, broken voice, "ARE YOU LYING TO ME?"

Intimidate: 1d20+4=15

"Well, here now, neighbour," Ree says to the apparently angry Elf. "That's not the way to treat a wounded man, is it? Why don't we all settle down a smidgeon, and see whether the nice man's willing to talk somewhat more, alright?"

She does not actually touch Ulven, but very gently tugs on the collar of Chod's shirt, as if suggesting it might be a good idea to let go of it.

Turning back to the scene Dirdelle frowns. "I have also noted some inconsistancies in his story," she says to Ulven, "But there are better ways to get the information." Then looking at Chod she says, "I know you are holding something back, and it's burning you just like hold a hot ember. Just tell Dirdelle and it will go away."

Dirdelle is using her Charm Person ability as she says this.

Female Human(Varisian) Sorcerer(Elemental Fire Bloodline)/1st
Baran Caranthir wrote:

"You're a wizard by the looks of it. Why don't you use your magic to find the beast and slay it?"
Ulven Dragonskin wrote:

Ulven stares hard at the injured man and abruptly walks over to him, grabbing the front of his shirt. Staring hard into his eyes and pulling the butcher close to his ruined face, he nearly spits out his words in a harsh, broken voice, "ARE YOU LYING TO ME?"

Catalina Stand's abruptly,slightly offended bt Baran's words "And You are something of a wilderness type, by the looks of it. Why don't you keep your beast under control over there?" She says smugly, pointing at Ulven. She pulls from her waist a silver holy symbol of Nethys.

"Just to make sure, Chodd." She reassures the butcher before touching it against his wound

Male Half Elf Ranger 3rd Heal check to examine nature of Chod's wounds whether it was done by a dog or a wolf and more importantly whether all of the blood thats on him is actually his rather than say animal blood. (1d20+5=17)] Heal check

First time trying this to see if this works okay

Rhade having finished bandaging up the wounded man decides to use this knowledge to see if his injuries may have been hammed up to make it look like he was attacked by something other than a stray dog even as Catalina presses her holy symbol into Chod's flesh.

Looking up at Ulven Rhade whispers calmly in elven," Do not fret that fight you're hungering for will come soon enough, just remember that those present are not the enemy."

Catalina wrote:

Catalina Stand's abruptly,slightly offended bt Baran's words "And You are something of a wilderness type, by the looks of it. Why don't you keep your beast under control over there?" She says smugly, pointing at Ulven. She pulls from her waist a silver holy symbol of Nethys.

"Just to make sure, Chodd." She reassures the butcher before touching it against his wound

"Please, no need to bandy shallow insults. The point is that we are all here because we think we can help. So if there is anything any of us can do to find the creature responsible and help Mr. CHodd, then we should do it."

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