MidnightLightning's page
Organized Play Member. 16 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist.
What are the rules behind Viorian's full attack iteration? +28/+25/+20/+15 is a 2/5/5/5 progression, rather than all fives.
Her heavy steel shield counts as a "one-handed weapon" for doing a shield bash with it, so with the Two-Weapon Fighting feat that means -4 to attack for both hands' attacks.
So, I get an attack of: 18 (BAB), +8 (Str), +5 (Chellan enhancement), +1 (Weapon Focus), +1 (Greater Weapon Focus), -4 (two-weapon fighting), -1 (Large size) = 28. And a damage roll of 2d6 (as large scimitar), +8 (Str), +5 (Chellan enhancement), +2 (Weapon Specialization), +2 (Greater Weapon Specialization) = 2d6+17.
So, I believe her full attack should be: Chellan +28/+23/+18/+13 (2d6+17/15-20) and shield bash +21 (1d56+4). The standard attack is correct (with 10 point Power Attack).

Copy/paste fail that had me confused for a bit: The "Wardens of Thunder" and "Wardens of Wind" abbreviated stat blocks on page 56 mention "see page 120" and "see page 125" for their full stat blocks. Unless your issue of "Spires of Xin Shalast" has magically expanded, it only has 100 pages, so pages 120 and 125 don't exist.
Looking backward through the module, Wardens of Wind and Thunder are first listed back on page 48, where their abbreviated stat blocks correctly list "MM 120" and "MM 125" as the sources of the stat blocks. "Wardens of Runes" have abbreviated stat blocks that indicate to "see page 86" (the bestiary of the module), and I'm guessing for the page 56 hiccup, someone copied and pasted a "Warden of Runes" abbreviated block, and modified it into a Warden of Thunder/Wind block, but didn't change the "see page X" into "MM X", only changing the "X" from 86 to 120/125.
TL;DR: "Wardens of Thunder" are stock Storm Giants, "Wardens of Wind" are stock Cloud Giants; the abbreviated stat blocks on page 56 should read "MM 120" and "MM 125" rather than "see page 120" and "see page 125".
sozin wrote: You're dealing with a map that already has grids drawn on it, and are DMing either online or HDMI'd onto a big TV. The pre-drawn grid is irregularly shaped, and so attempts to impose a digital VTT grid on top of the map fail, and thus some of the main benefits of the VTT - like using tokens, or area of effects - become almost unusable.
Any clever solutions around this problem?
Photoshop works for me if the grid is just not a perfect pixel-width in size (I've found a few maps with 37.6 pixels/grid in the Pathfinder PDFs). But for varying sizes or scales of map, I actually create two maps in MapTools using the same background image (like for Fort Rannick, where the given map has a different scale for the "outdoor" quadrant) and use the Fog of War feature in MapTools to block out the other area.
Mokmurian's tactics include spider climb, but that's not in his list of prepared spells, so one of his second level spells would have to be swapped out if you want to keep that tactic. Also, some of his "cast before combat" spells do have the "(already cast)" flag, but some do not. Unless he used his robe of runes to recall those spells (unlikely; would be better for attack spells), he's missing a few more spells to truly have the stat block be reflecting those spells already cast.
So, will the PDF versions continue to be available after the print editions are gone?

Some questions about the Scribbler:
I don't have Green Ronin's Book of Fiends, which is where I'm guessing the thaumaturge of Lamashtu class comes from, since it doesn't match the 5 level prestige class from the DMG. So, I'm confused on whether the Scribbler is a spontaneous caster (like a Sorcerer) or a prepared caster (like a Cleric), since the stat block lists "Spells Known" (like a sorcerer), but then goes on to list spells with the extend and quicken metamagic feats already built in (like a Cleric). It also mentions that previously the Scribbler had cast planar ally and ended up with a glabrezu. Planar ally is not listed among his "Spells Known", so I'm guessing it should read "Thaumaturge spells prepared" instead of "Spells Known", and planar ally is among the spells a thaumaturge can divinely prepare.
As a side question on the planar ally spell with regard to the glabrezu, the text mentions that he's in service for "several more days", so he fights to the death. Taking the definition of the spell, this seems to be "long-term service", meaning the glabrezu is in service for one day per caster level. Since the Scribbler cast that spell, that would be 12 days, and 12,000 gp (though the glabrazu might have waived the fee if it was allied with Lamashtu). But the spell clearly says that those allies killed in the line of duty stay dead, as opposed to a summoned creature, so why would the glabrazu fight to the death? I'd make the DM call that this glabrazu is so devoted to the cause of Lamashtu that he's waiving the fee for his services and is willing to give his life for the cause, but the text of the module seems to imply he's there against his will. The 12 days of service is about in line with the timeline of the sinkhole appearing and the Scribbler first casting that spell.
One more question about the denizens of that shrine: The "Hounds of Lamashtu" elite shadow mastiffs are explained as "the Scribbler has called into this world to guard the shrine". In what manner? If it was more planar ally spells, are they on a time limit as well? It's not via his own summon monster spells (those creatures are described as normal shadow mastiffs, and disappear rounds after arriving) that they arrived. Did Lamashtu just send them down to him, the same as she sent the Yeth hounds to Nualia back in the first module?

I'm wondering, now that the thread is many pages long, and I'm not sure where the latest "summary" post is, whether a forum like this is the best medium for these (especially since the original poster can't go back and edit their own original post to be a constantly-current listing). I'm thinking a Wiki format might be a better layout, if people are willing. I know the Pathfinder Wikia wiki is focused strictly on canon sources, though there are are other Wikia wikis that might be compatible. The goal of the d20 Adventure wiki seems in line with community-based worldbuilding (it's rather stagnant now, but I'm sure this community would give it the boost it needs). The wiki I help administrate over there (d20 NPCs) is more focused on stat blocks than maps, so that wouldn't be the best fit. But the benefit of joining in the Wikia family is that there's automatic interwiki links to all the other Wikia wikis, so community-made maps could link to the Pathfinder Wikia wiki information to give the canon information about it, and any conversions of the NPCs to another ruleset (PFRPG or others) could be put on the d20 NPCs wiki.
What do you think?
Wolfthulhu wrote: Haven't been able to access my PFS character page this evening. My regular alias pages are fine, but I was wanting to double check the factions of some new characters I made and registered last night. I keep getting a "You have made too many requests for the same page too quickly. Please wait a minute before trying again." message. I found all references to "https://secure.paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/myAccount" are failing out with the "too many requests" error this morning as well (confirmed for Firefox on OSX, if that matters).
The stat block for the Skinsaw Man has a slight error; the text for the Ghoul Fever ability indicates it's delivered by a bite, but the melee attack line has the claws delivering both the paralysis and ghoul fever (with bite just delivering paralysis). I believe the ability text is correct, and the melee attack line should be updated.

James Jacobs wrote: ShadowPavement wrote: So what happens with Iesha's Revenant if the PC's set her free and she's able to hunt down Aldern?
I figure that she ends up clearing the path as it were allowing the PC's to by-pass any haunts and encounters on the way if they follow her straight down. But, she'll be so fatigued by the ordeal that Aldern wil be able to strike her down when she enters so that the PC's still have their big fight waiting for them.
...you can just assume that Aldern defeats her but is reduced to half hit points or something like that.
The point with the encounter is that Aldern's tough, and if the PCs release Iesha, she'll soften him up a little for them, making that fight a little easer. I did some calculating for this eventuality and came to the conclusion that a Revenant (Iesha) could easily dispose of Aldern in about three rounds:
Aldern's major benefits are his paralysis, stench, and disease. None of which affect a Revenant since it's undead. Because the Revenant would get haste upon seeing him, only Aldern's war razor has a decent chance of hitting, and would bypass DR, but even then, the Revenant's fast healing would negate most of that damage. Meanwhile the Revenant has three claw attacks that would likely all hit and deal damage, enough to take down Aldern in 3-4 rounds.
I looked at some campaign threads where other groups ran this situation, and found some DM's let Iesha destroy Aldern, which leaves only Vorel's remains as the ending of the campaign, or have Aldern use his Mask to take the appearance of Iesha (meaning he can't use it again on the obsessed PC that day), which would trigger the Revenant's self-loathing, and would just cower while Aldern butchered her (which technically isn't following the self-loathing rules, since as soon as he attacks he while she's cowering, she should be able to snap out of it and rage against the thing that caused her to cower, which was him).
The other solution I found is that while traversing the Vent area, the Revenant has a decent chance to slip and fall down the slippery slope into the water below. Now, an undead can't drown, and a Revenant has a decent strength score, so has a decent swim check, so could pull themselves out eventually, but given a little behind-the-screen stalling, the PCs could get in front of Iesha while she's still climbing out (or if they've lost sight of her, her tracks disappear off the edge of the vent, and the PCs either assume she meant to do that and the source of her rage is underwater and the PCs give up and continue searching above the water), and find Aldern themselves.
I found my own answer with a more specific search; this thread verifies that yes, there are no Online Supplements forthcoming from Paizo for Dungeon 148, 149, and 150. So... has anyone gone through and made nice scans of the maps from the Automatic Hound and removed the map labels?
I was revisiting the 'Resources' area for Dungeon magazine, looking for the Online Supplement for Dungeon #148, and found that curiously, there are no Online Supplements for Dungeon #148, #149, nor #150 listed. Did those magazines just not get Supplements made for them? I'd like to get access to maps/portraits from that issue, for digital tabletop gaming, and the quality of the Online Supplements is better than what I could pull of scanning the magazine itself in. Did the issues with Wizards discontinuing that magazine halt the Online Supplements?

Okay, so, after the initial shock of loss over Dungeon, I'm going to give Pathfinder a try, but thought I'd give my two coppers on the technicalities of the switch:
Firstly, I went to the transition page and selected to convert my remaining subscriptions into Pathfinder issues, but I unchecked the "subscribe monthly" indicator. I hit submit and tried revisiting the page to check that it held, and found that the "subscribe monthly" box was re-checked. Could I get a verification on whether I'm now marked down as a monthly subscriber to Pathfinder or not (I'd like to not be at this time).
Also, I think that a 96-page book of new adventure paths monthly could turn out wonderfully, and I'm really excited to see what becomes of it, but I wonder about a softcover, perfect-bound book. My Dungeon magazines have perfect binds too, but being reasonably thin, it's no big deal to get them to lay flat on a table or keep their page when opened. From the thickness it looks like Pathfinder will be, I wonder about the mundane ability to lay the book flat on the table (behind the screen) and have it keep its place. In other modules I've gotten of that size, I've pretty much immediately taken them to my local print shop and have them slice off the perfect binding and put on a coil binding for me. This does make them a little harder to stack on edge on a bookshelf, and eliminates the title from the spine, but I much prefer the ability to open them up to a particular page and have it keep its page open. So, my personal preference would be to sway you away from perfect binds and have Pathfinder ship with a coil bind, but in the likely case that your mind is made up, will there at least be enough of an inside margin on the pages to accommodate slicing off the bind and still have enough room to put a coil on without running into text (1.25-1.5")?

Well, this thread seems to be growing quite well! I too started organizing NPCs from Savage Tide for organizational purposes of my own, but rather than using RTF/PDF, I started on the d20NPCS Wiki at Wikia. That lead to this index for the adventure path, but after a brief eMail exchange with James (in which he pretty much said the same thing he said at the beginning of this thread), brought that to a screeching halt.
At least on the public website. I have MediaWiki (the Wiki engine) installed on my laptop which I use to DM with, so I moved that project to my personal space and continued it. I prefer the Wiki engine, as it allows more indexing and allows one click JavaScript dice rolling of any attribute (take a look at this sample for an example; any of the green boxes you can click to automatically roll the dice. I find that very useful in avoiding players metagaming the "oh, the DM is rolling dice, trouble must be ahead; be on guard!" factor).
So, Mando, I too would like to see what format/style you've been using (so please add boydb (att) midnightdesignhq (dott) com to your list of friends), and if anyone else would like, MediaWiki as an engine has a nice Export ability, so I'd be willing to share extracts of my work as well (I just completed all NPCs for There Is No Honor), if you have a MediaWiki engine of your own you'd like to import it into (if you don't have it yet but would like to, head to this website to get it).
Thanks for clearing up that CR question, James, but what about all the other errata brought up? Will Paizo confirm or deny errata such as these for past publications, and if so, will there be any erratas published for each adventure (or the adventure path as a whole)?

Vic Wertz wrote: Here's my advice: forget, for a moment, about colors and URLs and such, and think only about the new clue for a while. Mousing over exactly one stone causes the Titanic T to appear. What does that mean for that stone? What does that mean for other stones? My thought is that the location of the T logo simply shows where the sequence starts. As someone else pointed out, the goal is eventually to arrive at a url ("http://titanic-games.com/???????"). That URL starts with "Titanic Games", so it makes sense to me that this clue indicates that the sequence is to be read counterclockwise, starting with the T, and since the T stone doesn't light up with a color, it's not part of the seven ?'s.
Now I'm off to think a while about the various moderators have said about the answer not being dependant on what the colors are named (as the colors in spanish, french or others would start with different letters). Perhaps the clue is in the gaps between the colors? But I've tried "http://titanic-games.com/1431243" (counts between the stones going counter-clockwise from the T) and "http://titanic-games.com/0320132" (actual number of stones between colors, going counter-clockwise from the T) with no luck. Any other thoughts?