Cernunos's page
Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 178 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.
We've been using a tactic like this in our game for some time. This is how we applied the rules:
1) There is precedence for what happens to projectiles that change size and that is from the Enlarge Person Spell. Basically it states that a projectile does damage equal to it's size when fired. The telekinesis spell will let you do 1d6 damage per 25lbs of hard object or the base damage of a weapon; so, we have to begin with an object at least 25lbs or a weapon to have any effect. After it is fired we follow the Enlarge rule so no matter what you do to it in transport it will only do as much damage as its potential at the time of launch.
2) A spell caster can hurl up to 25lbs of material per level; so, if the caster in our game was 10th level she would requisition a 250lb ball max. Material did matter because of damage reduction so we had people saving up to buy cold iron and silver balls. No one has yet been able to afford adamantium.
3) Using permanency with a shrink item spell will let you carry the things around and grow or shrink them as needed.
4) A daily application of greater magic weapon will improve the spell caster's hit and damage potential so that was often applied.
5) Putting the plan into play - this tactic was usually saved for the time when the caster faced a foe that was immune to magic or had a high SR. The caster would throw the cloth form of the ball (shrink item spell) to the ground and enlarge it as a free action and use telekinesis as her standard action to fire the thing. Using our 10th level caster example above the player has a weapon with a 10d6 damage potential, no save or spell resistance allowed but it does require a successful attack roll. Casters can use their Intelligence or Charisma bonuses instead of dexterity on the attack role and we allowed any enhancement bonuses from spells like Greater Magic Weapon.
So, while our rules certainly don't give the players the munchkin potential under discussion in this thread it did put the spell caster back in the game when up against those pesky golems and outsiders with high SR; plus, we ruled the weapon was reusable (dented maybe but reusable) so long as the caster had telekinesis spells available (telekinesis scrolls are very popular).
Of note, big metal spheres reduced by magic are only one way to go with this. The telekinesis spell also lets the caster hurl one projectile per level so a simple bag of sling stones could also provide 10d4 damage potential while remaining significantly less expensive. Imagine a Greater Magic Weapon spell applied to those same sling stones by our 10th level caster; at +2 damage per stone we're now looking at 10d4+20 damage potential with no save or spell resistance so long as it hits. Also, cold iron, silver & adamantium sling stones are a lot more affordable than a 250lb ball of the same so these items are more available for overcoming damage reduction.
Anyway, if the player wants to argue about it throw a handfull of demons at the party (90% of them have telekinesis usable at will) and then ask them which rules interpretation they want to go with.
Zark wrote:
Balance: "While you are using Acrobatics in this way, you are considered flat-footed and lose your Dexterity bonus to your AC (if any)."
Does those who have uncanny dodge also lose their dex bonus?
An additional observation/question on the Acrobatics skill: in the 3.5 rules characters with 5 or more ranks in balance (or Acrobatics in this case I guess) did not lose thier AC bonus while balancing. This was a good terrain tactic for Rogues, Bards & the like to gain an upperhand in melee. Is this being eliminated in PFRPG? I noticed that the "Ledge Walker" Rogue Talent allows the character to move at thier max move "with no penalties". Can this be construed as suffering "no loss to AC" while balancing (this will certainly become a point of debate between the players and DM of my game group)?
So long as Paizo keeps telling stories the way they do it doesn't really matter what rules system they use because people like me will buy it. I purchased the 4e rules; I even like them quite a bit - but somehow the adventure products just come out bland. I'm not feeling very articulate today so I can't offer a good reason; maybe it's the format, maybe it's the content, maybe it's the setting... I don't know. What I do know is the Pathfinder Adventure Paths are interesting, intricate, full of great characters and background; it leaves an impression on the mind like a good book. I'm not getting that from Wizards right now. So, did they make a mistake? Not in my book. They kept doing what they were good at which is telling great stories. If 3.5 or PFRPG facilitates that process it must be the right choice.
doppelganger wrote: Cernunos is referring to the Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting which is located on the world of Golarion and full of good stuff for almost any fantasy RPG ruleset. Correct - sorry for the confusion. I'm just trying to find a way of importing the first three WotC adventures (Keep on the Shadowfell, etc...) which are placed in an isolated setting called Nentir Vale, into the Pathfinder (world of Golarion) Setting. The WotC stuff is 4E but I'm worried less about the game system than I am about fitting content into the Pathfinder Setting. I probably won't use it otherwise...
Is this post treading on taboo PF RPG territory or just plain uninteresting? It's OK I can take it....
Game systems aside, one thing I am absolutely certain about is that Golarion will be my Campaign Setting. My challenge now is adapting any material I want use from 4E to the Golarion Setting. So, if anyone else went this route where would you place Nentir Vale? It is a northern land of a once mighty empire now in decline.
I was thinking of placing it in the southeastern corner of the Land of Linorm Kings just north of Varisia and southwest of Irresen. The geography seems about right but the "Empire in Decline" is a bit of stretch (unless you time travel to the period following the decline of Thassilon but you'd have to deal with the Age of Darkness thing too).
My other choice was Ustalav. Geographically it could be placed in the vale east of Gallowspire and the politics even works.
I look forward to any thoughts, opinions, input or otherwise.
Jal Dorak wrote: What about pork then? That goes good with sauce too.
For those of you in the Burlington area (Ontario, Canada), August 29th to September 1st:
Burlington Ribfest!
Guelph's is in and around now too.
Re: the god thing - I'm an atheist but if there were a god she/he would have seen the whole BBQ sauce thing coming and probably put out the cows and pigs. Hey! Maybe that's what happened to the unicorns...
I guess I'm a read'a'holic. I don't even really have time to read (busy job and two kids) so I always bring my reading material with me and read in the "between" moments (i.e. on the bus, in a waiting room, at lunch, before bed at the expense of sleep and other places we all read but don't need to mention). I almost hate to admit that I feel a bit embarrassed about displaying game material in public but I do. I have taken to disguising my Pathfinder Issue with covers from other periodicals so I can continue to read it in public places.
Using these little tricks I can go through a Pathfinder Issue in about a week and I usually read it in detail cover to cover. Then I'm in need of something else. A novel usually occupies me till the next Pathfinder comes out. August is looking to be a full month of D&D goodness. Yeah! Now if I could only find time to actually play the game...
There's a door on the second floor from the battlements. At least... there should be... Cool thanks!
I recently finished reading through a few 4E adventures (Shadowfell and some of the new Dungeon stuff) and was ready to take a break from game reading for a while. I felt like I was reading through technical manuals - the encounter descriptions felt very much like I was reading through strategies for a chess game. Interesting technically, and probably fun to "play", but a little bit of a yawner as a good read. None the less I took a look at Skeletons of Scarwall and I have to say my interest in game reading has been rekindled (minor mapping hiccups aside). It may not be everybody's cup of tea but all the history, character background, brooding ambiance and the like is really the stuff that keeps me coming back to Paizo. For a relatively simple story (i.e. go to haunted castle and retrieve magic sword) this has certainly surpassed expectations. Thanks Greg!
How do you get into the War Tower? I've looked and looked but it seems the only entrance is from the roof. Is that right? How did General Gorstav get in and out if the only access is from the roof? Maybe I'm blind and just can't find the entrance. LMK.
One of the coolest tactics I ever saw used for a Rogue took advantage of terrain by forcing an enemy into combat on a slippery surface forcing them to make Balance checks. Anyone without 5 Ranks in the skill Balance is considered flatfooted while balancing and they lose thier Dex bonus to AC. Enter the Rogue - with 5 ranks of balance the rogue is just fine and every attack is a sneak attack. Under the new Acrobatics skill this doesn't seem to be possible. Is this deliberate or is there a way to enable this cool Rogue Tactic in the Pathfinder RPG?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Herald wrote: It's mostly a Q&A.
What is your name.
What is your Favorite color.
What is the appoximate speed of a swallow.
(The last one is kind of tricky.)
Is that an Azlanti or Garundi swallow?
PARANOIA POST! Great, now I feel paranoid & silly ;-) I have to laugh, my expectation of receiving a Paizo products turns me into something akin to a five year old on X-Mas eve.
...but seriously, this thread is specifically people who had a combined Pathfinder #9 and Gazetteer subscription shipment. If your Gazetteer still has not arrived by the end of next week, please let me know by starting a new thread (so it doesn't get buried in this thread). That’s cool, thanks!
I haven't received the Gazetteer either but it seems this is a problem associated with combined orders. My Gazetteer order is #578774 and the PF#9 order is #931019 (haven't received that yet either). Maybe mine is just taking a long time to get here (which is par for the course in Canada). I don't want to miss the boat on replacements but if this is just a slow shipment I should probably wait another week before I get too worried. If PF#9 comes in without the Gazetteer I'll post again (just call this my paranoia post).
You know that funny noise the coyote makes on Looney Toons when he gets up and shakes his head after falling off a cliff. I'm doing that now.
That whole blog makes a lot more sense now.
Under the new "Blood Pig" post I assume you meant "gaol" not "goal". You could make things a lot easier on yourselves by foregoing the archaic and just spelling it "jail"...
Erik Mona wrote: 1) Do you plan to convert to the new edition of D&D? I do plan on purchasing the new edition but that doesn't mean I would play it exlusively.
Erik Mona wrote: 2) If Paizo converts its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products? It won't - I'd keep my subscriptions and continue to purchace other products according to my interest in them.
Erik Mona wrote: 3) If Paizo does not convert its RPG products to 4.0, how will that affect your purchasing patterns for our products? Same as number 2 - I'm more interested in the story that than game system and you're the best thing going; so...
May the wind always be at your back,
May you always walk downhill,
and may you be in heaven a half an hour before the devil knows yer dead!
Here's a quick question for Mr. Vaughan:
Does the upper level of the Dwarves cabin exit onto the ledge of a cliff which continues up the side of a mountain (effectively isolating access to the cabin to the lower entrance unless one is keen on climbing or flying up to the ledge); OR, does it let out onto a plateau that may be accessed from other mountain habitats?
The description is vague on this point but I assume the dwarves put the cabin up on a ledge for defensive reasons. It makes sense "to me" that the upper cabin is on an isolated ledge. Otherwise it could be accessed more easily by PC's (and lord only knows what else) from across the plateau (the long way around so to speak).
Anyway, I was just wondering what the concept was here to see if I've interpreted things as intended.
Oops, didn't read the sidebar.
Karzoug Question:
Actually, I just did the math (literally).
You could always shapechange into a Solar - you'd gain the Solar's DR (Epic) which (in combination with a correctly aligned and materially constructed weapon) would alow you to bypass Ol'Demogorgon's DR. At least until he hit you with a Quickened Greater Dispell Magic... Or he could just hit you. Like about 10 times in a round dealing out damage at a minimum of... better not mention it. Let's just just say you'd be dead. I just don't see how a party can go more than 4 rounds with Demogorgon (1 for each PC). But I digress; try Shapechange. That'll probably get his attention (if that's the kind of thing your PC is interested in).
One of the challenges I've found with the adventure paths is sorting out what the PC's are supposed to know at any given point as well as establishing clear goals for them to focus on. It's been in the back of my mind since "Three Faces of Evil" to bullet point PC Goals and "journal" style briefs of things they know for each of the adventures in the AP. Alas, I am woefully short on time and have been reading the APs as a graphic novel of sorts (haven't actually DM'd or played since my second son was born - about a year and half) but would love to see this kind of "DM aid" if anyone has put anything like this together. I finally decided to ask because I'm reading "Prince of Demons" and felt a peculiar lack of clarity.
The PCs know that Demogorgon is the key to the Savage Tide and that stopping him means saving thier world. Now they have an army and are ready to assult Demogorgon's realm. I'm just not sure how they're supposed to figure out they need to attack Wat Dagon (or even if they do WHY they're doing it - I only figured it out after reading through to the end) instead attacking Demogorgon (I can see a big arguement with Orcus during the strategy stage and I'm not sure I've got the words to talk them down). There are a lot of things that seem assumed. I'm sure others that have actually been playing Savage Tide (or AoW for that matter) have had to deal with this; so, if there's anyone out there that feels like indulging me I'd be fascinating to hear your take.
I just recieved my Issue #150 Dungeon and had to flip ahead to read Demogorgon's stats (poor unfortunate PC's). I couldn't help opening up "Dawn of a New Age" to check out Kyuss' stats too because I just had to know: who's tougher?
They both have the same AC.
Demogorgon has a better:
- Base Attack
- Hit Points
- Damage Reduction
- Spell Resistance, plus
- has fast healing
- and dual actions
Kyuss has Divine blast (it's all wormy).
They probably negate each other's magical powers by virtue of relatively low caster levels vs. relatively high SR; so, I'm thinking it would come down to a good old fashioned melee fight. The advantage goes to Demogorgon because he can overcome Kyuss's damage reduction whereas Kyuss doesn't come ready with a weapon that can defeat Demogorgon's DR. Plus, Demogorgon has dual actions and fast healing and more hit points. On the hand, Kyuss does have the Divine Blast ability (no fair).
It'd be fun to hand the stats over to two of my players, give them 1/2 an hour or so to read them over and them adjudicate the battle. Unfortunately, I haven't finished either campain so I'm still hoarding the secret stats.
So how about it? Who do you think would win?
For some weird reason I learned of Pathfinder before I knew WOTC cancelled Dungeon & I went ahead and ordered Issue #1 & the Player's Guide. I want to convert my remaining Dungeon issues to Pathfinder but I don't need two Issue #1's. Can I get Pathfinder #1 & The Player's Guide as ordered and use the converted Dungeon issues for subsequent Pathfinder issues? I don't need a refund I just want the most Pathfinder for my current investment. I'm really looking forward to it. Paizo has done wonders with Dungeon. I see this a great new opportunity.
I'm just about finished reading Johnathan Stroud's "Bartimaeus Trilogy" and found myself looking up Genies in the Monter Manual (the books are about Wizards and Genies). I had forgotten that D&D v3 & 3.5 have left out the Dao and the Marid. Is anyone aware of an official D&D v3.5 publication that gives stats for these lost Genies?
Ooops! I just checked my order history (gotta love the internet!) and saw that the 138 replacement order was cancelled. Admittedly, I asked Vic to do that - my bad. I think its now safe to say 138 was lost; so, if you would be so kind as to send a replacement I'd be awfully grateful - sorry for the confusion. At least I have 139 to keep me occupied ;-)
Lo and behold, issue 139 arrived at my house today (I checked over lunch - wee). It was in a plastic bag so it was the original copy. This works out to 5 weeks and three days for delivery; meaning, I can expect 140 to arrive by Oct 27th. Alas, this means that 138 did indeed go missing as I've never received it (Customer Service reps - I did receive emails stating replacement for 138 and 139 were sent - so I'm good - thanks!).
So long as they arrive roughly one month apart I can adjust my expectations to a new arrival date. Its the terrible unknown that upsets me.
Dave Roulston (I like the Canuckleheads phraseology), it may interest you to know I tried contacting Canada Post as well as my local Guelph distribution centre and got much the same kind of reply as you did. My immediate reaction was suggest to Paizo they offer a premium shipping option. I'd be willing to pay for it! But, I've seen the response so I'll hold my breath.
Vic Wertz wrote: I'll reship them Vic, thanks very much for the offer! Let's wait till the end of the month though. I'm still (insanely) holding out hope they'll arrive on thier own. If October comes and they're still not here I'll request new copies through customer service.
Vic Wertz wrote: the fact that we've had to reship three consecutive issues suggests that you need to have a talk with your post office.... Agreed! I'll follow up with my local office of Canada Post.
O.K. seems like some other Canadians are receiving 139. I'm in Guelph (just outside Toronto) and I'm still waiting for 138 & 139. I've tried not to complain because I've always received my issues eventually and I feel guilty about getting two copies when I ask for replacements; however, the guilt is wearing off. 140 shipped the other day which means I'm officially two months behind - is it safe to ask for replacements now?
139!!! I haven't recieved 138 yet!
I'm in Canada so I expect things to be a little late but things have been getting extraordinarily late since 137. I had to request a replacement for 137 and I did eventually end up with two magazines which is why I've shut my mouth for so long - they do eventually come. The effects are really annoying though. I find it hard to participate in the message boards now because I'm always so far behind that everything is either spoilers or old news once I finally finish reading the adventures. I'm considering not renewing my subscription because I can simply buy the magazine from a book store way before I get it in the mail. Have fun with the STAP while I get caught up with the Mud Sorcerer whenever 138 finally arrives.
Age. As your character ages mental stats go up and physical stats go down. Other than that I think you got it: +5 Inherent, +6 Enhancement (from headband) and ability boosts with character level. Oh, and race. I think some races give you bonuses but I can't remember which ones are the best off hand.
You could always try to summon a demon and use the new rules from the "Hordes of the Abyss" on possession to try for an infernal bonus to your ability score from the possessing entity. If I was your DM I'd really love for you to try something like that, Mwa ha ha ha!!!
First off, I apologize if my points are repeated but I'm posting this without having fully read the 106 previous posts.
Great adventure! I say that having been prepared to be disappointed. I'm easily annoyed by many of the monsters created in the endless stream of MM releases and the like. I'm a big fan of "classic" monsters from myth and literature. When I first heard that the story would involve "Spider Eaters" as a major plot element I was already dismissing the adventure as a silly and uninteresting story. Thanks for proving me wrong. Your story had very strong plot elements that made all the monsters plausible.
One of the other things I liked was the hooks. I find it hard to generate a story based rationale for the PC's to come together as a group. Usually it’s easier to just say the PC's knew each other or met in a tavern. Although simple, I find the device of the PC's surviving a ship wreck a better alternative. Also, very creepy when they find they've come ashore at a village besieged by giant spiders. I find first level a very difficult level to write for because it’s the intro adventure that can define a character or a whole campaign. Lots of pressure. I've really liked "Mad God's Key", "Whispering Cairn" and now "Siege of the Spider Eaters" as well written 1st level adventures.
Yet more things I liked included the ship as an architectural feature of the town. Very cool. One question though, how'd it get there?
As one of many who are waiting for the STAP to appear the whole story and setting did much to whet my appetite. I could see the possibility of tying this adventure into 123's Salvage Operation and 120's Forsaken Arch if one was interested in putting together a mini AP.
All that said, I did find the mapping difficult to follow. Items in the text were not always represented in the graphics. Perhaps Paizo will fix this up in the Web Enhancement.
Overall great work - where does it go from here?
Another bunch of vaguely formed thoughts just occurred to me...
I recall being a little dissatisfied with all the knowledge checks and such the PC's are expected to make to discover the potential of some of the artefacts they possess as well as the measures they could take to weaken Kyuss before confronting him. It seemed a little counterintuitive that the PC's were doing all the primary research and investigation throughout the campaign and now Manzorian is suddenly able to dig up this advice on Kyuss. For me, it would make for a stronger, more consistent story line to have an entity like Iuz might "leak" this advice to the PC's. I'm already excited about designing the form this encounter might take - I'm leaning toward a nocturnal visit from a mysterious stranger. It’d really send a shiver down the PC’s spine to later learn who their mysterious benefactor was – maybe Kyuss taunts them with this revelation during the final battle?!. Anyway, there's some exciting potential there.
The other thing I'm working on is some brilliant final tie-in back to the Wind Dukes to achieve some sort of full circle campaign effect. I'm aware of the significance of the talisman of the sphere but I was hoping for more of a story connection not just an item connection (some juicy connection revealed by Iuz would really be the topping on the cake – OK, I’m obsessing). No brilliant ideas though (just a wish list).
Sebastian wrote: I don't know a lot about Iuz, but maybe he could be the one mastering the ritual to stop teleportation. He has a vested interest in not seeing another evil god/demi-god wandering around his neighborhood. So instead of Manzorian saying he will set up the circle, he could tell the PC's "Oh yeah, one more complication - Iuz has already locked down the city of Alhaster. I'm going to try and figure out what he is up to. If he and Kyuss team up, things could get really ugly."
This also provides an explanation for why Manzorian isn't more involved with Kyuss - he's dealing with Iuz very directly.
Hey, cool idea! There is a lot to run with in this scenario. I don't know a lot about Iuz either (hence the thread) but this seems like the kind of thing a rival demigod might do to thwart a potential rival. Also, excellent rationale re: Manzorian's (and other high level NPC's that have generated so much angst on this thread) preoccupations preventing any direct assisstance to the PC's ("Great! We finally confirm that this Kyuss threat is a clear and present danger and now Iuz is getting involved - you guys keep with the Kyuss thing and we'll go check out the Iuz situation"). I wish I had thought of that (but that's why I post here - unbeatable source of creative inspiration).
Wow, turn your back for a week or so and WHAMO! Your thread goes crazy. I'm not sure what most of you are on about. I didn't think the mortal world (including Manzorian/Tenser) had a clue about the AoW until the PC's completed the Library of last resort. At that point everything was a little last minute to marshall any version of the Greyhawk JLA - the PC's kind'a donned the mantle. However, it seemed reasonable to me that a demigod like Iuz would take an interest at this point. After all, this is his doorstep Kyuss is playing on. Prior to confronting the big bad the PC's are offered some advice and assistance from Manzorian; I was hoping for some ideas on how this scenario might tie into Iuz more and rely on Manzorian less - just to tie Iuz's likely involvement into the story line.
Again, thoughts?
I'm a wee bit new to the history of Greyhawk. All this great stuff on the message boards and Eric's obvious love of the setting got me curious so I bought a few pdf's off the paizo web site. After reading just the smallest bit of Oerth's History it's obvious that Iuz would be a wee bit jealous about another god (i.e. Kyuss and his armies) on the scene. This got me thinking, wouldn't Iuz be a potential ally to the PC's. I mean, Kyuss seems bad and all; but, there is another bad god that may not want the competion.
One of Kyuss' listed Special Qualities is "Discorporate" but there is no description of this power in his stat block. Help! What does "Discorporation" do?
Not that I think Kyuss needs an extra power. I'm going to have to role up some 20th level characters and pit them against Kyuss as a test drive. Even if they PC's play all the right cards and reduce his power before confronting Kyuss I can see him killing at least one PC a round with the "Engulf" power. The Sphere of Annihilation wouldn't work too well because he's actually a swarm and the PC's will only get one round to use it because he'll cast "Gate" on it the first chance he gets... Sorry, I'm ranting. Kyuss is just so freak'in scary (nice quote by H.P. Lovecraft in the front - that'll help me sleep at night!).
Right, anyway, "Discorporate" - what's that all about?
You guys warm the cockles of my heart (whatever a cockle is).
Saern wrote: That and the Hey-Look-I'm-a-Troll-But-Not-Really-I'm-Just-Using-Magic-Jar-and-I'm-Going- to-Kill-You-Now trick are really fun! Aww, you remembered! I feel like its my birthday.
I'll see that tactic and raise you one: Use the "Hey-Look-I'm-a-Troll-But-Not-Really-I'm-Just-Using-Magic-Jar-and-I'm-Going -to-Kill-You-Now trick"; and Astral Projection at the same time (in case anyone was wondering, yes I do think that's getting carried away - still)!
I got into this discussion a while back in a thread I started on Coup de Grace attaks. Lord Stewpndous posted with the suggestion I check out Kenneth Hood's "Grim and Gritty Combat Rules". I have to say I was suitably impressed and I think all you folks looking for a more palitable Hit Point and Armor Class system would be interested too.
Here's one link: http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?cPath=330&products_id=5022&
Lord Stewpndous suggested this link: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLG,G GLG:2005 -41,GGLG:en&q=Grim%2Dn%2DGritty+Hit+Point+and+Combat+Rules
I'm sure there are others.
Talion09 wrote: Maybe Dragotha is a big part of the problem? ... If you want the PCs to remember Thessalar as more than "that lich we killed in order to kill the far cooler DRACOlich!", how about a little forshadowing?
Some good advice, thanks!
Demiurge 1138 wrote: I can just see him going off on wild tangents about his past work, even in the middle of battle. "You've heard of owlbears, haven't you? Those were mine. Mimics, trappers, lurkers above? All of those mine. Chuuls. That bastard Ashranezr stole my notes! I got the last laugh on that one, let me tell you. And I was the first to import rust monsters from Acheron. And I gave them tails."
That's all great. Brilliant stuff. I'm just worried the PC’s will respond with a “ya, ya, take this you old wind bag” and follow up with a Bigby’s Crushing Hand, Mass Heal, Smite Evil & Warhammer Power Attack to the head. That doesn’t make him so memorable. ;-)
James Jacobs wrote: ...you can even start and end on the same plane. Wow!
Does Astral Projection work from other planes than the material? Specifically, if a tiefling wizard in say Hades were to cast the spell, could she project to the material plane?
I ask this because I’m considering a tactic whereby a wizard would plane shift to a nice place, like Arborea or something, and Astrally Project back to the material before embarking on hazardous adventures.
Look forward to the input.
Thanks folks. As I said, the error and the comments aren't the kind of thing I'm going to lose sleep over. All replies have been fair.
It's an image thing for me. Liches are just so.... creepy cool! They are the only undead that consciously and wilfully achieve immortality through undeath in order to expand their knowledge and power. These undead Wizards have vast intellects. I use them rarely because I believe they should represent a major challenge for PCs (and not always something they should fight). Even if outmatched by the PCs in sheer power a lich should be able to outwit them (the kind of thing that the Joker always did to challenge Batman if you will).
So, in the end, it’s just a personal thing. I think Thessilar should be more memorable (I think all liches should be memorable). I'd like it if Thesselar generated the kind of feedback that Filge received instead of being just kind of an obstacle on the PC's way to collecting Balakarde's soul fragments. I know that the focus of this adventure is Dragotha and all; none the less, I'm cheering for the lich (the human one that is - @#!!# dracoliches).
That’s my two coppers.
First let me say that I’m not writing this just to complain. I really like liches (for some strange reason) and I obsess about their deadliness. This is more of a suggestion for “fixing” Thesselar.
Thesselar is a transmuter with enchmantment and illusion as his banned schools. This is incongruent with the recommended tactics that he uses a Project Image spell (i.e. it’s an illusion); especially since the spell isn’t on his list of prepared spells.
Next, for a character with no enchanment spells he sure has a lot of item creation feats. Presumably this is to account for his creature creation obsession? He doesn’t even really have a lot of magic items to use. I would presume a character with that many item creation feats would have a few more tools at his disposal (just seemed a little short). Personally, I’d ditch a few item creation feats for some skill focus feats in his areas of expertise.
Lastly, his spell selection doesn’t include a lot of defensive options. If he succeeds in casting fly and energy resistance as suggested (presumably vs. fire) he can remove himself from melee and get one additional layer of protection from energy; however, he’s up against a 19th level party! He really would benefit from some other defensive strategy if he’s going to last long (seeing as project image isn’t going to work). Personally, I could even leave the spell selection alone if Thesselar had a few strategies for his wish spells (Unholy Aura, Mass Inflict Critical Wounds, etc…).
Anyway, just wanted to make a cool NPC a little cooler. Take it for what its worth.
Chris Wissel - WerePlatypus wrote:
Remember that a magic cirle is still a protection from evil spell, and that spell states specifically that posessions such as magic jar will not function.
Thats exactly the kind of thing I was hoping someone would bring to my attention. Thanks! I totally missed that. It adds a snag to my plan but there's got to be a way to deal with it...
Later. I've got some reading to do (PHB time).
Saern wrote: Just use a troll and an illusion to disguise yourself. I've seen this tactic discussed several times, and in almost every case, the troll was the "weapon of choice." It's almost as if they're made for this....
Happy possessing!
Trolls: they've got a low Wizdom and are thus easy to possess; they have good hit points and natural armor bonus; they are evil monsters who delight in consuming the flesh of sentient beings (and are thus unworthy of sympathy or mercy making the act of possession against them more palitable for lawful neutral character); they regenerate.... just one problem. You have to find one!
Ironically, summoning an outsider is more reliable ?!? Go figure. I totally agree with you though! A troll would be awsome.
Race |
Human |
Classes/Levels |
Favored Soul: 6; Nightcloak: 8 |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
Medium |
Age |
32 |
Special Abilities |
Mangled English |
Alignment |
Neutral Evil |
Deity |
Shar |
Homepage URL |
www.vedounmar.net |