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So, I went to the link and chose to roll over my excess Dungeon subscriptions to Pathfinder, and it showed up on my account and now I'm a Pathfinder subscriber. Will that turn into month-by-month on its own, or do I have to select month-by-month and go through the subscription process (not a big deal- I just want to make sure it keeps coming and I get that nifty Charter Subscriber title!). This may have been answered before, but I've been reading the boards all morning and my eyes are about to melt out of my head. I need to go do something else. Thanks for your patience, Paizo-people!

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Saern wrote:
So, I went to the link and chose to roll over my excess Dungeon subscriptions to Pathfinder, and it showed up on my account and now I'm a Pathfinder subscriber. Will that turn into month-by-month on its own, or do I have to select month-by-month and go through the subscription process (not a big deal- I just want to make sure it keeps coming and I get that nifty Charter Subscriber title!). This may have been answered before, but I've been reading the boards all morning and my eyes are about to melt out of my head. I need to go do something else. Thanks for your patience, Paizo-people!

You have to turn on the month-to-month. It's basically a new purchasing decision, so you've got to confirm your credit card info and all that jazz even though nothing is charged until an issue is shipped.

Okay, so, after the initial shock of loss over Dungeon, I'm going to give Pathfinder a try, but thought I'd give my two coppers on the technicalities of the switch:

Firstly, I went to the transition page and selected to convert my remaining subscriptions into Pathfinder issues, but I unchecked the "subscribe monthly" indicator. I hit submit and tried revisiting the page to check that it held, and found that the "subscribe monthly" box was re-checked. Could I get a verification on whether I'm now marked down as a monthly subscriber to Pathfinder or not (I'd like to not be at this time).

Also, I think that a 96-page book of new adventure paths monthly could turn out wonderfully, and I'm really excited to see what becomes of it, but I wonder about a softcover, perfect-bound book. My Dungeon magazines have perfect binds too, but being reasonably thin, it's no big deal to get them to lay flat on a table or keep their page when opened. From the thickness it looks like Pathfinder will be, I wonder about the mundane ability to lay the book flat on the table (behind the screen) and have it keep its place. In other modules I've gotten of that size, I've pretty much immediately taken them to my local print shop and have them slice off the perfect binding and put on a coil binding for me. This does make them a little harder to stack on edge on a bookshelf, and eliminates the title from the spine, but I much prefer the ability to open them up to a particular page and have it keep its page open. So, my personal preference would be to sway you away from perfect binds and have Pathfinder ship with a coil bind, but in the likely case that your mind is made up, will there at least be enough of an inside margin on the pages to accommodate slicing off the bind and still have enough room to put a coil on without running into text (1.25-1.5")?

And it's not going to overlap? There have been two times where my Dungeon subscription overlapped and I got two copies of the same issue. That won't happen if I go ahead and subscribe for month by month? I'll just get one copy of each issue?

Ok, I'm traditionally more of a lurker than a poster, but the cancellation of 2 of my favorite magazines has brought me out of the, well, somewhere. My initial reaction was shock & disbelief. As one of the 25+ years-of-playing-D&D crowd, you can understand my reaction to this news.

That said. I have to agree w/ other posters that the Paizo years have been some of the all-time best for these magazines. All the more reason to be depressed that they're ending! But I want to thank you one and all for the quality and commitment you've shown to our favorite RPG, and a big special thank you to Erik Mona who relentlessly pushed for all things Greyhawk (still my favorite setting!).

I've jumped onto the Pathfinder bandwagon b/c I want to support you, not only for what you've done in the past, but for what you'll do in the future. I'm honestly a little worried about only being able to use OGL creatures/classes (?)/etc., but on the other hand, I'm very excited that the people behind the beloved Adventure Paths will be working on a new campaign world (if I can call it a world). It tortures me not to have future adventures set in the Flanaess and beyond--and oh have I prayed for campaigns set beyond the Flanaess, on Oerik or elsewhere on Oerth--but I trust the collective creative minds to create something fantastic. Early readings on the Pathfinder blog have been interesting.

I hope the readership of the 2 magazines jumps into Pathfinder, though the costs will seem prohibitive for some. I'm fortunate not to have to worry about that, but not everyone will be in that boat.

If at all possible, continue some of the comics in Pathfinder!!! Especially the ones, like Downer and Zogonia/Mt Zogon, that I don't believe are printed in other magazines (or maybe none of them are printed in other magazines, now that I think about it).

A question that maybe can't be answered in this particular forum: w/ the cancellation of the magazine rights, is there any chance that the new Pathfinder settings (and maps) could be incorporated into Oerth? Maybe place them on the other side of the globe, so Wizards doesn't get nervous about Greyhawk infringement? Could you get some kind of permission from Wizards to do this? I would hope they wouldn't see this as a threat to their intellectual properties, but maybe I'm just naive. I'm going to put these settings in an unused continent on the other side of Oerth myself, in my home campaign, but making it "official" would be that much sweeter.

Sorry for the long post. It's one of my first to the forums :)

Sovereign Court

My subscription to Dungeon ends with #150. (How convenient!) However, my Dragon subscription ends with issue #358.

I've already signed up for the month-to-month option for Pathfinder. Will I then recieve the last issue of Dragon? Do I seperately have to sign up for a Dragon magazine subscription month-to-month (for one month), or am I going to have to try to buy it at the newsstand?

(I fear that there may be a run on this issue at my flgs.)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

David Roulston wrote:

My subscription to Dungeon ends with #150. (How convenient!) However, my Dragon subscription ends with issue #358.

I've already signed up for the month-to-month option for Pathfinder. Will I then recieve the last issue of Dragon? Do I seperately have to sign up for a Dragon magazine subscription month-to-month (for one month), or am I going to have to try to buy it at the newsstand?

(I fear that there may be a run on this issue at my flgs.)

You have to add the month-to-month for Dragon separately.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Saern wrote:
And it's not going to overlap? There have been two times where my Dungeon subscription overlapped and I got two copies of the same issue. That won't happen if I go ahead and subscribe for month by month? I'll just get one copy of each issue?

It shouldn't. I asked that same set of questions and that was the response I got. You might want to ping Cosmo.

Sovereign Court

I may have missed it, but is there a simple source to find a listing of OGL monsters? Someone brought this up before me, and I'd like to make a submission without reinventing the wheel.

Man, this is just not my day today...take two (just tried to post this, and near as I can tell my words went off to never never land)

Not sure if I'm just being overly dense, but I went to the transition page with my five issues of Pathfinder worth of credit, and chose the Pathfinder option, saw the month to month box was checked, and went through the checkout procedure. Things looked good except it never mentioned anything about the credits, so I think my card was charged (not a problem just so long as I can use the credits on future issues), and my handle doesn't say charter. Not too concerned about the title or anything, I just don't think I went through the steps like I thought I was going through them. Someone wanna clue me in as to whether or not I screwed up?

Paizo Employee CEO

BenS wrote:
A question that maybe can't be answered in this particular forum: w/ the cancellation of the magazine rights, is there any chance that the new Pathfinder settings (and maps) could be...

Hi Ben:

Thanks for the praise! I personally can feel your pain in regards to Greyhawk. I have been DMing in that campaign exclusively since 1981. I was the Greyhawk Brand Manager at WotC from 1997 to 1999 and I was part of the group that came up with the idea for Living Greyhawk. Of course, I don't need to tell you where the loyalties of Erik Mona, James Jacobs, and Jason Bulmahn are. They have all be Greyhawk loyalists to the nth degree. Trust me when I say that if we could find a way to set Pathfinder in Greyhawk, we would have.

That said, Greyhawk is owned by WotC and we don't have any rights to publish in it. So I am afraid that it is not on the table for Pathfinder. So instead of crying over our favorite campaign setting, we've gone out and created a new one that we will use as the backdrop to all of our adventures, including Pathfinder. This new campaign is assuredly one that tips it's hat to Greyhawk in its feeling. How could it not considering the folks who are creating it? But it isn't set on Oerth and won't use any of the names you associate with Greyhawk.

Personally, I am pretty pumped about what I have seen about the new campaign setting. Enough so that I will most likely set my Pathfinder campaign in our new world once I finish with Shackled City. I will do this because this new campaign setting is one that would do Gary Gygax proud. And that is something that excites me.


Sovereign Court

Ross Byers wrote:
David Roulston wrote:

My subscription to Dungeon ends with #150. (How convenient!) However, my Dragon subscription ends with issue #358.

I've already signed up for the month-to-month option for Pathfinder. Will I then recieve the last issue of Dragon? Do I seperately have to sign up for a Dragon magazine subscription month-to-month (for one month), or am I going to have to try to buy it at the newsstand?

(I fear that there may be a run on this issue at my flgs.)

You have to add the month-to-month for Dragon separately.

You're sure, are you Ross? I suppose that makes sense. I was hoping for some sort of official response, to tell me that a month-to-month for the last month was even possible, but I'm sure the Paizo folk are all pretty busy right now. Still...

Lisa Stevens wrote:
BenS wrote:
A question that maybe can't be answered in this particular forum: w/ the cancellation of the magazine rights, is there any chance that the new Pathfinder settings (and maps) could be...

Hi Ben:

Thanks for the praise! I personally can feel your pain in regards to Greyhawk. I have been DMing in that campaign exclusively since 1981. I was the Greyhawk Brand Manager at WotC from 1997 to 1999 and I was part of the group that came up with the idea for Living Greyhawk. Of course, I don't need to tell you where the loyalties of Erik Mona, James Jacobs, and Jason Bulmahn are. They have all be Greyhawk loyalists to the nth degree. Trust me when I say that if we could find a way to set Pathfinder in Greyhawk, we would have.

That said, Greyhawk is owned by WotC and we don't have any rights to publish in it. So I am afraid that it is not on the table for Pathfinder. So instead of crying over our favorite campaign setting, we've gone out and created a new one that we will use as the backdrop to all of our adventures, including Pathfinder. This new campaign is assuredly one that tips it's hat to Greyhawk in its feeling. How could it not considering the folks who are creating it? But it isn't set on Oerth and won't use any of the names you associate with Greyhawk.

Personally, I am pretty pumped about what I have seen about the new campaign setting. Enough so that I will most likely set my Pathfinder campaign in our new world once I finish with Shackled City. I will do this because this new campaign setting is one that would do Gary Gygax proud. And that is something that excites me.


Lisa, thanks for the hands-on response. We obviously started gaming around the same time. I'm excited about Pathfinder, to be sure, but I'm trying to have my cake and eat it too :)

I think it's clear in your mind and reply, but do you mean that WOTC owns the entire world of Oerth, and not just the Flanaess region of Oerik (what most refer to as "Greyhawk")? If that's the case, I guess there is no hope currently. I guess I can only hope then that Erik et al. have some success wooing GH away from WOTC.

Sorry to quote you in full, I'm not that adept at replying to a post w/ quotes...


BenS wrote: you mean that WOTC owns the entire world of Oerth, and not just the Flanaess region of Oerik...?

Yup. Oerth has left the building.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

David Roulston wrote:

You're sure, are you Ross?

As sure as I can be, but I don't work for Paizo. But they certainly didn't ask if they could bill you for the last month of Dragon, and there's no reason to expect they'd convert Dungeon issues to Dragon issues (you may, for some crazy reason, have wanted your subscription to expire exactly one year from when you started it.)

However, if you want to be absolutely sure, you might try e-mailing the customer service address for Paizo. You should get a swift response.

Sovereign Court

Ross Byers wrote:
David Roulston wrote:

You're sure, are you Ross?

As sure as I can be, but I don't work for Paizo. But they certainly didn't ask if they could bill you for the last month of Dragon, and there's no reason to expect they'd convert Dungeon issues to Dragon issues (you may, for some crazy reason, have wanted your subscription to expire exactly one year from when you started it.)

However, if you want to be absolutely sure, you might try e-mailing the customer service address for Paizo. You should get a swift response.

Yes, I should. Thanks for the input.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

David Roulston wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
David Roulston wrote:

You're sure, are you Ross?

As sure as I can be, but I don't work for Paizo. But they certainly didn't ask if they could bill you for the last month of Dragon, and there's no reason to expect they'd convert Dungeon issues to Dragon issues (you may, for some crazy reason, have wanted your subscription to expire exactly one year from when you started it.)

However, if you want to be absolutely sure, you might try e-mailing the customer service address for Paizo. You should get a swift response.

Yes, I should. Thanks for the input.

Sorry for the delayed response (busy, busy!), but the answer to your initial question (whether or not you can get a month-to-month Dragon subscription to just get the final issue after your current sub runs out) is YES. Since your subscription expires with issue 358, you'll need to get a month-to-month subscription to get the final issue, or pick it up off the rack at your FLGS.


For some weird reason I learned of Pathfinder before I knew WOTC cancelled Dungeon & I went ahead and ordered Issue #1 & the Player's Guide. I want to convert my remaining Dungeon issues to Pathfinder but I don't need two Issue #1's. Can I get Pathfinder #1 & The Player's Guide as ordered and use the converted Dungeon issues for subsequent Pathfinder issues? I don't need a refund I just want the most Pathfinder for my current investment. I'm really looking forward to it. Paizo has done wonders with Dungeon. I see this a great new opportunity.


All right, I've rolled over my subscription and signed up for month to month. Why am I not labeled as a Charter Subscriber? Is there just a delay in the website?

Paizo Employee Director of Sales


I have cancelled your order for the Pathfinder: Rise of the Runelords: Chapter 1 and the Rise of the Runelords Players guide, as you will be getting these as a part of your subscription.


There ya go!

Your Pathfinder subscription was not automatically associated with this profile due to the fact that the name to which we are addressing the subscription (which appears on the top line of your shipping address) is not the same as the name on your Paizo profile (which appears at the very top of this page - "Welcome ...!"). I have associated the sub and you should be all set now.



A question:

Some of us have queries/finished articles that were sent in to you guys. What is the status of those now? If we had something waiting for clearance, shoudl we assume its gone? Or is it going to slip into some of the last issues? Roll over to Pathfinder?

Can we contribute to Pathfinder?

I'm a few issues shy of finishing out Dragon but have more than that over the end date of Dungeon. Like the others could it be set up so I finish out both?

Paizo Employee Director of Sales


With regards to the status of submissions, both Pathfinder and otherwise, the answer in the above FAQ is still true:

The FAQ wrote:
Wizards of the Coast has told us that they're currently evaluating how best to handle pending queries and submissions. We will make an announcement on each magazine's messageboard when we know more.

Other Submissions threads also contain information.


You are all set.


I'm still bummed about the news guys but I have a question.

I have 5 issues of Dragon left and my Dungeon has run out. Can I flip those into receiving the last Dungeons or do I have to wait until October? I'd like to enjoy them as they come out if possible.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Anthony Cloutier wrote:

I'm still bummed about the news guys but I have a question.

I have 5 issues of Dragon left and my Dungeon has run out. Can I flip those into receiving the last Dungeons or do I have to wait until October? I'd like to enjoy them as they come out if possible.


As it appears that your Dungeon subscription expired with the January issue, you will not have enough left over Dragon issues to bring your Dungeon subscription up to date. To get the remaining Dungeon issues as they come out, you will need to set up a Dungeon Month-to-Month subscription. And to pick up the issues you've missed, you'll have to either pick them up as back issues directly or choose to convert the remainder of your Dragon issues to back issues from your My Subscriptions" page.


Looks like I'm 1 issue shy on my Dragon side - would like to get 1 issue of Dungeon moved over.



Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Tim Stellburg wrote:

Looks like I'm 1 issue shy on my Dragon side - would like to get 1 issue of Dungeon moved over.



You're all set!

Don't forget to swing by your My Subscriptions page and explore your transition options.


I'm 1 or 2 issues short on Dungeon. Can I please have the issues removed from my Dragon account and added to my Dungeon?

Thank you.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Chuck Yelton wrote:


I'm 1 or 2 issues short on Dungeon. Can I please have the issues removed from my Dragon account and added to my Dungeon?

Thank you.


I have sent you an email about this.


This is a question to whomsoever is in charge of the boards and site content.

Will the Dungeon and Dragon Message boards and Web enhancements section (ie especially errata) remain on this site after publication has ceased?

* Apologies if this is the wrong place, I signed up purely to ask this question having lurked this site for many moons, and not wanting to see the stash of info disappear.

I see many people with the title of 'Pathfinder charter subscriber', yet I've already signed up to roll over my remaining Dragons and Dungeons to Pathfinder, but have only the title of 'Pathfinder subscriber'. I'm confused on what's required to gain the charter title, and what comes with that.

I clicked on a link provided by Vic Wertz, where he stated that to become charter level and receive a free Runelords booklet, you had to subscribe to month-to-month. I thought I already was. I clicked the link anyway, and it took me to a place where I can click to add the first 7 pathfinder issues and the month-to-month, but the MTM link didn't go anywhere. If I already am subscribed, which I know I am because of the rollover, why don't I have charter level subscribre in my title? *Confused*

Paizo Employee Director of Sales


While we are constantly tweaking and improving our messageboards, no content will be leaving the site. Therefore, you may see the Dungeon and Dragon 'boards get moved around, they will not be leaving. The same is true for the web enhancements.


You get the "Subscriber" tag when you roll your remaining issues over into volumes of Pathfinder. You have already done this.

To get the "Charter Subscriber" tag, you need to go a step further and sign up for the month-to-month subscription. To do this, you will need to go to the Pathfinder Subscription page and click on the "Add Month-to-Month" link. Then click on the "View Cart" link and go through the check-out process. You'll be all set up.


Thanks Cosmo! I should have known that. *smacks forehead*

I have 7 issues of Pathfinder coming from the rollover. I was thinking of testing those issues out first before subscribing fully. With Dragon, I'd usually let it run down to about 3 issues left before resubscribing. Would that time frame work for Pathfinder without breaking the subscription chain? Thanks.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Varl wrote:

Thanks Cosmo! I should have known that. *smacks forehead*

I have 7 issues of Pathfinder coming from the rollover. I was thinking of testing those issues out first before subscribing fully. With Dragon, I'd usually let it run down to about 3 issues left before resubscribing. Would that time frame work for Pathfinder without breaking the subscription chain? Thanks.

Because we'll be generating subscriber lists only a day or two before Pathfinder ships (as opposed to the two weeks our printer needed for Dragon and Dungeon subscriber lists), you'll just need to get your subscription in a few days before issue 8 ships.

Keep in mind that since we don't actually charge your card until we ship an issue, it doesn't cost you a thing to sign up for that subscription now, and you'll get the "Charter Subscriber" tag and the free Player's Guide, and you won't have to worry about it later. But if you wait until after the first issue ships, you don't get those "Charter" perks.

Thanks very much for clearing that up Cosmo. Keep up the good work at Paizo guys!

as a man who understands the hunger pangs of being a cartoonist. I was woundering if pathfinder will continue to run some of my favorite parts of Dragon. nodwick,zygonia, order of the Stick and of course phill. becuase lets face it reading about the stats of new monsters is great but sometimes you need a comic break.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

sweethero wrote:

as a man who understands the hunger pangs of being a cartoonist. I was woundering if pathfinder will continue to run some of my favorite parts of Dragon. nodwick,zygonia, order of the Stick and of course phill. becuase lets face it reading about the stats of new monsters is great but sometimes you need a comic break.

We're not planning to have any comics in Pathfinder.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Vic Wertz wrote:
sweethero wrote:

as a man who understands the hunger pangs of being a cartoonist. I was woundering if pathfinder will continue to run some of my favorite parts of Dragon. nodwick,zygonia, order of the Stick and of course phill. becuase lets face it reading about the stats of new monsters is great but sometimes you need a comic break.

We're not planning to have any comics in Pathfinder.

They are offerring a special deal though; if you subscribe to Pathfinder you get to read a new OotS comic for free three days a week at

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Rambling Scribe wrote:
They are offerring a special deal though; if you subscribe to Pathfinder you get to read a new OotS comic for free three days a week at

In fact, Rich Burlew is generously making three Order of the Stick comics a week available to anyone, subscriber or not! But the url you're looking for is

Liberty's Edge

Will the pdf editions of back issues be available after the print magazines are gone?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Timespike wrote:
Will the pdf editions of back issues be available after the print magazines are gone?

Our license doesn't require us to stop selling the PDFs.

I thought I selected the right option but I wasn't quite sure. I just wanted to check and see if I was a Charter Subscriber and that I was going to be getting the Player's Guide to Rise of the Runelords.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

No time to play wrote:
I thought I selected the right option but I wasn't quite sure. I just wanted to check and see if I was a Charter Subscriber and that I was going to be getting the Player's Guide to Rise of the Runelords.

According to our system (and that tag next to your name), you're all set!


Dark Archive RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Hey, how am I not a "Charter" subscriber?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

James Thomas wrote:
Hey, how am I not a "Charter" subscriber?

Converting remaining issues of Dungeon or Dragon to Pathfinder makes you a subscriber, but to be a Charter Subscriber, you need to sign up for an ongoing subscription.

I have(had?) a subscription to both Dungeon and Dragon magazines and want to convert them into a Pathfinder subscription. Do I need to do two different transactions or is the whole thing taken care of at once? Will I receive double issues of Pathfinder or just one(much preferred, why would I NEED two copies per issue?)?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Mark Kiser wrote:
I have(had?) a subscription to both Dungeon and Dragon magazines and want to convert them into a Pathfinder subscription. Do I need to do two different transactions or is the whole thing taken care of at once? Will I receive double issues of Pathfinder or just one(much preferred, why would I NEED two copies per issue?)?

It's all taken care of in one choice, and we won't send you multiple copies.

Hi, just paid for an ongoing subscription, and it says that it begins with issue 4. My transition option only paid for 1 and 2. Am I set up properly to get issue 3.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

King in Yellow wrote:
Hi, just paid for an ongoing subscription, and it says that it begins with issue 4. My transition option only paid for 1 and 2. Am I set up properly to get issue 3.

it looks like there was some little mix up with your subscription. It was nothing that would have prevented you from getting any volumes, but it was messing up the interface. It should display properly for you now.


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