Things in Life That Suck

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well, i debate all the time whether to shave my cheeks for a date; I usually just use the clippers to keep em short; keeps me warm in the winter and I hate shaving; also; unless your shaved close they can really give someone a rash and is darn prickly and leaving at about a #2 clippers gets rid of that problem.

hehe when I was about 20 I could grow facial hair ok; but it was so blonde and white I just looked like a big dandylion :) which sucked; not that I am older it has a bit more darker yellow and some red.

Liberty's Edge

Things that suck?

Windsor knots. End of story.

NOT HAVING A BACKUP COPY ON A DIFFERENT DISK. (As I would hope that anyone else who has ever lost 10,000+ words in one go would agree.)

Charles Evans 25 wrote:


OUCH!!! Yep, that does suck. The 11th commandment, "thou shall make backups, and often".

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

This sucks.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

Things that suck?

Windsor knots. End of story.

Good thing there's help to get.


Liberty's Edge

Arctaris wrote:

I was too, until my 2 y o daughter started singing them.

She's so cute.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I have to agree Heathy... though mine is 4. Rudloph from the mouth a kid is more heart warming than hot chocolate.

As a side note into things that suck. Having to pick up trash in the parking lot and finding a subway bag full of $h@t really really sucks.

Liberty's Edge

WTF is wrong with people? Sheesh.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Simple. Many have incredibly horrendous personal grooming patterns. That was just the worst of my day other things can be just as bad.

Like the number of people who don't wash their hands or who apparently don't use soap. Since the smell coming from one guy this week was so astoundingly potent that I considered momentarily that it could be me, since this man was sitting in his truck with the door partially open.

Needless to say I am sooooooo looking for a different job!

Realizing my preconceived notions of fuel conservation and the purchase of a Toyota no-nads goes right out the window when exposed to the harsh reality of a Michigan winter. Watched half a dozen cars around me on the way home today just give up the ghost (car stalls, lights go out). Worst part was I didn’t dare stop to help or I’d share their fate. Glad we bought the Cruiser now.

Liberty's Edge

Sucks in Dallas, only ices 1-2 times a year if that, and so there's no snow plows or anything, just sand on a few crucial overpasses.

"Sliding in a winter wonderland."

And I grew up in Florida; I hate ice. I hate snow.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Heathansson wrote:

Sucks in Dallas, only ices 1-2 times a year if that, and so there's no snow plows or anything, just sand on a few crucial overpasses.

"Sliding in a winter wonderland."

And I grew up in Florida; I hate ice. I hate snow.

Dude, I've got two feet of the stuff coming in today.

Liberty's Edge

Ugh! You're welcome to it.

It's coming down pretty hard here.

Liberty's Edge

Snow is sucko.

The resulting slush is worse.

Liberty's Edge


That barking dog xmas song completes suck hind end.

ok; this is wierd to me; need a outside perspective; anyone ever dated a girl that like scheduled your first kiss? is this wierd or just me out of touch? Like our first one is more or less scheduled for 30 days after our first; what date; meeting; hehe; I am ok with it and all; just wonder if this sort of thing happens to anyone else; puts ours on Dec 26th or so; I have enough issues with living up to the expectation of it all and stuff with my blown self confidence; but this is a little extra pressure I didnt expect.

Liberty's Edge

This is really weird, and involves a series of truly f~&+ing bizarre incidents in my childhood coming back to bite me in the hind end. Actually more like biting my entire hind end off. Not for the squeamish. Also mildly ironic (in the same way that the Darwin awards are.)

As a small child, I was very intelligent (I scored upwards of 150 on an IQ test). I was also very easily frustrated. In retrospect, this was clearly my depression manifesting itself at an early age. My technique for coping with all of this was to either bang my head on the wall, or to smash myself over the head with a heavy book, causing some of my teachers to (incorrectly) believe me to be autistic. The problem progressed until I was thirteen, when I grew extremely aggaravated and smashed myself over the head with a brick, knocking myself unconscious and giving myself a concussion. My parents sought help for me, and I was placed on a series of medications, including six months of lithium.

A month ago, I was visiting my head-shrinker, and consulted with her on the series of incidents. I was confronted with some startling news.

The head-smashing, coupled with the medications, caused moderate brain damage, which, in addition to damaging my eyesight, lowered my IQ approximately fifteen to twenty points. What the f!!$?

The Exchange

Valegrim wrote:

That barking dog xmas song completes suck hind end.

ok; this is wierd to me; need a outside perspective; anyone ever dated a girl that like scheduled your first kiss? is this wierd or just me out of touch? Like our first one is more or less scheduled for 30 days after our first; what date; meeting; hehe; I am ok with it and all; just wonder if this sort of thing happens to anyone else; puts ours on Dec 26th or so; I have enough issues with living up to the expectation of it all and stuff with my blown self confidence; but this is a little extra pressure I didnt expect.

Dump her, she is gonna need to control every aspect of your and her life. A nightmare waiting to happen.

After what you've gone through you don't need these stupid head games. Let her know though, that if she gets the procedure to remove the stick from her nether regions you would be fine with further relations.

Liberty's Edge

A month?

no its not a head game; and we are cool; its not about power or anything like that; we both are just a bit gunshy and want to be sure we are not going to fast and want to be sure we like each other that way and all; I am cool by it; I had just never heard of such a thing; kinda makes me wonder what other schedules there might be; hehe.

yeah, a month, but I have only known about it a day; and the month will be up next week; it just seems strange to me; but ok at the same time; just wondered if anyone had heard of such a thing or had any such experience themselves; like I have heard about no kissing on the first date and stuff like that, but was wondering if my dating skills suck so much that I am out of touch with the new generation and what may have happened culturally as backlash from all the deadly std's and stuff that are now out there; sheesh, one of my friends said we should both go get blood tests to ensure cleanliness; I never even thought of such a thing.

Dating nowadays sure is weird not at all like in the 80's and early 90's when I dated last.

Grand Lodge

No. That is weird. From someone whose been dating early 90's to now I've never heard of such a thing. Now if she were hesitant for whatever reason of course that's something you want to respect, but the rule is 'when it feels right.' X number of days is completely arbitrary. Even if she was into it she would have waited 30 days? Are you dating a Victorian time traveler or one of the Amish by chance? If you have to wait 30 days for a kiss I don't think you are having sex till the wedding night.

Valegrim wrote:
I have heard about no kissing on the first date and stuff like that, but was wondering if my dating skills suck so much that I am out of touch with the new generation and what may have happened culturally as backlash from all the deadly std's and stuff that are now out there

Younger generations are sluttier than ever Val. What with sex education being cut from Health classes to be replaced by teaching abstinence I'm afraid to see what it's going to be like as all of these kids are messing around ignorantly.

Scheduling kisses ruins them. Kisses should be spontaneous, and while plotting them out could heighten the anticipation, more likely they are a bubble buster (I waited a month for that…?). Talk about performance anxiety.

Hopefully, she just wants to work on the non-physical aspects of your relationship first.

Look at it this way Shiny. Now you can fit in better with everyone else. :)

Liberty's Edge

Valegrim wrote:

Dating nowadays sure is weird not at all like in the 80's and early 90's when I dated last.

I don't know the lady, her circumstances or her past experiences, so I'm going to try not to judge... but this sounds ... unusual to me. I've never come across something like scheduling a kiss for 30 days hence before. Seems to kind of kill the romance and spontaneity doesn't it? Not to mention building up expectations. Anticipation is great, but there's a limit.

As for getting your bloods done, that's also something of a romance killer (and awkward to bring up), but it's actually a pretty good idea to do it. (And given the schedule we've heard about so far, then I'm going to go ahead and guess you've probably got time to get those results back...)

The Exchange

On the schedule thing - it might be that she was going to wait 30 days to determine if you lasted that long, and wasn't planning on investing lip time on anyone who wasn't up to it. Which can be construed as sensible.


It is also a bit strange and controlling. I suspect you were told as a challenge (some women - I knew one - are like that). If you just potter around and wait for her schedule, she will probably become more difficult, play up, put up more barriers for you to cross, until you get deeply cheesed off. So your scheme should probably be to insist on a kiss (in a nice, jokey way without scaring her like you are a rapist or something) before the scheduled date. I suspect that is what she wants - to test your mettle. You need to overcome the barriers she sounds like she will be putting up - which is what she ultimately wants you to do, I suspect.

That said, if she is one of these women who test and plays mind games like that, it can be a real pain, especially if you have come out of something nasty like you have and are a little bit tender in the emotional zone. I found it a pain to be "macho" all the time with the girl I knew - I play D&D and WoW, I'm a geek, it doesn't go with the territory, plus the duplicity inherent in mind games annoyed me.

On the other hand, if she is a drag, you can still always dump her later - it is unlikely the first girl you date will be the One after the previous One, but a bit of practice going out with someone will help when someone cool comes along.

Disclaimer: none of the above should be construed as Mr Malformed actually possessing expertise with women. Mr Malformed has never understood women, and never will.

Oh, and the blood thing. Your friend should lighten up a little - you haven't even kissed her yet. Worry about it when you are further down the schedule. Despite what the media might suggest, most people are not festering reservoirs of venereal disease. I suggest you talk to her about her past and make a judgement for yourself.

Speaking as someone who has mild OCD; look in her cabinets. If her food and tableware are arranged by color, alphabet, chronologically, or require a check mark to away.

It could just be that she wants to be careful; maybe she's had a problem with previous male friends not respecting barriers or something. You're the only one here that's actually met her, though, and if it seems like it's just a strange quirk, there it is. I'm no shrink or expert, myself.

For myself, I love it when someone asks me to come back into their life and does the whole production and then proceeds to ignore me. Fantastic. Some day I'll wise up and just get a move on with my life. Jerk City.

"Donny, you're out of your element!"

The Exchange

James Keegan wrote:

For myself, I love it when someone asks me to come back into their life and does the whole production and then proceeds to ignore me. Fantastic. Some day I'll wise up and just get a move on with my life. Jerk City.

"Donny, you're out of your element!"

<nods in brotherly sympathy, hands James a beer>

Liberty's Edge

mwbeeler wrote:

Look at it this way Shiny. Now you can fit in better with everyone else. :)

I'm just not sure anymore. Literally and figuratively.

Thanks all for being my bouncing board; am thinking were doing fine, but it was bit quirky; it is all coming out in the wash and all good.

I learned a valuable lesson today.

If you are getting a migraine, don’t make chicken linguine. At least, don’t make chicken linguine that upsets your spouse’s stomach, causing you to need to take your 7 month old to the doctors for immunizations, keeping him amused for two hours, with a migraine.

The good news is, I kept down the linguine, barely, before collapsing.

Regular dog doo is a pain to pick up. Frozen dog doo that is encased in the ice like Brendan Fraiser in "Encino Man" is much, much worse. Buuuuh-ddy.

Well; 135 dallors for filing a divorce petition in cash; sheesh and 85.55 for a process server to deliver the summons; that sucked; merry xmas to her.

lol; either I killed the thread or your guys lives just rock :)

Liberty's Edge

Valegrim wrote:
lol; either I killed the thread or your guys lives just rock :)

OK, here's mine.

This is going to sound conceited and arrogant, I know, but...

Going from having no notice being paid to one's existence to being swarmed by women (in one week) is quite disconcerting.

The Exchange

You get used to it. So what are you going to spend your lottery winnings on?

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Valegrim wrote:
lol; either I killed the thread or your guys lives just rock :)

OK, here's mine.

This is going to sound conceited and arrogant, I know, but...

Going from having no notice being paid to one's existence to being swarmed by women (in one week) is quite disconcerting.

You poor s.o.b.

Scarab Sages

I used to say that having kids didn’t matter to me. Some people just don’t have kids and I would have no problem being one of those people. But I was never against having kids.

Then I found out my wife was pregnant. It took me a few moments to digest that fact, and then I was downright giddy. In all of twenty seconds I went from anxious to ridiculously over-the-top excited.

Apparently, being one of those people who don’t have kids would be a problem for me. Finding out that I was going to be a dad was the best news ever.

For days, it was all I could think about. I told everybody. I called friends out of state. I inserted the news into conversations that had absolutely nothing to do with children, or pregnancy, or me even. I was an expectant father, I was ecstatic, and everyone else should be too.

I was kind of surprised by the change in myself. Suddenly, the fact that I was going to be a dad (in, like, eight months) was the defining element of my life; and I was happy about that.

It is amazing that someone I’d never met could take that all away from me with a few words I could barely understand.

Last Sunday (12/16), we celebrated Christmas with my wife’s parents and brother; we will be in Florida with my parents on the 25th. My wife hadn’t been feeling well (nothing major, just a not-good feeling in her stomach) the day before, but she loves presents (what woman doesn’t) and was duly excited that morning.

Throughout the day her stomach pains developed into cramps. The kind of cramps not-pregnant women get monthly. A quick internet search of medical websites assured us that “growing pains” sometimes feel just like those cramps. But then there was bleeding - just a little, at first. A call to our friend (a doctor) reassured us that it wasn’t necessarily a problem, and as long as things didn’t get worse we shouldn’t worry too much - just make sure to tell the OB at the next (first) appointment.

So we opened presents, all the while my wife was in increasing amounts of pain. I kept asking if she was okay, she said it was just the cramps, no big deal.

She eventually got to the point that standing up straight hurt so bad it made her cry. Presents and Christmas and “No big deal” be damned, I put my wife in the car and headed for the emergency room.

I can’t (won’t) describe our time (four hours) at the hospital, save for this:

It is amazing to me how the human brain is capable of picking certain words out of otherwise incomprehensible speech. The doctor that finally (third doctor, we had four nurses as well) came in to tell us what was going on spoke with a very thick accent (Persian, I think). He said a lot of things I couldn’t understand, due to a combination of accent and jargon. However, one word rang out clearly to my ears, and my wife’s: miscarriage.

After four hours of excruciating pain and numerous hospital staff performing very personal inspections, that word was just too much. The look on my wife’s face nearly broke me. Only the knowledge that I needed to be strong for her kept me from a complete and total breakdown.

I would happily do anything to make sure that I never see that look on my wife’s face again.

So...miscarriage sucks.

I know it won’t put a dent in your loss, but I am so sorry man. Pregnancy is a damn fickle thing, even in this day and age when we think we’re so advanced. I can’t even imagine, really, but it was always a lingering fear in the back of our minds when my wife was carrying Drew. I don’t pray anymore, but my thoughts are with you.

Ungoded: F!~+ dude. There are no words to describe how sad I feel for you right now. :( The hubby sends his condolences as well. :( *hugs*

I am so sorry.

Ungoded wrote:
*snip* Horribly sad news... *snip*

I'm really sorry to hear about that Ungoded. As a child of someone who had trouble carrying to term, and a father that didn't know if he wanted kids up until I was born, all I can say is that I hope you two are able to heal and decide then if you want to try again.

My deepest sympathies to you two. *internet hugs*

Ungoded, I am so sorry for your loss. I wish there was something that I could do for you and your wife. ~says a little prayer~ I know that I would never want to loose my niece or my ex's kids (despite how they have treated me). All I can say is try again when she is feeling better. It will not ease the loss, but at least she is alive and that is a small silver lining.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

My deepest condolences, UnGoded.

Oh man Ungoded; will pray for your family in all earnest and light a candle for you.

I am so sorry, man.

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