Doesn't the Mag go through Editing????

Dragon and Dungeon Transition Discussion

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James Jacobs wrote:
That's more artistic license than anything else. They certainly LOOK cool with teeth, so I'm cool with that.

It should go without saying that everything looks cooler with teeth.

For instance, grandmas.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Mothman wrote:
ELAzalin wrote:

That is the plural spelling of the fanboi.

But what the hell is a boi?

Usually a term for butch looking lesbians.

BTW, a guy who hangs out with lesbians is also known as a 'boi toy' found that out from one of my lesbian friends when I asked what the male equivlent of a 'f$$ hag' is.

flash_cxxi wrote:

Jade that is a MAD site. I bookmarked it for sure. Now I can show all of my friends that I am right when I correct their spelling mistakes. (They really hate it when I send back their stuff with red crosses and circles all through it).

Correctors unite! I'm glad someone else out there found it as useful as I do.

Matthew Morris wrote:
BTW, a guy who hangs out with lesbians is also known as a 'boi toy' found that out from one of my lesbian friends when I asked what the male equivlent of a 'f%! hag' is.

In women's prison there's the word lurd. An acronym for Lesbian Until Release Date.

Also, pretty girls who hangs out with gay men are called some kind of princesses, but I can't remember exactly.

Okay, I called my brother, who has been with his "life partner" for fifteen years now. He says the term 'fanbois' is used for skinny little teenagers who prance alot. He's also pretty sure, but not certain, that pretty girls who hang out with him are called 'fairy princesses'.

[random poster] wrote:
It's true. I am a Nazi. Godwin's Law is satisfied and the OP is still wrong.

I believe Godwin's Law does not apply when one intentionally mentions Hitler or Nazis with the intention of ending a thread.

Now, if you were to refer to the OP as a Nazi, or even better, all of those who came to the defense of the mag as Nazis, that would probably end the thread.

Lady Lena wrote:

pretty girls who hang out with him are called 'fairy princesses'.

THAT'S IT! Thanks, Lena.

Maybe the OP is just upset because he is losing his favorite mag, thus his subconscious, wounded, has exaggerated his sensitivity to an illusory error and caused him to act like a jackass.

ED: BTW, thanks for the primer in homolinguistics, guys. You never know where one dick's messageboard conniption is gonna take you around here.

Liberty's Edge

All of the people with vowels in their name are members of the national soicialists party of germany circa 1930s

Kruelaid wrote:

Maybe the OP is just upset because he is losing his favorite mag, thus his subconscious, wounded, has exaggerated his sensitivity to an illusory error and caused him to act like a jackass.

I was thinking the same... but, if so, it was an unjustifiably severe swing toward fiery and irrational pedanthood.

Dragonmann wrote:
All of the people with vowels in their name are members of the national soicialists party of germany circa 1930s

That is so true.

Gay Nazis

Wasn't Ernst Rohm gay?

Kruelaid wrote:

Gay Nazis

Wasn't Ernst Rohm gay?


Röhm's sexual orientation:
Röhm was in fact a homosexual, as was his deputy in the SA, Edmund Heines. Much was made of this in Nazi accounts of the purge, as a way of justifying his execution. Having been outed in 1925, however, Röhm made little attempt to hide his sexuality. Despite Hitler's pretense of shock upon discovering his deputy's sexual orientation, he had in fact long known that Röhm was homosexual.[citation needed]

During Röhm's tenure at the head of the SA, it has been suggested that a number of homosexual men (notably Karl Ernst, a former bouncer at a gay nightclub, and Edmund Heines) were appointed to and promoted within the SA as a result of high-level liaisons with powerful SA figures. This was despite the openly anti-gay policies of the Nazis, exemplified by their strengthening of Paragraph 175 (criminalising homosexual acts) of the German Criminal Code of 1871.

Doesn't that last bit remind you of Jeff Gannon, that military hooker reporter (went by the name Bulldog and charged $200 and hour) who got into the white house press corps?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Kruelaid wrote:

Gay Nazis

Wasn't Ernst Rohm gay?

What about "Springtime for Hitler" in the Producers?

waltero wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:

Gay Nazis

Wasn't Ernst Rohm gay?

What about "Springtime for Hitler" in the Producers?

Incisive point.

::nodding to self::

Mr Xyzz... you have a great avatar.

Lady Lena, my intention was not to deride James editing skills. I think you were a little hypersensitive about my genuine mistake post. James is certainly not.

Phil. L wrote:
Mr Xyzz... you have a great avatar.

For you, Phil, I have created a profile. Please enjoy it with a cocoa-sodden doughnut and perhaps share it with friends around a cozy fire come first frost.

Mr. Xyzzyggr wrote:
Phil. L wrote:
Mr Xyzz... you have a great avatar.
For you, Phil, I have created a profile. Please enjoy it with a cocoa-sodden doughnut and perhaps share it with friends around a cozy fire come first frost.

I don't know whether to be entertained or horrified. ;-)

I officially declare this thread weird.

So shall it be named.

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

I officially declare this thread weird.

So shall it be named.

First Frost has finally come.

Phil. L wrote:

Mr Xyzz... you have a great avatar.

Lady Lena, my intention was not to deride James editing skills. I think you were a little hypersensitive about my genuine mistake post. James is certainly not.

I do apologize if it seemed I was scolding you, I did understand that you were just being silly. I am not quite as adept at portraying the tongue and cheek with just typing as my fellow posters. The fault is mine and I am sorry. *sigh* Someday I will master this, it is so difficult to type the inflections you hear in your mind as you are typing.


NOTtheMarketingDirector wrote:

I adore baby godlings.

Hear ye, hear ye. By royal decree:

Henceforth and Forthwith, this thread will only be composed of posts committed to pixels from the aliases of avatars. The only exception to this will be NAZIS describing their BOWLS full of BALLS. Any violators of this decree will be considered ENEMIES of the REALM.

His royal highness,
The King of Paizovania

Lady Lena wrote:
Phil. L wrote:

Mr Xyzz... you have a great avatar.

Lady Lena, my intention was not to deride James editing skills. I think you were a little hypersensitive about my genuine mistake post. James is certainly not.

I do apologize if it seemed I was scolding you, I did understand that you were just being silly. I am not quite as adept at portraying the tongue and cheek with just typing as my fellow posters. The fault is mine and I am sorry. *sigh* Someday I will master this, it is so difficult to type the inflections you hear in your mind as you are typing.

It was probably just me being grumpy or thick-headed (or maybe both). Of course, if I really wanted to pick on James's editing I could begin with Gorgant's statistical blunder (or more correctly exclusion of clarifying sentence). Now I'll have him wondering what the mistake was. ;-)

I think the very first response to this post (with regards to the title) should have been...


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Ophryon wrote:
Somehow this reminded me of Infocom's famous "T-Remover" (please tell me someone else here remembers...)

The T-Remover, from the game Leather Goddesses of Phobos, used on the untangling cream to make unangling cream, which was in turn used to restore King Midas' daughter?

Dude, please, could you drop this pointless argument? This is getting you nowhere Mr.ELAzalin, it was explained very clearly by every poster on this tread. There is no need to get so mad and potentially abusive over a small thing! Paizo has enough on it's hands, don't give them anything else!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Aramil Xiloscient wrote:
Dude, please, could you drop this pointless argument? This is getting you nowhere Mr.ELAzalin, it was explained very clearly by every poster on this tread. There is no need to get so mad and potentially abusive over a small thing! Paizo has enough on it's hands, don't give them anything else!

He stopped three pages ago. Since then the thread has been moving only on momentum.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Actually, the OP hasn't posted a reply in a while since we've ridden this beast this far.


Zynete wrote:
Aramil Xiloscient wrote:
Dude, please, could you drop this pointless argument? This is getting you nowhere Mr.ELAzalin, it was explained very clearly by every poster on this tread. There is no need to get so mad and potentially abusive over a small thing! Paizo has enough on it's hands, don't give them anything else!
He stopped three pages ago. Since then the thread has been moving only on momentum.

And snark. A whole lot of snark. Can't leave that out.

I really needed a good laugh and this thread delivered!

Dark Archive Contributor

Mr. Xyzzyggr wrote:
For you, Phil, I have created a profile. Please enjoy it with a cocoa-sodden doughnut and perhaps share it with friends around a cozy fire come first frost.

Horrifying, enlightening, and entertaining, all at once... :)

ok-page 5(6?)-my strangely prescient snarky(?) comment about 10+ pages is nearing its vindication (in the sense of being proved correct)-sorry-

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

I officially declare this thread weird.

So shall it be named.

So let it be written, so let it be done! :D

waltero wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:

Gay Nazis

Wasn't Ernst Rohm gay?

What about "Springtime for Hitler" in the Producers?

Great show. Could never have been done by a gentile, though.

Lady Lena wrote:
Phil. L wrote:

Mr Xyzz... you have a great avatar.

Lady Lena, my intention was not to deride James editing skills. I think you were a little hypersensitive about my genuine mistake post. James is certainly not.

I do apologize if it seemed I was scolding you, I did understand that you were just being silly. I am not quite as adept at portraying the tongue and cheek with just typing as my fellow posters. The fault is mine and I am sorry. *sigh* Someday I will master this, it is so difficult to type the inflections you hear in your mind as you are typing.

Yup, you're a mom. My mother, my grandmother, and my wife are the same way.

You can always use the sarcasm key, like so: ~JJ is a moron. All that stuff you think he's writing is actually posted by the guy hired to change JJ's diapers and wipe the drool off his chin between seizures.~

Daigle wrote:
Actually, the OP hasn't posted a reply in a while since we've ridden this beast this far.

I guess it's all we have left to clog the messageboard list with now that the word games have been ghettoized.

Aren't we on page 6 yet? ;>

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Paul Ryan wrote:
Ophryon wrote:
Somehow this reminded me of Infocom's famous "T-Remover" (please tell me someone else here remembers...)
The T-Remover, from the game Leather Goddesses of Phobos, used on the untangling cream to make unangling cream, which was in turn used to restore King Midas' daughter?

Wha he heck are you wo alking abou?


Only on the internet can a posted thread go from a basic flamebash on semantics to:

- the gayness of Rohm, and Nazis
- leather goddesses
- Bizarro
- someone talking about their mom, in *relation* to the thread

All in just a couple days!

Just... wow.

- Laeknir

Don't forget the balls in a bowl, us carebears shall never forget the balls in a bowl lesson, it taught me so much ;)
(see I winked, that means I'm being snarky, I can't type snarky well, so I have to wink at people a whole lot)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
Paul Ryan wrote:

The T-Remover, from the game Leather Goddesses of Phobos, used on the untangling cream to make unangling cream, which was in turn used to restore King Midas' daughter?

Wha he heck are you wo alking abou?

Heh. No T's in there eh?

Leather Goddesses of Phobos was one of the old Infocom text based adventure games. It was aimed at mature audiences, due to mature themes and potential sexual references, depending on which of three settings you set the game's own internal maturity levels to. It was amazingly funny - starting from the very beginning, where the player had to choose their gender by which bathroom they used (and losing the game if they didn't pick one before 'losing control') through assorted humorous and zany puzzles such as how to kiss the really ugly toad (involving a clothespeg on the nose and wearing martian lip balm with your eyes closed), the mad scientist with the personality transfer machine, right through to the end, where the amazing machine designed to defeat the evil Leather Goddesses and prevent their invasion of Earth does the job by spitting out a well timed banana peel, which makes one of their robots slip over and creates a domino effect which destroys their entire force as they continue to trip over and crash into each other. Lots of fun if you can find it.

There was also a graphically based sequel, which was rather pathetic in comparison.

Page 6 here we come.

Kruelaid wrote:
Page 6 here we come.

Page 6? Am that not where people from country with bad teeth put up pictures of half naked women for men not to look at? Me visit country with bad teeth often, so me am not knowing.

BizarroPaizoFanNumber1 wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Page 6 here we come.
Page 6? Am that not where people from country with bad teeth put up pictures of half naked women for men not to look at? Me visit country with bad teeth often, so me am not knowing.

actually that's page 2-page 6 is for dwarven porn

Vicious One wrote:
BizarroPaizoFanNumber1 wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Page 6 here we come.
Page 6? Am that not where people from country with bad teeth put up pictures of half naked women for men not to look at? Me visit country with bad teeth often, so me am not knowing.
actually that's page 2-page 6 is for dwarven porn

Hm . . . Bizarro not strangely intrigued.

Vicious One wrote:

actually that's page 2-page 6 is for dwarven porn

"It's only the dwarves that get to go swimmin' with little hairy women"

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Kruelaid wrote:
Page 6 here we come.


Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

flash_cxxi wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Page 6 here we come.

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