Le Soldat Fidèle de La Reine |
![Venture-Captain Shevala](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/37-magnamar_final_hires.jpg)
I want to warm up my homebrew campaign setting and fiddle with my prototype houserule set. The campaign setting has a few themes:
Unlike most settings, this isn't faux-European or faux-Asian. It's faux-North American. I find this allows both European and Asian character and story concepts to fit in well, while opening up new concepts. It also seems to complement magitech really well.
The gods were jerks, and eventually their jerkitude got them killed. Only one has survived, and he wants to make humans suffer. He doesn't dare enter the mortal realm for fear of death, however, so he attacks forms evil cults and uses those as proxies to spread misery.
Divine casters typically get their power by learning to speak the same language as the Earth itself. This is typically associated with Druids, Shamans, and the like, but a few Clerics and other divine casters can do it. Divine casters are very rare in this setting (non-spellcasting Rangers are common).
Alchemy is the main system of magic for the world at large.
This setting is capable of both heroic and gothic fantasy. This game has a power level set for heroic fantasy.
The basic setting data is available in Google Doc format, and I have a map. If there is something you need to know to create a character, do ask.
Gold is not tracked unless the player is being ridiculous. Encumberance is not tracked unless the player is being rediculous. Food, water, and ammo just aren't tracked unless it would add to the drama.
Combat Expertise is no longer a feat, it is the way fighting defensively works. If something had it as a prerequisite, it no longer does.
Improved Shield bash is not a feat. If you are proficient with a shield, you do not lose your shield bonus when bashing. If something had it as a prerequisite, it no longer does.
The bonus from Point Blank Shot increases to +2 at 6 BAB, +3 at 11 BAB, and +4 at 16 BAB. If something had Point Blank Shot as a prerequisite, it no longer does.
Vital Strike can be used in conjunction with Spring Attack or Shot on the Run. This does not make Vital Strike an attack action, and does not allow any other non-attack action to be used with Spring Attack or Shot on the Run.
Weapon Finesse can apply to spears and quarterstaffs.
Slashing Grace does not have Weapon Focus as a prerequisite.
Spears count as monk weapons.
The following feat chains scale with level, meaning that if you have the first feat in the chain, you get the subsequent ones at no cost when you meet the prerequisites.
*Two Weapon Fighting/Improved Two Weapon Fighting/Greater Two Weapon Fighting
*Vital Strike/Improved Vital Strike/Greater Vital Strike
*Improved Dirty Trick/Greater Dirty Trick
*Improved Disarm/ Greater Disarm
*Improved Feint/Greater Feint
*Improved Reposition/Greater Reposition
*Improved Steal/Greater Steal
*Improved Trip/Greater Trip
*Improved Bull Rush/Greater Bull Rush
*Improved Drag/Greater Drag
*Improved Overrun/Greater Overrun
*Improved Sunder/Greater Sunder
*Iron Will/Improved Iron Will
*Great Fortitude/Improved Great Fortitude
*Lighting Reflexes/Improved Lightning Reflexes
*Weapon Focus/Greater Weapon Focus
*Weapon Specialization/Greater Weapon Specialization
Greater Weapon Focus is not restricted to Fighters, but does have a BAB 6 requirement.
All those +2/+2 to skill feats improve to +4/+4 at 10th level. These feats and Skill Focus both allow rerolling one failed skill check related to the feat once per day at 10th level.
Fighters get 4 skill points per level, and Perception is a class skill.
Witches can choose to have a bonded item (Spellbook) instead of a familiar.
No teleporting magic, resurrection magic, or communing with dieties.
I allow players to replace class features with class features from archetypes on a one by one basis without taking the full archetype if desired.
2 Traits (Can spend one trait to reallocate racial stat +2, +2, -2 modifiers as desired.)
Alignment not used
Max HP
4th level
6000 Enhancement Points
Paizo - CRB, UM, UC, ACG, APG, ARG (for races listed on the Google doc allowed)
I double check 3PP before saying yes as a precaution (I consider both balance and the theme of the game when deciding), but I own and view favorably the following items:
*Alchemist’s Discoveries (Super Genius Games)
*Beyond Bloodlines (Super Genius Games)
*All of the talented PDFs for the Fighter, Rogue, Monk, and Cavalier (Super Genius Games)
*Fey Archetypes (Rite Publishing)
*Secrets of the Masquerade Reveler (Rite Publishing) (I love the archetype, but I would refluff it to not be so like the fae to fit this campaign.)
*Grit and Gunslingers (Super Genius Games)
*Heroes of the Jade Oath (Rite Publishing)
*Heroes of the West (Little Red Goblin Games)
*Kitsune Compendium (Everyman Gaming)
*Classes of NeoExodus: Machinesmith (Louis Porter Jr. Design) (I do have the expansion PDF) (This class is an established part of my setting.)
*Class Acts (Witches, Rangers, Alchemists, Alchemist Archetypes)
*101 New Skill Uses
*A Necromancer's Grimoire: The Wonders of Alchemy (PFRPG)
*Path of War (I'm not outright saying no to PoW, but I am a bit sketchy as to how it might interact with my modified feat system.)
The main thing is that this will be a weekend game, not so much a weekday game. I'm typically busy during the week cause of school. Can post, not so much actively GM. If people are interested, we could do some brainstorming this weekend and choose characters next weekend.