EileenProphetofIstus |

wow; made a spot check and see the great Eileen; woot
Valegrim Are you interested in picking up Lightning Lad where we left off or with another scenario involving him, playing another character or are you busy and unable to participate this time? Just curious...no pressure...its just the universe that will collapse.

Valegrim |

I know; I think Lightening Lad is in a ship ready to jump time to save the universe; good starting place if you want to continue. Has been a real cliffhanger.
Am sorry you got pulled under by personal stuff; hope I didnt cause any; I think your awesome. You are always invited to pop over into any of my games I run again anytime for guess appearance or play.
if your going to start a new campain; thought I might give my other legionare a try; but I am all set to jump back into Lightening Lads cross time adventure to ancient earth.

EileenProphetofIstus |

I know; I think Lightening Lad is in a ship ready to jump time to save the universe; good starting place if you want to continue. Has been a real cliffhanger.
Am sorry you got pulled under by personal stuff; hope I didnt cause any; I think your awesome. You are always invited to pop over into any of my games I run again anytime for guess appearance or play.
if your going to start a new campain; thought I might give my other legionare a try; but I am all set to jump back into Lightening Lads cross time adventure to ancient earth.
Sorry if I came across as if I was pushy, I just wanted you to know your welcome. I'm uncertain as to the campaign at this time and wanted to wait until you and I had talked before I made any solid decisions. Perhaps you can email me at

EileenProphetofIstus |

Me too. We start playing on the 7th, yes?
Nope, game starts today. It's allready up.
Legion of Super-Heroes Play By Post: One to Live Another to Die

Aaron Bitman |

Hello again. I'm posting on this thread for the first time in over 2 years, because I have a question.
For those of you who don't remember, I mentioned 2 years ago that I had about 140 Legion stories. Since then, I bought over a dozen issues, all from my favorite era of the Legion, the 1980s, when Paul Levitz was writing it. I read those issues once or twice, got bored of the Legion, and stopped reading the series. That's why I stopped posting here. Well, I also felt guilty about not joining the Legion PbP (and I'm still not offering to do that).
Earlier this year, I saw the "Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes: The Early Years" book (the one that reprinted Adventure Comics #515-520) in the library, and checked it out. When I saw the scene where Saturn Girl wakes up naked in bed with Cosmic Boy, I was glad that my kids didn't know that I had checked the book out. Criticize me as you will, but I'm censoring that stuff from my kids for now.
Now I'm thinking about checking out "The Choice" and "Consequences". From what I understand, these books reprint the beginning of the 2010 series: issues 1 through 10, Annual #1, and Adventure Comics #521 and 522. Might these books have anything I wouldn't want my kids to see? Or could I feel safe in checking these out of the library with my kids watching?

EileenProphetofIstus |

Greeting Legion fans, as always, I'm working and occasionally playing the Legion of Super-Heroes Roleplaying game. Chapter 2: Species and Origins Revealed consists of specie classifications. In D&D terms, this would be like your race (human, elven, etc.). So far I have Aliens, Cyborgs, Humanoid Alien, Enhanced Being, Mutant, and Standard Humanoid. I will also be adding Meta-Human. What I'm lacking is a overall name for spiritual or immortal beings (for lack of a better word), such as demons, Lords of Chaos and Order, that sort of thing. These creatures are beings that may have always existed or once they do, not have a typical lifespan that other creatures do. These beings are typically all-powerful and often come from different dimensions.
My problem.....I just cannot thing of a overall name to call this specie category. Please help by providing your best suggestions. If you feel that such beings should be divided into more than one specie category, please let me know as well as why. I'm just having brain freeze and I do not seem to get past coming up with an appropriate name.
Thanks Much!

EileenProphetofIstus |

Here are the events of the games so far................
2981, January 5th….10:51 am
Rumors abound throughout the streets of Metropolis that both the common person and the elite are somehow acquiring super-powers. Preliminary investigation reveals that a band of smugglers are providing the necessary materials to make super-power downloads possible. Exactly whom the smugglers are working for is unknown at this time.
Weber’s World: 2981, January 8th, 7:49 pm
Chameleon Boy, Invisible Kid and Shrinking Violet are stationed at Weber’s World to provide “unseen” security for a speech given by the Ambassador Relnic to a number of Non-United Planet diplomats. The speeches and meetings have been plagued by death threats which are believed to originate from the Khunds but thus far, there are no facts proving so.
In the process of providing security, the Legionnaires prevented an assassination attempt on three U.P. diplomats on their way to a conference meeting with political servants of four Non-U.P. planets. The attempt was stopped but the diplomats were severely shaken by the attack. As the Legionnaires rounded up the assassins they learned that one of them was a Super-powered individual who was created on Earth for “special missions”; he went by the name Durago the Merciless.
After further interrogating the assassins, it was learned that a spaceship had recently left Tsauron (the home planet of Ontiir and the serpentine humanoid race he belongs too). The ship is travelling to Earth where it is scheduled to arrive at a place coined the “superhuman factory”. It is here that its believed individuals desiring super powers gain their new found abilities. This information was immediately reported back to Legion Headquarters.
Metropolis: 2981, January 9th….9:18 pm; Game 1
Legionnaire Leader Mon-El, and Legionnaires Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy, Brainiac 5, Duo Damsel, Ultra Boy, Element Lad, Sun Boy, Princess Projectra, Phantom Girl and Bouncing Boy are all stationed at Legion Headquarters discussing the situation.
Throughout the discussion, Sun Boy suggests the idea of acquiring additional information from the streets of Metropolis. After debating the possibilities, he and Saturn Girl go in disguise (out of uniform) to the Orbitina Orb, a lavish casino, hotel, shopping center that orbits earth.
Meanwhile, Lightning Lad, Light Lass, and Timber Wolf have just completed a mission on Deltwan (a planet that’s primary export is diamonds) to quell an uprising. On their return trip to Earth, Mon-el gives them orders to locate and trail the ship which recently left Tsauron and track it to its destination hoping to locate this alleged “superhuman factory” in Metropolis.
Orbitina Orb: 2981, January 9th, 10:45
At the Orbitina Orb, Sun Boy makes contact with a female bartender working at the casino. After some small conversation, he implies that he has heard that super-powers can be acquired on the street and would be interested in acquiring some. The bartender reports this information to her employer and a meeting in a remote office is arranged for Sun Boy. Meanwhile, Saturn Girl remains in the casino and communicates with telepathically with Sun Boy as needed.
Once escorted to the conference room, Sun Boy meets an unnamed individual who states that he can arrange a introduction for him with those behind the super power download scheme. The man exits the room to arrange a meeting for Sun Boy, meanwhile Dirk waits patiently for his return. Upon his return, the contact informs Sun Boy that he can meet the necessary personnel at the Spaceship Terminal Dock #3, in Metropolis at 2:00 that morning. Sun Boy thanks the man for his assistance and exits the conference room and rejoins Saturn Girl in the casino proper.
Deciding to spend some time with the bartender Dirk meet earlier he suggests that Saturn Girl leave the casino while he socializes. The bartender is given orders to attend to Sun Boy’s company while he remains at the casino for the remainder of the evening. Meanwhile Saturn Girl returns to Legion Headquarters.
Metropolis: 2981, January 10th….1:00 am; Game #2
Arriving at the Metropolis Star Gate Water Ship Terminal Dock #3 an hour after midnight, Sun Boy, Phantom Girl and Bouncing Boy arrive investigate the surrounding area prior to their meeting with those involved in the super power downloads. After finding the area secure Sun Boy enters dock #3 only to find others awaiting them. Inside, the Legionnaire see two armed guards and one costumed woman in hiding. Meanwhile, Phantom Girl and Bouncing Boy are hiding nearby. Ultra Boy hovers the sky above scanning the area with his Penetravision.
Once inside, Sun Boy is greeted by a man who does not identify himself. As the conversation progresses, the man let Sun Boy know that he is aware that Dirk is a Legionnaire. Not looking for any trouble with the Legion, the man offers to let Dirk and any other companions free without conflict if they agree to merely “look the other way” and not interfere with his business.
Towards the end of the negotiations, a disturbance is heard upon the roof top as Cess Pool arrives. Bouncing Boy investigates the sound and reports back to the other Legionnaires via telepathic ear plug. Discontinuing the negotiations, Sun Boy elects to leave, giving Ultra Boy orders to clean up the criminals while the others investigate the appearance of Cess Pool.
Upon arriving on the rooftop, the Legionnaires see Cess Pool and begin a dialogue with him. After realizing that he acquired his super powers from the criminals and that he is confused and angry about his lot in life, Sun Boy offers him assistance by befriending him. As Cess Pool considers the Legionnaires words, three other individuals fly down to the roof top and introduce themselves as Harbinger, Succubus and Wraith, all members of the group called Hellion.
Hellion attempts to recruit Cess Pool into their organization and is abruptly opposed by the Legionnaires. Tensions mount over the fate of Cess Pool. Succubus makes the first move and commands Cess Pool to come to her. Using her Charm power, she entices the lad forcing him to obey her command.
Metropolis: 2981, January 10th….2:24 am; Game #3
With the arrival of White Witch and Karate Kid, tensions continue to grow. Cess Pool, now under the influence of Succubus charges Sun Boy. Dirk’s quick response to Phantom Girl’s warning enables him to dodge the charging teen and Cess Pool stands side by side with Hellion.
Immediately thereafter, a fight breaks out between the five Legionnaires and three members of Hellion. Sun Boy is attacked by Harbinger who assaults Dirk with his Parasitic Spiritual Corruption power. By attacking Sun Boy’s soul he inflicts considerable spirit damage and Dirk collapses to the ground unconscious.
Bouncing Boy elects to try and attack all three members of Hellion using his Bounce Attack power but despite his valiant efforts, he is easily dodged by the villains. He then is attacked by Cess Pool and is defeated by the villain.
White Witch slowly advances towards Harbinger and eventually elects to confront him with hand-to-hand combat. Merely annoyed with her presence he easily ignores her feeble attempts.
Karate Kid and Succubus enter the fray against one another. After delivering her Kiss of Death to Val which fails, she is easily subdued by the master of martial arts. With Succubus defeated, Karate Kid turns his attention on Harbinger.
Meanwhile, Wraith merely has stood by, amused at the events that have unfolded but eventually enters combat with Phantom Girl, soundly defeating her with his claws.
Metropolis: 2981, January 10th….2: 30 am; Game #4
Ultra Boy is then called in to assist the Legionnaires but before he can, Hellion depart, taking Cess Pool with them.
The Legionnaires return to their headquarters and discuss their options. Supergirl is called in from the 20th century and arrives. Together, Supergirl, Bouncing Boy and Sun Boy devise a plan to intercept the smugglers ship.
Utilizing her Telescopic Vision, Supergirl examines the incoming spaceships searching. In order to narrow down her search she travels at super speed and uses her Super Hearing and X-Ray Vision to examine the ships on their way to Metropolis. One ship in particular interests her as she hears the pilots talking over the ships communication devices about their arrival and that Mr. McCauley should be notified of their arrival. They state that the cargo is awakening and just fine. Using her X-Ray Vision, Supergirl sees a large 15+ foot humanoid being with two tentacles in the cargo bay of the ship.
Supergirl returns to the Legion Headquarters and she and the other Legionnaires decide to approach the ship before it reaches Metropolis.
Metropolis: 2981, January 10th….3: 15 am; Game #5
Upon their arrival, Supergirl breaks the hull of the ship open and the pressurized cabin sucks two guards out right away, their space suits protect them. Timber Wolf, Sun Boy and Supergirl engage in combat with other guards while Bouncing Boy remains outside of the ship keeping an eye out for any reinforcements the smugglers may have.
Realizing that it is Legionnaires that they are facing and that they are greatly out powered, the smuggler guards scream “Release Organus, Release Organus”. One of the guards in the rear releases the gargantuan beast and Sun Boy moves towards the rear of the ship to face off with it. He warns the others to get the remaining guards and pilots out because he’s going to blow up the ship. Sun Boy releases so much heat that the engines overheat and the entire craft explodes in a single action sequence. Organus is left unconscious and a mysterious small metal sphere is left from the spaceship debris.
Metropolis: 2981, January 10th….3: 30 am; Game #6
Sun Boy, Supergirl, and Timber Wolf take the guards and the pilots and drop them off at the Science Police Headquarters in Metropolis. They take Organus to their Legion Headquarters in order for Brainiac 5 to study him.
7:45 am
Shrinking Violet returns to the Legion Headquarters from her mission on Weber’s World. Chameleon Boy and Invisible Kid are called elsewhere deeper into space an another mission.
8:30 am
Later that morning, the Legionnaires go back to the Science Police Headquarters to question the pilots about where they were travelling towards and what their cargo was. One of the pilots talks and tells them that Organus was the primary cargo which was to be delivered to White Star Lab Industries, a business owned by Leland McCauley, located in Metropolis. The pilot also tells them that there was a second cargo consisting of a microscopic sphere that they were to deliver as we. ll.
9:05 am
Supergirl and the others fly back to the location in space where Sun Boy blew up the smugglers spaceship. Using her microscopic vision Supergirl locates the sphere. They notice that it is slowly growing and by the time the return to Legion Headquarters with it, it is about 1/8 inch in diameter.
9:35 am
They give the sphere to Brainiac 5 to study. Brainiac discerns that the sphere is growing on its own accord. He confirms that the outer shell is inertron and that inside is a thin layer of lead. Further into the sphere, Brainiac 5 detects that there is a non-organic substance which is causing it to grow. He is completely unfamiliar with the technology however.
9:50 am
Brainiac 5 states that he needs to study the sphere longer and that for the time being he is done studying Organus. He cautions the Legionnaires to keep Organus away from the more powerful Legionnaires. Sun Boy escorts and immobilized Organus back to his cell while Supergirl and Timber Wolf decided to head back to the Science Police Headquarters to further interrogate the pilot that has already provided some information for them.
10:15 am
Upon reaching the Science Police Headquarters, the Legionnaires get access to the pilot. Just before the questioning can take place, Sun Boy arrives to assist. The pilot demands conditions of release if he provides information. He is told that the quality of the information provided will determine such conditions. The Legionnaires ask the pilot why it grows and he states that he was unaware that it would grow. The only significant additional information he adds is that the sphere came from Dr. Molgac from Asteroid Archipelago/QX-P38 Asteroid Lab, which is located near the borders of the UP and Khundish space.
10:35 am
The Legionnaires return to headquarters and discuss their options. They elect to go to White Star Labs and investigate before following up on the Dr. Molgac lead. When they arrive outside of White Star Labs, Supergirl uses her X-Ray Vision and gets the layout of the building. Everything appears normal with the exception of the basement, which is a laboratory or infirmary of some kind. She sees Holdur and Quicksand there along with several armed guards. They decide to have Supergirl dig a tunnel and then break in through the south wall where Quicksand is located.
Metropolis: 2981, January 10th….10: 40 am; Game #7
Supergirl, Shrinking Violet, Bouncing Boy and Karate Kid break into White Star Labs and discover a stasis room with a Dr. checking the readings on 3 patients present for super power augmentation. The Dr. sets off a pocket alarm and alerts the facility that they have been infiltrated. Supergirl uses her super speed and flies the Dr. to Legion Headquarters for questioning, then returns to White Star Labs to assist the other Legionnaires. Upon returning, six guards and Holdur enter through the door entrance while Quicksand enters through the side wall, turning the concrete into water to create a makeshift doorway.
The guards attack Bouncing Boy and Karate Kid. while Supergirl attacks one of the guards with her heat vision. The Legionnaires quickly dispatch the guards. Quicksand confronts Supergirl. Quicksand turns the concrete below Supergirl into water and she plummets in. Holdur then jumps in the water with Supergirl and begins choking her. Supergirl uses her heat vision to render Holdur unconscious. Shrinking Violet throws a punch at Quicksand and Supergirl finishes her off with her heat vision.
Quicksand and Holdur are taken to Legion headquarters and placed in prisoner cells by Supergirl and she returns to White Star Labs to assist the other Legionnaires in their investigation of the facility.

EileenProphetofIstus |

And here is the actual plot so far....................
I know, its a lot to read, DM Freehold, help me out with the showdown at the end with the Legionnaires and the Time Trapper.
“A Time for all Legionnaires to Die!”
The Time Trapper is preparing to solidify his universal domination by destroying the Legion of Super-Heroes. Having devised a master plan which enlists the aid of Lucifer Morningstar, the ruler of hell. Time Trapper offered Lucifer the souls of the Legionnaires in exchange for giving him thousands of damned souls already in Tartarus. By collecting the dead souls, the Time Trapper will use advanced science to draw forth the Dark Hell Matter, or essentially the DNA of the dead.
In order to achieve the destruction of the Legion of Super-Heroes, the Time Trapper needed to “seed” the Legionnaires with the Dark Hell Matter he has already extracted from souls provided by Lucifer. The technology used is considerably superior to that of the 30th century since the Time Trapper stole the advanced knowledge from the 40th century. In order for his plot to work, the Dark Hell Matter must be exposed to the Legionnaires.
The super power downloads are provided through White Star Labs owned by Leland McCauley. The Khundish Empire has sought out their services and started creating their own super villains which they plan on using on their eventual invasion against the United Planets. The Khundish Empire has sought out Dr. Molgac, one of their most highly controversial scientist who specializes in necromancy to work with White Star Labs and provide them with super powered beings that centralize the concept of the dead. Thus far, they have created four such super powered beings: Harbinger, Purgatory, Wraith and Succubus. They also plan to recruit Cess Pool into the ranks. The group calls themselves The Hellion.
The Time Trapper is fully aware of the experiments Dr. Molgac is conducting for the Khundish Empire and that he works in conjunction with White Star Lab Industries. The Time Trapper has had his minion General Makk contact Dr. Molgac and with his interest in necromancy he helped achieve creating the Hell Gate Portal which the deceased may travel from Hell and enter the character’s universe. Dr. Molgac’s lab on asteroid QX-P38 is the control base for opening the Hell Gate Portal and provides a teleport system leading directly to the inter- dimensional locale.
Once the Time Trapper has exposed as many Legionnaires as possible to the Dark Hell Matter via the probe, those that fall prey to it will eventually be mentally summoned to his residence deep within the universe. He will then instruct the Legionnaires to contact all others in the organization that have not fallen victim to the Time Trappers plot and also summon them there as well. He then will order a fight to the death between the two groups. All Legionnaires that perish will be sent to Hell as Lucifer Morningstar’s person trophies.
The Time Trapper has planned two methods of how to complete this. If one method does not sufficiently work, he will implement the other.
Dark Hell Matter Method #1
The Time Trapper has placed a tiny probe upon the spaceship of some smugglers headed towards Metropolis. The orb is set to increase in size once it is activated, this making it hard to initially discover. He expects the ship to fall into the hands of the Science Police or directly into the Legionnaires once the smugglers are arrested. The sensors upon the probe will activate when it is interacted with by the Science Police or Legionnaires. They are programmed to expel the micro-orbs of Dark Hell Matter only when activated by the presence of a Legionnaire. This is expected to take place at the Legionnaires headquarters.
Dark Hell Matter Method #2
Should the Dark Matter not arrive in the hands of the Legionnaires, the Time Trapper has the option of activating the probe and releasing the micro-orbs without the Legionnaires being present. Each micro-orb is fitted with a futuristic homing device capable of tracking down each Legionnaire regardless of where they are at, including travelling through time to reach them, thus all Legionnaires will have been exposed to the Dark Hell Matter.
Exposure to Dark Hell Matter
When the Dark Hell Matter is exposed to the Legionnaires, the micro-orb will pass through the individuals body cavities and enter the blood stream. Upon exposure, an infected individual will have to make a Tgh check against a challenge rating of 35. Though not technically a disease, the Dark Hell Matter works similar to a virus when it attacks the body.
The micro-orb will affect the brain of the Legionnaire and activate the limbic center of the brain. Within the limbic system is a small structure called the amygdala, a storehouse for emotional memories and the part of the brain that controls anger and aggression.
First the subject feels flu like symptoms such as nausea, headaches, dizziness , sore muscles and eventually followed by a high fever. The symptoms begin appearing in 1-2 days after it implants itself.
Evil Tendencies
The affected individual will feel mounting aggression over relatively small matters and the result will be the Legionnaires beginning to fight with one another. A Psyche CS: 15 may be made to avoid this effect. If successful, the character feels the tendencies but shrugs them off. Those that fail the challenge roll become increasingly difficult to get along with and eventually turn evil.
Those affected will start a fight with one or more other Legionnaires. They will do their best to defeat their companions in battle and if they are not neutralized, the affected individual must make a second Psyche check CS:20
Any attempt to neutralize them will result in the individual attempting to flee and seek refuge and solitude elsewhere in the galaxy. The location they will choose will be a locale in time predetermined by the Time Trapper.
Physical Transformation
Characters that fail their CS by more than 5 suffer far adverse effects. As the others above, with the exception that the individual begins to physically change into an undead from the inside out. The individual’s skin turns grey and leathery, while mushy in other spots and eventually the flesh starts to fall off. The individual’s hair will first turn grey and eventually fall out.
Dark Hell Matter conditions heal at a rate equal to 1/3 of their points every day.
Smuggler's Ship
The Time Trapper arranged for his micro-orb to be placed upon a smuggler’s ship leaving Tsauron and headed to Earth. The smugglers are unaware of the orb and it can only be seen through the Microscopic Vision power or some similar means. The smugglers are unaware of the Time Trapper’s cargo.
The destination of the ship is White Star Lab Industries, a business owned by Leland McCauley, located in Metropolis.
The smugglers have Organus on board their ship (he is a willing participant) and is stored in the rear of the ship within a cargo crates specially designed to enable him to comfortably sleep the entire journey.
There are 8 guards on board and 2 pilots, all are armed with common blaster rifles and pistols.
White Star Lab
At the White Star Lab, the Legionnaires may discover Quicksand, Holdur and Cess Pool. In addition there are several guards, a couple of scientists and their assistants. Interrogating the scientist will most likely reveal the lab’s purpose, creating super powered beings that are used for the mafia, sold to those in need of them or powers purchased by the ultra wealthy.
The scientist know that the lab belongs to McCauley and that he has been having dealings with the Khunds via space transmissions, specifically with a man named Dr. Molgac. An order was recently sent to Dr. Molgac and that consisted of Harbinger, Wraith, Succubus and Purgatory. These individuals were then sent to Dr. Molgac about two weeks ago. Of the super powered beings, Harbinger is the most powerful. The exact powers of each individual can be learned from the scientists as well.
All of the above information can be learned by making a Computer Hacking AOE check (CS: 25).
The bases computer Tech Level is: 2981/Ma/16.
Legion Headquarters, Tech Level: 2981/Ga/21 apply a +5
Legion Mark X Cruiser Tech Level: Ma/16, apply +0 modifier
Finally, the Legionnaires are able to learn the location of Dr. Molgac, which is Asteroid QX-P38 within the Asteroid Archipelago in the Khundish Empire.
Science Police Headquarters
If the Legionnaires do not intercept the spaceship or take the spaceship to Legion Headquarters after it is discovered at White Star Lab Industries, it will most likely end up at the Science Police Headquarters. Here, the Science Police will notice the micro-orb because the Time Trapper will activate it. Upon investigating the device, it will attack and kill the Science Police members examining the device through a built in blaster (treat as a Mega Blaster).
Once it has eradicated any Science Police, it will project a hologram of Brainiac 5 requesting that the device be brought to Legion Headquarters. The message will state that it is a top priority mission. The Science Police will contact the Legion and turn the device over to them but at this point blame them for the loss of any Science Police Officers.
If the Legionnaires are present when the Science Police examine the device they may have the opportunity to prevent the attack upon the Science Police. Any Legionnaires present will automatically be attacked by the Micro-orb Dark Hell Matter it carries.
Investigating the Micro-Orb at Legion Headquarters
If the Micro-orb is transported to Legion Headquarters, they will most likely investigate the device. The Time Trapper designed it using 40th century technology and its advanced workings will make it apparent that its greatly advanced. The Micro-orb will make its attack once at Legion headquarters and is capable to determining which individuals are present and where they are located. For those that cannot be found, it will infiltrate the computer system and learn the other’s whereabouts and expected return. It will then decide if it specific Dark Hell Matter implants will seek out the locations of these individuals or if it will wait for their return.
Knowing that the Legionnaires will investigate the Micro-orb he created a diversion for them. The device will emit a hologram of Brainiac 5 and gives the Legion a phony message to calamity of the near future to ponder.
The hologram is one created by the Time Trapper and is not the real Brainiac 5. The crisis in which the hologram reveals is an event that shall take place in the future, one of which was created by Pulsar Stargrave. The hologram will reveal the following message:
“Brainiac 5 reporting from Schubert’s Planetoid. A fissure has opened between our universe and an anti-universe. If the breach is not contained, the very fabric of our universes space will be contaminated with anti-matter, the result will be an explosion so great that over half of the Milky-Way galaxy will implode upon itself, with every living being instantaneously ceasing to exist.
In an effort to stop the fissure from growing I had deduced that it would be possible to seal the crack by artificially amplifying the amount of Dark Matter that exists at the epicenter of the fissure. In an effort to achieve this, several Legionnaires including myself were dispatched to do so. Under normal circumstances this solution should have worked, however an unknown anomaly has occurred which has prevented this from succeeding. As a result, the fissure has grown far worse and reached catastrophic levels. The amount of time required to seal the fissure by amplifying Dark matter was very time consuming and feasibly the only recognized solution possible. Without any time to arrive at another solution, the others now watch as the anti-matter universe and ours collide. In a blink of an eye, all will be destroyed. We will be dead along with 52.674% of the Milky Way galaxy.
I alone have elected to take the responsibility of finding a solution before it is to late. I am programming this probe to travel back through time and reveal this message in advance with hopes that I shall be able to successfully find the means of preventing the fissure from opening or be able to discover a solution which will succeed."
Asteroid Archipelago/QX-P38 Asteroid Lab
The Khunds and United Planets have been at odds with one another and currently there is no treaties between the two interstellar governments. U.P. diplomats, the Science Police and the Legionnaires are not welcome on this planet. Should the Khunds become aware of the Legion’s interference in their space territory, it will be considered an act of war and they will retaliate against both the Legionnaires and the United Planets.
The Legionnaires may learn about Asteroid QX-P38 from the McCauley Laboratory computers and or scientists or from Hellion mentioning it when they are encountered. Legionnaires investigating the asteroid lab will discover Khundish scientist Dr. Molgac dead at his lab, his body hanging over a railing on the upper tier of his base. Dr. Molgac was caught selling Khund financed super powered beings to other buyers and was eliminated by the Khunds for his treason. It will be clear that he was stabbed to death, once in the chest. A Post Mortem Medicine AOE check against a challenge roll of 25 will reveal that he was stabbed by a Crimson Khundish Cutting Blade, due to its unique shape.
Meanwhile, unknown to the Khunds, since his death, the Hell Gate Portal has been opened and millions of souls are pouring through that are not suppose to be. What these souls choose to do is beyond the scope of this adventure. As a result of the assassins carelessness, the Hell Gate Portal must be closed.
Other beings of importance will flee through the Hell Gate Portal these include: Banshees, Zombies and Solomon Grundy.
At the base, the Legionnaires will be able to access the computers purpose by making a series of Computer Programming AOE rolls. The rolls must be made in the order shown below and each Legionnaire investigating the computers is allowed their own rolls. If one Legionnaire succeeds at a roll, all individuals may proceed to the next roll.
CS: 15: The computers deals with the subject of necromancy
CS: 18: The computer’s primary information has been accessed and taken
CS: 21 Dr. Molgac’s affiliation with White Star Labs in Metropolis. The computer activates a teleportation system to The Hell Gate Portal.
CS: 23: A back-up system continues to control the Hell Gate Portal and will take over if the primary system is compromised.
CS: 24: The computer has diagnosed the breakdown of Dark Hell Matter. This information explains what Dark Hell Matter is, what it is composed of, and what it will do when introduced to a living carbon based being.
CS: 25: Dr. Molgac’s affiliation with General Makk. It can be learned that General Makk resides in a citadel several million miles in uncharted space. There is no mention of whom he works for, but a notation that it is someone of great near unsurpassed power. Using the information available, they will learn that the computer also provides a link to this citadel and if reconfigured, they would be able to use it to travel to General Makk’s citadel.
Sealing the Hell Gate Portal
The proper way to seal the Hell Gate Portal is to utilize the computer and make a Computer Programming AOE roll (CS: 30). If successful, the gate will start to dwindle in size, shrinking at a rate of 10% per minute. After ten minutes, it will be completely closed and no longer possess a threat to anyone. The computer may then be destroyed afterwards to prevent any further use of the device.
Legionnaires choosing to destroy the computer system in an effort to close the Hell Gate Portal will result in its complete loss of control. Should this event happen, the portal will open far wider than the original intent and immediately Lucifer Morningstar will become aware of it. He will not want additional souls escaping into the PCs universe and has the power to seal it himself.
As punishment to those that have interfered, Lucifer Morningstar will summon all members of Hellion (this includes: Harbinger, Purgatory, Succubus, Wraith and Cess Pool). Lucifer Morningstar will make it clear that any additional interference by the Legion of Super-Heroes will be dealt with by a full assault by all Hellion members. Lucifer Morningstar will leave the Legionnaires with the following cryptic message for them to ponder:
“It be not your fate to die by our hands today. Greater plans are in the making to ensure the destiny of he who has always has been, he who is, and always will be.” (This being a cryptic reference to the Time Trapper).
Hellion will then return to Tartarus under their own power or that of Lucifer Morningstar.
In the event that the Legionnaires attack Hellion, they will defend themselves and when they have the upper hand, Hellion will stop their assault and give the Legionnaires the opportunity to yield else die. If need be, Hellion will kill the Legionnaires, they are a force not to be reckoned with.

EileenProphetofIstus |

Lucifer Morningstar isn't an intended opponent. He is strictly the method of which the Time Trapper is utilizing to make yet another attempt at destroying the Legion. I don't forsee any combat between Lucifer and the Legionnaires, plus Lucifer's right hand men are more than a match. Let's concentrate on the Time Trapper.

Freehold DM |

I would say this is pretty solid but again, I think the Legion and supernatural religious characters do not work together very well. But this is a nice solid adventure, if a bit long. The fact that several Legionnaires can become infected and die due to poor rolls is a concern, especially because the Legionnaires are of incredibly different powers and power levels. That might need to be reworked, especially as both supes AND mon-el/Valor are in the game. The saves may be low but still, this can get swingy...
What powers do the hellions have? What power level are they in general? It might be frustrating to introduce characters as NPC villains who are overwhelmingly powerful, but the Legion has dealt with Ol-Vir and the like before...

EileenProphetofIstus |

The group started out on Roll20 several months ago with multiple players and the people didn't stick with it for the long haul. Now I'm sorta trying to wrap up the adventure with a very limited group. Thus the encounters will be reduced in opponents and danger level to reflect a small group with an inexperienced player. I have to put the kid gloves on at this point.
I now have one player here at home and she and I are each playing characters. So needless to say I have to downscale the encounters significantly since she is new to gaming. At the moment we each play 2 characters, 4 Legionnaires in one group and 4 Legionnaires in another group. The idea is to rotate groups and locations while the characters investigate throughout the adventure. Supergirl is the most powerful character and a home made Star Sapphire character is the powerhouse in the other group.
I'm writing things so that despite what happens, Legionnaires won't actually die. If anyone suffers some dreaded effect from the Dark Hell Matter I intend on writing a follow up adventure to cure them of any issues that arise from game play.
The powers of the Hellions vary...the characters do not need to encounter all of them at once. They are:
Harbinger: The leader of the group who was once a roman soldier slain by a Christian Angel to end his tyranny. Sentenced to hell he has worked his way up the ranks of Tartarus. He can animate the dead, fly, has talons, may turn good souls to evil, and attack the spirit of his opponents (causes Spirit damage instead of physical damage).
Cess Pool: A large blob like kid with Super strength, a suffocation ability, stench, vomiting acidic juices and transmit liquid into a cess pool. Other than his super strength, none of his abilities are overly remarkable in power.
Wraith: About what you would expect. An incorporeal wraithlike being who can summon lesser wraiths, has claws, create darkness, ultra vision and sense life.
Succubus: The lady of the group who has the ability to charm, fly, mild super strength, kiss of death (causes Psyche damage).
These are the primary adversaries the Legionnaires will fight. I do need to come up with a conclusion for the adventure. Initially it was to be a showdown with the Time Trapper but because of the group changing in characters and players I would like to write this so that a real showdown doesn't occur, yet the player feels as if the plot was resolved.