Arena Sign-Up

Play-by-Post Discussion

Wow. I didn't expect so many people to want in on this. Thanks to every one who has shown intrest.

Unfortunatly, the first game is already full. I'm working on a site to post the finalized rules and character sheets, but it's taking some time. If you want to make a character for the Arena, please do so, but don't send them to me just yet. I'm not ready to put them up on the site and I'll probably lose them before the site is done.

Right now, only the three Core books are allowed. Monster races are allowed as long as they don't have any racial hit dice or a level adjustment.

If you are intrested in being an Arena Master, post a list of the books you have access to and proof of your DM skills (preferably a link to a PbP game you have run). After the first game, the Arena Masters will disscuss the possibility of adding non-core books to the Arena.

Remember, you can have as many characters as you want. So you can make a Core character now and a non-Core character when the splatbooks become legit.

Here is a list of books I own:
Player's Handbook
Dungeon Masters Guide
Monster Manual
Monster Manual III
Expanded Psionics Handbook
Complete Arcane
Complete Divine
Complete Warrior
Complete Adventurer
Complete Psionic
Races of the Wild
Races of Stone
Races of Destiny
Races of Eberron
Eberron Campain Setting
Player's Guide to Eberron
Magic of Eberron
Explorer's Handbook
Sharn: City of Towers
Five Nations

I plan on getting:
Player's Handbook II
Dungeon Master's Guide II
Monster Manual II, IV, and V
Libris Mortis: The Book of the Undead
Lords of Madness: The Book of Abberations
Fiendish Codex I and II
Complete Mage
Complete Champion
Complete Scoundrel
The Book of Vile Darkness
The Book of Exalted Deeds
Faiths of Eberron
The Forge of War
Secrets of Sarlona
Secrets of Xin'drik

Grand Lodge

Male Nurse/Father

I got a Tiefling wizard for a +1 LA group.

Female Half-elf Beguiler 3nd

Here he is.


You neglected to list his spells.

Male Orc Barbarian 1

Oh, and I guess I'll sign Grom up here as well.

Female Half-elf Beguiler 3nd


Male Human Fighter 3

Human fighter ready to go.

Male Human Fighter 1

I've posted this guy - the LN human fighter - in the D&D Fight Club thread as well, but putting him here makes it more official, I guess.

Male Kobold Cleric 3

Aaaand here is the kobold cleric. Perhaps we should make some species-dependent teams as well as alignment-based ones?

Skeezit Blackfins wrote:
Aaaand here is the kobold cleric. Perhaps we should make some species-dependent teams as well as alignment-based ones?

How about an orc team? Grom needs some companions.

Black Baron wrote:
Skeezit Blackfins wrote:
Aaaand here is the kobold cleric. Perhaps we should make some species-dependent teams as well as alignment-based ones?
How about an orc team? Grom needs some companions.

Garash Gnarlwood, orc druid.

I have a bit of work yet to do on the character (mainly buying equipment), I should get it finished after the woodend.

I guess we'll be on the Red (CE) team?

The site is up, but still not finished.

Due to the huge intrest, I'm going to ask everyone to do me a favor.

1) Go to my player page. Click "View" and "Source".

2) This should bring up a Notepad file with a bunch of code. Relpace my info with yours. Do not change anything between the "<" and ">" symbols. (if you know how to do HTML, feel free to set up the links on your page)

3) Click "File" and "Save As", type in your alias name using only lower case characters and use under scores for spaces. Then put ".html" after. EX: your_messageboard_alias.html
*You do not have to give out your e-mail address if you don't want to. If you are playing in the first game, you are considered a "Founding Member".

4) Go to the character template page, and do the same thing. Save as "your_character_name.html"

5) Send me an e-mail with these files attached. I only need one Player page per person, but I need a Character page for each charater you wish to play. My e-mail is:

If you need help, just ask. Thanks in advace for doing this. This is going to save me a ton of work. If any of the webmonkeys out there know of an easier way to do this, or want to be the "Offical Arena Webmonkey" let me know.

Male Gnome Sorcerer

Nani Wahine here with a LE gnome Sorcerer ready to fight.

Male Dwarf Druid/1

I am finishing up my first arena victory and vill be ready for to kill more infidels!

male Kobold Barbarian2/Warrior1 (the Warrior class from the SRD, not the npc class)

Me, big-big meany guy! Me am ready to fight with rest of Team Kobold! Grick-tock!

Male Orc Barbarian 1
Garash Gnarlwood wrote:

Garash Gnarlwood, orc druid.

Hail Garash! Weez krush puny pink-skins! Orcs is the Mightiest!

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