Mind Flayer

lordarther's page

15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


... created this thread to mine for ideas as to what he should do to us.

In Ravenloft the magic comes from the "Dark Powers" and in some lands the land itself. Magic in Ravenloft usually is tainted or corrupted so that all your spells change you and the people they effect like a healing spell will make a person grow tentacles or scales, etc.

I am a Target employee stocking shelves.

Yes, it is in issue 320. It has silver dragon on the cover and the 30th anniversary logo on the cover.

i have found a great site online that gives the jist of the story associated with the hero heroine or deity and many mythologies. http://www.pantheon.org/ and then just search by
culture or use the scroll menu and then it is by name alphabetical or you can search by name as well and get resuts. maybe that will help you.

Here is a link to an article on wotcs' site about the difference in the seelie and unseelie courts. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fey/20021213a

To put it basicly the seelie are the pure fey and do not accept anything that isn't a pure fey. The unseelie are the ones that accept anything that has a drop of fey blood in it even if that drop is from a very distant ancestor. The seelie also feel they are perfect and everyone should try to be like them they are the classic bards and artists. the unseelie are everything the seelie are not.

Also the RPGA is a resource i have used to get a group together. They have a thing on their site for you to post that you are looking for players and groups post there that want more players and such.

Wotc has done a consolidated list of things like spells monsters and feats that have appeared in their books. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/lists/spells that is for the spells.

It was back in 2nd ed that i ran into the rust monster I happen to have been playting the party paladin. My friends thought it was very funny to see a paladin running screaming from a rust monster. Needless to say I lost all my armor weapons and all. My friends ended up losing their weapons as well and we had to kill it with our hands and magic.

a balor vs bone devil

balor vs a great wyrm crystal dragon

storm elemental vs cinder swarm

charnel hound vs feral yowler

actually the scaling the adventure was left out and you can get it here http://paizo.com/dungeon/resources/errata just scroll down a little and look at what it says for 8th -9th level parties.

In my game we have a player who will sit there say nothing doing nothing and likes to play the party wizard. Everytime we are in combat we have to say his name like 3 or 4 times and then he shrugs what he is doing. He also likes to bring the latest D&D book to the game and make up some weird messed up caharcter that does nothing. He justs sits in the session reading the latest book and not paying attention to the game. That in my book is an annoying player.

The Source has copies of the Dragon compendium and I know this because I got my copy from them. So they might be an option for you to try since they do orders by people you can go to their site for ordering info http://www.sourcecandg.com/ just scroll down the left hand side to ordering information.

Sune: Sune rescued Sharess from the evil clutches of Shar by dousing Sharess in the sacred waters of Evergold before arriving in Teziir along the Dragon Coast.

and here is a website i found with the deities all of them located during the timof troubles. http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Castle/2566/deitylocations.htm

Sublimity wrote:

I just got a copy of this issue from Sept/Oct 2002.

In the upper left hand corner there is some text which claims: Spider Queen Bonus Adventure.

I've looked through the magazine and don't see anything mentioning the Spider Queen. Was this an error? Was it left out? Is my issue simply missing it?


The adventure your referring to is called SPIRAL OF MANZESSINE.