Overload appreciation thread

Age of Worms Adventure Path

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RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16


still a little premature but I want to create it anyway:

Overload appreciation thread

Thanks for the overload!

(and now the other thread can die a well deserved death)

Yes, a little premature. Let's see what we've been waiting two months for before we pat them on the back.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher



RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Erik Mona wrote:




I am retracting my pat on the back.

your loss!

Maybe we should have an "Overload Thread" appreciation thread. :-) After all, that thing is huge, hysterically funny, and so completely entertaining that it's made the wait *well* worth the while. Heh!

Laeknir wrote:
Maybe we should have an "Overload Thread" appreciation thread. :-) After all, that thing is huge, hysterically funny, and so completely entertaining that it's made the wait *well* worth the while. Heh!

Actually, I think that all the posters in that other thread are acually employees of Paizo who are posting furiously to increase intrest in their products. It's a marketing ploy I tell ya ! :D


RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Robert Head wrote:

Install a few extra servers, please.

download speed / suspense is killing me.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

By "Bam!" I think Rob means:

It's online.


Erik Mona wrote:

By "Bam!" I think Rob means:

It's online.


Ah, now if it'd download faster than 0.8kbps, I'd be able to say whether or not I appreciate the Overload.

Oh, who am I kidding! I already do! I just can feel how useful it's gonna be to us DMs.

Overload. Quite an apt name for it.

I can feel the server strain from W. Montana. ;)

Seriously, the outline is awesome, I only wish there was a way to ensure my players never get their hands on it.

Swift arbitrary DM retribution will have to suffice.

Kudos to a job (belatedly) well done. I hope you guys get a nice bonus for all the over time hours.
(Tongue firmly in cheek on that last one.)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Waa wrote:

Ah, now if it'd download faster than 0.8kbps, I'd be able to say whether or not I appreciate the Overload.

I'm down to 1,72kbps, argh down to 1,69kbps now.

9% percent left, cross-atlantic cable don't fail me now!

Vigilant Seal

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

This is a redundant post, because I already posteed the same sentiments in the original AoW Overload thread. But, it is more appropriate here. So, anyway, I got my copy downloaded, printed and thoroughly fliped through.

Wow, this is an awesome document. Thanks, Dungeon. It was well worth the wait. This is really going to give life to an already fantastic campaign. This is the kind of detail and additional material I love to use to bring a campaign vivid contrast and rich depth. Teriffic work to all involved. All of this reminds me of the super modules of the 1980s. Awesome.

Happy gaming.

Don Kenneth Brown
Salt Lake City, Utah

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16


It seems I wasn’t premature, merely clairvoyant.

Thus I am reapplying my pat on the back.


PS: Are the Paizo servers burning yet?

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Darkjoy wrote:
PS: Are the Paizo servers burning yet?

Turns out the answer to that question is "nope." The number of requests per second that we've been handling has dropped in half since the PDF was posted, which implies that an awful lot of people were checking the site over and over to see if it was up, and now they're downloading the PDF.

There's a slight upward trend in overall bandwidth usage throughout the day, but there's no big spike. CPU usage on the webserver, however, is jumping from about 5 percent (where it is normally) up to 25% for one processor and 90% on the other processor. (My guess is there are some httpd processes bound to that processor that are spinning.)

The database and application servers are both holding steady at around 20-40% CPU usage.

[edit] Of course, the Overload PDF was just released, so the rate of people downloading it simultaneously is almost certain to rise throughout the day.

Ah, now doesn't that feel better? There's the Overload!
<anxiety creeps in as the kb's slooowly slither my way>

Yes, Thank you to everyone who worked so hard on this. Once again you've outdone yourselves!


Would you people get off my download! Sheesh, it seems like they're going with PigeonNet (tm). All this waiting and people can't be patient...

... except me. Yeah. That's the ticket.

Dark Archive

Bah, the other thread is far more awesome and will continue to live on!!!! Muhahahahaha*cough*hahaha

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Sean Halloran wrote:
Bah, the other thread is far more awesome and will continue to live on!!!! Muhahahahaha*cough*hahaha

check out the last few words on page 29 of the overload:

"Future conversion appendices will appear in the Online Supplements for the issues in which new adventures appear, as well as in updated versions of this file, which will be uploaded to paizo.com as the Age of Worms Adventure Path progresses and as time allows."

Guess this thread is here to stay :>

Bwhaahahaa (a good DM always practices his evil laugh)

I have looked through the 29 pages. Not read, just browsed. Anyway, from the looks of things, this stuff is great! I look forward to the day I get to run this set of adventures.

Thanks to all of you at Paizo for the hard work, regardless of any delay, it was well worth the wait and a week more.

- Neomorte

Dark Archive

*makes whirring printer noises*

I've been checking back here from week to week in the hopes of finding the Overload.


Here it is!

And thanks.

Though expected awhile ago, it's nonetheless EXTRA stuff in addition to all the other excellent things we receive through Dungeon (and Dragon) each month, and it's appreciated.

This thing is great and i think the major lag on the download is a testiment to everyone's love and appreciation of this product.

Dark Archive

Looks like there's some pretty good material here -- in particular the overviews of the future chapters are in general much more comprehensive than I was expecting, and will undoubtedly make it much easier for people to start running the campaign without needing to worry too much about the future.

This is so awsome, thanks everyone one at paizo! I was blown away by the overview, I never thought they would have to fight Dragotha or Kyuss himself, thought it may be his avater. Thanks again! It rocks!

Liberty's Edge

Oh, what a wonderful day!
Today I received (via mail)

Five Nations
Explorers Handbook
Dungeon 126
Dragon 334

and most of all I got Robert's eMail!!!
Man, only beatable by Xmas!!!
Thanx again to Erik, James, RObert and ALL you HARD working guys at paizo!
I will read the overload tomorrow and will now go to bed - the first time in weeks relaxed and not waiting for the next day to check out this site!
Totally Tired,

Now I can pat.

I am so happy to see this. We're going into Three Faces on Wednesday and now I have my Eberron conversion for 125. I hope these are more timely in the future, as I'm pretty sure we're going to catch up with the magazine releases in a month or so.

I was a little disappointed in seeing complete reprints of the Eberron conversion from the 124 supplement. Seemed a little lazy, especially seeing how long we've been waiting for this.

Overall though I'm glad to have an overview of the adventure path. This is something they need to hide now so that my players will never see it! :)

I'm downloading it now... God.. I hope there are monkies.

Thank you Erik! Thank you Rob! Thank you James! Thank you.. er.. Jeremy...John, Jason, Bob, Sean, and Mike! I think I got everybody. And thanks for the folks at WOTC for clearing this before the "picnic."
Here's my skinny:
The Pros- Diamond Lake's populace is fleshed out. The rival adventure party has got stats! The Hinterlands are described.
The Cons- see above (ie- there's not much else) No Hinterland maps! No Hinterlands encounter tables.. Although, to be fair, I assume these are going to be covered in the Dungeon mags, as #126 gives encounter tables. Still, I wish some wilderness encounter tables would've been provided for some of the regions described on pgs. 20-23 of the Overload.

While the adventure overviews are nice, they were completely unnecessary as we'll be getting those in each Dungeon issue.

Thus, while happy, I am disappointed. Now, I need to either, make up a bit on the Free City (not likely as I'm strapped for time), or hunt around the 'Net for the PDF books. I wish you guys could've given us the URLs for the places we can check out the Greyhawk PDFs.
All right dudes! Thanks again! You can rest on your laurels... for now! Mwaa-ha-ha!!

Erik Mona wrote:

By "Bam!" I think Rob means:

It's online.


Erik, Rob, and everyone at Paizo... thanx!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Thanks for the kind words, everyone! To answer a few questions:

1: There's no map of the Hinterland because we want the adventure path to be able to fit into the reader's campaign world. The most popular campaign world is the home-brew world. We can't print maps for all of them (as cool as that may be). For Greyhawk, there's already plenty of maps of the Cairn Hills (including the 4-part map of Greyhawk we published, or the regional map in issue #112 on page 14). Also: Maps cost money, and we've more or less been over budget on Dungeon for the last few issues...

2: Encounter tables for the Hinterlands appear in issues #126 and #127 (they're different tables, each tailored specificly for the regions covered in that adventure). They're not necessary for parts 1 or 2.

But heck... here's one of them as a preview:

Hinterland Encounters
d% Encounter
01–35 No encounter
36–45 2d6 dwarven crafters
46–55 2d4 gnome traders
56–65 2d6 halfling farmers
66–75 2d6 religious pilgrims
76–85 4 bandits (EL 3)
86–90 8 orcs (EL 4)
91–95 8 goblins (EL 3)
96–100 4 lizardfolk (EL 5)

3: Adventure Overviews will certainly be appearing in each issue. They're in the Overload so DMs can see where the adventure arc is heading, so they can prepare and do whatever foreshadowing they want. We didn't offer something like this and a lot of readers complained about the lack of a campaign outline (and rightfully so). So there it is.

4: There'll be a lot of info on the Free City in issues #127 and #128; #128 has a Backdrop on the Free City, even. If your players decide to head into the Free City before then, it's a big place. There's PLENTY of room for whatever you come up with (or borrow from other books/sources) and the info in those two issues to cohabitate peacefully.

So . . . I get home and get to my pc to check my e-mail. and there's the lovely e-mail (you all know which one), so I click the link to download it and I get ported off to the paizo download website . . .

or so I thought. I get a message stating that the paizo store is down.

Did we break the servers?

Nope . .. there we go . . found it and downloaded it.

Erik Mona wrote:

By "Bam!" I think Rob means:

It's online.


Erik, Rob and everyone else..........thank you.

I (and most everyone else) appreciate your effort to get it done before the weekend. Thanks again. - Chowda

Thank Erik, for getting Overload out to the hungry masses. I've been lurking here for what seems like ages, but I am 'so glad' that it is finally out. Great job!!!

(Now on to the Eberron conversion and NPC lists)

Scarab Sages

Very cool...me likey lots...the campaign preview was worth it, to me. I just wish I was playing it, not running it.

Ok, colour me impressed! Having read the overview I can start tentative squishing of my own campaign's NPCs into the story line and start dropping long term hints. Now my players just have to finish Shackled City!

Damn you all for supplying me with so much useful stuff!

Well done, Dungeon People! Now get some sleep.


Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Takasi wrote:

I was a little disappointed in seeing complete reprints of the Eberron conversion from the 124 supplement. Seemed a little lazy, especially seeing how long we've been waiting for this.

The idea is to update this (AS TIME ALLOWS) with all of the appendices in one document, so that you don't have to lug around 12 online supplements just to get all of the info you need to convert it to your setting of choice.


Erik & Co.,

Thanks for the Overload document. It was well worth the wait. Dungeon remains the best $$$ one can spend on D&D.


Just finished reading it. Great job, Erik and team. I was duly impressed with the scope of the campaign and enjoyed all the great climaxes. The backdrop on Diamond Lake was less than impressive since we already had 1/3 of it posted earlier. Not a complaint really because I liked the information I got, just that it didn't elicit any excitement. Any misgiving I had about the overload was completely made up for by the stat blocks. AMAZING! That saves me a lot of time and I really appreciate it. Thanks again.

James Jacobs wrote:

Thanks for the kind words, everyone! To answer a few questions:

1: There's no map of the Hinterland because we want the adventure path to be able to fit into the reader's campaign world. The most popular campaign world is the home-brew world. We can't print maps for all of them (as cool as that may be). For Greyhawk, there's already plenty of maps of the Cairn Hills (including the 4-part map of Greyhawk we published, or the regional map in issue #112 on page 14). Also: Maps cost money, and we've more or less been over budget on Dungeon for the last few issues...

2: Encounter tables for the Hinterlands appear in issues #126 and #127 (they're different tables, each tailored specificly for the regions covered in that adventure). They're not necessary for parts 1 or 2.

But heck... here's one of them as a preview:

Hinterland Encounters
d% Encounter
01–35 No encounter
36–45 2d6 dwarven crafters
46–55 2d4 gnome traders
56–65 2d6 halfling farmers
66–75 2d6 religious pilgrims
76–85 4 bandits (EL 3)
86–90 8 orcs (EL 4)
91–95 8 goblins (EL 3)
96–100 4 lizardfolk (EL 5)

3: Adventure Overviews will certainly be appearing in each issue. They're in the Overload so DMs can see where the adventure arc is heading, so they can prepare and do whatever foreshadowing they want. We didn't offer something like this and a lot of readers complained about the lack of a campaign outline (and rightfully so). So there it is.

4: There'll be a lot of info on the Free City in issues #127 and #128; #128 has a Backdrop on the Free City, even. If your players decide to head into the Free City before then, it's a big place. There's PLENTY of room for whatever you come up with (or borrow from other books/sources) and the info in those two issues to cohabitate peacefully.

Thank you sir. I've got that table in 126. But it's the thought that counts! Thanks! Budgets, a necessary gig. Well, if you guys ever put out maps at cost, I'd be willing to purchase them.

I wish I had more time to tailor the AOW, but I don't. However, I feel that the adventures are a little overpowering so by necessity I've got to come up with some side-quests to beef up the PCs. Well, at least one that will put the PCs up one level above the suggested before they get to the Wind Warriors; those guys are tough!

Sovereign Court

well worth the wait. Thanks to all at Dungeon for the hard work

What's this Overload thingy everyone's talkin' about?

T-Bone wrote:
What's this Overload thingy everyone's talkin' about?

For anyone who doesn't know what's going on, go here:


Liberty's Edge

Man, I just printed it out and it really looks cool. As I realized, that I didn't find everything I'd hoped for (more art, some floorplans and maybe a little map) I had to remind myself that there are still 9 more adventures with stuff, maps arts and whatnot in the magazines to come!
What's really usefull is the campaign outline. Man, such a thing helps so much!!!

Anyway, this Overload is awesome and helps so much in preparing the campaign, which I am to start earliest beginning of 2006... sad it is, and strange as well,that I checked this site everyday a couple of times, where I do have so much time to wait for the thing to be downloadable. But now I have it and, probably as the thousands poster -
You did it, and you did it well, be sure of this! This will be a hell of a campaign, I know!

Fantastic work on AoW - it's just excellent! I knew this would be worth the wait!

Also, two thumbs up for Eric Boyd's Forgotten Realms conversion! I never would've thought to use the Bhaal-corrupted waters of the Boareskyr in quite that way! :-)

congratulations to Erik and company on a job well done! and a special thanks to Rob for sending us that wonderful email ;-) i've only had time to take a brief look thorugh but everything i've read so far has been most enlightening and i can't wait to DM the rest of this campign.

Thanks Paizo! The Overload is just one more reason why you guys are currently putting out the best version of Dungeon magazine I've ever read.

Excellent job Dungeon staff! The Overload was well worth the wait and I heartily second the notion that you are putting out the best Dungeon mag I have ever had the pleasure to have read.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:

The idea is to update this (AS TIME ALLOWS) with all of the appendices in one document, so that you don't have to lug around 12 online supplements just to get all of the info you need to convert it to your setting of choice.


We get to reprint the whole thing each month? Cool!

What is this "ink" you speak of? And "print"?

: ]

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