Great Green God |

So, how many folks are going to buy 4E stuff? . . .
1) The 2 Intros to get a feel for it and then you'll decide?
2) Just the PHB, DMG, MMI?
3) Everything that looks pretty good -- all aboard for 4E?
4) Nothing whatsoever!?
-W. E. Ray
Well in order to write for something you gotta know your subject. So, I vote 2.5.

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I looked at the book that just came out today briefly in a book store. Originally, I did not think I would be interested but after looking at it I might pick it up. What I liked about it was the historical evolution of the game and the thought behind it.
There have been several articles in Dragon in this vein and of course the 30 years of adventure book. I enjoy the progression of the game from 1st edition to present.
I will buy the Core Books and the early adventures and then make a decision. As I said early on (another thread in a Galaxy Far Far Away) that I would follow Paizo. So, if they change after Second Darkness then I will follow along.

Evil Genius |

It is highly possible that I will be sucked into the 4E craze. The way they are changing the game is very close a set of house-rules I wanted to write for my games, a sort of combination of D&D and Star Wars Saga with Tome of Battle-like maneuvers for all the non-spellcasting classes (really it started as a way to make the other classes closer in power to the Tome of Battle classes). As of now, however, I'm in a sort of 'wait and see' mode.
Luckily I buy all my WoTC books at the local library at distributor prices (read: half-off) so even if I buy the new books and they suck, I won't be out of $90 bucks or whatever.

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I'm going to buy multiple copies of everything and use them as oversized, blunt, shurikens to fling at 3e fanboys. I hear that if one of the blunt books strike them in the, heart they will turn to stone.
If that rumor turns out to be false, I hope it will at least work on them like a cross does to a vampire. Or would that require me to have faith in 4e? Guess I'll nix that idea too then.
Seriously though,I'm picking up the preview books and the core three. Beyond that? Dunno. Probably not anything beyond that, my gaming time is more than filled up with other systems.

ManPig |

I'm going to buy multiple copies of everything and use them as oversized, blunt, shurikens to fling at 3e fanboys. I hear that if one of the blunt books strike them in the, heart they will turn to stone. <snip>
I'm not scared. In 4e nothing turns to stone. I don't even have to make an attack vs petrification to save (or whatever). I may vomit acid at you if you're not careful, though. :D

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DangerDwarf wrote:I'm going to buy multiple copies of everything and use them as oversized, blunt, shurikens to fling at 3e fanboys. I hear that if one of the blunt books strike them in the, heart they will turn to stone. <snip>
I'm not scared. In 4e nothing turns to stone. I don't even have to make an attack vs petrification to save (or whatever). I may vomit acid at you if you're not careful, though. :D
Thats cool. Vomit saves versus me.

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I will download the SRD, print it, and possibly pillage some elements to retro fit'em into my house rules.
I will continue to follow Pathfinder and other Paizo products IF they provide conversion guides (included, downloadable, at an extra fee, I don't care) and IF they keep the actual feeling in their stuff - and I trust them a lot on this point.
The moment I get the gut feeling that something is skewered towards the design themes of 4E (super-powered classes, exotic races uber-common, characters slaying hordes of grunts and only then the boss creature, etc) I'm outta here.
I will not buy anything expressely made for 4E. No angst, rage, or hate. It simply doesn't interest me.

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Currently I'm looking at different systems to run, simply to have a break from d20.
Always a good thing. One thing I've come to dislike about d20 is that it makes a lot of people forget there are a slew on non-d20 ones out there.
Right now I have more systems then I'll ever get a chance to play. Some really good systems too. If only I had more time....

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#3 - the core Books, perhaps the following adventures - I played D&D since early 2nd Ed. I'm a sceptic regarding 4th ed. but I want to decide for myself if that ed. really destroys the D&D brand or not. (the adventures will help trying it out, since I don't have time to make u my own adventures at the moment).

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I will download the SRD, print it, and possibly pillage some elements to retro fit'em into my house rules.
I will continue to follow Pathfinder and other Paizo products IF they provide conversion guides (included, downloadable, at an extra fee, I don't care) and IF they keep the actual feeling in their stuff - and I trust them a lot on this point.
The moment I get the gut feeling that something is skewered towards the design themes of 4E (super-powered classes, exotic races uber-common, characters slaying hordes of grunts and only then the boss creature, etc) I'm outta here.
I will not buy anything expressely made for 4E. No angst, rage, or hate. It simply doesn't interest me.
Wow. You summed up my feelings in a nutshell.

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If Paizo goes 4E hopefully there is a 4E SRD to use because I don't plan on supporting WotC. If Paizo stays 3.5, the point is moot. But if there is an SRD I would rather print that out and use it, even if it costs me more, than pay WotC for the biggest flop in D&D. F 'em.
Yes, me too. Correct! Exactly! Tell it, wow, thanks for posting what's it my head sir.
-DM Jeff

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I'll buy the preview adventure and at least the Player's Handbook.
Afterwards I am going to judge what efforts would be needed to convert adventures and campaigns to 4e.
That and the playability of the new rules will be the base for further purchase decisions.
If Paizo converts, I will follow (perhaps a bit later, but I will)

The Real Troll |

#4 - I like 3.5 and will stick with it until me and my gaming group decide its time to move on. I have enough material to keep busy for years. I'll purchase Paizo products up an until they go 4.0 just like I did with Dungeon Crawl Classics from Goodman. I simply have no need or desire to purchase a new system (minimum $120.00 for core books plus annual versions (PHBII, MMII, DMGII) and learn it. I have what I need. 3.5 was everything it promised to be and meets my needs.
I'll take my spare cash and spend it on minis.

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1 - kinda
I bought the Players and Races book and i am glad that I did.
It gave a view into the reasoning and process behind the inception and design of 4E and that helped me to understand why they are doing what they are doing.
I will look at the next preview but I am less likely to buy it unless it sheds more light on the design process and the feel of the game.
As a result of my experience reading the R&C preview I will likely buy the preview mod to get a feel for the crunch.
If I like it then I will buy the 3 core books.

CEBrown |
2) Just the PHB, DMG, MMI?
Probably just the PHB and DMG, unless the prices are insanely high or they turn out to be total crap.
IFF I find myself in a situation where I expect to run a game or campaign, I might shell out for a Monster Manual as well - or I might only buy the PHB.Won't know until I see something solid, intstead of just the Taunters (I don't think they deserve the name "teasers" - maybe Enragers?) they've been leaking.

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For me at this point this is MAYBE the PHB. IF I have cash to spare and I feel I can take stuff from 4E to use in my 3.5 (not sure I could yet).
Then MAYBE the DMG and MM. If I like the PHB.
I'm not going to invest any further in fourth edition in any case. I'm done buying zillions of game supplements for "yet another game system". For the next while at least.

P.H. Dungeon |

I'm sure I'll buy the core rule books, and maybe more if I get into the new system. I kind of don't want to become burried in non core material the way I have with 3E. It gets too hard to dm when players are trying to use all these new options- "feats, prestige classes, rules etc..." from non core material that I don't have time to read carefully and are often unbalanced.

Grimcleaver |

My plan for now is:
3) Everything that looks pretty good -- all aboard for 4E!
with the glaring exception of:
1) The 2 Intros to get a feel for it and then you'll decide.
I can't even tell you the ill will I have toward these books. It's absurd that I buy misty-eyed retrospectives on the making of something I haven't even seen--let alone fallen in love with yet! It's like dating a girl for the first time and having her bring a wedding scrapbook.
That said, there's loads of stuff I'm excited about with 4e. I'm looking to jump into it as soon as it arrives. Cool stuff.

KaeYoss |

I'd pick up the previews, but Wizards isn't paying me enough to look at them. They actually want money for ther adverts now.
I hitch my wagon to Paizo's star: If they change to 4e, I'll start using the system, though I'll use only the SRD if possible. If not, I might actually buy the core rules. If other books end up being open content, and Paizo makes extensive use of them, I might even be persuaded to buy some of those. Other than that, I'll pay Wizards as little money as possible, just as I've been doing those last couple of months. They won't get any miniatures money from me, for example.
Let's see whether 4e gets the success they think, because I'm sure I'm not the only one who used to spend over a thousand € a year on Wizards stuff and has now reduced that to 0.00.
I'm not complaining, though, I keep finding uses for that money.