TheMetal1 |
Jacque’s Seed of Giant-kind (Cloud Giant)
The seed is a walnut with a whitish blue hue. One round after planting the seed in the ground, a large, leafy vine 20 feet in diameter, bursts forth from the soil reaching to its full height. There are numerous hand and footholds surrounding the vine’s stalk, allowing for easy Climbing (DC 10). The vine stretches up into the sky for 1,000 feet, disappearing into a cloud. Anyone caught within the 20 foot diameter of the stalk during the round it appears must make a reflex save (DC 20) or risk being snagged by the vine. Failure indicates the person is caught up by the vine as it grows and is elevated 1d10 x 100 feet along the stalk. Treat the cloud as the Cloud Island from page 155 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide with giant-sized fruit trees covering the surface. From the vine’s stalk will be a winding path through the trees to the castle of a Cloud Giant (see page 120 of the Monster Manual for encounter details on Cloud Giants).
Strong Evocation; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, Plant Growth, Control Weather, Miracle; Price 66,150 gp; Cost 10,000 XP
After reading and reviewing the other posts/submission and having time to think about it here is my own brief after action review. I realized I violated the SRD requirements multiple times, didn't explain the control weather, left out details i.e. what if it was planted in the underdark; and it may be more of a plot device than something useful to the PCs. Enjoy.

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Ring of Quicksilver Planes
This item is a ring of adamantine, three feet in diameter. When activated, it fills with a thin disc of quicksilver, showing a picture of a location among the planes.
To activate the ring, one must speak a command word and state in detail where they wish to go, and the quicksilver disc produces a gate spell to that specified planar locale. The user need only step through the quicksilver image, after which they are transported to their desired location. This effect can be used three times a day. The ring cannot be used to summon creatures. The quicksilver cannot be used as a poison or to coat weapons.
Upon speaking a second command word, the ring can shrink down to the size of a platinum piece. In this state, it can be worn with no ill effects and can still be activated, after which it grows back to full size.
The ring has 35 hit points and hardness 20 and an AC of 11. When in its ring state, the AC becomes 19 and its hit points go down to 10.
Strong conjuration; Caster Level 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, gate; Price 69,000 gp

GrinningBuddha |

Goblin Gruel
Is the Wisdom damage permanent? Temporary? Restorable? 40 gp seems inexpensive, not to mention it's really more of a potion as opposed to a Wondrous Item. I like the flavor of the Gruel (not literally, ick), I think there's a lot you could do with the mechanics to make it an interesting item.
Quill of Translation
You might want to add Animate Object to the creation requirements, which will affect the price. Quite a nice item. :)
Torque of the Ermine
It should give a bonus to any Escape Artist check, yes? Not to mention how popular it will make you at the local bar. ;) A short, focused item; I like it.
Fangs of the Crescent Moon
Monster Manual = non-SRD. It's odd that undead would lose hit points with these installed. The vampire entry is confusing, you say "they" are destroyed; do you mean the vampire or the fangs? If you meant the vampire, you should have said "it" or referenced the creature specifically.
Dead Man's Hands
I like the name, and the effect and price seem appropriate. I question its use by good-aligned creatures, perhaps they should be negatively affected by wearing them?
Portable Pavilion of Perfect Pause
I am going to guess that the title lost you some style points. It's tough to pull off alliteration without sounding corny. I can't see any adventuring party not wanting to have one of these at the given price, which leads me to believe it might be undercosted. Very handy to have!
Bracelet of Spellbinding
Seems to be a solid item, though trying to encompass all of the affected animals is a bit clunky. Unfortunately, I don't really know how to avoid it without being vague. Also, the term sorcerer-druid bothers me, but that's probably just a personal taste thing. For the most part, it looks good!

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Well for posterity:
Rigalto’s Hurdy Gurdy
This exquisite instrument of finest material and quality strings was crafted for the great bard-musician, Rigalto. The hurdy gurdy is an ornate string instrument similar to a violin wherein the strings are sounded by means of a wheeled crank. Its original owner Rigalto was the court musician for the depraved and tyrannical Duke Meravici. Utilizing the magic of the instrument the bard conjured breathtaking spectacles for the whimsical tyrant.
Legend reputes that Rigalto’s lover, as punishment for a perceived slight to the Duke’s mistress, was fed to and devoured by the Duke’s bloodthirsty hounds. That night, Rigalto wreaked his revenge by using the magic of the instrument to create a menagerie of animals that then proceeded to tear apart the Duke and his sycophantic courtiers. Conjured flames engulfed the great hall and no trace of the bard or his instrument was found.
If the musician learns the proper notes and makes a DC 15 Perform (string instrument) check he may craft a conjuration as per the spell shadow conjuration (caster level 7th).
Faint Illusion; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, shadow conjuration; Price 56,000 gp; Weight 2lb.
I'm sure the background overload was one of its fatal flaws.

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Okay, as I've now seen that I was not selected, as well as the quality of the work that beat me out, I figured I'd share my submission (especially now that I see Erik OKed it).
Here is the Varisian Climbing Scarf, enjoy and comments are more than welcome.
Varisian Climbing Scarf
** spoiler omitted **
Robert, I really like this item, it’s a cool idea and pretty useful.
In my opinion, it may have suffered in two areas. Firstly in a couple of areas the mechanics are a bit vague and the description a little clumsy (particularly in the sentence about the climbing harness and ‘climb like a spider’)Secondly, I think it may have ironically suffered from using the word ‘Varisian’. I wonder if the judges may have seen this as a bit too blatent attempt to design something that would gel with Pathfinder? (There was a judges comment about the goblin ear item about ‘sucking up’). It may have been better called “Traveller’s Climbing Scarf” or something, or be a rope rather than a scarf.

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Feel free to post your non-advancing items in this thread. We don't mind.
Well, since the Man Himself has said so, I'll post mine. I welcome any input, especially from designers, but I expect the judges will decline since that request cannot fairly be made by everyone:
Prescience Pillow
This luxurious pillow of embroidered velvet is filled with the softest down. On one of its sides, stars and moons play across a night-blue background. On the other side, archways, mirrors and other symbols make for more intriguing decoration.
The prescience pillow benefits adventuring parties who brave deep dungeons for days at a time. While sleeping a full night on the pillow, one rests peacefully, sufficient to recover from the exhausted condition. The character is also protected from the nightmare spell and similar intrusions.
Once per week, a character resting on the pillow dreams of traps and other hazards likely to occur in the next few days. During this reverie, the character cannot manipulate objects, cast spells or use other abilities, only survey her surroundings. In addition to this valuable information, the character receives a +2 bonus to a single attack roll, save or skill check. This bonus must be announced before the affected roll is made. If not used within seven days, the bonus is wasted.
Before the pillow bestows any benefit on its owner, it must be slept on for seven consecutive nights.
Moderate divination, CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, divination; 16000 gp

Pale |

Pale wrote:Why is it destroyed like a prismatic sphere? This doesn't tie together very well thematically and is probably the issue. Why not use prestidigitation (sp?) instead? The utility knife aspect of the spell works thematically with the intent of the device.I'm posting mostly to get comments on the pricing. As I said in another thread, pricing wondrous items gives me a headache because the pricing guidelines for them are so vague. Anyhoo, here's my losing swiss army entry.
Wyrt’s Remarkable Implement
Because it is a prismatic sphere infused into a ball of clay.
I think I'm getting it... needlessly complicated
Also, "Wyrt" is too close to a trademarked name (Wirt) elsewhere, but that is easily fixable.
It's also the Old English version of my last name: Wright. It was simply an homage to my deceased father, Edwin Wright, who introduced me to D&D waaaay back when I was about 7. :)

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Boots of Shifting
These sturdy boots are always made of thick, heavy leathers clad with clasps and buckles of iron.
Strange metallic rods of lodestone are embedded into the hard soles of the boots. These unusual properties when combined with magic give the wearer of these boots the ability to ignore gravity for a time. For 13 rounds per day, the wearer may change their gravitational orientation to make any surface "down" and is endowed with Freedom of Movement. This allows the wearer to charge, run, fight, or take any other standard or full action on an unusual surface, such as a wall or ceiling. The wearer is also protected by a Feather Fall effect that activates any time they fall. This means the wearer could change their orientation to fall upwards and 'land' on a ceiling without being harmed. Activating these boots is a free action that may be taken once per round.
Strong Transmutation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, Feather Fall, Reverse Gravity, Freedom of Movement; Price 53,100gp
I wouldn't ding you for the planar handbook reference - not the most widely read book, and duoplicating one item out of the thousands out there is bound to happen from time to time. 13 rounds per day should be reduced to 10and not based on caster level. Freedom of movement applies to swimming, grappling and running through jello: should not have anything to do with these boots. Gravity has little to do with not being able to charge over deep water or dense growth. Nice concept, could have been better thought out, I think.

Valmiras |

I guess several of us had cephalopods on the brain...
Cuttlefish Clasp
In addition to being a talented practitioner of the arcane arts, the wizard Calbran Vorta was an avid student of biology. He was especially enamored with cephalopods -- octopi, squid, etc. -- and their amazing arsenal of defensive and offensive abilities: chromatophores to change color and camouflage themselves, ink to confuse assailants, and those amazing tentacles to seize their prey. In order to emulate these adaptations on land he created the cuttlefish clasp. Vorta claimed the original clasp saved his life many times. Unfortunately, it was unable to save him when, on one of his underwater expeditions, he investigated a kraken a little too closely.
This cloak clasp is made of silver and obsidian in the shape of squid or cuttlefish. It occupies the same item slot as an amulet or brooch. Once per day, the wearer can cast black tentacles; twice per day, the wearer can cast darkness. She also gains a +4 luck bonus to both Hide checks and Grapple checks.
Moderate evocation and transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, black tentacles, darkness; Price 22,000 gp.
(too much backstory is one fault)

Pale |

Wyrt's Remarkable ImplementI see potential here, but I'm drawing a blank as to what a mage would do with it and why it's priced in artifact territory. A little abstract for my tastes, but as I said, there's potential here.
Well, the idea was to have a tool that you could shape into a crude implement you desire. You start with a near-indestructable ball, when you say the first command word, it becomes pliable enough to form into any crude shape you desire. The second command word allows makes it hard and near-indestructable once again.
Levers, manacles, a short pole to stop/slow a descending ceiling of doom, a club-like improvised weapon in a pinch, cover your hand and part of your forearm with it to reach a short distance into lava... it's not so much what a mage would do with it as what an adventurer could do with it.
Perhaps I simply didn't convey my intent enough with my original posting as both you and Patrick were at a loss as to where I was going with it. Prestigitation, for example, doesn't come close to doing what my item can do.
As for the price... that's what the math worked out to.

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ancientsensei wrote:Prescience PillowI had a similar idea - a pillow that helped one recover from exhaustion quickly. But this version seems too busy. There are three to four powers in this item. Perhaps a lesser and greater variety would have kept it to one or two powers.
It has two powers: the exhaustion thing and the insight bonus, and then it has this great role-play opportunity. I figured you could skip it if you were a munchkin, or you could spend time on it if it appealed.
But I do appreciate your input. I thought I had something going with this, but I am not unique in that. I hope Paizo gives it to someone cool, like a janni adventurer or something.

Timault Azal-Darkwarren |

It has two powers: the exhaustion thing and the insight bonus, and then it has this great role-play opportunity. I figured you could skip it if you were a munchkin, or you could spend time on it if it appealed.
But I do appreciate your input. I thought I had something going with this, but I am not unique in that. I hope Paizo gives it to someone cool, like a janni adventurer or something.
I was also counting the protection from nightmare and similar effects as well as the insight into traps, etc. as two more powers.
Don't get me wrong, it's got some good flavor but it just seemed a bit busy - in light of the comments regarding the winning items.
I submitted something else (see above) so don't think it was duplicated due to my comments.

Derek Becker |
This isn't exactly what I submitted. I couldn't find the file with the final version, so this is reconstructing it from my notes.
A common ritual in barbaric lands, the heart of a defeated troll is magically prepared and eaten. The consumer gains some of the troll's regenerative powers and heals one hit point per hour. Unfortunately, the trollheart sits poorly in the stomach and the mildly nauseous consumer suffers a -2 penalty to Fortitude saves and Concentration skill checks.
Creating the trollheart magically protects it from the damage digestive acids cause, though it eventually succumbs and becomes inert. After one month all benefits and penalties of the item are lost.
Moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, cure serious wounds; Price 25,000 gp; Weight 1 lb (prior to ingestion).
... at this point I used the rest of my 200 words to launch into a mathematical defense of my pricing. It wasn’t 25,000, though that number is close to what I recall the total gold cost in the real final version. I calculated how many charges it would take to heal someone at the rate of one hit point an hour for a month given the average curative roll of cure serious wounds. I then knocked off some for the fort and concentration penalties and took into account the "no item slot used" factor.
All of which was probably a silly idea given that I could have used a few extra dozen words to make my prose better. The idea behind the penalties was to prevent the item from becoming a "no brainer" and to give a little more ... um ... "flavor" ... to the idea of a lump of troll flesh sitting in someone’s belly. The penalties also skewed the item in favor of melee classes, or at least the classes that already had a high Fort save. In hindsight, I was already hitting spellcasters pretty hard with the Fort penalty and the Concentration penalty just chewed up my word count and made the pricing harder to follow. If nothing else, I could have used the extra words to come up with a cooler name.
Looking over some of the other items, there's also the question of utility. Does the game really need a 25,000gp healing item? Do people want to go around eating trolls? It isn’t a great NPC item because most NPCs aren't going to survive past the first combat. Still, I thought it was a neat idea at the time and I like the idea of items with penalties, if for no other reason than to make the players think over their choices.

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Robert, I really like this item, it’s a cool idea and pretty useful.
In my opinion, it may have suffered in two areas. Firstly in a couple of areas the mechanics are a bit vague and the description a little clumsy (particularly in the sentence about the climbing harness and ‘climb like a spider’)Secondly, I think it may have ironically suffered from using the word ‘Varisian’. I wonder if the judges may have seen this as a bit too blatent attempt to design something that would gel with Pathfinder? (There was a judges comment about the goblin ear item about ‘sucking up’). It may have been better called “Traveller’s Climbing Scarf” or something, or be a rope rather than a scarf.
Thanks for the comments, I thought some of the same things, especially the possibility that it could seem like a suck-up thing. It wasn't, I just loved the scarves and thought it'd be a cool item to make, as I know if I had a PC wanting such an item he'd have it made.
As for the wording, I went through it a couple of times and went with the climbs like a spider since it fit, although I knew there was a chance that some might see it confusing due to the spiderclimb spell.
Anyhow, thanks for the input.

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Hooray! I've gotten the text to my item. Here it is:
Earring of Larceny
This small earring appears to be made of hematite, but is actually much more durable than it should be. Occasionally, these are found in pairs, but the second earring is merely a physical match and provides none of the magical benefits.
The wearer of an earring of larceny gains a +2 competence bonus to Forgery, Hide, Move Silently, and Open Lock checks. However, an earring of larceny must be worn for longer than eight hours before all its powers fully activate.
Once activated, the earring begins reading the thoughts of the wearer. Unlike most magic items that require command words to be spoken, the earring of larceny is capable of perceiving command words as they are thought, and therefore its activation is completely silent.
The wearer of an activated earring of larceny gains the ability to use the silence, invisibility, and knock spells, once per day each. The wearer of an activated earring of larceny also becomes continuously affected by the nondetection spell.
Finally, an activated earring of larceny contains fifty charges. Expending one charge creates a light effect, as the spell, except that the light emanates in a 30' cone originating from the earring and illuminating the area in front of the wearer. Expending two charges allows an extra use of any of the other spells this item can cast (that is, silence, invisibility, and knock). If the item runs out of charges, it becomes inert and magic-less.
Unlike most magic items, an earring of larceny appears completely nonmagical, as if it were permanently under the effects of a magic aura spell.
An earring of larceny does not take up a standard body slot, being worn on the ear, but wearing more than one at once will cause all of them to cease functioning. The earring of larceny has a Caster Level of 5th for the purposes of determining all its effects.
No aura; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, magic aura, light, silence, invisibility, knock, nondetection; Price 53,000 gp; Cost 26,500 gp + 2120 xp
Issues: It's 336 words, for starters (eyeballing word counts is a bad idea). The text for charge use is a bit convoluted, and the price is...well, astronomical considering what it does.

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Here's my losing item. Maybe it wasn't cool enough. Maybe it wasn't priced appropriately, or they judges thought it was too expensive. Who knows.
Gauntlet of Life Transference
I think the issue here was the ability to use both positive and negative energy for healing the appropriate categories, but the source is life energy. Overall, the rules keep the two kinds of healing separate for a reason. It leaves open the question "why can't I discharge negative energy to harm a living creature or positive energy to do the same to an undead?"

ironregime |
Ok, since the blessing has been given to post losing items, here's mine. Feedback is not only welcome, I'm begging for it.
Conundrum of the Secret Scribe, an enchanted notion
Enchanted Notions: More than mere thoughts, enchanted notions are the mental equivalents of magic items, residing in the psyches of their possessors, and are wielded with command words. They may be stored instantly in arcane marks; written down using the Scribe Scroll feat, which takes one hour per 1,000 gp in the base price; or taught directly, which is just as lengthy a process. Someone seeking to learn an enchanted notion must make a Decipher Script (if read) or Spellcraft (if taught) check to do so (DC 10 + notion’s caster level). Once a notion is written or taught successfully, it is wiped from its former owner’s mind. No one may know more than one enchanted notion at a time.
Conundrum of the Secret Scribe: This complex magic formula allows its ponderer once per day to see and hear the circumstances surrounding the origin of any writing touched, as if she were scrying on its author during its creation, regardless of the intervening distance or time. If the text is a copy, the copyist will be revealed instead of the author of the source work.
Moderate divination; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, scrying; Price 32,000 gp.
During the posting process, I waffled about whether to describe how enchanted notions work first, then detail the particular notion I was submitting... or whether I should just fold the stuff about enchanted notions into the description of the one I was submitting.
I settled on the former option, not unlike the way Figurines of Wondrous Power are handled in the SRD.
Given a higher word limit, I would've added a few more enchanted notions to better illustrate the concept.

GrinningBuddha |

Syringe of Retribution
The name doesn't really mesh with the crunch. When I think retribution, I think phrases like 'eye for an eye' and 'revenge'. Is the item meant to determine a subject's loyalty? Or is it designed to be a multi-use item depending on whether the recipient is friendly or unfriendly? It's a little confusing to me.
Bag of Scolding
The item is consistent and fun, but I think it fails the "My character would want this" test. It's not really designed for the PC or DM in mind, and so falls short in that regard.
Bountiful Sapling
I can't tell if the tree can repeatedly produce potions, or if it's a one-shot deal. It's a wonderfully thematic druid item, I like it a lot more than your time shifting item. Your friend is clearly not a druid lover. :)
Second Thought
Wow, I like your image of a cap that grows extradimensionally and eventually becomes self-aware. I think you need to expand on what will eventually happen when the cap becomes intelligent. Will it always be content being a mind shield, or will it tire of its role and crave something more from its existence? You have a compelling item, keep going with possible results and consequences.
Belt of Heroic Action
Very crunchy, perhaps too much so. While it does a fine job of adding action points to a campaign that is lacking them, what reason would a DM have for using this item in his world rather than simply adding action points into it instead?
Prescience Pillow
Perhaps Lesser Restoration could be added to the requirements to account for the first power listed? Given a capable DM, this item could be very useful and I could see most parties wanting one for their extended journies.

Tallghost |

Portable PortalThis is pretty cool. But I don't like the permanent aspect of it, and I might restrict the materials somewhat - I don't like the idea of a door appearing in the wall of someone's castle.
You know, I went 'round and 'round on the permanency part of this. here is my reasoning:
(1)If it were reusable, it could quickly be abused by players (walk straight through to the center of a maze, etc.)
(2) If I take away the reuseability (Is that a word? Did I just make up a word?) then I have to give it something to make it wonderous, like a lasting effect.
(3) Who wouldn't have fond memories of the time they rescued the unwilling bride by creating their own door into the side of Lord Fancy-Pants' castle in the middle of his evil wedding ceremony?
but it really was a hard choice to make. Appearntly, I chose...poorly.
Ah well, who cares, this thread has been the funnest part of the whole contest!

Joseph Benson |

Gloves of the Frog and Whale
These snug, lightweight gloves are made of dark, supple leather, which is smooth - almost slick - to the touch. They have webbing between the fingers and are engraved with curvilinear designs: one glove displaying a stylized breaching cetacean and the other a leaping frog.
When worn these gloves increase the wearer's swim speed by 10 feet. In addition to this swimming ability (considered an enhancement bonus), while in the water these gloves allow the wearer to leap from the water using the Jump skill as though she were on land. She can jump with a +10 competence bonus on Jump checks when used in this fashion.
The gloves do not confer the ability to breathe underwater nor does the competence bonus function on land. Both gloves must be worn for the magic to be effective and the wearer must be at the water surface when the jump begins.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, jump, longstrider, must have 5 ranks in the Swim skill; Price 5000 gp.
Perhaps not brilliant. In the end, I actually totured myself over the cost and had to fall back on the art over science belief it determining the price. My 2nd biggest disappointment was the Swim spell not being SRD... that would have made this much easier.

deClench |

Second ThoughtWow, I like your image of a cap that grows extradimensionally and eventually becomes self-aware. I think you need to expand on what will eventually happen when the cap becomes intelligent. Will it always be content being a mind shield, or will it tire of its role and crave something more from its existence? You have a compelling item, keep going with possible results and consequences.
Thanks. With a longer word limit, more description would be possible. As is, I thought it worked well as a story device and seed for adventure. There is no reason the cap needs to be on friendly terms with the wearer once it gains sentience. As its ego grows, so might its ambition grow, and it could just decide it's had enough and take control of the wearer.

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Patrick Walsh wrote:I really like this item. It might have been slightly low-powered for the competition, though, with things like the crown of the breaching legion flying about.Thurburner Stone
Things I forgot in my submission:
1) The Reflex save. The damage for the rock is based on the catapult in the SRD and I forgot to add the save in my submission. D'oh! (I added it here.)2) The xp cost to make the item. I just saw that.
3) The spark the winners had. Magic item creation is my weak point and reading through the winners, I see the spark the judges were looking for.
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm thinking as well. Magic items from scratch aren't my specialty - I was hoping to squeak into Round 2 where my strengths would shine through. Ah, well. There's always next year. ;D

goatface |

Here's mine, fwiw :)
Cloak of Survival.
This garment is woven from rough wool and is grayish-brown in color. It has several abilities that are beneficial to those who often travel in the wild.
1.The cloak will keep the wearer cool or warm as if he were affected by the Endure Elements spell.
2.When worn with the hood drawn up, the wearer gains a +5 competence bonus on Hide checks.
3.When a command word is spoken, the cloak will transform itself into a large tent, capable of sheltering up to 5 people comfortably. While in this form, the occupants will gain the benefits of the Endure Elements spell, and the tent will be hard to spot in the wilderness, granting a +5 competence bonus to Hide checks. Another command word (not the one used to activate it) will cause the tent to revert back into a cloak.
Strong Abjuration, Illusion, and Conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, Invisibility, Endure Elements, Mage’s Magnificent Mansion; Price 65,000gp; Weight 1lb.

Claudio Pozas |

Here's mine. I had to cut out quite a bit of it.
Scapular of the Heroic Slayer: This tiny, square silver medal is a boon to those dedicated to battling the undead. It must be attached to a length of chain, cord or leather and hung backwards from a nonevil character’s neck. In order to benefit from it, the wearer must be blessed by a priest of that religion. The scapular (plural scapulae) occupies the same slot as an amulet, but if attached to a periapt of Wisdom, the wearer can benefit from both items at the same time. Some religions even produce matching sets of periapts and scapulars.
The scapular of the heroic slayer possesses two functions. First, its wearer gains the benefits of uncanny dodge and improved uncanny dodge if at least one of his opponents is undead.
The second function of the scapular is the one most users really seek. As long as the scapular is being worn at the time of death, its wearer can never be turned into an undead, wether by spells or other effects, even if the scapular is removed afterwards.
Moderate necromancy [good]; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, augury, gentle repose, creator must be nonevil; Price 15,000 gp.

ironregime |
A common ritual in barbaric lands, the heart of a defeated troll is magically prepared and eaten...
I think this is a cool item, utility and mechanics bedamned! Were it mine, I might have provided slightly more benefit and/or redirected the drawback to something more flavourful than a Fort save penalty. Maybe vulnerability to fire and acid? I dunno.
But I definitely like the fact that it (a) has a drawback and (b) is weird/disgusting. A winner in my book.

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TwilightKing wrote:Well, here is mine.
Gloves of the Badger
To be quite honest, I am not a master of magic items (i'm more of a monster masher ;) )
So feel free to shower me with praise, or stone me with ridicule.
Honestly I think they are nice, but overcosted as it.
I would add some stonecunning type abilities (similar to the Belt of Dwarvenkind).
Finally the wearer needs some way to navigate while burrowing, perhaps gaining tremorsense while burrowing or something.
Oooh! I like adding tremor sense while the gloves are being used. Good Show!

FireLance |
Headband of Momentary Defiance
This one is very low-priced. I think the going rate for feats is about 2,000gp, and this duplicates one of the luck feats from Complete Scoundre. In addition, the restoration mechanic is odd and doesn't seem to match the item.
Headband of Momentary Defiance
Wow, very small cost on a reusable item! The holy water is an odd vehicle for recharging it as well, since the Headband has a very arcane feel to it. I think this might be better as a permanent item with a much higher price tag on it.
Thanks for the feedback! :) As I guessed, price might have been an issue. I will admit that I was deliberately aiming for a low-cost magic item that a PC could pick up at 2nd or 3rd level, and scaled it accordingly.
Since a 1/day use-activated magic item that replicated a 1st-level spell costs about 400 gp, and since the basic effect is based on just one aspect of the protection from evil spell, supression of mental control, broadened to include all mind-affecting effects, but non-automatic (only activates if a second saving throw succeeds) and with a significantly reduced duration for most characters (1 round per point of Charisma bonus), and since the recharge is not automatic, I thought a ballpark number of 500 gp would be okay.
The use of holy water in the recharge mechanic was meant to make the recharge come with a cost (25 gp), and to relate somewhat to the base protection from evil spell.
But, I guess the fact that I needed to explain so much about my item means that I need to do better next time. :p

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Some good stuff in here. Here's mine. The day after I submitted I realized I should have included the ability to cast Darkness to mimmick an ink spray but A. thought of it too late and B. The Kraken Crown took that idea and made it one better with the Dimension Door. I also nerfed the mechanics of black tentacles which it may have not needed. Still...all in all, I'm proud of it. I bow down to the Kraken Crown in all things but the name. How can you beat Octopoda anything?!? :)
Belt of the Octopoda
I like it, but agree with you about the Crown.

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My entry:
This bronze pot helm has elongated nose and neck-guards, as well as hinged cheek-guards and a foot-high wicker crest running from ear to ear. A Dawnhelm allows its wearer to cast banishment once per day as a twelfth-level cleric. The wearer may also cast daylight four times per day as a fifth-level cleric.
When worn by a paladin, however, the Dawnhelm grants a +2 bonus to Charisma when dealing with evil-aligned creatures and NPCs, as well as the ability to cast bless five times per day at cater level equal to paladin level.
A Dawnhelm is especially helpful to characters (paladins especially) that frequently encounter evil outsiders and undead.
Moderate conjuration and evocation; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item; banishment, daylight, bless, eagle’s splendor; Price: 130, 000 gp; weight: 4 lbs.
I would definitely like feedback on this, as I am probably going to implement it in one of my games.

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Patrick Walsh wrote:I like the idea, but how is it different from the arcane mark spell and why is that spell not included as a spell needed to create the item?
EDIT: is the spell arcane mark? I remember it as wizard's mark, but that was definitely an earlier version.I don't know of a Wizard Mark, but if Arcane Mark is what you are thinking of. Arcane mark doesn't allow you any benifts to scrying or teleportation.
If you arcane mark an item and someone carries it away, you chances of teleporting to the location of the object are low.The reason Arcane Mark isn't a prerequisite is that Arcane Mark isn't a bard spell and this was crafted by a bard.
Also I was at 199 words, arcane mark would have made it 201 and was essentially not needed for the effect of the item.
I was in deed thinking of Arcane Mark. I understand that Arcane Mark doesn't give benefits, but it does perform the basic function of the chalk, hence would have been appropriate to include. The bard thing is also not necessarily a killer (other published items need both divine and arcane to be made), but I see your point if this was to be a bard item.
Still, I like the idea of the item and my rogue characters would definitely carry some if they could get a hold of it.

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I'll get in on this:
my submission wrote:I just liked the idea of a bad guy wearing this mantle, and then after dying he immediately stands back up, having been instantly resurrected; that and a slightly cheaper than the material component cost, but at a price of not being able to use another cloak. I'd welcome other opinions.
Mantle of Resurrection
As a player, I'd hate this with a passion if used as described (but not if I had access to one). I think the auto res at a cheaper cost is probably what sunk you here.

ironregime |
Prescience Pillow
Neat item! I especially like some of the details and restrictions you worked in. I would've liked to see a minor drawback, such as, during the reverie, the sleeper is completely unaware of her immediate surroundings and cannot be aroused by sounds alone. Or whatever. Something to make players consider its use wisely instead of defaulting to always sleeping with it. But my opinion may not be widely shared.

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 |

gbonehead wrote:If I made an item that created the effect of protection from evil on the bearer, I wouldn't spell it out, I'd just name the spell. That's what this is - I just used a Compendium spell.Yes, but that's not SRD. It violates the rules of the competition.
Absolutely correct ... as I stated when I posted it.
That's just my item as submitted. Yes, it didn't follow the rules and was rightfully nixed, but I knew that going in. Shouldn't prevent me from posting it and getting useful commentary, but it seems to be.
Looking at it in hindsight, it's much more of a plot device item than a general purpose item. Be damn useful in my campaign, however :)

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Here's the item as I submitted it:
Coin of Fortune
Suffers from the "another coin of luck" syndrome. The negative side seems to invoke more record kepping than would seem to be prudent, but I'm not certain how I'd change it. Hmm. Maybe +2 luck bonus for having it with another +2/-2 for flipping it?

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Here's mine:
Tenk’s Bonecharm
The owner of this grisly, finger bone necklace is a troll shaman belonging to the Ghostwalker tribe named Tenk. It is a leather thong strung with the finger bones of numerous unfortunate victims of Tenk’s ravenous hunger.
Once per day the possessor of the necklace can utilize the charm to enter a trancelike state in which he channels the tortured spirits trapped within the bones. During the trance he can be asked a single question by another individual and with the voice of the spirits trapped inside; give a single, often cryptic answer. This functions exactly like the 4th level divine spell divination without the need for the 25gp sacrifice as a material component. The chance for giving a correct answer is 77%.
Repeated use of the charm is not considered a good act. Characters can use the divination power of the charm to have the spirits trapped within reveal the method by which they can be set free. The exact method is left open for the GameMaster to determine.
Moderate Divination; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item; divination; Price 11,200 gp.

Tallghost |

Thurburner Stone
Things I forgot in my submission:
1) The Reflex save. The damage for the rock is based on the catapult in the SRD and I forgot to add the save in my submission. D'oh! (I added it here.)2) The xp cost to make the item. I just saw that.
3) The spark the winners had. Magic item creation is my weak point and reading through the winners, I see the spark the judges were looking for.
I thought the only drawback to this item is that it seems to be more of a magic weapon than a wonderous item.

ironregime |
Bracelet of Spellbinding
I like it, but it seems perhaps too limited in scope. What if it went ahead and granted the share spells ability to the wearer and his familiar/companion/mount, regardless of level or whatnot?
Also I think the name might be misleading. Perhaps Farlink Bracelet or something.
I particularly like the description of the item, and somehow want it to be important to its function, but I can't suggest anything off the top of my head. Perhaps something creepy in regards to its attunement to the animal? I dunno.

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My item, I went for solid instead of crazy powerful.
Goblin Gruel
I like the flavor text, but think that the final cost is waaaaay too cheap. If goblins had this, they'd be better than CD 1/2. I'd cut the number of servings down and boost the cost. Then you have elite goblins getting it and not the whole stinkin tribe.
I plan on wahoo-ing this (modified as above) into my home campaign.

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First of all, i want you to know that I wil be printing this thread and stealing these items for my campagins. They rock! I feel even worse for the judges now, having to ort through all of this stuff.
Below is my own item, I would love to hear any feed back you may have:
Borrows too much from the Toon RPG. Or Bugs Bunny. Either way...