Hopeless's Legends are Made, not Born


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Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

Do the ogre have any keys on him ?

Herve Esterel wrote:
Do the ogre have any keys on him ?

No keys, he's wearing some now badly shredded studded leather, the greatclub he was wielding and a large javelin slung across his back

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2

Tenna paused for a moment, steeling her nerve, and then picked her way through the corridor to the right. She hoped to beat Bogorin in there, just in case the worst had come to pass. She didn't want to see something like the stories she had heard made reality, but she especially didn't want old Bogo to see it. She liked the dwarf.

Tenna's trying to rush past Bogorin, just in case the worst did happen.

Tenna Milcress wrote:

Tenna paused for a moment, steeling her nerve, and then picked her way through the corridor to the right. She hoped to beat Bogorin in there, just in case the worst had come to pass. She didn't want to see something like the stories she had heard made reality, but she especially didn't want old Bogo to see it. She liked the dwarf.

Tenna's trying to rush past Bogorin, just in case the worst did happen.

Within the lair

This cavern serves as the living quarters of the ogre and is 40' deep, 60' wide and 20' high in size.
To the left you can see a curtained off area beside which are some gathered furs that look as though they serve as the Ogre's bed, to the right is what looks like a fireplace with a natural chimney heading out of sight into an enclosed part of the ceiling above, however at the opposite end of this cavern is a large wooden table and an iron bound chest located just beyond the table.

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2

Tenna sighed with relief, if only for the moment. At least there were no corpses visible. She carefully walked about the cavern, looking for a key.

Perception: 28 on a natural 20

Are any of us carrying lit torches? I'll light one of mine if not.

An intense and worried look on his face after hearing no response to his calls, Bogorin, moving to the junction, will look, listen and sniff even, using all his dwarven and clerical knowledge and skills, for any sign or idea of which way may more likely lead to where the captives may be
(roll where needed)

He seems to not even hear (or chooses to ignore) Willy's question. As Tenna rushes past him into the Orge's den he calls out anxiously "Well! What do ye see girl? Do they be there? Do ye see ma Dale?"

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2

"No." Tenna called back. "Not in here!" She continued her search, trying not to let her imagination run away concerning the chest's contents.

Male Half - Elf Warrior/Ranger* (1/2)
hopeless wrote:
Tenna Milcress wrote:

Alright! Scooping up the strange bracer, Tenna made her way through what was left of the rubble, stepping just inside in order to ensure as clear a shot as she could get with everyone else crammed in the tunnels fighting. She pulled the special arrow out of her quiver and nocked it, taking careful aim. They trusted you with this thing! Make it count!

Gritting her teeth, she let the arrow fly.

Precise Shot avoids 4 penalty for shooting into melee

Ranged Attack Roll: 24
Damage: 8 (for a normal arrow, 1d8+1 = 7+1)

Willy steps up and slams a powerful blow enough to send the Ogre almost to his knees.

Stepping to one side trying to flank the Ogre with Bogorin they're almost in position when the Ogre lets out a startled gasp.
Tottering Bogorin and Willy suddenly notice the arrow imbedded in the Ogre's chest so deeply that only its end is visible and even then they almost miss noticing it.
The Ogre drops his club and tries in vain to pull the arrow out, but it gasps for breath as its mouth begins to bubble blood as finally mortality catches up with it as it collapses face first in front of you...

Congratulations the Ogre is dead!

As the ogre falls to the ground dead Talden inwardly sighs thanking the spirits that everyone had survived fighting the ogre. Turning to Tenna with a grin on his face he gives Tenna a robust bear hug shouting, "Great Shot! I knew you were the best shot in Waypoint!". After putting her back down on her feet he stoops and picks up his shield and axe and heads to join the others.

Male Half - Elf Warrior/Ranger* (1/2)
Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:

Still feeling strangely exuberant and vital, Bogorin grins widely as he looks at his allies "Well done lass!" he shouts to Tenna. And, clumping a meaty hand on Willy's shoulder he says "Well, seems ye know how tae chop moren' just wood with that axe o' yers lad. Glad tae have ya on my side I am. Still, ye should learn how tae wield a Real weapon someday" he says with a wink as he hefts his warhammer.

Then looking down at the dead Ogre, all trace of mirth fades form the dwarf's face for a moment as he kicks savagely at the corpse "N' That's fer Dale!" Torn for just a moment from his Dwarven avarice telling him to loot the corpse first and his fatherly concern over his favourite barmaid, his heart wins out as he says in consternation "This still ain't over! We need tae find ma girl!" Feeling more urgent the closer they seem to get, Bogorin looks around and calls out as loud as he can "DALE! Dale! It's Me, BOGGO! Where are ye lass? I...we've come tae rescue ye! Give us a shout tae let us know where ye be!"

Listening intently for a response, if he hears none, the worried dwarf will start to move further down the passageway.

As Talden joins Bogorin and Willy he takes a good long look at the dead ogre noting his massive size and girth. Shuddering at the thought of fighting him one-on-one he thanks the spirits again for Carter's arrow and suddenly remembers that he is still wounded and in need of an antidote.

"Bogorin my friend that was down right impressive back there. The spirits are with us today. Let's find our friends..."

Male Half - Elf Warrior/Ranger* (1/2)
Tenna Milcress wrote:

Tenna paused for a moment, steeling her nerve, and then picked her way through the corridor to the right. She hoped to beat Bogorin in there, just in case the worst had come to pass. She didn't want to see something like the stories she had heard made reality, but she especially didn't want old Bogo to see it. She liked the dwarf.

Tenna's trying to rush past Bogorin, just in case the worst did happen.

Seeing Tenna move past Bogorin and Willy towards the chamber on the right Talden readies his axe and quickly follows her in case something else waits in the chamber.

Male Half - Elf Warrior/Ranger* (1/2)
hopeless wrote:
Tenna Milcress wrote:

Tenna paused for a moment, steeling her nerve, and then picked her way through the corridor to the right. She hoped to beat Bogorin in there, just in case the worst had come to pass. She didn't want to see something like the stories she had heard made reality, but she especially didn't want old Bogo to see it. She liked the dwarf.

Tenna's trying to rush past Bogorin, just in case the worst did happen.

Within the lair

This cavern serves as the living quarters of the ogre and is 40' deep, 60' wide and 20' high in size.
To the left you can see a curtained off area beside which are some gathered furs that look as though they serve as the Ogre's bed, to the right is what looks like a fireplace with a natural chimney heading out of sight into an enclosed part of the ceiling above, however at the opposite end of this cavern is a large wooden table and an iron bound chest located just beyond the table.

Talden sweeps the curtains aside with his axe held ready so that he can see what lies behind it and then begins to search the room. First checking through the area where the ogre slept in case there were keys left behind then moving to the table and lastly to the chest. He will check to see if the chest is locked.

Perception (sight/sound) to search the room (1d20+7=18)

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2

Bit of backtracking, but:

Tenna could not help but blush from Talden's hug and boastful compliment. "Ah...I didn't do nothin' th'rest of you couldn't." she said with a shy smile.

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5

Willy starts looting the dead ogre.

"He is a big 'un isnt he?" he says to Talden.

Bogorin moves the other way towards the storeroom, continuing to shout for Dale as he does and searching carefully for traps or secret doors and the like.

Tenna Milcress wrote:

Tenna sighed with relief, if only for the moment. At least there were no corpses visible. She carefully walked about the cavern, looking for a key.

Are any of us carrying lit torches? I'll light one of mine if not.


It takes a moment before you realise its under the chest, but its quite heavy and to move it you need to make a strength check

Talden Skard wrote:

This cavern serves as the living quarters of the ogre and is 40' deep, 60' wide and 20' high in size.

To the left you can see a curtained off area beside which are some gathered furs that look as though they serve as the Ogre's bed, to the right is what looks like a fireplace with a natural chimney heading out of sight into an enclosed part of the ceiling above, however at the opposite end of this cavern is a large wooden table and an iron bound chest located just beyond the table.

Talden sweeps the curtains aside with his axe held ready so that he can see what lies behind it and then begins to search the room. First checking through the area where the ogre slept in case there were keys left behind then moving to the table and lastly to the chest. He will check to see if the chest is locked.

Perception (sight/sound) to search the room (1d20+7=18)


It takes you a bit before you realise Tenna's found it but it appears to be under the chest from how Tenna seems to be looking

Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:
Bogorin moves the other way towards the storeroom, continuing to shout for Dale as he does and searching carefully for traps or secret doors and the like.

There is a curtain off to your left that looks like it closes off an area of the cavern.

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2

"Hey, Talden. See that?" Tenna pointed at the chest as she walked around it. Bracing her leg against the wall, she pulled with both of her wiry arms. Stupid ogre...having to do something like that...

While she was curious about what lay inside, she truly wanted to be certain it wasn't going to be something that would upset Bogo. Her imagination had had plenty of time to produce any number of chilling possibilities.

Can't reach Invisible Castle at the moment. Had to use Bluemind Roller.

STR Check: 13

Holding his shield at the ready, Bogorin approaches the curtain and moves it aside with his hammer...

Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:
Holding his shield at the ready, Bogorin approaches the curtain and moves it aside with his hammer...

And behind the curtain is

Before you is a large alcove holding a pair of casks and crates most of which have been opened and left ajar admidst the tracks covering the floor here.

With more than a little trepidation, Bogorin takes a quick peek into the crates and casks...

Male Half - Elf Warrior/Ranger* (1/2)
Tenna Milcress wrote:

"Hey, Talden. See that?" Tenna pointed at the chest as she walked around it. Bracing her leg against the wall, she pulled with both of her wiry arms. Stupid ogre...having to do something like that...

While she was curious about what lay inside, she truly wanted to be certain it wasn't going to be something that would upset Bogo. Her imagination had had plenty of time to produce any number of chilling possibilities.

Can't reach Invisible Castle at the moment. Had to use Bluemind Roller.

STR Check: 13

Hearing Tenna call her over Talden quickly heads over and seeing Tenna trying to move the chest he drops his shoulder against it and helps shove.

Strength check to move chest (1d20+2=18)

Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:
With more than a little trepidation, Bogorin takes a quick peek into the crates and casks...

One of the casks and both crates are empty, the other holds what looks like violet tinged water but smells awful.

Talden Skard wrote:

"Hey, Talden. See that?" Tenna pointed at the chest as she walked around it. Bracing her leg against the wall, she pulled with both of her wiry arms. Stupid ogre...having to do something like that...

While she was curious about what lay inside, she truly wanted to be certain it wasn't going to be something that would upset Bogo. Her imagination had had plenty of time to produce any number of chilling possibilities.

Hearing Tenna call her over Talden quickly heads over and seeing Tenna trying to move the chest he drops his shoulder against it and helps shove.

No problem

With Talden's help the chest is easily moved revealing an old looking key.

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2

"Thanks." Tenna said with a faint, shy smile that quickly faded when she remembered why she wanted to search the chest to begin with. She gave Talden a worried look, quietly saying, "Need t'check it quick. Before Bogo comes. There's no tellin' what's in here...and you know ogres..." To Tenna, those terrifying fireside tales about ogrekind were as good as fact.

She picked up the key and apprehensively turned it in the lock.

If it fits:

She looked back at Talden again, steeling herself, and opened the lid.

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5


Does the ogre have anything on him of interest to Willy?

Willard Barnable wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

Willy only:

Other than the javellin, no

Tenna finds the key however old it appears fits the lock and turns perfectly fine.

The chest is now unlocked

Tenna Milcress wrote:

"Thanks." Tenna said with a faint, shy smile that quickly faded when she remembered why she wanted to search the chest to begin with. She gave Talden a worried look, quietly saying, "Need t'check it quick. Before Bogo comes. There's no tellin' what's in here...and you know ogres..." To Tenna, those terrifying fireside tales about ogrekind were as good as fact.

She picked up the key and apprehensively turned it in the lock.
She looked back at Talden again, steeling herself, and opened the lid.

Opening the chest and looking within she finds its filled almost to the brim with silver coins.

Seeing nothing of interest to him at the moment, Bogoroin continues to look around for some sort of secret door or other entrance as he continues to call loudly for 'his girl'.

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5


Finding nothing on the ogre, Willy turns his attention to the chest. "Ooooh..."

Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:
Seeing nothing of interest to him at the moment, Bogoroin continues to look around for some sort of secret door or other entrance as he continues to call loudly for 'his girl'.


Make a perception check and I'll need to know how and where you wish to look

Male Half - Elf Warrior/Ranger* (1/2)

"Wow...that's a lot of money...must be most of what the ogre stole."

Talden looks a little dumb-founded by the large chest of money. He'd never really seen that much money before.

Male Half - Elf Warrior/Ranger* (1/2)

Quickly regaining his focus Talden is going to begin searching the room slowly and carefully looking for anything that might give a clue to where Dale and Jonas are.

Take 20 on a Perception check = 25 (27 if based on sight/sound)

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2

"Gods..." Tenna stared dumbfounded at the coins. She had never seen so much money before. All the money she had seen throughout her entire life wouldn't add up to that amount. She was relieved her unvoiced fears had not come to pass, but she had difficulty tearing herself away from the chest.

Seeing Talden already searching over the room, Tenna ran back out into the corridor to find Bogorin and the others. "Th'ogre's 'room' is back there. We didn't find any sign o'the townsfolk, just money. Talden is turning the place over to try and find any clues to where they might be."

Bogorin is taking a 20 on his search, so 23 +2 to taste and touch. And he is searching Everywhere.He is Determined to find at least Some sign of dale. And remember:

' In addition, they receive a +2 bonus on Perception skill checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, regardless of whether or not they are actively looking'

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

During all this agitation , Herve has been silently staying guard at the jonction of the two rooms ( storeroom and ogre's living quarters )

Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:

Bogorin is taking a 20 on his search, so 23 +2 to taste and touch. And he is searching Everywhere.He is Determined to find at least Some sign of dale. And remember:

' In addition, they receive a +2 bonus on Perception skill checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, regardless of whether or not they are actively looking'

The Lair in Whole

Meanwhile Talden is slowly making his way around the Ogre's lair and is about to join Bogorin in the alcove when Bogorin finds the secret door, hidden at the back of the alcove the only visible evidence are the tracks converging on it.

Bogorin only:

It also helped that whoever installed it wasn't a dwarf!

Talden Skard wrote:

Quickly regaining his focus Talden is going to begin searching the room slowly and carefully looking for anything that might give a clue to where Dale and Jonas are.

Take 20 on a Perception check = 25 (27 if based on sight/sound)

Talden only:

Some of the tracks in the alcove are human in origin but you don't know who they belong to

Bogoroin quickly gives a shout to let everyone know what he's found. He then waits impatiently for them all to arrive.

Herve Esterel wrote:
During all this agitation , Herve has been silently staying guard at the jonction of the two rooms ( storeroom and ogre's living quarters )


You hear the sound of something grinding on the floor and possibly someone cursing but you're not sure in what language coming from the storeroom

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

I'll go have a look then ...

Herve Esterel wrote:
** spoiler omitted **


Peering around the corner Herve sees a dwarf and Old Carter struggling to push some crates up against the far wall of the storeroom however they seem to be failing as something is pushing them back and he can see a thin gray arm struggling to scramble up from behind the crates and the secret door the crates are hiding and climb atop the crates to get at the rest of the room...
The Storeroom

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4


Herve will move into the storeroom . I don't think he has the move necessary to attack this round (;

Herve Esterel wrote:


** spoiler omitted **


No he doesn't but as you do Old Carter whirls around and you see he's clutching a bleeding belly wound and is currently unarmed as a result.
"What is it?" the dwarf curses as he finally notices the gray figure scrambling above the crates.
"Rovagug's spawn take this!" he curses as he reveals a well used battle axe and points at the figure as a blur of air rushes upwards that smacks into the ghoul and sends it reeling backwards... well as far as its trapped limb allows...

Ranged touch attack rolled an 11+1 for 12 which hits doing 1d4 damage rolling a 3 for 3pts of damage needless to say the ghoul isn't happy... initiatives please.

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2

"Huh..." Tenna stared dumbfounded at Bogo's discovery. "I didn't think ogres were smart enough for this sorta thing." Looking around for the others, she asked Talden and Bogo, "We need to be stickin' tighter to each other huh? Where's Mr. Esterel?"

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5
Teena wrote:
"Huh..." Tenna stared dumbfounded at Bogo's discovery. "I didn't think ogres were smart enough for this sorta thing."

"Huh." Willy repeats. He is not smart enough for that sort of thing either.

Teena wrote:
"We need to be stickin' tighter to each other huh? Where's Mr. Esterel?"

"I think he went da 'ther way. Lissen."

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4


Herve Esterel wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Okay the current initative scores are;

Herve 19
Dwarf 18
Old Carter 18
Ghoul 9
So you're up first Herve

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

Herve attack cautiously the creature ( + 4 AC with combat expertise and dodge).
He is more interested this round to block the creature attacks than really trying to hurt it ( I missed)

If possible , he'll put himself in position to block the ghoul's progression towards Carter

does the dwarf seem familiar ?

Herve Esterel wrote:

Herve attack cautiously the creature ( + 4 AC with combat expertise and dodge).

He is more interested this round to block the creature attacks than really trying to hurt it ( I missed)
If possible , he'll put himself in position to block the ghoul's progression towards Carter

does the dwarf seem familiar ?

You don't recognise him, he's dressed as a scholar and looks like he comes from somewhere warmer

"I said back off!" the dwarf hollers at the ghoul as he waves his axe again as another blurring of air smacks into the ghoul who now having freed his leg is sent toppling behind the crates.

Rolled a 17 to hit doing 2pts of damage

Old Carter seems to be trying to back away from the crates but he's doing his best to stay on his feet he looks badly wounded.

The ghoul's response is to leap back atop the crates and glares down at you from above.

Will await responses from the others before Herve gets his next turn

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