The Whispering Tyrant is soooo evil, he...

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Scarab Sages

...makes Girl Scout Cookies with real girl scouts.

Aberzombie wrote:
...makes Girl Scout Cookies with real girl scouts.

I would like to order two boxes please!

Aberzombie wrote:
...makes Girl Scout Cookies with real girl scouts.

Mmmm... I like the real crunchy ones, with the little bits of bone in them. :oP

Scarab Sages

....makes hot dogs with real dogs.

... watches rental videos just so he can not rewind them.

That he has been banned from the Lower Planes for giving the residents a bad name!

That Drow Elves consiter him to devious and dispicable for their tastes!

That the Elder Evils think that he should start a school on how Real Evil is done!

...had Firefly canceled!

(That dirty rotten SOB!!!)

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Beats a dead horse.

Killed the 3rd edition warg and raised it as the 4th ed abomination.

Created Earthday so people would ignore the environment every other day.

Created the Boobahs (If you are a parent of a small child you may know this horror).

Beats an undead horse.

Aired the Firefly pilot at the end of the series.

...saves on a 1...against ANYTHING.

He keeps me from dipping my chocolate bar into the peanut butter, AND, eh steals the PB out of my Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.

The bastitch... :o(


...wrote the theme song to Three's Company

Dark Archive

...can swallow an opponent whole with a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 1d100 points of bludgeoning damage plus 1d100 points of negative energy damage per round from the Whispering Tyrant’s gizzard.

A swallowed creature then notices something even more disturbing when something begins cutting its way out of their own body, while they are still swallowed by the Whispering Tyrant! Whatever this thing is, suddenly slicing its way out of their poor gut, uses a light slashing or piercing weapon. If this creature, let's call him "Bellyripper Bob" for the sake of argument, deals 25 points of damage to the poor PC's gizzard (AC 15), it can cut its way free of the PC to join him in the Whispering Tyrant's gut.

Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole.

However, this is not an improvement to the poor PC's predicament, as another creature then begins cutting its way out of the poor PC's gut. Sadly for the PC, this can happen ad infinitum. Those creatures already inside the Whispering Tyrant's gut then begin attacking the PC in earnest now that they are free of the PC.

The Whispering Tyrant's gizzard can hold as many creatures as the Whispering Tyrant wants, because he is the frigging Whispering Tyrant!

Dark Archive

...makes everyone sit in a circle, then whispers something in the ear of the person to his left. It goes all around the circle, so he can giggle about what it changed to in the process. But, no matter how much you beg, he just won't tell you what the whispered phrase became.

... was banned from playing with young Iuz since Iggwilv thought he was a bad influence... and Graz'zt agreed.

evilash wrote:
... was banned from playing with young Iuz since Iggwilv thought he was a bad influence... and Graz'zt agreed.

~laughter~ I was going to write something along this line, but I could never make it come out right! Good job!

Scarab Sages

...breaks into people's cars at night and adjusts the driver's seat and mirrors to himself.

Sharoth wrote:
~laughter~ I was going to write something along this line, but I could never make it come out right! Good job!

Thanks! And I was going to write about the cancellation of Firefly, but you scooped me on that.

He's an evil bugger this one ;)

The Exchange

...started this rumor about a 12th Cylon model when, in reality, there were only 11 to begin with.

Scarab Sages

....came up with this little idea called "The Spellplague".

Sovereign Court

...likes Pauly Shore movies.

TigerDave wrote:

...taught Uwe Boll everything he knew...

...brought deep-fried twinkies and diet coke to the Weight Watchers meeting...

...introduced Dr. Phil to Oprah...

Daigle wrote:
...describes in lurid detail how your parents conceived you.
...with pictures, even...

...he used to use pictures. Now he uses PowerPoint presentations...


Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

Aberzombie wrote:
....makes hot dogs with real dogs.

Is anyone mentioning baby oil or should I?

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
...hired Mothers Against D&D to campaign in the 1980s against the game that created him in the 2000s.

Now I want to run a forums game where characters must worship fiends and do evil deeds.

The Exchange

...secretly replaced all those tubes of "personal lubricant" with Ben-Gay...

... created this thread to mine for ideas as to what he should do to us.'s on World of Warcraft.

...makes cameo appearance's in B-movies.

...hates the Iconic's.

...likes brussel sprouts.

...uses a spoon when a fork is more appropriate. behind other cutlery related evil

Scarab Sages the true inventor of calculus.

Dark Archive

...convinced George Lucas that Greedo should shoot first.

(I think the ladies can relate to this one)

... he invented the underwire bra.

... Invented chain letters and spam mail.

... cancelled Quantum Leap when the ratings were high.

Then he cancelled Angel, when the ratings were high and the critics were praising it.

When people gradually forgot him, he made sure that the pilot of Firefly was never aired and that the episodes were all played out of order.

...made sure that Ziggy Stardust's career rocketed out of control.

You know when the song goes, "When the kids had killed the man, I had to break up the band"..? Look no further, this is the bastard you have to thank.

...actually likes Kobold Cleaver. ~GRINS and runs~

... He shot the Deputy, then framed Bob Marley for a double homicide.

... He unleashed Pun-pun on the OP boards. the one that is hanging up on Pink, when he calls home from America. You know? In the Wall, the Operator is placing a long distance call from America and has to tell him there's some man answering, and he keeps hanging up?

Mystery solved.

...taught Lucy to snatch the football away from Charlie Brown. Oh how he feasted on that poor boy's self-esteem!

Dark Archive

lordarther wrote:
... created this thread to mine for ideas as to what he should do to us.

Please, let it be noted, I am not the Whispering Tyrant, I am merely one of his stirge-juice-boxes idly passing the time until I am thirstily drunk by him into oblivion.

It is simply impossible that he used the unrevised 3rd edition polymorph spell rules in such underhanded fashion in order to turn into this harmless little form with the express intent of spying upon you.

Who could possibly be that evil?

The Exchange

Rookseye wrote:
Who could possibly be that evil?


(well done)

Scarab Sages

Rookseye wrote:

Who could possibly be that evil?

** spoiler omitted **

Guahhhh!! Fie on thee, Satan!

I have a relationship with this one. It's the October 9th entry halfway down the page...

... uses a weapon that deals 1 to 13 points of damage.

Dark Archive Contributor

...secretly switched your gourmet coffee with Folger's.

..Voted for Dajobas

Grand Lodge

... Saved Dr. Lucky

Scarab Sages

....bought the entire world supply of Grey Poupon, just so he could deny anyone that asked to borrow some.

He shows up to work when horribly sick, and then coughs all over the copier...and coffee maker handle...

Scarab Sages

...always burns the popcorn.

Grand Lodge

...wrote all those Modern Talking songs.

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
....bought the entire world supply of Grey Poupon, just so he could deny anyone that asked to borrow some.

I thought he pooped on it, then gave it out.

Dark Archive Contributor

...makes fun of widows, orphans, and 3-legged puppies.

Sovereign Court

Mike McArtor wrote:
...and 3-legged puppies.

Reminds me of Lil' Brudder, drawn by Strong Bad. (Sorry no link, I'm at work.)

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