pming |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
A1) Nope. Probably won't even buy a single book. No need or desire.
A2) Probably not much, as I don't buy stuff that is 'new' anyway. The stuff I've bought from Paizo has almost totally been of older, OOP stuff.
A3) See A2.
As an aside, I can also guarantee that of the 5 other players in my group, only 1 *may* buy the first PHB/DMG/MM. But the other four...nope. Quite happy with what we have. :)

Baramay |

1) Our main campaign will most likely not be switching to 4e. I am waiting for the product to be in my hands before making decisions concerning which editing, you have to wait out the hype.
2&3) I have my own campaign world I am working on, I plan to use much of the Pathfinder campaign and will likely convert if Pathfinder does. To me it is more about the campaign and less about the rules used.

Frank Trollman |

I am living in Prague and will continue to do so until June, and I won't be purchasing any more gaming materials until then. At that point I still probably won't be interested in 4th edition. The rule set they are delivering isn't just a rush job, it's specifically and deliberately incomplete. Getting the stuff I have come to expect from a D&D world will require a PHB2 and a MM2. Possibly a second Dungeon Master's Guide, though I can almost certainly live without that. At 600 CZK a book that's like 3000 CZK - a substantial investment that I won't even be allowed to commit for over a year.
So when I'm able to throw money around in June I won't be throwing it at 4th edition, though I may be throwing it at 3.x materials.
Interestingly, if it turns out that I like the direction that 4th edition is going after all and I buy in when I can get my Gnome Monks fighting Frost and Fire Giants, then I still won't purchase any Paizo products for a substantial chunk of time. On account of being temporarily very broke.
So the way I look at it is that if Paizo goes to 4th edition they won't get any money from me for over two years, and possibly longer than that. That's roughly how long it looks like it will take for there to be enough 4e official material for me to consider switching and for me to subsequently feel rich enough to purchase 3rd party materials again.
And that's assuming that I do switch, which is a real possibility because I intend to actually read the new rules. But WotC's marketing campaign has really turned me off, so right now it is looking like I won't switch. I want it to be good, I just don't think it will be.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
---Since I will convert, it doesn't make any difference.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
--- I will continue to maintain my subscriptions for the quality, collectibility, and story-value (Pathfinder and Gamemastery)

Bluenose |
Given all of the information that you have heard so far about the new edition of Dungeons & Dragons, I would love to hear your thoughts on the following three questions:
1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1. My gaming group wants to give it a try. Whether we convert will depend on whether we like it.
2. If Paizo converts it's more likely we'll go to 4.0, as we've liked many of your products.
3. It's unlikely we'll buy much D&D 3.x material in the future.

Burrito Al Pastor |

1) Probably, yes.
2) Not at all; subscriptions will continue, I'll buy more things when I can, and extoll the virtues of Paizo from mountaintops.
3) Depends on how much of a hassle it is to convert Pathfinder material to 4e. If it's pretty easy (or if it's fun and a community project springs up or something), little to no change. If it's a serious pain and nobody else cares... well, I dunno.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
I'm pretty skeptical of 4th edition at this point. I'd take a look, but if nothing really stood out as markedly better I wouldn't convert.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
This would probably negatively impact my purchase behavior if I really didn't like 4th edition. However, one of my main criteria for whether I even consider 4th edition is which direction your company heads in.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I would continue to remain a loyal customer.

Cole Lane |
1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
I'll at least get the core books. I think I'll even play some games using the 4th edition as well, and probably end up getting splat books. (Stop staring! I don't need to justify myself to you people.)
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
It won't.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
It won't.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1. Neither I nor my groups plan on using the 4E ruleset this year or in the foreseeable future.
2. I will continue to purchase the generic fluff stuff like the item cards, the tiles, and the map and world products I can use in any game but I'm likely not to continue to purchase future pathfinder adventures specific to 4E.
3. If Paizo doesn't convert to the new rules set I would continue to purchase the pathfinder APs and am very likely to subscribe.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
No! Seems like a totally new game to me. So much good stuff still to DM for me in 3.5! Besides, I don't like it.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I surely would cancel my subscriptions and would wait if it makes sense to buy a Pathfinder product in a given case, as I think it will make no sense for me to purchase Pathfinder any longer, as it seems to much work to convert back to 3.5!
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
Well, subscriptions would stay in place, me be happy and "2nd Darkness" would be 3.5. What else could I wish for?!

Big Jake |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1) I will purchase 4e books, and may likely play a 4e campaign by the end of the year. I don't know when I'll fully convert to 4e, but I will either convert or play using both systems, depending on the campaign and gaming group.
2) I will purchase 4e Paizo products based on my needs, as I have with all D&D products.
3) I will purchase 3.5 Paizo products, also based on my needs. I still pull out my older edition products to use in my 3.5 games, and I don't think that will stop for 4e.

Zaister |
1.) Neutral. I have not seen the books, and I refuse to commit to any sort of decision regarding it until I have them in hand. I can see myself running both editions.
2) It won't. I like Paizo's stuff, regardless of edition.
3) See #2.
Lilith say it best. I'll do it the same way.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
Not at this time.
That may change after DDXP, but I doubt any of my players plan to convert.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I will not buy products for a system I have to convert from.
If Paizo converts and I do not, I will cancel my subscriptions. I might buy systemless products, like the item cards, but that depends on how my home games go and whether they are useful.
If I convert and Paizo does not, I may keep my subscriptions as I expect my players to want to continue playing 3.5, and Pathfinder and the GMM will provide a reasonable pool of adventures to use.

Cyria |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1) No
2) I don't need any 4e books, then I will only buy "system-neutral" bokks, maybe I will continue the Pathfinder Subscription
3) I will continue my Subscriptions and I will buy the Gamemastery Modules in pdf as I am doing now.
I would buy other 3.5 Modules as well :-)

Balabanto |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
The absolute earliest I would convert would be January 1, 2009, but unfortunately, that doesn't really seem to meet my needs right now. I'm not happy with the new rules or the new flavor tone. I hate the idea of PC's with no fear, no caution, and no brains.
Second of all, I refuse to be a slave to Wizards new five year business model. If I want what they're doing to D+D, I'll just play Hero System.
So right now, conversion is pretty much not on the horizon.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I'll have to stop. If all of your fluff remains crunchless, you stand a good chance of keeping that portion of my business.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I'll buy everything. Quite simply, your quality level is so high compared to the dreck that Wizards is putting out, and your commitment to putting out 3.5 products right up to the buzzer, ensuring continued support for those of us who love the game makes me not want to convert just based on that commitment alone.
Wizards has already proven they can't write a decent adventure and can ruin perfectly good fantasy worlds like Greyhawk and the Forgotten Realms.
Right now, my fantasy is that you guys buy D+D from them and toss 4.0 in the trash.
Go, Go Golarion. I haven't run a thing yet, but I will be soon.
Even if the 3.5 versions of future adventure paths were only available as PDFs and you had a small team devoted to doing the statblock conversions, I'd take that over converting to 4.0 at this time.

Stebehil |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
Not at the moment. In fact, I am stocking up on 3e stuff, and do not plan to convert any time soon.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I don´t know yet. I guess that depends how compatible they are to 3.x.
But it could happen that I stop buying paizo stuff until I change to 4e, which might quite some time from now, if ever.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I will continue buying 3e stuff, like I do today.
Disclaimer: This is of course based on what I know now from 4e. If I get to play it, and find that it is the greatest game ever produced, this might change.

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1) Will definitely pick up the core books, if they are as good as they sound then definitely going over to the 4th edition side.
2) Paizo will be become my Numero Uno source for quality campaign materials.
3) If I convert then I will cancel my subscriptions but continue to buy generic materials like map sets and item cards. If I don't convert (unlikely) I will retain my subscriptions as long as Paizo continues to support the game line and maintains it's excellent standards.
Later Days

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1) I do not plan to convert - I will most certainly buy the core books, but from what I know about the 4th ed. there is not much that will make me consider leaving my 3.5 campaigns behind.
2) Hard to say. if the adventures / adventure paths are strong enough to make me consider playing them with 4th. ed. rules or if I can convert them only by changing the npcs and critters I will probably continue buying them.
3) If they continue to deliver the quality I'm used to from your comany, I will continue to buy them.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1) I do not plan to convert to 4E (I may purchase the PHB only to grab some things I like, though) : lots of 3.5 books / adventures and AP.
2) I will unsubscribe both PF and GMM. I might go on for PF chronicles if there are lots of nice things on Golarion aside from 4E's feats / PrC / or any other system-based elements.
3) I will go on for PF adv path n°3, GMM and PF chronicles, but might drop PF adv path 4 and beyond (too much campaign adventures right now, not that much time and money).
Thanks for asking our opinion !!

Chef's Slaad |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1 I'm starting Savage Tide in may. It will probably last me at least 3 years. That means I'm set for the next couple of years. I may buy the core books
2 I've got the PF subscription and will keep it no matter what edition they are in. It's more a matter of collectability than anything else.
3 see 2. It may mean I get several other gamemastery products that are designed specifically for 3.5e, although not the modules or the gazetteers. I'm thinking about things like critical hit decks and combat pads.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1. No plans at all, actually would rather not at the moment, so the earliest would be 2010. The other group I game with, the DM has stated that he has enough material to game with at 3.5 till old age so he has no intention either.
2. It would make my mind up to convert in the 2010 time frame. I'd still buy and stockpile whilst I used up my 3.5 backlog. I'll be running the 1st two AP's at least through 2009.
3. I'd not convert whilst you guys are in business and probably never would as I have enough to run till I die (even if I live a long time - which is unlikely!)

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I change the order of the questions.
1) Will you still purchase Paizo products: Yes, with no doubt.
2) Do you convert to 4th edition D&D if Paizo does?: Of course, I will.
3) Do you convet to 4th edition D&D if Paizo does?: I won't.
Since I like most to read and play published adventures and campaigns, and Paizo ones are the best since Dungeon, the system I chose will be the same of Paizo. For me the rulesystem is secondary. I'll stick with the publisher that products the products I like most. For now this publisher is Paizo.

Scribbler |

1) With a lot of 3.5 stuff on my shelves, I do not intend to convert as a GM. I'm quite sure that I'll get the 4.0 player's handbook to participate in games not mastered by me, should there be any around.
2) if it's mostly fluff, I'll continue buying it. If upcoming pathfinders or gamemastery modules can still be utilized using 3.5, that is, if I can convert them in a reasonable amount of time, I might continue both my pathfinder and my gamemastery subscription. The content is just too good.
3) I'll definitely continue my subscriptions. Also, my plans to order several books of the pathfinder chronicles line will remained unchanged.

James Keegan |

1. I don't know, still. My plan as far as I can see it is to read as much as possible of the new edition at the bookstore until a shopkeeper with a broom chases me out. Then I will make a decision.
2 and 3. I'll probably stick with Paizo regardless. If I don't convert and Paizo does, it cuts into how much time I save on average using prepublished adventures, but I still like reading them so I'll keep up the purchasing habits.

Kamelion |
1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
No. I'll be staying with 3e.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I would cancel my Pathfinder and Gamemastery subscriptions. I would likely continue to buy things like flipmats, item cards and map packs but I would not buy any 4e-specific material at all. Despite the excellent quality of your products and your top-notch customer service, I do not have the time to convert material from one edition to another.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I will continue to subscribe to Pathfinder and Gamemastery, as well as continue purchasing things like flipmats etc. I am also considering signing up to the Pathfinder Chronicles subscription (the Advantage discount has finally tipped me towards this) but I am waiting to see where you guys go with 3e vs. 4e before I commit.
Thanks for taking the time to ask your customers about this, by the way. Once again you prove yourselves to be the best gaming company in business today. Top of the tree.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
Haven't seen the new edition yet, so I'm trying to withold judgement, but I expect I'll be purchasing it, if for no other reason than to continue gaming at Conventions, which I really enjoy.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I'm sure Paizo will produce compelling adventures in either edition. However, with every company jumping on the 4.0 bandwagon, Paizo will have a lot of competition for my 4.0 gaming dollar, and no longer hold the cozy niche it does now.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I have too vast a libary of 3.5 books to be cast aside. Regardless of 4.0, I know I'll continue playing 3.5, and wanting continued product support. Paizo will likely be my ONLY source of quality 3.5 material.
3.5 and 4.0 seem different enough to be considered two different games, as are D&D and World of Darkness. Playing one does not preclude playing the other. My only hope is there will be someone left to publish 3.5 product so that we have a choice.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1. No. Unlikely within the next few years.
2. I would like to continue supporting Paizo whatever edition they run with. I am interested in seeing how Golarion continues to develop, and what stories you will continue to tell through Pathfinder. I will likely continue buying Pathfinder for some time after (if) it goes 4E before reassessing my position. If I stop buying Pathfinder I would try to find some other way to support Paizo (purchasing 3.5 GameMastery modules that I do not yet have, Planet Stories etc).
3. Will likley continue purchasing Pathfinder and the odd GameMastery module as long as you keep making them for 3.5.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
1) I will not be converting. There's no interest from my groups and I haven't seen anything from the new edition that really appeals to me. It may be a great game, but it's not what I want from D&D.
2) I will unfortunately have to cancel my subscriptions if Paizo goes 4e unless it proves VERY easy to convert back to 3e. I just don't have the time to spend money on a product that I'll have to convert. I will however, continue to purchase edition neutral products.
3) I will continue to purchase as I have been.

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(1)I'm not buying a single 4e book. I don't like 'forced down my throat' edition changes, and you think they would've learned something about how to do it from the last edition change and from the recent oWoD->nWoD shift. That said, I did eventually buy the new Changeling books and I said I'd never buy anything nWoD so the future is uncertain.
(2) If you switch to 4.0 I'll be canceling my subscriptions. I know one of my players is 4e obsessed, if he decides to take up the mantle I told him I'd play but never buy 4e or run it.
(3) I will continue a very happy man.
(4) If I win the mega millions tonight I'm gonna invest in you guys =p

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1) I won't DM in 4th edition in the next few years but as a player i will certainly give it a try.
2) I will cancel my subscription as I won't DM in 4th. If some Pathfinder/Gamemastery adventure is intersting for me, I will buy the PDF to mine for ideas.
3) I will keep my subscription.
My big hope is that Paizo will go the "Freeport" way with their Golarion products.
If you put only Fluff in the Setting Books and offer separate Manuals for 3.5 and 4th (and maybe even another game?) you can please both crowds and this translates in more sales (I hope).

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For some strange glitch of the boards, my previous post seems to be lost in the ethereal plane, as it shows up in my profile but not in the thread.
So, I'll repeat it shortly, without the motivations: 1) No, 2) Sadly, goodbye barring guaranteed conversions, 3) I'll stay with Paizo.
Sorry for the continued pestering.

Asturysk |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
A1) No. I have been discussing this with my local gaming group, from DM's to Players, and they all agree that 4th Edition isn't viable economically, nor do they agree with the changes occurring for the new edition. It is our plan to continue playing 3.5 with our existing libraries and we are buying up as many of the 3.5 modules and supplements that have been on our "To Buy" list now.
A2) Unfortunately, as much as I feel a strong sense of affection and loyalty to Erik Mona and Paizo for trying to save Dragon, Dungeon, and Greyhawk, I buy what appeals to my tastes and not based on people behind the product. Right now, I am strongly behind the quality stuff Paizo puts out, because it does appeal to my tastes, my favorite world and/or styles. If this were to change to the game that is 4th Edition, I really don't see any way to keep the tastes the same, and money spent versus the time/work saved buying supplements and then converting them.... well... it's just not likely to last long. I would likely slow down and stop buying from Paizo.
A3) Right now, I've been pimping the Paizo stuff to everyone in group of gaming friends. I like what has been coming out of the company, and I appreciate the fact that the people behind Paizo share a similiar history, taste, and style in terms of what we like and expect out of fantasy gaming and D&D. I'm a huge Greyhawk nut, and even though Greyhawk is off-limits to Paizo, as a DM I can still use what you guys publish and adapt it with a minimum of effort. So chances are, so long as the quality and value remain consistently good, I'll continue buying at my local game store and encourage others to do the same.

War Ape |
1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I'd still buy Paizo's system-neutral things like flipmats etc.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
If Paizo decided to stick with 3.5, I'd keep on loyally buying Paizo books.

Landith |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
No. Me and my group have enough 3.0/3,5 material for the meantime. 4th edition is too radical for our liking for example the cosmology changes and style of play - also there appears to be too much shoe horning for my liking to accomodate these changes.
The 3.5 core rules does not have any serious problems. In fact we intend to use some material from Monte's BOEM, which is a fraction of the cost compared to purchasing a new edition. The only problem for me with 3.0/3.5 was the lack of high quality adventure/campaign material coming from WotC - especially for Greyhawk. Dungeon/Dragon under your stewardship was the only source (mainly the adventrure paths) we yearned for and unfortunately that is all gone now. I've been dipping my toes recently into Golarion as an alternative to Greyhawk since there are no other major alternatives.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
Will not be purchasing any Pathfinder/Golarion material since it will have to "accomodate" the 4th edition rules. And I repeat again that I will not buy a new set of rules just to use adventure/campaign material or buy the material and do conversions. I will only purchase edition neutral products like figures/flipmats and so on. This is the worst case scenario.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I will buy with confidence further Pathfinder/Golarion material as long as the quality is maintained
What a dichotmoy!

Nivek |

1) No. My gaming group has decided to stick with 3.5E.
2) I'd drop any subscription to 4E-specific material.
3) I'm locked already, so I'm in for the 3.5E ride!
I really hate the idea of having to drop subscriptions - I like sending you guys money! I might transfer my spending to Planet Stories, but so far I've not had enough reading time to justify buying the novels.
Before the 4E announcement, I bought everything WotC produced. I've bought NOTHING since then. I've been spending a bit more with Paizo Pathfinder & GameMastery, but enjoying them greatly. If I have to drop my subscriptions, I'll divert at least some hobby money into miniatures and such. Paizo will get at least some cut of that spending.

CEBrown |
1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
CONVERT? No. I neither play nor run 3.x on a regular basis (my systems of choice are, pretty much in order, HackMaster, HERO, Star Wars D6, Call of Cthulhu, Aces & Eights the old Pacesetter Chill and then d20)
Play? If I get a chance.Buy? If I can find a good price on the books somewhere.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
Very little - I buy (in order of importance) based on:
1) Possible utility in general (I've considered several Paizo products on this regard, and have a few in my "eventually I'll get that" list but...) - for this reason, for example, I've been keeping an eye out for the highly recommended GURPS: Horror even though I don't play GURPS at all...2) Price (Right now our cash flow is pretty much negative so I haven't bought much of anything in months...)
3) Potential for freelancing.
Generally, game system is a subset of #3 (and why I haven't bought many Paizo products - namely two issues of Dragon - in fact, the final issue of that magazine may have been my most recent gaming purchase! - and a few Dungeon mags from back when you had the license, and that's it).
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
Not at all, for the reasons outlined for #2 above.

Jason Grubiak |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
No I do not at all.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
My purchasing would stop. I wouldnt pick up any 4.0 material at all Im afraid.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that
affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I'd sing your praises forever and maybe even step up my purchasing to show my gratitude and support.

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A while back I said that I'd periodically check in with Paizo customers to gauge their thoughts on the upcoming 4th Edition.1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
Thank you for being true to your word. As a quick aside, I think half of WotC woes are because even if they do care what gamers think, they didn't appear to care what gamers wanted in the new edition. I'm glad to see Paizo treating the customer right by allowing them to provide feedback and listening (even if you have to make the tough decision on your own).
1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
Certainly not in the forseeable future.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I will not buy any 4th edition products, so I would not continue my GameMastery or Pathfinder subscription. I would probably cancel Pathfinder Chronicles (unsure how system neutral) and may very well cancel all future purchases (Planet Stories, flip-mats, item cards, etc).
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I am currently buying every product that Paizo produces. Those that I haven't already bought from my FLGS were just thrown into my order with the 25% Green Ronin discount. Since it may be impossible for me to spend more, I would attempt to get my friends to buy your products more actively than I am now.
Your feedback and continued support of Paizo Publishing is most appreciated!
Your high quality products and dedication to supporting games is also appreciated!

Walt McAtee |
1. Yes (our group stopped playing 3.5 two years ago).
2. Yes, in fact, I'll only start buying Paizo products when it converts to 4E. The writing and production quality of the Pathfinder series is without a doubt the best (by far) in the hobby. The fact that it's been 3.5 is the only reason our group hasn't played--although 1 player in our group has bought the entire line merely for its production quality.
3. I won't buy Paizo 3.5 products (or any 3.5 products, for that matter)

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
Nope. I do not have a current 3E campaign going so I do not need to convert. If you mean will I buy and play 4E then the answer is YES.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
It will not affect them in any way. I will always buy quality gaming products to support my gaming habits and reject those of lesser quality.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I would like to say I would continue to purchase 3E products but without knowing how 4E plays I cannot actually say it. Basically it all depends on how good/poor 4E turns out to be. I will discontinue Paizo rpg products if and only if 4E is great and Paizo sticks with 3E.

Sean Mahoney |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
I see this as likely, though not a sure thing. I do think I will purchase the core three books. After that my group and I will play a single adventure (likely a converted on since there will be precious little else to choose from and that will tell me what to expect in converting adventures). After that we will make a decision on how to move forward. My guess is that we will indeed convert, but that is not a sure thing.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
Assuming I also made the switch, my purchasing will increase. When a new edition comes out there are little to no adventures for that system and the first ones that come out (especially from WotC) don't tend to be very high quality.
With 3.5E I can look back to my vast collection of Dungeons and pull adventures rather than buying GMM. With 4E I will be hungry for new adventures designed to take advantage of the system.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
I am not sure how to answer as it depends on if I switch and if I switch may also depend on if you switch. However, I think it is fair to say it will either stay steady as it is now (if I stay with 3.5 as well) or decrease to close to nothing (if I switch and Paizo does not).
Sean Mahoney

Darrell |
1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
At present, no; I do not plan to convert. My plans at this time are to purchase only D&D Miniatures and Dungeon Tiles products from WotC after the advent of 4e. I will either stick with 3.X/d20 or move to a 'rules-lite' form of d20 for gaming.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
If Paizo converts, I will give serious thought to converting my own games (and, in truth, will probably wind up converting). At that point, even if I decide not to convert to 4e, I will still purchase non-edition-specific products from Paizo (map packs, flip-mats, etc.).
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
If Paizo remains with 3.X/d20, I will definitely continue to shovel money at my FLGS for Paizo product; and will seriously consider some form of Paizo subscription in the future.
Basically, my viewpoint with regard to 4e amounts to something along the lines of, "Wheresoever goes Paizo, so go I."
Without trying to sound like too much of a suck-up, from the first day you took over Dragon and Dungeon, Paizo has consistently put out high-quality product, and has responded very well to the concerns of their customer base. I have been very pleased by every purchase I have made since you began the Pathfinder and Gamemastery lines; and it is in my nature to remain loyal to companies and products I have come to know and enjoy.
So, all that said, in essence, this is where I stand...I'm waiting to hear from you guys, just as much as you're waiting to hear from us. If Paizo goes 4e, I probably will, too; If Paizo doesn't go 4e, I definitely won't.
Darrell King

Buldan |

1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
Yes. With the caveat of: only if they deliver on what they've been promising. I like the idea of faster combat and less reliance on clerics needing to cast heals. I also prefer less rule friction at the table.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
It won't. As long as the products are of good quality I won't mind converting if required.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
See 2.
Gut checks aside, I hope that you don't necessarily base your decision solely on message board feedback. I would hope that you would base your decision on the quality of 4e and whether or not you believe it will have legs in your market.
I play in two groups right now. One group is hopeful about 4e. The second group is nearly to a person opposed to it (baring me, of course).
The second group perceives it as a money grab by WotC. Which I find amusing. Mostly because I'm convinced they've spent more money on World of Warcraft than they have on their supposedly favorite past time.
I am not tied to rules; I'm tied to ideas. If 4e allows me to get my roll on and leave more time for fun ideas then that's its selling point to me.

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1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D?
I'm not sure. Depends partly on how good it is, and partly on whether or not you guys switch. I'm the main DM in our group, if I say we're sticking with 3.5 (or going with 4.0), then that's what we'll do. Otherwise one of them has to actually run a game (unlikely).
As much as I don't want to see my current books go to waste, the stuff I've heard about 4e sounds like it will be a better choice for my group. At this point, I'm leaning toward converting.
2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
That will be the final incentive I need to switch.
3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products?
If I don't switch, we're golden. If I do, it gets a little trickier.
I will likely still pick up all the Chronicles stuff, I intend to run my games in Golarion. By the same token, Pathfinder and GMM have setting information in them. If I can justify the costs I would like to keep my subscriptions either way.
I would really like to see either:
1. Conversions from whatever edition Paizo chooses to go with to the other edition made available.
or, at the very least,
2. Guidelines for people who would be doing their own conversions.