
Dreeya's page

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congratulations to Erik and company on a job well done! and a special thanks to Rob for sending us that wonderful email ;-) i've only had time to take a brief look thorugh but everything i've read so far has been most enlightening and i can't wait to DM the rest of this campign.

doesn't look like it ahh but Tomorrow is another day ;-) hehehe

waiting ever so patiently for overload or the email telling me its ready. great job erik and rob!!!! my party includes an interesting character Zeph, half fiend paladin of Tyranny on a mission direct from Hextor to put a stop to the age of worms coming about by whatever means neccessary even if it means travelling with the "good guys". as the party is still in limbo at the top of the elevator to the cathedral, it will be most amusing to see that players reactions to the cathedral and in particular to Thedrick. being this is the first time i have actually DM'd an evil aligned character the campaign is turning into a challenge for me as well

Well done Erik and the rest of the team!! Looking forward to DLing and printing overload as soon as its available. thank the powers that be i have spare cartridges for my printer hehehe

Erik Mona wrote:

Last night I (finally) completed the complete campaign outline section of the Overload document, which was the main thing holding up the release of Age of Worms Overload. I need to spend about four more hours on it writing up the Cairn Hills and the Cult of the Green Lady, and from there it goes to our fine layout people, who will make it pretty. From there it goes to Wizards of the Coast for a quick look-see approval, and then to you guys.

I apologize again for the delay. Things have been crazy lately, and I've been working as fast as I can. I will keep everyone updated on where we stand as we churn through the various remaining parts until it's in your hands.

Thanks again for everyone's patience.

--Erik Mona
Dragon & Dungeon

thanks for the update erik we appreciate it last gaming session i managed to get my group to the top of the elevator in 3 faces of evil looking forward to seeing how they handle the cathedral particularly as one of the characters in my group is a paladin of tyranny hehehe

Have finished DMing Whispering Cairn for my group and am going to be starting 3FoE tonight so here is to hoping Overload will be out before next saturday night hehehee if not oh well i'll just keep winging it like I have been.

and yes I am proud to be a female gamer ;-)