I’ve Got Reach |
I listen to a few podcasts loyaly - I find the entertainment value or information better than what I might find on TV. In many ways, I believe its becoming a legitamate media (if not considered so already).
Among them is the official D&D podcast, hosted my Noonan and Mearls, I think. The content is good. In the latest podcast, they discuss the evolution of 4.0, which frankly doesn't need an explanation, but I digress...
My rant is in regard to their unbelievable arrogance; its so annoying to hear them talk about how smart they are, or how good they have it being game designers for WotC. If they didn't interject their nerd vanity self-love look-at-me-attitude with interesting information, this podcast would be utterly unlistenable.
Someone tell Mearls to get off of his high horse. Please. Or at least slap him.
(Plug: Coasterradio.com is probably my fave podcast.)
ericthecleric |
I hate disruptive, attention grabbing players. They can all smurfing die; OK, maybe the first part of that sentence is a little strong, but I’m very smurfing angry. It takes me 90 minutes to get to the game, and 90 minutes to get home, and costs money, too. Some people probably spend more time travelling than that, but it’s too smurfing much when a session’s disrupted.
Today was the first session for six smurfing weeks, and how much actual play time did we have? Twenty minutes. Out of 3 hours, after all the smurfing about. The first two hours was spent levelling up and sorting out loot; this process would have gone more quickly if not for the smurfing time-wasting “look at me, look at me” attitude of the two smurfs.
Not only that, the “I grab this” mentality of the two has resulted in something like 5 players having only loot equal to about 4-5,000 gp wealth each (it should be 9,000 gp each now we’re 5th-level), with the other two having all the rest. I’ll have to email the DM about it, but tomorrow (it’s late now and I just want to get this rant out of the way). The DM seemed very dispirited at the end, and before finishing the session said “Maybe I’ll have to kill off some characters.” I really felt sorry for him; I don’t know if anyone else did. Afterwards, the most disruptive player did apologize to the DM “for making the game a living hell”, but if someone’s going to act like that they can just smurf off, and not disrupt everyone else’s fun. Smurf.
Sometimes the one player isn’t so bad, but when things like this happen- which is too frequently it seems, it results in too much smurfing wasted time.
Well, when the current adventure finishes and I take over DMing, any more behaviour like that and those two are out of the game.
I feel a little better now. Thank you.
James Keegan |
One of my players was still a summer RA at school in New York and would honestly take a 90 minute train ride to the game and then back every time we played over the last few weeks. It was his last week to do it this week, so I had kind of hoped that I could get my other players to do his commute with me to go up to his place and play for a change. No go. Couldn't do it. I feel bad that just once we couldn't bend over backwards for him for a change.
Not playing for three weeks (maybe even four) because of vacation time really sucks, especially with the summer coming to an end and all of us desperately in search of real jobs.
Aramil Xiloscient |
I'm to that point as well. So what if there's another edition? WotC can just f@%% themselves up and we can just go on playing our beloved game in our preferred edition, whatever that may be.
Wow... couldn't have said it better my self. In some cases change is good. But leave D&D alone!
Moff Rimmer |
Grr... My: rant what sequence of words, symbols, and web address do you need to type in to create a link on these boards? Is is (openquote)word/words to used for the link(close quote)web address? Are there brackets involved? What type of brackets, if any? Help!!
At the bottom of the screen when you are typing is a button "BBCode tags you can use:" it pretty well spells it out what to type and how.
Hope that helps.
Adam Daigle Director of Narrative |
I understand that eveyone is upset and that there are all kinds of feelings passing through everyone's heads, but for the love of the game can we put all of this damned 4e crap to the side for a bit? We are wasting too much time as a community speculating and vomiting premature BS ten months before its time. Don't get me wrong...I love to see the same thing repeated every ten minutes like the next guy, but when it moves up to every seven minutes - that's where I draw the line.
The messageboards, chats and forums that I love to be a part of have become choked with this kind of talk. All of this has a big "I'll wait and see" tag attached to it which makes it just silly to rehash now. Even if you love the idea and look forward to the advancements, you're still just wetting yourself ten months too early.
There were a few wonderful members of this community that sort of dropped off the chats after the magazine license announcement was made and I was fearing that we'd lose some more. I didn't understand the motivations of those that dropped out until now. At least the license thing was a bit more clear and had a much shorter timeline. We got through it and now we're here.....S@@#!
Even #greytalk is choked with this 4e talk. I've been trying to steer the chat all night away from that, but I realize that it's a lost cause. This is apparently what everyone wants to talk about. I just hope that it levels off soon.
One excellent side-effect of this is the number of new posters. Thanks for coming, y'all! I hope once this hubbub simmers down you will stay to discuss rules disputes, character concepts, campaign notes and general gamer tomfoolery. These are the discussions that make these boards great.
G!*@@%nit, I want my community back.
I can be patient.
The-Last-Rogue |
There were a few wonderful members of this community that sort of dropped off the chats after the magazine license announcement was made and I was fearing that we'd lose some more.
Oddly enough, this is what brought me to this website.
However, I do agree with your view of the 4e chatter. It is hard not to talk about, but it is all impotent talk right now . . .of that there is no doubt.
Eyebite RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |
Right with you Daigle. We’ll see what 4E has to offer soon enough, until then can we go back to business as usual?
Well said, as always Daigle.
I'm tired of reading about 4e in every single thread on these boards. I miss the creativity, the sharing of ideas, the brainstorming, the problem-solving...all of it.
Adam Daigle Director of Narrative |
Daigle wrote:
There were a few wonderful members of this community that sort of dropped off the chats after the magazine license announcement was made and I was fearing that we'd lose some more.
Oddly enough, this is what brought me to this website.
However, I do agree with your view of the 4e chatter. It is hard not to talk about, but it is all impotent talk right now . . .of that there is no doubt.
Impotent. Yes. That's the word I was looking for. Thank you.
ericthecleric |
I've Got Reach, and James, thanks for the comments. It took 90 minutes because I had to use public transport- my back's acting up at the moment- so I didn't want to risk driving (which takes 30-40 minuutes).
I can't find anywhere closer, because the town I live in is a ****hole (as you guess, I'm not originally from there!). Still, at least it's not as bad as the towns to the west. The town where the games group is based is mostly a very nice place, and the games group are mostly very good people/players. Unfortunately, I can't afford to move at the moment. :-/
James Keegan |
Yeah, the 4th Edition talk (particularly invective levied at WoTC) is pretty tired.
On a completely unrelated note, if I don't get at least an INTERVIEW for a damn day job soon, I don't even know what I'll do. 4 years of $30,000+ in tuition and I may have to go back to work at my old summer job. Ridiculous.
James Keegan |
I am so mother loving sick of pirates, ninjas and Chuck Norris jokes. Think up your own material, people. Internet fads will destroy your brain, piece by piece until you're nothing but a Hollister t-shirt wearing drunken frat boy in a "No S#%* Sherlock" costume that thinks he's the life of the party.
Do not be that guy.
Fake Healer |
I am so mother loving sick of pirates, ninjas and Chuck Norris jokes. Think up your own material, people. Internet fads will destroy your brain, piece by piece until you're nothing but a Hollister t-shirt wearing drunken frat boy in a "No s#** Sherlock" costume that thinks he's the life of the party.
Do not be that guy.
He gets a new avatar and suddenly forgets his drunken college days.....
"Do as I say, not as I do", Eh Mr. Keegan?YeuxAndI |
My mom is cutting me off. No gas card, no car insurance, no shared checking account. Its not a huge deal, really, especially the last one. I'm not going to school this semester and am looking for another job. When I start looking for a job, I always get so afraid that no one is going to hire me. And it's not like I'm looking for a 'real' job like James is. I guess its my fear of failure and what not, but I still get so so worried, to the point of not being able to do anything productive.
My habitual war with depression has returned with a vengenance. I seriously think it's my living situation. I live with my dad, who practices extreme lassez-faire parenting and always has. Him, his wife, and I all have depression issues and it definently creates this weird, negative energy miasma in the house. My mom wants me to move in with her, but I can't do that. It would be like regressing 6 or 7 years. I'm afraid to move out becuase I'm afraid that will mess up my school situation even more. I know many people who have become profesional waiters and don't have degrees or a real life and have extreme drinking problems.
My decision not to go back to school this semester is the best I've made in a long time. Still, I'm so worried about messing up that I don't know what to do.
I guess this really isn't a rant. Oh well.
James Keegan |
My mom is cutting me off. No gas card, no car insurance, no shared checking account. Its not a huge deal, really, especially the last one. I'm not going to school this semester and am looking for another job. When I start looking for a job, I always get so afraid that no one is going to hire me. And it's not like I'm looking for a 'real' job like James is. I guess its my fear of failure and what not, but I still get so so worried, to the point of not being able to do anything productive.
My habitual war with depression has returned with a vengenance. I seriously think it's my living situation. I live with my dad, who practices extreme lassez-faire parenting and always has. Him, his wife, and I all have depression issues and it definently creates this weird, negative energy miasma in the house. My mom wants me to move in with her, but I can't do that. It would be like regressing 6 or 7 years. I'm afraid to move out becuase I'm afraid that will mess up my school situation even more. I know many people who have become profesional waiters and don't have degrees or a real life and have extreme drinking problems.
My decision not to go back to school this semester is the best I've made in a long time. Still, I'm so worried about messing up that I don't know what to do.
I guess this really isn't a rant. Oh well.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It's tough looking for a job, especially if you're like me and you feel weird calling potential employers to pester them about giving you an interview. The thing I'm learning is that fear of failure is often worse than failure itself. If you try and fail, at least you can close the door and say that it isn't a possibility period. But if you don't try for it, you'll never really know.
I've met a lot of folks that are waiters by night and use the day to pursue their creative endeavors. A lot of my painting teachers and colleagues at school did stuff like that; waiting/bussing tables, working at frame shops or art supply stores. Those that really had it together had other marketable skills, like web or graphic design, but I don't fall into that category myself. I may settle for Kinko's or, if I'm lucky, Barnes and Noble or something for the time being, so don't feel rotten. Plenty of us are in the same boat.
Mothman |
So I was out on Friday night, running my D&D game – no, that’s not my rant (although the game did go a bit slower than I would have liked … but that’s as per usual and I digress).
I got home about 11.30 and noticed all these pipes sticking out at strange angles on the side of my house – and realised that my hot water heater / service was missing – someone had removed it from the side of my house – wtf!!! Who does that?
Well apparently the insurance company has heard of it happening before, although it’s pretty rare. The plumber had also heard of it, but had though of it as more of an urban myth – well, apparently not. The unit we had was apparently a fairly top of the range one, so someone apparently decided to steal it for themselves rather than fork out the cash for a new one.
Well, seeing as this happened on Friday night, the earliest I can get a new unit installed is probably Tuesday (despite the insurance company being helpful and straight forward, and the plumber willing to come out to take a look on Saturday free of charge), so I’ve been without hot water all weekend. And given that it is winter here, cold showers are not a very palatable option. Fortunately I have some friendly neighbours who have been letting me shower at their place. But still. Who the hell steals a hot water heater?
And apart from the inconvenience, there’s also the $300 excess to pay. That’ll blow the budget for the month. I’m just glad my insurance does cover it, otherwise I’d be looking at over $2000 for supply and install.
TwiceBorn |
So I was out on Friday night, running my D&D game – no, that’s not my rant (although the game did go a bit slower than I would have liked … but that’s as per usual and I digress).
I got home about 11.30 and noticed all these pipes sticking out at strange angles on the side of my house – and realised that my hot water heater / service was missing – someone had removed it from the side of my house – wtf!!! Who does that?
Man, that really stinks. My sympathies.
Heathansson |
You know what makes me mad? ED pharmaceutical commercials during prime time. I mean, it ain't pornography, but I really don't look forward to being ambushed by one of those ads, and having to explain ED to my kid. "What's ED? What is it? Come on, tell me."
It's....not that interesting. Believe me. Ask me in a year or two.
Heathansson |
Heathansson wrote:You know what makes me mad? ED pharmaceutical commercials during prime time.Yeah, the ones that really surprised me were the vibrating genital (probably shouldn't say the big "C" here) rings at mid afternoon. I was like, did...I...just...see...that?
I didn't see that one. If you're joking, I fell for it, because there's no telling what the hell they'll do anymore.
I mean, it's one thing to try and monitor what your kids watch. But I'm watching pro baseball--not racy faire--and I get grandma and grandpa on a romantic stroll up to their bathtubs on the beach. It's an ambush, I tell ya.
Fake Healer |
mwbeeler wrote:Heathansson wrote:You know what makes me mad? ED pharmaceutical commercials during prime time.Yeah, the ones that really surprised me were the vibrating genital (probably shouldn't say the big "C" here) rings at mid afternoon. I was like, did...I...just...see...that?I didn't see that one. If you're joking, I fell for it, because there's no telling what the hell they'll do anymore.
I mean, it's one thing to try and monitor what your kids watch. But I'm watching pro baseball--not racy faire--and I get grandma and grandpa on a romantic stroll up to their bathtubs on the beach. It's an ambush, I tell ya.
Yeah it is a little ring that vibrates(not sure if it is supposed to go on a finger or something else, haven't seen it to compare the size of the ring) and is like a promo in packs of Durex condoms. Saw a commercial for it just after the 6:00 news.
I wonder why the world is falling apart.....FH
Fatespinner RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
...and realised that my hot water heater / service was missing – someone had removed it from the side of my house – wtf!!! Who does that?
WTF indeed my Australian friend. In two years of working in the insurance industry, that is certainly the weirdest thing I have ever heard of being stolen.
Fatespinner RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
Yeah it is a little ring that vibrates(not sure if it is supposed to go on a finger or something else, haven't seen it to compare the size of the ring) and is like a promo in packs of Durex condoms. Saw a commercial for it just after the 6:00 news.
I wonder why the world is falling apart.....
*head explodes*
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny |
Mothman wrote:...and realised that my hot water heater / service was missing – someone had removed it from the side of my house – wtf!!! Who does that?WTF indeed my Australian friend. In two years of working in the insurance industry, that is certainly the weirdest thing I have ever heard of being stolen.
My great-grandfather once had his front door stolen.
I’ve Got Reach |
I got home about 11.30 and noticed all these pipes sticking out at strange angles on the side of my house – and realised that my hot water heater / service was missing – someone had removed it from the side of my house – wtf!!! Who does that?
We've got a scrapper problem in Las Vegas. To be fair, its a worldwide trend, really.
A scrapper? No, its not a prestige class....a scrapper is someone that steals copper and tries to recycle it for money (meth habit, usually).
They will steal copper from: power substations, power transformers, copper in a house or building used for plumbing, street light connections, and air conditioning units to name a few. They occaionally perform their crime in broad daylight by dressing "the part" (for instance, a maintenance worker), and occasionaly get hurt or even killed in the attempt.
Copper prices (and aluminum, steel, brass) are going through the roof with the worldwide demand up, and when I read about your pipes sticking out, thats the first thing I thought about. I'm surprised that they left you the pipes....
Celestial Healer |
mwbeeler wrote:Heathansson wrote:You know what makes me mad? ED pharmaceutical commercials during prime time.Yeah, the ones that really surprised me were the vibrating genital (probably shouldn't say the big "C" here) rings at mid afternoon. I was like, did...I...just...see...that?I didn't see that one. If you're joking, I fell for it, because there's no telling what the hell they'll do anymore.
I mean, it's one thing to try and monitor what your kids watch. But I'm watching pro baseball--not racy faire--and I get grandma and grandpa on a romantic stroll up to their bathtubs on the beach. It's an ambush, I tell ya.
I can't get over that commercial that's out for some fiber-rich cereal. It has all sorts of images meant to suggest... defecation (I know that's not a dirty word, but I feel dirty typing it.) It's got the dumptruck dumping a load of bricks, etc. Sick.
Fake Healer |
Fatespinner wrote:My great-grandfather once had his front door stolen.Mothman wrote:...and realised that my hot water heater / service was missing – someone had removed it from the side of my house – wtf!!! Who does that?WTF indeed my Australian friend. In two years of working in the insurance industry, that is certainly the weirdest thing I have ever heard of being stolen.
We have a guy in the neighborhood who got caught stealing a brick sidewalk a couple years ago. He was taking the newly lain brick to a recycling center and getting $.50 a brick. That seems like an awful lot of work for stealing. Same guy was recently caught going through houses in town that are for sale and unoccupied, and stripping them of copper pipe. Cutting through plaster and everything to get to it.
That guy is the hardest working thief I ever heard of. Just get a job, it would probably be less work.James Keegan |
Can I just say that I, as a voting American that likes to think of himself as informed and with a good sense of priorities, do not give a damn about Larry Craig's men's room solicitation scandal? I'm presently unemployed, so I have a ton of time on my hands to watch the cable news channels and this has been dissected and slung around all day. I'm pretty well on the left side of the isle and for me, regardless of what you espouse, I don't consider homosexuality (or alleged homosexual behavior in this instance) to be a moral failing. He pleaded guilty to a charge, it was between him and the undercover officer in question and it had nothing to do with his time serving in government. Millions of Americans, not a few of them serving in government, are hypocrites. Hell, I'm one (as Fake Healer delights in pointing out). If he (Craig, not FH), reportedly, hadn't declared that he was in the Senate, it probably wouldn't even be on that tricky line between personal and professional business.
Bottom line: we have thousands of American men and women overseas, fighting a difficult and unpopular war. We have politicians at home debating what to do with the future of this country. Fire in Greece. AIDS epidemic in Africa. Trouble with the environment. Flooding across the Midwest. Genocide in Darfur. To name a few issues. I really, really don't give a flying f#@* about lurid, piddling little things like this. If this were a scandal related to the functions of his office: taking bribes, rigging votes, campaign contributions, whatever, I would be concerned. I don't really think it's a top priority who's secretly gay and who isn't. Call me strange.
Adam Daigle Director of Narrative |
Adam Daigle Director of Narrative |