Anybody else got any unreasonable fears?

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Liberty's Edge

The Jade wrote:
R-type wrote:
These are scary.
Those are fantastic.

I learned to talk in full sentences by the time I was eight months old. I was reading by four. I was also a rather serious child that didn't joke much, and was prone to bouts of staring at people/animals/objects/etc. As a result of this, the neighbors referred to me as Damien.

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The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
The Jade wrote:
R-type wrote:
These are scary.
Those are fantastic.
I learned to talk in full sentences by the time I was eight months old. I was reading by four. I was also a rather serious child that didn't joke much, and was prone to bouts of staring at people/animals/objects/etc. As a result of this, the neighbors referred to me as Damien.

Not me. I only learned proper use of possessive pronouns when I turned 22, up until then it was, "That's he's towel, and that's she's towel."

When I was a baby my mother said I used to study people with a wizened look so she called me Pushkin after Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. Dern she was well read for a 19 year old.

Back to your demonry: when I was six I'd seen too many horror films and I was given to bouts of feeling "special" so I decided that the best way to get all those scary monsters under my bed and in my closet to leave me alone was to decide that, although a nice person who did good deeds for strangers and wanted only the best for everyone, I was actually the son of the devil. I blame it one a Christopher Lee Dracula film (must have been Hammer studios) where they said he was the son of the devil. Seemed like a good family to be in if you wanted monsters themselves to be afraid of you, and I slept like a baby no matter what horror film I saw after that. Self induced schizophrenia can make for an awesome defense mechanism. Don't worry... no cat torturing and angry scowls over here. I'm all sunshine and light... and horns. Mwoo ha ha ha!

I fear the rest of you... and the path you walk unknowingly.

Personally, I think the thread 'I'm sorry, Heathensson!' is the scariest.
Sorry again, Heathy.

I'm a bit clostrphobic, but it gets really bad in big crowds in cramped spaces. Think mall at christmas time or day after thanksgiving. Concerts. I get hot and can't breathe and I get really pissed really quick in this setting almost to an irrational point. I can take it if the air temp is really cool, but even in a movie threater I try not to get packed in.


Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Personally, I think the thread 'I'm sorry, Heathansson!' is the scariest.

Sorry again, Heathy.

~laughter~ Oh, I am sorry to have scared you! BOO! ~grins~ What scares you about that thread?

Fizzban wrote:
...gets really bad in big crowds...

Oh, that reminds me, it's not exactly a phobia, but I go nuts sometimes in public spaces. It only happens in loud places, and not just sound (I don't like bright colors/patters/neon/flashing lights/etc). There was this one particularly horrible movie theater that I paced around for a hour thinking "they need to change the carpet" and trying to take the skin off my own arms. I had a security guard ask if I was OK. I think he continued to watch me after that.

Dirk Gently wrote:
Fizzban wrote:
...gets really bad in big crowds...
Oh, that reminds me, it's not exactly a phobia, but I go nuts sometimes in public spaces. It only happens in loud places, and not just sound (I don't like bright colors/patters/neon/flashing lights/etc). There was this one particularly horrible movie theater that I paced around for a hour thinking "they need to change the carpet" and trying to take the skin off my own arms. I had a security guard ask if I was OK. I think he continued to watch me after that.

must have been the acid

ever noticed that those with unreasonable fears have trouble spelling what they fear? hehe acrophobia to you height challeged peeps, but is also called altophobia

lol; mine if it is a phobia; would be Astraphobia or Astrapophobia or Ceraunophobia or Keraunophobia which is all the same thing.

hehe just go to and figure yours out; also a good reference for gms when you need a phobia for your game for gained insanities or for npc's.

Scarab Sages

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Also, up until I was about fourteen, I had a completely irrational fear of mummies.

How do you feel about daddies...?

Liberty's Edge

Mr. Xyzzyggr wrote:
I fear the rest of you... and the path you walk unknowingly.

I fear words that begin with the letter x.


Sharoth wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Personally, I think the thread 'I'm sorry, Heathansson!' is the scariest.

Sorry again, Heathy.
~laughter~ Oh, I am sorry to have scared you! BOO! ~grins~ What scares you about that thread?

Har har har.

It's not funny! That weally was scawy!

Now I'm gonna cry!

Dark Archive


They are small, malicious, plotting, airborne carriers of disease. And they are coming to peck all of our eyes out.

You have been forewarned.

Lilith wrote:
Centipedes give me the heebie jeebies. Don't know why.

Same here. Pictures of centipedes don't bother me but something about how they move makes me shiver.

Sometimes when I think of hordes of bugs (like lice, I have a great fear of such parasites) crawling on me I get this feeling that they are crawling on me, which drives me crazy. It usually happens at night when I'm trying to go to sleep.

Kruelaid wrote:

must have been the acid

I suppose I should let up on that...

I am sjy and usually afraid of otjer people.

Tensor wrote:
I am sjy and usually afraid of otjer people.

I was wondering how long it would take someone with a fear of openness to post openly. Very brave of you.


Finding things in takeaway food. Glass, hair, pubic hair, bits of grit, plastic etc. All of these have happened to me -knocks me sick.

Majuba wrote:

God or no even.

Sorry if this ticks anyone off but newborn babies are pretty gross. The parents are all like "Ooooh so cute, do you want to hold her/him?"

And I just fake a smile while thinking the child smells funny, is going to leak on me and looks like an ugly, tiny, bald little drunken fat man. Of course I say yes and make with the baby talk but part of me is freaking out.

Sometimes we have been asked to baby sit -I always find an excuse to say no. What if you drop them, or they choke on something or die.

Why cant human babies be more like animal ones and look after themselves a bit more?

Foetuses are horrid too. The most stomach churning thing I've ever seen is that asian artist who eats them as art demos in china or somewhere, I watched a documentary about it and wanted to puke.

I get that this makes me an evil and terrible human being but I just can't help it.

Funnily enough I hope to have kids of my own some day -I hope I can get past the horror. I guess if they were my own then the whole father impulse would kick in and it'd be ok. I don't know.

Clowns are scary.

Dark Archive

R-type wrote:

Sorry if this ticks anyone off but newborn babies are pretty gross. The parents are all like "Ooooh so cute, do you want to hold her/him?"

And I just fake a smile while thinking the child smells funny, is going to leak on me and looks like an ugly, tiny, bald little drunken fat man. Of course I say yes and make with the baby talk but part of me is freaking out.

Don't worry about the fearing Babies thing. I had a similar problem, I was scared that something would go wrong when I held them. I think most people get freaked out at the baby talk thing. I can not understand why you would teach your child a language no one else on the planet speaks.

Now my wife and I have two young boys and I can tell you that they are a lot tougher (and stronger, little #@!@#!$s) than they look. Poop washes off, slobbers are a fact of life for a while, the wrinkles go away for about 50 years, and unless the blood is spurting across the room they and you will get over it.


I have a fear of watching others get hurt. Its strange but I cringe when I have to watch someone else do something dangerous. Yet I can do the exact same thing and be perfectly fine.

Oh and spiders, I live in Florida and we have spiders everywhere. I hate walking into webs in the dark. I know they are organized and plotting my doom.

I hate it when you walk through a line of web and its across your eyeball. Gross... I hope the spider washed its arse.

Liberty's Edge

This isn't a phobia, per se, but I can't STAND airports/malls/open buildings/etc... They f#@~ with my head. It feels like the walls are going to fall in and bury me. Euuuuuuuhhhhh.

Oh, and messy places. Like when I'm at work, and my rather un-fastidious boss leaves papers all over the f#@!ing place. AAAAHHHH. I get this crawly feeling all over my skin until they're all in order. Of course, that could just be my OCD manifesting. It's still wierd, though.

Dark Archive Contributor

Lilith wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
That's why I live in the northwest, I guess. Gimme volcanoes and earthquakes any day. Just keep the wind calm and reasonable please. :)
Amen. At least I'll have a great view when the Cascades decide to get all violent and fiery.

Yeah, hey, any news on the South Sister getting all bloaty and maybe explody?

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

This isn't a phobia, per se, but I can't STAND airports/malls/open buildings/etc... They f!%~ with my head. It feels like the walls are going to fall in and bury me. Euuuuuuuhhhhh.

Oh, and messy places. Like when I'm at work, and my rather un-fastidious boss leaves papers all over the f!%~ing place. AAAAHHHH. I get this crawly feeling all over my skin until they're all in order. Of course, that could just be my OCD manifesting. It's still wierd, though.

Im with you Shiny


R-type wrote:

Sorry if this ticks anyone off but newborn babies are pretty gross. The parents are all like "Ooooh so cute, do you want to hold her/him?"

And I just fake a smile while thinking the child smells funny, is going to leak on me and looks like an ugly, tiny, bald little drunken fat man. Of course I say yes and make with the baby talk but part of me is freaking out.

Sometimes we have been asked to baby sit -I always find an excuse to say no. What if you drop them, or they choke on something or die.

Why cant human babies be more like animal ones and look after themselves a bit more?

I also dislike the look of human newborns. They look like skinned harp seals.



R-type wrote:
Sorry if this ticks anyone off but newborn babies are pretty gross.

I hate kids. I really do. I love "my" son, but that's about where it ends as far as children are concerned. It's a freaking miracle two human beings ever get together to begin with when you consider that people are just bloody sacs begging to ooze pus and puke and snot all over each other, not to mention what goes into making more oozing meat bags. Love is funny like that.

Liberty's Edge

The Jade wrote:

I also dislike the look of human newborns. They look like skinned harp seals.



Not my widdle girl. She looks wike a widdle stwawbewwy shortcake doll. She's so pweshish.


Liberty's Edge

Aw shish she barfed on me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Jade wrote:
R-type wrote:

Sorry if this ticks anyone off but newborn babies are pretty gross. The parents are all like "Ooooh so cute, do you want to hold her/him?"

And I just fake a smile while thinking the child smells funny, is going to leak on me and looks like an ugly, tiny, bald little drunken fat man. Of course I say yes and make with the baby talk but part of me is freaking out.

Sometimes we have been asked to baby sit -I always find an excuse to say no. What if you drop them, or they choke on something or die.

Why cant human babies be more like animal ones and look after themselves a bit more?

I also dislike the look of human newborns. They look like skinned harp seals.



I prefer to think of them as Winston Churchill Stretch Armstrongs. I just want to pull their limbs as far as I can and watch them slowly pull back, while announcing that the British people must stand strong against the Nazis.

I read something a few years ago about the way cuteness has been defined. The following criteria make something cute:
1. Waddling gait, clumsy little limbs.
2. Eyes and features low on the face.
3. Small size.
4. Fur, feathers or similar soft texture.

Things like that. It seems the very criteria that make something "cute" are formed around, in some ways, human infants. We had to form that cuddly nurturing feeling around similar things to kind of distract us from how weird looking our spawn are.

Liberty's Edge

Not MY widdle widdle pwintheth.

(Och how can something so small rip a fart like that)

Liberty's Edge

What is that shrill shriek in the blackest hours of the night?
That bolts me upright like Khan waking up in that Star Trek episode?
What foul thing is this, that sucks the lucidity out of me two ounces of formula at a time?

Mike McArtor wrote:
Yeah, hey, any news on the South Sister getting all bloaty and maybe explody?

It's still chillin'. For now. :P

R-type wrote:
Clowns are scary.

Hell yes they are.

A little story for all you arachnophobics:

When I was about five, we had just moved and were getting settled in. My dad was putting stuff into the shed. As you may have guessed, the place was crawling with spiders. Now, my dad was not and is not afraid of spiders, and was fully planning to go inside. Then one of them jumped. To eye level. My father is not short. I don't think we ever actually used that shed.

Dark Archive Contributor

Lilith wrote:
It's still chillin'. For now. :P

Darn. I'd love to take a road trip down there to watch her blow. ^_^

As long as her plume doesn't hit Bend, of course. ^_^

Mike McArtor wrote:

Darn. I'd love to take a road trip down there to watch her blow. ^_^

As long as her plume doesn't hit Bend, of course. ^_^

Yes indeed!

Paizo Employee Director of Sales


But there isn't anything unreasonable about fearing these abhorrent little aberrations.

They's nasty.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Dirk Gently wrote:

A little story for all you arachnophobics:

When I was about five, we had just moved and were getting settled in. My dad was putting stuff into the shed. As you may have guessed, the place was crawling with spiders. Now, my dad was not and is not afraid of spiders, and was fully planning to go inside. Then one of them jumped. To eye level. My father is not short. I don't think we ever actually used that shed.


We had a shed too, that had black widows hanging out inside. Would. Not. Go. In. Ever.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

mwbeeler wrote:
It's a freaking miracle two human beings ever get together to begin with when you consider that people are just bloody sacs begging to ooze pus and puke and snot all over each other, not to mention what goes into making more oozing meat bags. Love is funny like that.


Cosmo wrote:


But there isn't anything unreasonable about fearing these abhorrent little aberrations.

They's nasty.

I saw Charlotte's web when I was seven. Then read the book. Wouldn't let pork into my diet after that (then becoming a vegetarian six years later) and I was good by arachnids because they wrote well, were good friends, and had Debbie Reynolds dulcet voice.

Without a crippling fear of spiders, I'm the guy who catches and releases spiders for those who would prefer them dead. I know how the different varieties will act when I come after them, and they never elude my artful cup.

See? Cartoons are good for ya.

Liberty's Edge

I like spiders. I doesn't whack them either.

The Jade wrote:
I'm the guy who catches and releases spiders for those who would prefer them dead.

I'm the guy who tells arachnophobics to get over it, the spider is ten feet away from them, just go to sleep, no, you kill it you big sissy.

Liberty's Edge

But in defence of arachnophobes I must say this:
In Florida we had black widows, but I never knew anyone bitten by one. I even had one crawl across my foot; they're pretty docile.
I don't know if we had brown reclused in Florida, but in Texas I've met people who were bitten by one. It's poison eats your skin away. They're evil little bastards, those brown recluses. And they don't stay outside like widows seemed to do in Florida.
Learn and beware!

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, I knew they weren't in Florida.
Sick little bastiches.

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