Archer's page
28 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
I noticed this thread after I started a new thread about my missing Gazetteer. Sorry about that.
Can you send one out? I have the PDF so there is no immediate rush. If it is easier to add it to my next shipment that is fine as well.
Thx Mike
I just received Order 935381 on May 13th. It is missing the Gazetteer. Can you ship one out? I have the PDF so there is no immediate rush. If it is easier to add it to my next shipment that is fine as well.
Thx Mike
Rob Bastard wrote:
Saves: All clerics get 2 good saves. Those who chose Trickery or Luck would have the option of using Reflex as a good save rather than Fortitude.
Armor proficiencies: As written, all clerics have the following 5 feats--Simple Weapon Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, & Light, Medium, & Heavy Armor Proficiency. As most gods with the Magic, Knowledge, Luck, & Trickery domains would be unlikely to wear full plate or carry a shield themselves, those these domains would not grant proficiency with shields or the heavier armors, but other abilities instead.
I'm not any good with adding links but I suggest you look at the Non Generic Cleric thread in the archives for some great ideas on balanced yet different cleric ideas. The authors added a PDF of their work. It's a great starting point to add some of the new ideas on this thread
walter mcwilliams wrote: Anyone know if and how the core belief articles will continue? These were by far some of my favorite Dragon Articles? Paizo will not be able to continue the articles. If they are continued they will be by WOTC.
1) I plan on staying with 3.5
2) I will still purchase Pathfinder (at least initially)for the great ideas. Gamemastery & chronicles will be purchased less often. Like many I have a busy schedule (2 jobs, 3 children 5 and under, etc). While I make minor changes to most adventures to fit my campaign I do not have time to make wholesale 4.0 to 3.5 conversions. THese are all such great products You will most likely see half of the business I am giving you already.
3)I will continue with the 3 subscription plans as I am now.
Hey guys,
I just received the UPS delivery of this order. Usually both pathfinder & the gamemastery module come in a hard cardboard sleeve, but this time it came in a small UPS box with no packaging. The box looked crushed and both items spines were heavily damaged(looks like the box was folded in half.).
I have been pleased with the condition of all the subscriptions so far. This is the first damaged delivery so far and not coincidentaly the first time you did not use the normal packaging.
Would you be able to send me new copies of Pathfinder #5 and J2 guardians? I'm not in a big rush. If it is easier to wait & package it with Path 6 and U2 Noose, please do so.
Thoth-Amon the Mindflayerian wrote: Desert Campaings:
I need your help...
Starting a desert-themed campaign late next month...
I need names of modules and sources of adventures for an upcoming Desert Campaign. Any edition(i can adjust accordingly to 3.5) and any source including Dragon and Dungeon magazines, other companies, both official and unofficial, will do. They just need that desert flavor.
Thanks all for your help,
The obvious Dark Sun campaign comes to mind. Also if memory serves there are articles about the Bright Desert in the polyhedron section of Dungeon # 98 & 103.
Evil Genius wrote: My gaming group seems to stick to D&D pretty tenaciously, but we sometimes take a break to play board games. Usually, it's Monopoly, since we don't have that many other board games. Thus, I'm looking for suggestions as to what board game(s) you all think are worth the money.
Settlers of catan is a great game, but a healthy dose of luck is involved.
Here are some good strategy games that do not rely on luck
Puerto Rico
Louis XIV
Of course there are also some great games from my youth such as Cosmic Encounter & Illuminati
I noticed that the Book of the Righteous Hardcover was backordered and the other items are pending. I want to make sure that my order is not waiting for the backordered item. I'm looking forward to the items and don't want to miss out on any of them due to other orders snatching up the last books while my order sits.
I'm sure i'm concerened over nothing but I've learned it never hurts to ask.
Archer wrote:
Once again I have the PDF and I am not using the module for awhile so it is no rush, but it has been 25 days since it was shipped. I received the first 2 modules in about 9 to 12 days.
Is it time to expect that it was lost in transit or should we suppose it is still on it's way?
Thanks again
I just received order #781739 that was shipped on the 20th today. I believe order#768771 must have been lost in shipping.
Mike *Bump* This must have been lost in the barrage of new subscription e-mails. It has been 30 days since this was shipped and I have still not received. I received another order that was shipped on the 20th in 7 days. Can you please resend another copy of W1:Conquest of bloodsworn vale?
Thank You
Once again I have the PDF and I am not using the module for awhile so it is no rush, but it has been 25 days since it was shipped. I received the first 2 modules in about 9 to 12 days.
Is it time to expect that it was lost in transit or should we suppose it is still on it's way?
Thanks again
Mike I just received order #781739 that was shipped on the 20th today. I believe order#768771 must have been lost in shipping.
Cosmo wrote: Archer wrote: I waited awhile because I know you are swamped with GenCon and the release of pathfinder but I have yet to receive W1:Conquest of bloodsworn vale. It was shipped on the 2nd of August. It is now the 19th.
I know you are a bit shortstaffed at the moment, and I have the download so it is not urgent but can you look into where it might be.
Your copy of W1 was shipped and should be on it's way to you. Mostly likely it has just experienced a slight delay and will be arriving soon.
cos Once again I have the PDF and I am not using the module for awhile so it is no rush, but it has been 25 days since it was shipped. I received the first 2 modules in about 9 to 12 days.
Is it time to expect that it was lost in transit or should we suppose it is still on it's way?
Thanks again
The Real Brain wrote:
Sebastion, Muffit please tell us all what your sources are. Please tell everyone the insiders you know that are showing you that 4.0 will be a hit. Show this community how WOTC is right. How their strategy will actually increase their revenue over the next ten years. How the customers they have alienated will come back and buy their products.
Considering your sources seem to be an overactive imagination or maybe timetravel I find it amusing you are asking for sources.
Your so busy with your own agenda you havn't paid attention. I believe Sebastion & Moff's point is (in my words not theirs) "We don't know if 4E will be good or not. Only time will tell, but you can't blame a company for trying to make money."
The Real Brain wrote:
I don't call myself the real brain for nothing.
Really, what's the reason then?
Archer wrote: Chris Manos wrote: it's free, guys. Be thankful they are giving you a pdf at all. Unless I'm mistaken there is an option to spend $7.99 on just the pdf. No paper copy. So to be fair some may be spending their money on this and should be able to critique their purchase.
And indeed It looks like I was mistaken. You can purchase Gamemastery modules as PDFs for 7.99 but not Pathfinder, but I'm sure most of you already knew this. Anyway, back to lurker mode I go.
Chris Manos wrote: it's free, guys. Be thankful they are giving you a pdf at all. Unless I'm mistaken there is an option to spend $7.99 on just the pdf. No paper copy. So to be fair some may be spending their money on this and should be able to critique their purchase.
Ace_Haven wrote: No problems with opening on my personal PC or my work PC (where I do any printing I need).
Also I was taken aback at the multiple pdfs at first, but I actually prefer it because I can organize the files better that way. Make a folder for just the adventurer, one for the beastiaries, etc. Maybe that's just cause I'm slightly ADD.
This was my feeling on the multiple PDFs as well. Long after the adventure is used I can reuse monsters, etc using my "monter manual" folder. Towns/cities, magic item, etc can also be organized in separate folders.
I waited awhile because I know you are swamped with GenCon and the release of pathfinder but I have yet to receive W1:Conquest of bloodsworn vale. It was shipped on the 2nd of August. It is now the 19th.
I know you are a bit shortstaffed at the moment, and I have the download so it is not urgent but can you look into where it might be.
Not worried, just checking:
Should I have received my first module subscription yet. It looks like D1 was shipped or rdy to be shipped on June 26th with the above order # but I have yet to receive.
Thx in advance
I know it has been an unusually busy week with the announcement of the end of Dun/Dra magazines but i'm concerned about the above order.
I ordered 4 items on Sunday 4/22.
The following 3 items were available for shipping immediately (crit hit deck, map pack-city, & Dungeon 111-paper)but I decided to wait until Wed 4/25 for Map pack-campsites so I could save 4 bucks on shipping. Now a week later the order is still pending yet campsites has been available since wednesday. Could you look into this?
(I just noticed that Dungeon 111 is no longer available. I hope this is not the issue as it is the main reason I placed the order.)

Gary Teter wrote: You saved money per-issue by getting a longer subscription, so we owe you less money per issue in a refund -- but more money than a 12-issue subscriber would see overall. That translates to fewer Pathfinder volumes per issue, but if you look at the transition options available to you, you'll see that we are offering you much more money in the form of Pathfinder volumes than we actually owe you in the form of a refund. I bought a product assuming a certain amount of content for my money. Your company is basically saying you can't deliver anymore. This isn't me cancelling my subscription for a flat refund. Its you that can no longer deliver.
You HAVE put a good deal out there for fans of the Adventure Paths that subscribed to your magazine. I applaud you for that. But what about those of us who preferred the stand-alone adventures. Take my 120% store credit to buy overpriced stand-alones? Lose 33 great Dungeon adventures to gain MAYBE 3 Gamemastery modules. That's what I'm faced with.
I have to say while he may have been a little harsh you are All being a little harsh to Vyvyan Basterd. I do believe that Paizo is comitted to excellent customer service and are trying their best to satisfy their customers but Vyvyan Basterd's gripe above is valid.
Understand that I have nothing to gain one way or another since I have always bought both Dungeon & Dragon at my local gaming store and therefore have no subscription. All that seems to be said above is that Paizo seems to be forgetting that not everyone bought Dungeon for the APs. Some people bought it for the stand alone adventures. It shouldn't matter that he was able to receive all those Dungeon mags for x amount per issue and therefore he should be content. That is the deal he made with Paizo when he signed on for 3 years. I don't see the problem with Vyvyan Basterd wanting to receive the same value in the new modules(since he bought Dungeon for the stand alone adventures. I believe Paizo is working hard on satisfying all reasonable requests. I believe Vyvyan Basterd has a valid argument and a resonable request.

I picked this off another thread.
Sharoth wrote:
I agree with mwbeeler! I want my dead trees damn it! ~grins~
I'm in total agreement, but I also enjoy and use the maps, etc that we get from the PDF of each issue.
Vic Wertz mentioned that you can either purchase the paper copy for $19,99 or the PDF for 13.99. If you purchase the paper copy you will get the PDF for free.
Problem is I want help my local gaming store and have never minded spending the extra few bucks at the store for Dungeon & Dragon. If I want to continue with this practice but still receive the PDF I have to spend 19.99 at the local gaming store and 13.99 for the PDF online. Not something I'm willing to do.
Like when your company tells you the health ins. co. they use is changing but you are not losing any benifits, it seems the employee/gamer always loses something in the end. Don't get me wrong I am excited about both pathfinder and the modules but there has to be a way I can support my local gaming store and still receive the PDF without spending $33.98 a month.
If I am misinformed on this issue or if there is a bright side I have not considered please enlighten me.
Side Issue: Are you making enough copy that Issue 1 of Pathfinder will make it to the Local gaming stores.

Sharoth wrote: I agree with mwbeeler! I want my dead trees damn it! ~grins~ I'm in total agreement, but I also enjoy and use the maps, etc that we get from the PDF of each issue.
Vic Wertz mentioned that you can either purchase the paper copy for $19,99 or the PDF for 13.99. If you purchase the paper copy you will get the PDF for free.
Problem is I want help my local gaming store and have never minded spending the extra few bucks at the store for Dungeon & Dragon. If I want to continue with this practice but still receive the PDF I have to spend 19.99 at the local gaming store and 13.99 for the PDF online. Not something I'm willing to do.
Like when your company tells you the health ins. co. they use is changing but you are not losing any benifits, it seems the employee/gamer always loses something in the end. Don't get me wrong I am excited about both pathfinder and the modules but there has to be a way I can support my local gaming store and still receive the PDF without spending $33.98 a month.
If I am misinformed on this issue or if there is a bright side I have not considered please enlighten me.
I have not missed an issue of Dungeon or Dragon in about seven years but I prefer to contribute to keeping my local gaming shop alive and therefore purchase both there. Will the 1st issue of Pathfinder be available at local gaming shops or is it subscriber only?
Gary Teter wrote: When you're not playing D&D, which of these games do you like to play? (If you choose "Other," please make a post letting us know the details!) I chose "Settlers" which is a great game and the game my group most frequently turns to when we do not have our full gaming group. but......
nostalgia reminds me of some of my all-time favorites of my youth: Cosmic encounter
Civilzation (the board game)
I would have to say homebrew. I rely heavily on greyhawk/forgotten realms source books but add a unique spin/flavor as well as different lands, gods, etc. where is the choice of greyhawk by the way?

Great Thread! I can't pick just one, but in no particular order are some of my favorites.
Steven Pressfield - Gates of Fire - by far his best to date
Ken Follett - The Pillars of the Earth - mentioned by a few already, great book
Gore Vidal - Creation - his cynical sense of humor shows through in everything he writes.
James Clavell - Shogun
Thomas Flanagan - The Year of the French - I believe this is out of print but grab a copy if you can. Starts slow.
Larry Mcmurtry - Lonesome Dove - Great feel for the old American West. Good miniseries, much better book.
Bernard Cornwell - The Archer's Tale/The Last Kingdom/or the Richard Sharpe series
David Howarth -1066 The year of the conquest - Another out of print book. A little dry but great historic fiction.
Patrick O'Brian - Master & Commander - Have not finished the Aubrey/Maturin novels but have enjoyed all that I have read.
...and of course I probably would not be at the Paizo site if I didn't have a love for fantasy and Sci Fi
The Lord of the Rings
Foundation Series
Fahrenheit 451
The whole John Carter Warlord of Mars series
The Once & Future King
The Stand/ Salem's Lot
Jurasic Park
I've intentionally left out the "classics" and some great pure history books. I highly reccomend any of the above list.
Great Idea! I think the indexes would fit nicely within the overall concept of DM Tools.
Thx for DM Tools. It's a great resource and I know bound to get better.
Thx for the indexes. Very helpful indeed.