Poll: What's your favorite campaign setting?


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Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

What's your favorite campaign setting?

Edit: Greyhawk was originally accidentally omitted from the poll options. If you voted for "Other" instead of Greyhawk, you can change your vote.

(It might take awhile for the Greyhawk option to reappear.)

Dark Archive Contributor

Gary Teter wrote:
What's your favorite campaign setting?

Hmm... The first vote goes to Other. But it's true, I really enjoy playing and DMing on Earth. I.e., the real world.

Yes I know I'm weird. :P


Liberty's Edge

Gary, not that it would get my vote anyway .... but is it just me or is Greyhawk missing?

You might get a lot of "Other" votes in that case!

Dark Archive

Gary Teter wrote:
What's your favorite campaign setting?

Planescape all the way!

Eberron would be a close second.

I'm a big Dark Sun fan. I love the history and all the fluff. Can be a bit overpowered though. My favorite campaign was city by the silt sea. We had an ongoing joke in my group. I did a couple of the flip book adventures and all the bad guys had dodgy hats. So it was easy to pick them out.
I remember a player had a wizard and the group was behind a sand dune hiding from a wizard. The player decided to walk on top of the sand dune and then got Lightning Bolted and died instantly. Still to this day don't know why he did it.
I also like the Dragonlance setting. The Dragon chronicles and the Twins novels are my faves.

I would have to say homebrew. I rely heavily on greyhawk/forgotten realms source books but add a unique spin/flavor as well as different lands, gods, etc. where is the choice of greyhawk by the way?


While I really wanted to be the first Eberronite among us on the poll...I gotta be honest and I likes my homebrews better than anything else. Even though Eberron is pretty freakin cool.

What's Greyhawk by the way...I'm confused...


Liberty's Edge

Mike McArtor wrote:

Hmm... The first vote goes to Other. But it's true, I really enjoy playing and DMing on Earth. I.e., the real world.

Yes I know I'm weird. :P


It's not weird ... well, maybe it is, but I really enjoy Earth as a setting too.

I'm going to have to say Iron Kingdoms.



hehe Lilith :)

My favorite to gm is Judges Guild maps; homebrew campaign
Favorite to play in is Forgotten Realms with Greyhawk a close second though I do like Dark Sun which would be third.

Isn't this a continuation of an old thread?

Frog God Games

Gotta' go "Other" for Greyhawk.

Nic, it's a "Big Kid" setting - no ninja turtles, choo-choos, or space zombies. You probably wouldn't like it.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Gah!! I had Forgotten Realms in there twice and left out Greyhawk.

I've fixed the poll, but it may take awhile before you see the changes. Fortunately, you can change your vote at any time.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Fizzban wrote:

I'm going to have to say Iron Kingdoms.


Ditto. IK loyalists unite!


Gary Teter wrote:

Gah!! I had Forgotten Realms in there twice and left out Greyhawk intentionally.

I've fixed the poll, as in rigged it, because I hate Greyhawk and I'm a big fat cheater.

Geez, Gary! What's with the Greyhawk hate?

::Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself...:: :p

I, of course, edited your text for accuracy.


OK. Sorry, Gary. Please don't use your web powers on me. A joke. Just kidding :|

I'll be good now

The Exchange

Nicolas Logue wrote:

While I really wanted to be the first Eberronite among us on the poll...I gotta be honest and I likes my homebrews better than anything else. Even though Eberron is pretty freakin cool.

What's Greyhawk by the way...I'm confused...


Watch it Logue, you could lose a very devoted fan with talk like that!

Greyhawk all the way!
FH (I got my eye on you, Logue.)


Greg V wrote:

Gotta' go "Other" for Greyhawk.

Nic, it's a "Big Kid" setting - no ninja turtles, choo-choos, or space zombies. You probably wouldn't like it.

No ninja turtles!!!...



Off topic: Not to play to my stereotype here, but I freaking love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness under the Palladium umbrella. One of my favorite games!

I should have included a tortoise shell-back and turtle face option in my Warforged article. The diehards on the WotC Eberron boards would have loved that! ;-)


Fake Healer wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:

While I really wanted to be the first Eberronite among us on the poll...I gotta be honest and I likes my homebrews better than anything else. Even though Eberron is pretty freakin cool.

What's Greyhawk by the way...I'm confused...


Watch it Logue, you could lose a very devoted fan with talk like that!

Greyhawk all the way!
FH (I got my eye on you, Logue.)

S@#%! I mean...I freaking love Greyhawk! Manzorian and Alhaste and Xen'drik, not to mention all the Dalelands!!! Greyhawk rocks! I want to play a quest in the Free Citadel with Tensor and Boccob and Dol Dorn. Greyhawk's got it all...right?

::Nick admires his post, secure in the knowledge that his playing-it-fast-and-loose Greyhawk lore is enough to fool any reader into believing he is an "old skool" diehard of the olden gaming days of yore...Nick sucks Guayaki from his rubber-nippled bottle and smirks as he hits "Submit"::


Liberty's Edge

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Greg V wrote:

Gotta' go "Other" for Greyhawk.

Nic, it's a "Big Kid" setting - no ninja turtles, choo-choos, or space zombies. You probably wouldn't like it.

No ninja turtles!!!...



Off topic: Not to play to my stereotype here, but I freaking love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness under the Palladium umbrella. One of my favorite games!

I should have included a tortoise shell-back and turtle face option in my Warforged article. The diehards on the WotC Eberron boards would have loved that! ;-)

We're Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. We strike hard...and fade into the night.

Vote me up for Greyhawk.

Liberty's Edge

Nicolas Logue wrote:

I should have included a tortoise shell-back and turtle face option in my Warforged article.

Or given some of the titular monsters in Bullywug Gambit two weapon fighting style with katanas, sai etc ... and some headbands in primary colours

One vote for Eberron. I am not ashamed to admit that after gaming for 15 years a setting in which magic was a part of the world not an after thought to justify spell casting classes was a delight. I enjoy the politics the magi tech, I’ve used a Warforged BBEG who was restarting the Last war because it was all he knew. I genuinely like the fact that Players are remarkable people here, but that still there are villains and horrors enough to test the greatest. But Im not going to turn this into a rant about Eberron haters when there’s a perfectly god rant thread for that to I’ll stop here.

Grand Lodge

Greyhawk. Still the best, even after all these years.

I always seem to run forgotten realms campaigns, so I guess it must be my favourite setting.

Forgotten Realms holds a special place in my heart, no topping that--but Darksun, Greyhawk, Ravenloft and Spelljammer are right up there too.

Lilith wrote:

No vote for the World? Geez...

Nicolas Logue wrote:

Off topic: Not to play to my stereotype here, but I freaking love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness under the Palladium umbrella. One of my favorite games!

I should have included a tortoise shell-back and turtle face option in my Warforged article. The diehards on the WotC Eberron boards would have loved that! ;-)

Dude! If you're up for it at GenCon and I still have a voice I'll dust off my old Road Hogs Adventure!

Great Green Dude

Mike McArtor wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:
What's your favorite campaign setting?

Hmm... The first vote goes to Other. But it's true, I really enjoy playing and DMing on Earth. I.e., the real world.

Yes I know I'm weird. :P


Hey, don't feel bad, Mike. I'm going to run STAP in the year 1871 in an Arcane-other-reality Earth. Sixguns and spells, yeah, baby!!!

Liberty's Edge

Dude. Where's Sasserine?
Oh, yeah. I remember that thread now. Never mind. Brain melting...

Mazteca? Hollow World?

heh, i'll vote for homebrew, but there has to be some Mazteca love out there somewhere...

As ever,

Since Greyhawk and Eberron have their patron Paizo Saints I think it only fair that Mystara has one as well.

Known World/Mystara all the way! It pretty much includes every other setting anyway. It's got Blackmoor, the Lost City, The Isle of Dread, Hollow World, the Savage Coast, the de Amberville Family, Bargle, The Master and the Broken Lands as well as empires and their actively clashing armies - something you rarely get in most other worlds and something the characters are almost never in control of. Best of all it's very modular so if I want magical robots I can have them. Basically Mystara is the closest thing to Homebrew, but with a ton more background provided in its many Gazetteers.


Liberty's Edge

Darksun, Planescape, Iron Kingdoms, Ravenloft, Freeport kick butt.
But hadda go with Greyhawk.

Scarab Sages

Nicolas Logue wrote:
Off topic: Not to play to my stereotype here, but I freaking love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness under the Palladium umbrella. One of my favorite games!

Yeah, it was one of my faves as well, Nic. I still have fond rememberances of my pacifist mutated porqupine, Nelson Trefalgar. Such a fun game...

Oh and undoubtedly, my answer to the poll is Greyhawk uber alles, but using the real world is a helluva lot of fun, too.

Scarab Sages


Homebrew would be #2.


Okay, My vote went for Planescape.

What's sad is that all of the settings up there should get a vote.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Dark Sun has been my favorite since I first heard about it, and it probably always will be. Planescape's a close second, though.

It is interesting to see that the "classical" campaign settings FR and GH got the most votes to date, followed by homebrew. While 52 responses are not in any way representative, but if nearly half of the votes given are for classical campaigns, that seems to indicate that sword and sorcery still defines fantasy rpgs for most people (of those voting, of course). You might count Mystara and Dragonlance as classical, as well.
Unusual settings, like Planescape, Eberron and Dark Sun, get 15% of the votes to date, which indicates an interest in settings that differ from the s&s standard.
13% homebrew is near as much as 15% non-standard settings. I am tempted to add "unusual" and "homebrew" together, that could be the percentage of gamers that want something different from standard s&s - nearly 30%, if this interpretation is valid.

Just some random thoughts on this topic.

I voted for GH, of course :-)


Silver Crusade

Greyhawk, nuff said.

Forgotten Realms is the D&D setting we've always used. I would say it is my favorite.


Sovereign Court Co-owner - Battlegrounds to Board Games

Dark Sun all the way!!!

Greyhawk is my favorite setting. Number 2 is Eberron.

I'll have to go with homebrew... I love Greyhawk and the Forgotten Realms immeasurably, but unfortunately published settings have their histories and fans, and therefore their limits. Someone's always going to say ays "Hey, that's not how it's supposed to be..." when you want to change something big. Not to mention people tend to expect a certain flavor with their campaign setting (although that's a bonus a lot of times). But when you have a homebrewed one, it's way more unknown and you can try out anything you like without "breaking" the world (at least mechanically...).


Please don't hate me for being young and in love!

When I'm DMing I like to use my homebrew setting, because it's what I'm most familiar with and I have made it specifically to suit my style and the style of my players. This is with a group with several members who've played together for a couple of decades, even longer in some cases, and we've worked together on developing aspects of the setting. It's easy enough for a group like this to have our own setting, as even when we get new players there's normally only one or two at a time.

If I was to start DMing for another group then I'd probably use one of the published settings, and at the moment I would lean towards Eberron. The more I read about it the more interesting it seems, particularly the way magic is handled as part of life, and the general power level of the setting where 10th level characters are both rare and famous.

As a player, I can't really claim any preference for a setting. As long as the game is made interesting by the DM then I really don't care. Almost every setting has things I like as well as things I dislike, so I won't make a fuss about that. It's only if a DM is interested in things I don't enjoy about a setting that I'll have a problem with it, and if they run an enjoyable game otherwise then it will keep my interest.

The Exchange

Homebrew. With many deities, organizations, and even nations borrowed from the Forgotten Realms. Since I got hooked on Dungeon I've mixed in a bit of Greyhawk as well. I guess I pretty much take whatever I want from wherever I want and spin it into my own bastardization of them all. I figure if this world is big enough for everything under the sun, then my fantasy world certainly should be as well.

Greyhawk, and woo the scarlet rats.

Voted for Planescape, though Homebrew, Other and Eberron are bubbling under too (and Ravenloft and Dark Sun get a nod too). To go from Stebehil's comment, I like my fantasy with twists :)

Oh, and for me too other is "real world", occasionally boosted with magic or other generic weirdness.

Ravenloft, the setting that will not die!

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