Umber Hulk

Tim Stellburg's page

Goblin Squad Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


As most people who attend GenCon know - the Miniature Painting Competition held at GenCon is one of the toughest competitions to place in, let alone win. There is no Masters category. Masters/Journeymen/Novices/Beginners all compete together for the top prize. Now while I had hope that the Big Red Dragon I had painted would do well it was fairly apparent to me by the sencond day that I was gonna be an "also-ran".

So you can imagine my surprise when I went to collect my pieces on Sunday that I had won the Judges Award for Most Innovative Entry for my little diorama "Me Time". I've had this idea floating around in my head ever since I waded through all the pages of posts on multiple messageboards about WotC's decision to not renew Paizo's license. With the last issues of Dragon and Dungeon magazines being shipped out at about the same time as GenCon I wanted to strike while the iron was hot. So I whipped up this little diorama to honor the magazines that brought me so much inspiration over the years.

Me Time #1
Me Time #2
Me Time #3
Me Time #4

I guess you could say everybody got and appreciated the joke.

Looks like I'm 1 issue shy on my Dragon side - would like to get 1 issue of Dungeon moved over.



Another backlash that should happen is that by so soundly defeating thier opposition in the first round they have effectively "tipped" thier hand as to how powerful the groups abilities really are. Thier ranking should increase accordingly, making any further side bets they might arrange much less profitable.

The group I'm DM'ing was very cautious and did not use any spells above 3rd level in the first round. Amazingly enough they had a fairly easy time in the first round because thier bard was able to influence the other teams attitudes to the point where only one team was still hostile toward them at the start of the combat.