Felicitas Sweetfingers |

Hard weekend... flu hit us BAD!
Diplo: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (16) + 27 = 43
KnowArc: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
Taking out a blanket Felicitas helps her friends to display the loot.
In orcish"Good weapons.. fair prices!"
After that she walks among the offered wares checking here, taking up something there and tries to be extra polite... according to the underdark costums. If it means spitting, cursing, etc... she will do that!

baldwin the merciful |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Felicitas you realize that the wagon tent is an extra-dimensional space, perhaps an demiplane. To your calculations there is no way that last party could have fit in the small space without magic.
You display a few wares to the orc guards, the grunt and nod approvingly then motion your group to the tent flap. Taking a deep but uncertain breath you pull the flap back and step inside....I assume everyone is joining her?

Desmond Aeros |

Once Desmond sees things are going well he comes out from the shadows to join the party, grinning at anybody that looks surprised at his presence.

Grungsdi |

Grung stays at Karnogs side, he whispers to him

Karnog Kegmeister |

Drow, female NPC |

Felicitas bravely opens the tent flap and steps through, she is quickly followed by the others. You enter a massive ornately decorated room. It's clearly an extradimensional space or pocket. There are 3 large columns on either side of the entryway. The room is filled with chest of treasure, spoils, and wealth beyond compare. Enough to make any ancient dragon green with envy.
Standing at attention in perfect alignment is an undead army of ghasts, ready to move on command. At the other end of the room stands next two stone giants, each holding a boulder ready to throw and greatclub, flanking a richly crave bone throne. Between the fierce giant sits a dark‐skinned elf, her tarnished silver hair tumbles lifelessly over her shoulders. Her eyes are reveal she has embraced death fully and returned transformed by the experience. Her flesh loosely hangs from her body.
She speaks in crackled voice but great power resonates in it. "You've come to trade, deal, seek something of value?"
Knowledge religion or arcana.
You understand that the creature on the throne is a lich.
Few creatures are more feared than the lich. The pinnacle of necromantic art, the lich is a spellcaster who has chosen to shed her life as a method to cheat death by becoming undead. While many who reach such heights of power stop at nothing to achieve immortality, the idea of becoming a lich is abhorrent to most creatures. The process involves the extraction of the spellcaster’s life‐force and its imprisonment in a specially prepared phylactery —the spellcaster gives up life, but in trapping life she also traps her death, and as long as her phylactery remains intact she can continue on in her research and work without fear of the passage of time.
While it is true most, if not all, liches are evil, some have been known to work deals especially if it achieves another purpose they desire.

Karnog Kegmeister |

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 kn (religion)

Lichie Evilness |

"As you should be, as you should be but let that not keep us from trade." She motions your group halfway forward. Then puts out a a withered hand to signal far enough. "Show me what you have, tell me what you seek." With that a miserly looking halfling steps out from behind throne and moves towards you. He has spectacles on and wears a magnifying glass around his neck.

Karnog Kegmeister |

Karnog bows in respect. For her power if nothing else. He hands the sheet containing the inventory of their findings to the halfling with the monocle.
"Felicitas? I yield to your prowess in this field."

baldwin the merciful |

The halfling unfolds the sheet of paper and without expression examines the details. He suddenly smirks when he reaches the end of the list, "Nev'r much like duegars."
Do you want to sell the weapons, armor, misc magic items and misc mundane items? What about the scrolls and potions? Does anyone have any personal gear they want to trade?
"Show me the merchandise." She waves her hand and large table appears next to her and she is standing on stool. Her magnifying glass in hand.

Karnog Kegmeister |

I'm all for selling the non-consumable items, as well as the armor/weapons/gear. If anyone wants the ring of energy resistance, sound off. I think everyone took what they wanted from the treasure list. The gems and coins can go, with the exception of the diamonds - those are too useful for spellcasting.

Lichie Evilness |

The halfling spends a solid hour casting spells and examining the wares. Meanwhile refreshments are brought and small talk is had with undead drow.
"Is there knowledge that you seek and what information do you have to dispense with? Here in the Rappan Athuk that can be more important then quality gear."
There is small keg of golden amber brought out and some spiced mulled fortifications for the others. This along with a couple rounds of hard cheese and crusty bread are offered. Overall, you don't get the sense of hostility, and if several of your members didn't know otherwise, you'd think this is simply a well guarded wealthy merchant.

baldwin the merciful |

The halfling will eventually offer to buy the entire assortment, including gems/coin, but at a slightly reduced price then half. This is after quite a bit of haggling with Felicitas. (Reduced by 2000 gp) He clearly knows this is the rare oasis in these tunnels.
Just tell me what you all want there is good chance they will have it. They do have wand of darkvision and they do have goggles of night. They will sell items at normal cost though.
Wands will be partially filled.
wand charges: 1d30 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Desmond Aeros |

"You know, I've never been as fortunate as your kind to be able to see into the dark. Have anything that could help with that?"
I currently have the ring and would prefer to keep it, unless we think it would be better to sell it.

Lichie Evilness |

Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot eyes; Price 12,000 gp; Weight —
The lenses of this item are made of violet crystal.
Even though the lenses are opaque, when placed over the eyes of the wearer, they enable him to see normally and also grant him 60-foot darkvision.
Both lenses must be worn for the magic to be effective.
"Yes, I can help you see in the darkness." The undead sitting on her thrown motions towards an area of treasure. There one her minions retrieves the opaque goggles that strange over the eyes.

Desmond Aeros |

"Woooaaaahhhh..." Desmond twirls around and gapes, like a child taken to the zoo. "That's amazing!" Liches are bad people they said. She's an honest merchant! Well a little cutthroat on buying, but pretty fair considering the location.

Karnog Kegmeister |

"Felicitas, see what you can get her to tell us of LORD NAPHRATHOTH, FALLEN EMPYREAL COMMANDER, the Grand Cornu Lorvius, and the dwarven graveknight. I do not know the last one's name, sadly."

Karnog Kegmeister |

Fair enough, just wanted to allow our most silver tongued individual the chance to shine.
"Hardly that. Merely defering to a more qualified negotiator. As you may have heard, we seek information regarding LORD NAPHRATHOTH, FALLEN EMPYREAL COMMANDER, the Grand Cornu Lorvius, and the dwarven graveknight. What kind of exchange would that entail?"

Felicitas Sweetfingers |

"Mylady, I was just phrasing my answer to your question. It is not an easy task. I can offer maps of explored caverns, with notations on dangers, enemys and more."

Lichie Evilness |

"LORD NAPHRATHOTH, FALLEN EMPYREAL COMMANDER is a corrupted fallen angel. Orcus himself perverted all that was good and twisted him into a deathleech." Her empty eyes sparkle with envy. "Lord Naprathoth oozes necromatic death, he senses death, radiates death, and claims death for his own empowering and drinking energy."[b] She makes sure the information sinks in. [b]"It's a fools folly to challenge the Lord Naphrathoth directly. Such move will result in certain corrupted death. But should a moron decide to tackle that task, it is rumored that he can not be harmed by ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, death effects, evil spells, negative energy, and petrification.'
There is long pause before she says, "So, you want to know about Patrol Captain Luther." It's more of statement than question. Her obvious disdain for the graveknight resonates. I'll have to fill this in a bit later but it should get you chatting. She is open to answer question about Lord Naphrathoth.

Lichie Evilness |

"Patrol Captain Luther, a is a dwarven vampire who controls the skeleton and zombie troops that patrol the courtyard Black Garrison. That is the former army of Tsar. He positions and watches over the first floor areas ensuring the remaining teleporation in and out of the area is scrutinized. Nothing arriving at the teleportal gets by the drawbridge." She lets that sink in. "Of course, the second floor is a wide open floor plan; the inhabitant is a marilith demon known as Blayze." She giggles. "Blayze you get the irony, don't you?"
She laughs more. " She personally leads the elite black skeleton troops, deploying the archers along the battlements before meeting with her infantry to repel anyone in the courtyard." She looks over your small group. You're not intending to try to rid the place of evil are you? Because if you are then the third floor is a magnificently appointed greatroom, with maps of the wilderness for miles in all directions adorning the walls. This area is the domain of the garrison captain, Lord Naphrathoth, the fallen empyreal, and former lieutenant to General Nimrod and tasked to keep the “back door” into Rappan Athuk secure, Naphrathoth takes his station VERY serious. He would rather die than lose this garrison position, and will fight any force to his utter destruction."
She smirks. "Now it [i]is a functioning city. Trade is welcome, but not fair. Is there something you want to know about Captain Luther?"

Karnog Kegmeister |

"Many thanks. So, these creatures all work together? The fallen angel serves as their leader, and this Patrol Captain and Marilith act as captains or commanders of the army?"
Karnog takes a drink from his everfull mug before continuing.
"You say it's a fools errand to challenge the fallen angel directly, but perhaps an indirect approach could work? Would there be any opposing forces at work down here? A challenge to the status quo?"

Lichie Evilness |

"They all serve the current Grand Cornu, Lorvius, who has held the position since shortly after the fall of Tsar and the retreat to Rappan Athuk by the army of Twilight. They are the command structure. Each ultimately, they do seek greater recognition, fame, and position." She glances as a bloody piece of meat and picks it up slurping the juices. "Everyone, even the numerous underpriests serve others and the Grand Cornu...but each desires to move up the food chain. Chaos is a coveted demonic characterist."

Kalim Gudlavaletti |

Kalim steps forward. "I am Kalim, once of the Rahadoumi Spearmen, now comrade and cotraveller with these men and dwarves. And women. And the dragon. And my friend here." His tumor pulses. "I seek not the destruction of what they call 'evil' but in search of power. Not for monetary or political gain, but in attempt to create a way to fight those in The Void, those Great Old Ones, Ogdru eg Jahad, faceless terrors. Are there any here wise enough to help that, all our survival? Or, contrary, those who have such power and would align with the Void?"

Desmond Aeros |

"Among that list I did not hear precision damage. Sounds like he can have his throat slit like every other person." Des grins. "Thanks, we appreciate the info. We really do."

Lichie Evilness |

"Well Kalim the Dungeon of Graves is filled with raw untamed power seeking anew host or meal. I'm sure Grand Cornu will take much delight in extracting every tidbit of usefulness from your enthusiastic soul.
As she mentions soul, she slurps the blood from a fat liver. She slurps with childish glee. Blood trickles down her ashen face.
You dwarf...yes the one called Grungsi do share a glass of fortified spiced mead with me." The crackly voice shrills. "Tell me your desires."

Karnog Kegmeister |

Any pearls of power or metamagic rods available?

Grungsdi |

Bah depends on what your asking.
Grung grunts.
not one to play games really. he says as he waits to see what the evilness offers

Desmond Aeros |

"You wouldn't happen to have ioun stones and a wayfinder, would you? I'd like to see if I can get that neat little combo with a clear spindle one."

Karnog Kegmeister |

Lesser Extend, Lesser Empower, Lesser Reach Rods

baldwin the merciful |

The assistance scurries over to chest and starts to dig bringing out a dented wayfinder, he scratches off some dried blood.
35% chance that the clear spindle ioun stone is without defect:
ioun stone: 1d100 ⇒ 15
His hand fishes into a small bag and he pulls out a clear stone. "Yes...yes...I have a flawless stone."
resonant power is Clear spindle: Protection from possession and mental control (as protection from evil).

Karnog Kegmeister |

Assuming I did my math correctly, Karnog will buy the rod of lesser extend and 1 pearl of power 1st lvl