Things in Life That Suck

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Liberty's Edge

Office AC is broke. 89 Degrees at 8:00 a.m. inside. Not even that hot outside. Its suppose to reach 106 or so today. 110 tomorrow.

Unemployed for over a year now, I found out this weekend that Mom's in the hospital with cellulitis, a touch of pneumonia, and a urinary tract infection. And she had a minor heart attack while she's been there.

The Exchange

Hu5tru wrote:

4. The Norwegian Immigration office. Despite several doctors testifying to the fact that I provided my husband with care equivalent to that which the public health system were unable to afford and which he clearly needed to function, they denied our claim for family reunification. Reason - my disabled husband, see above, does not earn enough money to sustain us. Waited on the edge of our seats for 18 months...

Talk to a lawyer in Europe as to whether your rights under Section 12 of the European Convention on Human Rights have been infringed with respect to the right to establish a family. Also investigate the easiest European nation to gain citizenship within, as you would then have the right to live in Norway.

Liberty's Edge

Things always can and will get worse. Always.

Liberty's Edge

Being the "other" guy. Believing her promises. Falling in love.

Ya, same ol' story, same sad ending.


Liberty's Edge

In the middle of a panic attack. A bad one. I shouldn't be getting these.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Things always can and will get worse. Always.

no! i wholeheartedly disagree! things will get better, mr. shiny.

*hugs, even tho i'm pretty sure you're a guy*

Liberty's Edge

Insignificance, sort of.

Hu5tru wrote:

Oh gosh, a vent thread.

Things in life that suck:

1. My Mother-in-Law, the bride of Satan. Ignorant, selfish "ankle" (that's three feet below a woman's naughty parts using the naughty c-word), whose wanton drunkness and essentially prostitution in my husband's youth led to a host of personal problems with him culminating in him developing Ulceraltive Colitus, and persist with some dogged depression that strain our now long-distance marriage today, but more on that later.

2. The Norwegian public health system. Their half-trained and ill paid doctors and surgeons nearly murdered my husband. Their inefficiency in diagnosing his UC symptoms led to him being placed on medication that actually progressed the disease, so that by the time they made the correct one, he was already rotting from his insides, and required emergency surgery - which the surgeon botched, leaving him almost literally half the man he was.

3. The Norwegian welfare system. They've shuffled my husband's case around for 5 years on the cheapest available option for him to "live" as he's been coping with his new disability. 2 years of fighting tooth and nail finally got them to consider permanent disability, but only after he's tried working. He's working now, and will likely be on evaluation for a period of at least 9 months before they will even consider negotiations for his contract. In the meantime, he's living in filth with terrible, terrible people that strain his sanity and the limits of his ability to cope with everything because he cannot afford his own place, and moving back in with his parents would actually be worse.

4. The Norwegian Immigration office. Despite several doctors testifying to the fact that I provided my husband with care equivalent to that which the public health system were unable to afford and which he clearly needed to function, they denied our claim for family reunification. Reason - my disabled husband, see above, does not earn enough money to sustain us. Waited on the edge of our seats for 18 months...

I wish you luck.

I don't know where to start...

Ok; granted this is small on the list of suckage that heaps upon humanity at times, but still hurts my feelings.

I been working at my job in the Quality Engineering department for 11 years; our department has 10 people; I have been there longer than all but one person. So, we have a guy leaving on Friday; so someone sent out an email, but to me, inviting people from our department and other departments to go out and have a drink and wish the guy well.

the Suckage? I didnt get invited. Nobody told me about it or talked about it, granted I dont spend a lot of time at my desk; but I see everyone get up and walk out together talking about whose driving and all that and leave together; so the guy next to me who has worked in our department only a few months says; "oh, there going to the going away party, I got an email", he checks, and says ;"oh, your not on it; well, I am not going anyway."

So; bottom line; I dont get invited. I think I have a good relationship with everyone; am helpful and cheerful; never had an issue with anyone.

so; this hurts and I am telling you; it sucks.

Bureaucrats calling me in for an interview at a time of day they knew was guaranteed to give me a sleepless night.
Double suckage because on top of their interview and a sleepless night I'm currently in the middle of making a push for the deadline on some proofreading.
I felt sufficiently depressed to think about going out and looking for a car to lie in front of earlier. Fortunately (?) reason and sense of duty to proofreading prevailed.
And it's fifty-fifty at best that the person supposed to be interviewing me will turn up. They didn't the previous three times I was supposed to see them.

The Exchange

Valegrim wrote:

Ok; granted this is small on the list of suckage that heaps upon humanity at times, but still hurts my feelings.

I been working at my job in the Quality Engineering department for 11 years; our department has 10 people; I have been there longer than all but one person. So, we have a guy leaving on Friday; so someone sent out an email, but to me, inviting people from our department and other departments to go out and have a drink and wish the guy well.

the Suckage? I didnt get invited. Nobody told me about it or talked about it, granted I dont spend a lot of time at my desk; but I see everyone get up and walk out together talking about whose driving and all that and leave together; so the guy next to me who has worked in our department only a few months says; "oh, there going to the going away party, I got an email", he checks, and says ;"oh, your not on it; well, I am not going anyway."

So; bottom line; I dont get invited. I think I have a good relationship with everyone; am helpful and cheerful; never had an issue with anyone.

so; this hurts and I am telling you; it sucks.

Could be an oversight. Anyway, his loss.

Scarab Sages

Damn. Despite barely being able to afford it at the moment, lat month I bought a ticket to an Edguy show - figured I could really need some time off my increasingly frustrating day-to-day life...

Today my doctor and I found out the persistent infection that seems to have gotten all to comfy in my foot (for me that is a bit of a problem, I am a type one diabetic with a strange (aka despite good control of my blood glucose) history of persistent foot-injuries) has gotten worse and there is no way I can make it to the show without grave danger for my foot...
yay me...

Scarab Sages

As it settles in, I realize, why this feels like such a heavy blow. The last weeks, with the slight injury/infection not getting worse, but suffering the ill effects of the antibiotics (since childhood I react badlyy to any of those), the financial loss due to not being able to work as much as I usually do, the need to rest the foot as much as possible (up till now, the show, 2 - 3 hours standing wouldn't have been a problem, though) - aka no sports, no party, not much walking around, the anticipation of that show somehow kept me up.

Sorry for the rant. I teally isn't that bad, it just feels so.

The Exchange

Sorry to her things aren't great. I'm sure I don't need to tell you, but look after that foot - the alternatives aren't good.

Liberty's Edge

Apparently, there's some sort of new federal law regulating psychiatric medications, specifically how they can be prescribed. I guess it's supposed to prevent people from selling their medication on the black market, but all it seems to be doing is making my life difficult. Every time I go to the pharmacy to pick up one of my psych meds, I have to go through a background check, which adds half an hour to the wait and $30.00 to my co-pay. Now, here's where it gets really f~#$ing stupid.

I'm in the process of having my dosage adjusted. Since I have a neurological condition that causes me to be hypersensitive to psychoactive substances, the doses have to be very small and adjusted frequently. This means that my doctor can't give me a recurring prescription. Unfortunately, with this new law, I can't have the dosage adjusted without the pharmacy having to contact my insurance provider in order to receive a code to put into their computer system. And my insurance provider has to jump through several hoops just to verify that they're not trying to obtain the code illegally.

With that step added, just PICKING UP MY MEDICATION involves:
- I give the prescription to the pharmacist (15 minute wait)
- Background check (30 minute wait)
- Pharmacist calls Blue Cross to receive the code (30 minute wait)
- Prescription is finished processing (10 minute wait)
- Repeat after 30 days.

Now, where I'm really f%*$ed is when the drugs are too strong. For example, I just had my dose of methylphenidate raised from 18mg to 27mg. For a normal person, this would be a negligible increase, but for me, it's the difference between being able to focus slightly better and being awake for days on end, hallucinating, and vomiting uncontrollably. At this point, the only thing I can do is ride out the withdrawal symptoms and wait until my next doctor's appointment, because under the new regulations, I can't re-fill the prescription until the original period of time in which the prescription would have been taken has passed.

The English.

...That is a JOKE, all you rosbifs out there.

On a more serious note, getting a cold. I hate having a wet, nose filled with unpleasant things. C'est tout à fait répugnant.

The Exchange

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

Now, where I'm really f!+*ed is when the drugs are too strong. For example, I just had my dose of methylphenidate raised from 18mg to 27mg. For a normal person, this would be a negligible increase, but for me, it's the difference between being able to focus slightly better and being awake for days on end, hallucinating, and vomiting uncontrollably. At this point, the only thing I can do is ride out the withdrawal symptoms and wait until my next doctor's appointment, because under the new regulations, I can't re-fill the prescription until the original period of time in which the prescription would have been taken has passed.

Given that this is free internet advice from a stranger with no background in medicine: Why not just get a pill cutter and cut the dose to something manageable? Not ideal, but better than being sick every time you take your meds.

Something else that sux: having your laptop (with all your essay notes, and the essay due next day, and not backed up) stolen at the bus stop.

Yeah, I'm NOT lovin' the god of thieves right now. May Abadar smite him in holy wrath!

I found out when I got back in state that one of my neighbors (an Iraq vet on anti depressants) committed suicide, another has serious health issues, one of my close gaming friends has a brain tumor that is getting much worse, and another close friend is getting divorced. It could be worse though; one of my neighbors has had 14 friends, family and neighbors die since June!

I feel very tired and old right now.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

What truly sucks for me is finding out this past Thursday that I have melanoma skin cancer.

Fortuately, the melanoma is melanoma in situ, meaning it is stage 0 with a 99.9% cure rate. I am going for a few days to have Moh Surgery to have the cancer removed, so good new there.

Still, it sucks big time to find out I joined the cancer club and that is one club that no one should have to be part of. Even with the cancer removed, I remain a member of the cancer club because one has to wait 5 years without any re-occurance before one is considered cancer free.

Liberty's Edge

Black Moria wrote:

What truly sucks for me is finding out this past Thursday that I have melanoma skin cancer.

Fortuately, the melanoma is melanoma in situ, meaning it is stage 0 with a 99.9% cure rate. I am going for a few days to have Moh Surgery to have the cancer removed, so good new there.

Still, it sucks big time to find out I joined the cancer club and that is one club that no one should have to be part of. Even with the cancer removed, I remain a member of the cancer club because one has to wait 5 years without any re-occurance before one is considered cancer free.

Damn. Still, I'm glad they found it early. Hopefully in 5 years you'll be able to post in the "things that are good in life" thread that you are officially cancer free.

Black Moria wrote:

What truly sucks for me is finding out this past Thursday that I have melanoma skin cancer.

Fortuately, the melanoma is melanoma in situ, meaning it is stage 0 with a 99.9% cure rate. I am going for a few days to have Moh Surgery to have the cancer removed, so good new there.

Still, it sucks big time to find out I joined the cancer club and that is one club that no one should have to be part of. Even with the cancer removed, I remain a member of the cancer club because one has to wait 5 years without any re-occurance before one is considered cancer free.

I'm glad that your prognosis is good, and I hope all goes well. Hopefully you don't have to go through chemo.

As a fellow survivor I strongly recommend that you do anything you can to retain any health or life insurance you have because in my experience it's all but impossible to replace even 10 to 20 years later. Good luck!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Thanks, ShadowCatX and Bitter Thorn

Yes, the prognosis is very good and no chemo, thank the gods for that. Still, it is quite a shock when the word cancer comes up and in particular melanoma, which is the worst and deadliest of the skin cancers.

A lesson for others out there - GET A SECOND OPINION!! The doctor in a walk in clinic (where I am at, there is a waiting list for family doctors) looked at it and said that it is nothing to worry about.

My wife didn't like that answer and said to keep going to doctors until I got one that at least would refer me to an specialist. The next doctor took one look at it and said he was referring me to a specialist. After a month wait to see the specialist, the specialist took several biopsies and sent them to a lab. Diagnosis - Melanoma skin cancer.

I still get numb with the thought of what might have been if I didn't get a second opinion. Take my lesson to heart, anyone who might be in similar circumstances.

I am glad that they caught it in time, Black Moria. Cancer is sometimes a nasty, nasty thing. My Step Mom died of cancer and my Mom had breast cancer (that was also caught in time). So you have my simpathy. Just remember to keep up on the annual checkups. That stuff can sometimes come back. It is better to be safe than sorry with cancer.

Black Moria wrote:

Thanks, ShadowCatX and Bitter Thorn

Yes, the prognosis is very good and no chemo, thank the gods for that. Still, it is quite a shock when the word cancer comes up and in particular melanoma, which is the worst and deadliest of the skin cancers.

A lesson for others out there - GET A SECOND OPINION!! The doctor in a walk in clinic (where I am at, there is a waiting list for family doctors) looked at it and said that it is nothing to worry about.

My wife didn't like that answer and said to keep going to doctors until I got one that at least would refer me to an specialist. The next doctor took one look at it and said he was referring me to a specialist. After a month wait to see the specialist, the specialist took several biopsies and sent them to a lab. Diagnosis - Melanoma skin cancer.

I still get numb with the thought of what might have been if I didn't get a second opinion. Take my lesson to heart, anyone who might be in similar circumstances.

That's almost identical to Kelly's scenario before she died. Several doctors told her it was nothing until one referred her to a specialist after a few months. I'm not sure it would have changed the outcome, but your point about second opinions is a very good one.

They estimate Diane's cancer was active for about 7 years before they finally caught it, and she probably saw over a dozen doctors in that time.

Doctors are only human, and sometimes a lot of them can drop the ball.

Liberty's Edge

Zeugma wrote:
Given that this is free internet advice from a stranger with no background in medicine: Why not just get a pill cutter and cut the dose to something manageable? Not ideal, but better than being sick every time you take your meds.

I thought of that too, but I'd have to cut the pills into thirds, and take two-thirds of a pill every day. And on top of that, the pills themselves are made of a coated compressed material that shatters when you try to cut them, making it impossible to get a measured dose.

Of course, it's all a moot point now. The doc found out that the drugs were what was causing my recent stomach ulcers, and I had to stop taking them.

Shadow Lodge

It sucks that the Army is changing the promotion point system again, and I lose over a hundred next month. :/

Having the feeling you have no idea how to truly support yourself. On top of that wanting to leave your home town but not knowing where to go. That nearly everything is the same every single day.

Liberty's Edge

Black_Lantern wrote:
Having the feeling you have no idea how to truly support yourself. On top of that wanting to leave your home town but not knowing where to go. That nearly everything is the same every single day.

Same here, man.

Grand Lodge

Having your house get robbed while you work less than 5 minutes away. If I ever catch these freaks, It's gonna be an EPIC level b!~&* slap.

Silver Crusade

My boss!

Sanakht Inaros wrote:
Putting your dog to sleep.

*Hugs* I just had to have one of my cats put down today. Had a rasping breathing problem and wasn't eating. Vet picked him up, squeezed his belly, listened to his chest and said "He's got cancer in the bowels and fluid in the lungs. From the looks of you, you can't spend one thousand on vet bills to fix an otherwise freebie cat, can you?"

All 280 pounds of me burst into tears on the spot, the guy just went 'tch' and walked out. A great deal of thanks went to the Vet Nurse, who got the anasthetic and let me hold Rollie in my arms while she put him to sleep. More than the vet's callousness, more than the thought that my little mate was in pain, that look in his eyes "Why am I getting sleepy, Dad?" as he died in my arms hurt like few other things have.

HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:
Sanakht Inaros wrote:
Putting your dog to sleep.

*Hugs* I just had to have one of my cats put down today. Had a rasping breathing problem and wasn't eating. Vet picked him up, squeezed his belly, listened to his chest and said "He's got cancer in the bowels and fluid in the lungs. From the looks of you, you can't spend one thousand on vet bills to fix an otherwise freebie cat, can you?"

All 280 pounds of me burst into tears on the spot, the guy just went 'tch' and walked out. A great deal of thanks went to the Vet Nurse, who got the anasthetic and let me hold Rollie in my arms while she put him to sleep. More than the vet's callousness, more than the thought that my little mate was in pain, that look in his eyes "Why am I getting sleepy, Dad?" as he died in my arms hurt like few other things have.

Ouch! Yea, the Vet was a dick. I am sorry about the both of you having to put your baby's to sleep. I have had to do that to several of my dogs and it hurts everytime. ~wry smile~ and now I have seven cats too. I love those little hellions and I will be sad to see them go one day.

Grand Lodge

I recently posted that I was going to get a Pathfinder Club at the school that I work at. My boss (principal) told me no..

Criminals who don't end up in prison because the system suffers of corruption. (Worse still that my friend is a victim)

All the examples of humans being horrible creatures. And there are lots of those nowadays and in the history books as well.

The fact that I might have asthma and seem to be a walking cadaver when it comes to my health and looks, though more on the former.

The Exchange

Dinkster the Dinkmeister wrote:
I recently posted that I was going to get a Pathfinder Club at the school that I work at. My boss (principal) told me no..

Was he worried about the satanism?

I'm teaching children next year, for LESS money per hour, since I was desperate to work in the same city as my girlfriend. Now I have to work harder, make less money and WORK SATURDAY AND SUNDAY!
-How am I going to go to bars anymore?

Corneal abrasion on my left eye. What sucks is that I am on call this weekend and my vision is not up to par. yay.

Liberty's Edge

Found out a friend of mine was killed in a car crash two days ago, along with another person I didn't know. Two other people are in intensive care. My friend was driving, he was drunk, and he wasn't wearing a seatbelt. They found his body nearly a hundred yards away from what was left of his car, floating in a farm pond.

We were never super close, and he wasn't blessed with an abundance of brains, but he was a good guy, and it was a pleasure to work at the same garage as he did.

RIP Ryan Quigley 1986 - 2011.

Liberty's Edge

It's not that places aren't hiring that pisses me off (though it does bug me some). It's that some places that ARE hiring give bullshit reasons as to why they can't hire ME.

For the last few days I've been driving around Syracuse looking for work. I've gone into around 30 businesses asking for work. Of those 30 or so, only six gave me applications, and of those six, only one (a bouncer/doorman job that I probably won't get) is actually hiring.

The thing that pissed me off was that when I went to a handful of clothing stores in the local shopping mall, I got this answer:

"We're hiring, but unfortunately, we can't hire people that don't look like they shop at our store."

Go f!*~ yourselves, Old Navy, Aeropostale, Hot Topic, and GAP. I mean that sincerely and from the bottom of my heart. Go f+#% yourself.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sorry to hear about your friend, Shiny.

- being someone who likes things that nobody cares for (monsters / top 40 music ect)

- Mobile phones and that stupid futuristic bull@@@@ that turns people into freaking zombies without care for their other human fellows. it turns them anti-personal and noncarring.

- Soccer, just hate that sport, if you can call it sport to begin with... Its just an easy excuse for guys to have something to talk about.

Today I had the privilege to listen to some expletive-head call 911 because the bus we were on took the wrong route and, as a result, was slightly behind schedule. "I feel as if I have been kidnapped" the d-bag told the operator.

I wish I had a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free-for-Assault card.

Today I pissed off a bunch of people that I rather like do to my inability to police my own mouth or say what I mean to say. For example, I came off as anti-American or ashamed of my nationality when I'm not, I just don't like being called an American because that makes it seem like my nationality should matter when it shouldn't. Then I conceded to the fact that I really needed to walk away, but I wrote the concession so badly it was taken in a different light and made me look like an attention whore.

So, what sucks in life is the way I destroy all my relationships unintentionally.

Shadow Lodge

It sucks that I am beginning to feel I will not be finishing my second Shackled City campaign due to the life events of the players and inherent lack of group cohesion.

The Exchange

TOZ wrote:
It sucks that I am beginning to feel I will not be finishing my second Shackled City campaign due to the life events of the players and inherent lack of group cohesion.

Sucks man... yet there is always the next campaign.

HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:
Sanakht Inaros wrote:
Putting your dog to sleep.

*Hugs* I just had to have one of my cats put down today. Had a rasping breathing problem and wasn't eating. Vet picked him up, squeezed his belly, listened to his chest and said "He's got cancer in the bowels and fluid in the lungs. From the looks of you, you can't spend one thousand on vet bills to fix an otherwise freebie cat, can you?"

All 280 pounds of me burst into tears on the spot, the guy just went 'tch' and walked out. A great deal of thanks went to the Vet Nurse, who got the anasthetic and let me hold Rollie in my arms while she put him to sleep. More than the vet's callousness, more than the thought that my little mate was in pain, that look in his eyes "Why am I getting sleepy, Dad?" as he died in my arms hurt like few other things have.


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Crimson Jester wrote:
TOZ wrote:
It sucks that I am beginning to feel I will not be finishing my second Shackled City campaign due to the life events of the players and inherent lack of group cohesion.
Sucks man... yet there is always the next campaign.

So true...maybe even a Kirthfinder Shackled City...

I'm so tired.

Rest in peace my love!

Rest safely love.

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