
elnopintan's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 184 posts (186 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Dark Archive

If a cleric with Create Water can flood the Mites' lair. How could they survive to rainy seasons?

Dark Archive

Reading the rule, it stats that the barbarian doesn't need to be hit to activate the AoO, the attack triggers it.
Now. Each attack-roll from the same foe is considered an attack in order to activate this power? If each roll triggers the attack, then I get the point from Phillip.
And, of course, it is still limited by the dexterity of the barbarian.

Dark Archive

Excuse my ignorance. How can a Barbarian dish 150 Hit-point in an Attack of Opportunity?

Dark Archive

According un Universal Monster Rules. With Change Shape, Monsters don't change ability scores, so the Yuan-Ti make a rather strong, clumsy viper.

Dark Archive

Looking to Pregenerated Characters. How can Harsk have full attack with a heavy crossbow?

Dark Archive

¿Can anyone tell mee what was the difference between slavery and feudal servitude?

Dark Archive

Wishes and that sort of things, but the archer is the most effective damage dealer of the group, followed by a TWF rogue.

Dark Archive

Playing to the Age of Worms we have a high level archer that has this bow:
Shocking Flaming Undead Bane Holy +1 longbow.
In his hands this weapon makes him the deadliest foe because of it's high damage rate.
Another of my players proposed a house rule that reduces the appearance of this kind of weapon.
To buy an special ability for your weapon yo need to have an enhancment bonus equal to the bonus price of the abilities.
So, if you want to have a Holy weapon it has to be at least a +2 weapon.
or if you want a Holy Flaming weapon it has to be at least a +3 weapon.

Dark Archive

Count Duck wrote:
For every new enemy you need to use an extra smite. However only one smite works at a time.

This means that the previous smite ends?

Dark Archive

Can a Paladin smite more than one foe in the same combat?

Dark Archive

Gorbacz wrote:
You still need STR to hit and wound things and CON to have some reasonable amount of HP as a front-line fighter.

Agree with CON for HP, but smiting he can ignore STR and rely in CHA and his Paladin level.

Ups. I though this thread was in PFRPG messageboard.

Dark Archive

Reading, new Pathfinder Paladin i've come up to the conclusion that he only needs Charisma ability and can ignore the rest of its abilities.
Charisma adds to Saves, so he can ignore Dex, Con and Wis for increase them.
Charisma is used for spells now, so he has no need of Wisdom.
When Smiting comes the better part.
Char add to AC and attacks. So he can ignore Dex and Str and still be rather competent.
So, it feels a bit like 3.5 Druid using Beast shape in means of ignoring stats.
Adding it to his healing capabilities a Paladin is rather powerfull, mainly against solo evil enemies.

Dark Archive

On the other hand. Can a displaced rogue sneak attack to an enemy like being invisible?

Dark Archive

The spell slots are not lost, but the maximum spell level that a caster can use is a level-dependent variable. It's confirmed in this thread.
This is the reason why i've come to think that if this happens to spells why not to sneak attack?

Dark Archive

The Grandfather wrote:

Just as a 9th level monk does not loose Improved Evasion if hit by enervation, neither does the rogue's sneal attack worsen.

But, sneak attack follows a level-based formula into the description of the feature.

Improved Evasion is a different Feature than Evasion.

Dark Archive

Reading the threads about enervation and energy drain make me wonder about this issue.

Dark Archive

Remcp Sommeling wrote:
Lots of stuff you can use, but just allowing it will ruin balance very quickly 'a soft ban' like Paul said,

But this is pretty much the same that passed in 3.5 times. In fact, the core classes are now more balanced with some of the splat books than before.

Dark Archive

Hi. I've purchased a bunch of this cards, and I'm going to use them in my campaign.
My fear is to waste them up if I give them for every item in the adventure (including NPC equipment).
How do you usually use them?
Do you give an item for every magic item?
Only for significant treasures?
Only for items equipped by PCs?

Dark Archive

Digging the web i've found this delightful song.

Dark Archive

Is deadly aim considered precision based?
Is it doubled by many shot?

Dark Archive

Ok. I'll change my shipment system.
Thank you.

Dark Archive

I've recently purchased a Flip-Mat. I've ordered to ship it with my pathfinder subscription.
This has increased my shipment pacekts from two to three, so I don't save no money from the shipment.
Is this ok? What's the reason to ship the Flip-Mat in another packet?
If you can. I'd prefer two packets instead of three.

Thank you in advance.

Dark Archive

I like the idea of Tumble DC scaling with attack bonus, but I don't see why only the size of the defendant is applied.

Dark Archive

One of the main issues I see about this new approach to Tumble (Acrobatics) using CMD is that Size Modifier is included in the DC, but not included in the skill roll.
Every other uses of CMD are against CMB and both include Size Modifier, wich is more balanced (two contendents of the same size negate the bonus to each other).

Dark Archive

Ok, good point. I thought Combat Trick could be selected more than once.

Dark Archive

What's the point of this talent? It overlaps with Combat Trick talent.
With both you can get Finesse Feat.

Dark Archive

Reading the end of the adventure, it's possible that they don't reach 3rd level.

Dark Archive

Reading the skills chapter i've come to this rule.
For me it seems a bit weird. Now tumbling against a Dragon or a Giant is more difficult due to the Size modifier and the Strength modifier.

Dark Archive

Have anyone noticed that smite good works in a similar way?

Dark Archive

Kevin Mack wrote:
You do realise the group smite uses up two of the paladins smite evil uses and only lasts for 1 round right?

According to the prd, lasts 1 minute.

Dark Archive

I've received the second part notification. Everything is ok. Thank you very much.

Dark Archive

The second part is still pending. I hope it will change soon.

Dark Archive

Hi. I've received my Shipment advise but i've notice it only includes the RPG manual. Is this OK? I thought you will send all my order in only one shipment. If its OK. When will you send me the next part? I wan't to see my PDFs of Bastard of Erebus, Everflame, and Qadira as soon as possible.
I'm also worried about shipping and handling. Will this change make my shipment more expensive?
Thank you in advance.

Dark Archive

Fuchs wrote:
Jason, such changes should have been offered as a playtest, not snuck in. No wonder people feel a bit heated since that's exactly the way some MMOGs manage to make their fans mad.

Sorry, I can't agree with this statement. In some moment they have to stop playtest and take final choices. In the way you say there would be no end to playtest.

Look it with a different point of view: The rules of the bard are the consequence of the playtest, they aren't just snucked in.

Dark Archive

Have you changed the rules about Heal skill?
It seems more usefull to have high Heal skill than memorize Neutralize Poison.

Dark Archive

This month has 3 pathfinder chronicles books! Seems that this month will be too loaded.

Dark Archive

It could be usefull to put Concentration check on stats like CMB.

Dark Archive

Gary Teter wrote:
Combining store orders with subscription shipments is getting closer to the top of the list every day.

Please, I hope this task should be done before mi PathfinderRPG future order

Dark Archive

Look at the second module. Richard Pett and Nic Logue!

Dark Archive

I suppose that a CR 16 encounter shouldn't be too much for three PC of level 15.
They are 3 CR 13 monsters against three PC of level 15.

Dark Archive

I suppose that we have to wait till the adventure but I suppose it could be easy to arrange the events to make some NPC what you don't want your players do.

Dark Archive

My thoughts.

I still think that Kara is the fifth cylon and Helen is only an older Six.
Perhaps Cylon and Human will return to kobol and refund their initial society. When the earth and the colonies cure from being nuclear wasteland everything should begin again.

Dark Archive

So, the spell with Area: 10-ft.-radius emanation, centered on you, don't count for sharing spell.
It's a possible solution to the problem.

Dark Archive

Last game my PCs managed to kill easily Mak'ar in the Spire of Long Shadows.
The wizard casted on her pseudodragon familiar 'Piticli' an antimagic field. This trick made the spellweaver lich to worry more about avoiding the familiar than in using his attack spells. Only a Wall of Force stopped it till the wizard casted disintegrate over the Wall.
I'm thinking on how to counter this tactic. Any idea? It seems a good trick for evil wizard only encounter.

Dark Archive

Remove Disease needs now to roll a caster level check against the save DC of the disease.
Heal check can easily make the diseased save better than the spell (Heal rank + WIS + 3 if class-skill) so is by far more usefull than the spell.
I think that the spell should be at least as usefull as the spell.

Dark Archive

I don't think that PF APs are Dark and Gritty adventures. I think they are Dark and Heroic adventures.
But seriously. Most of the dark and gritty stuff is in the details in most of the adventures. There are only two adventures where de darkness is a essential part of the theme: "Skinsaw Murders" and "Scarwall Castle".
In the rest (including "Massacre") the gritty parts are some of the descriptions, or very optional parts. It's very easy to remove those bits.
By the way. Making the villains to be nasty people give your players the reason to combat them.
I think adventures should have more villains of that kind. Most of them tend to be: "Kill that guy, he has evil tag in his alignment" with no other reason.

Dark Archive

Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Right now, I am seriously considering changing the favored class bonus to work more like humans, for all races.

But that makes humans less attractive race. Isn't it?

Dark Archive

Lisa Stevens wrote:

We are working on a license with a top Spanish RPG company. More when we finalize the license. But help for the Spanish market is hopefully on the way!


Is there any more news about this?

Dark Archive

I'm not very good optimizing high level characters, but I have a question.
How much effect has in all Power Attack issues the new warrior class feature of Weapon training?
Both, with old PA and with new.
Does it compensate the damage reduction of new PA?
Does it help to TWF?
Does it give more power to old PA? How much?

Dark Archive

Good luck, Mr. Logue!
I wish you the best at your new job, and hope that it leaves you time to still write some freelance goodness and some sinister books!

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